An Alphabetical Table. Containing the uncouth and unusuall Words which are found in our Author; those which are in a different Character, being used by him in a differing sense from that which commonly they carry. A ACquist Accalladoes Ablude Avisoes Affix Adoption Acclaime Asperse A l'improviste Abstruse Appliated Not found in L'Estrange. Adœquate Not found in L'Estrange. Anealed August Anthemes Aculeated Acquiescing Amphibious Accostable Aborted Autopsie Atocritie Anniversary Annasitie Not found in L'Estrange. Anomabous Not found in L'Estrange: "anomalous"? Apostrophe Accriminated Agnified Not found in L'Estrange: "agnised"? Ætiologie Animadverted Articulate Agression Antagonist Adventitious Alleviate Adiaphorus Not found in L'Estrange. B BOorne C COmplica­ ted Cuergo Not found in L'Estrange. Ceremoniale Conflagration Celebrities Culpabilitie Condignitie Coition Canceleir Not found in L'Estrange unless "chancellor." Concinnesse Compensate Cognascible Conceded Commensurate Complacence Combustion Caresses Concrete Cajolled Causalitie Clientelary Confraternitie Concriminaries Clancular Configuration Congelable Not found in L'Estrange. Chirographie Chachexie D DElatory Duall Destination Depredation Despondence Detrunk Despensation Decussation Donative Desponding Decore Decocted Deplumed Desideration Diaphonous Dilapidation Detrenching Decretory Disopsie Delatorians Not found in L'Estrange. E EXasse Not found in L'Estrange. Erect Enormitants Exuberancie Externe Elemented Exorated Emerging Ebullitians Emposted Evacuate Equilebrated Excogitate Equiperate Emrod Not found in L'Estrange. Ematin Not found in L'Estrange. Embryo Epiphonoma Effigies Emergent Emolument Everteth Excoriated Erudition Eradicated F FUligenous Ferocient Fortuitously Foculent G GErmina­ ted Gust Gestation Grison H HOlocaust Halcionian Hectique Hailemen Not found in L'Estrange. Horizontall Hibernall Hypothesis I IMpede Ithaca Incurious Inhumed Iteration Inauspicious Innitiated Intrinsique Incuriosity Individuation Impetuously Incendiary Innitiation Inventioned Irritateth Judications Infortunium Joco-seriously Intersect Inflame Inaudable Intend Impunitie Inorganicall Impertinence Insolation Intense Intemorate Imperiositie Inquietude Incantations Incompassible Identitie Interfered Jurors Impregned Imminent L LUminaries Luxuriancie Leve-se-quere Luminous M MOlis Not found in L'Estrange. Magnetique Metuculossitie Morasse Missives Metastrophe Metamorphosis Mode Meliorate Mercurialists Mutulated Mynatorie N NOnsense Neutralitie Noxiousnesse Narrators Nave Nude O Oblique Ocular Organicall Omen Operate Otium Occult Odium Offertory Opine Officiate Onerous P POstliminea­ ted Puisnesse Patrite Not found in L'Estrange. Procluded Principalitie Ponderous Postlimineation Pollicitation Parole Precarious Piaculary Protervity Pare-Royall Mistake for "Port Royal." Portentous Pondulous Periclitations Pact Paramonts Posthume Presidence Preponderate Parade Protended Paralious Not found in L'Estrange. Parasceue Philargyrous Precognition Prevarication Pan Angliam Not found in L'Estrange. Placable Portentous Pertrude Penultimo Palladium Perpending Preterition Promove Propensity. R REverbera­ tion Rependans Not found in L'Estrange. Remora Recondito Ritention Ritualities Reciprocated Reductive Respond Ranciditie Reparti Renvoy Relax Relatives Refulgent Recomation Not found in L'Estrange. Repertory Radiant Rusticitio Researched Recidivatior Recognitante Not found in L'Estrange: "recognizance"? Resorted Ranciditie Reduction. S SIngle unite Superinducted Scintillation Superfetation Seminasities Sterill Synodites Subsortitiously Series Stipulateth Salubrius Stimulated Strictures Statiurch Not found in L'Estrange. Salvas Not found in L'Estrange. Simulary Not found in L'Estrange. Synopsis Susceptible Salitary Not found in L'Estrange. Suburbicary Not found in L'Estrange. Superannuate Sedulous Symbale Syteme Not found in L'Estrange. Supinely Succentoriated Stronded Not found in L'Estrange. Scheme Sopited T. TEmporali­ ties Temerated Temeritie Terrene Trepidation Tendancie Transfiguration Transpretation Not found in L'Estrange. Tempestively Treatment V VAlediction Unanim Veteran Vnite Vigill Virile Vanum Not found in L'Estrange. Vacuitie Venialitie Unizon and so I end this table with the Counsell of an old Gram­ marian, who adviseth thus; Moribus antiquis, præsentibus utere verbis: That is to say, Retaine old Vertues, but forbear, New words, not fitted to the eare. The End.