Because many doe desire to knowe the maner of their language, I haue inserted these few words. Ka ka torawincs yowo. What call you this. Nemarough. a man. Crenepo. a woman. Marowanchesso. a boy. Yehawkans. Houses. Matchcores. Skins, or garments. Mockasins. Shooes. Tussan. Beds. Pokatawer. Fire. Attawp. A bowe. Attonce. Arrowes. Monacookes. Swords. Aumoughhowgh. A Target. Pawcussacks. Gunnes. Tomahacks. Axes. Tockahacks. Pickaxes. Pamesacks. Kniues. Accowprets. Sheares. Pawpecones. Pipes. Mattassin. Copper. Vssawassin. Iron, Brasse, Silver, or any white mettal. Musses. Woods. Attasskuss. Leaues, weeds, or grasse. Chepsin. Land. Shacquohocan. A stone. Wepenter, a cookold. Suckahanna. Water. Noughmass. Fish. Cotone. Surgion. Weghshaughes. Flesh. Sawwehone. Bloud. Netoppew. Friends. Marrapough. Enimies. Maskapow. The worst of the enimies. Mawchick chammay. The best of friends. Casacunnakack, peya quagh acquintan vttasantasough. In how many daies will there come hether any more English ships? Their numbers. Necut. 1. Ningh. 2 Nuss. 3. Yowgh. 4. Paranske. 5. Comotinch. 6. Toppawoss. 7. Nusswash. 8. Kekatawgh. 9. Kaskeke. They count no more but by tennes as followeth. Case, how many. Ninghsapooeksku. 20. Nussapooeksku. 30. Yowghapooeksku. 40. Parankestassapooeksku. 50. Comatinchtassapooeksku. 60. Nussswashtassapooeksku. 80. Toppawousstassapooeksku. 70 Kekataughtassapooeksku. 90. Necuttoughtysinough. 100. Necuttwevnquaough. 1000. Rawcosowghs. Daies. Keskowghes. Sunnes. Toppquough. Nights. Nepawweshowghs. Moones, Pawpaxsoughes. Yeares. Pummahumps. Starres. Osies. Heavens. Okes. Gods. Quiyoughcosucks. Pettie Gods, and their affinities. Righcomoughes. Deaths. Kekughes. Liues. Mowchick woyawgh tawgh noeragh kaquere mecher. I am verie hungrie? what shall I eate? Tawnor nehiegh Powhatan. where dwels Powwahtan. Mache, nehiegh yowrowgh, orapaks. Now he dwels a great way hence at orapaks. Vttapitchewayne anpechitchs nehawper werowacomoco. You lie, he staide ever at werowocomoco. Kator nehiegh mattagh neer vttapitchewayne. Truely he is there I doe not lie. Spaughtynere keragh werowance mawmarinough kekaten wawgh peyaquaugh. Run you then to the king mawma­ rynough and bid him come hither. Vtteke, epeya weyack wighwhip. Get you gone, and come againe quickly. Kekaten pokahontas patiaquagh niugh tanks manotyens neer mowchick rawrenock audowgh. Bid Pokahontas bring hither two little Baskets, & I wil giue her white beads to make her a chaine. FINIS.