¶ The flores of Ouide de arte amandi with theyr en­ glysshe afore them: and two alphabete tablys. The fyrst begynneth with the englysshe hauyng the laten wordes folowynge. the other with the laten hauyng the englysshe wordes folowynge. Primum distichon. ¶ i: ¶ 1. Swifte shippis be gouerned be craft / & with seale and oure & a light swyfte chare is gouerned by crafte: and lyke wyse loue most be go­ uerned by crafte. Arte citre / veloque rates / remoque reguntur Arte leuis currus: arte regendus amor Secundum ¶ ii ¶ 2. In the beginning first of al labour to fynd it that thu may desyer to loue for thyn own profit the which commyst now first a neue soudier in to harnes Principio / quod amare velis: reperire labora: Qui noua nunc primum miles in arma venis. Tercium ¶ iii. ¶ 3. An hunter knowith wel where he may strech out his netis to take har­ tis. and buckys. and he vnderstondith surely: in what valey a fromyng wylde bere shud tary commynly. Scit bene venator: ceruis vbi retia tendat. Scit bene: qua frendens valle moretur aper. Quartum ¶ iiii. ¶ 4. Shrubis be knoen to byrders. & he that may tenth whokys (that is to sey the fysher) knowith whiche watirs shuld be comyn moche fische. Aucupibus noti frutices. qui sustinet hamos Nouit: que multo pisce natentur aque. Quintum. ¶ v. ¶ 5. I wol not commaunde the to gyue the seylis to the wyndis rechelesly ta­ kynge noon hede. whan thu sychest for a thyng. ner on the tother partie ther is no long wey rowgh to be brokyn of the to fynde it. Non ego querentem ventis dare vela iubebo. Nec tibi / vt inuenias: longa terenda via est. Sextum. ¶ vi. ¶ 6. Let birdis kepe silens afore ver time: & grashopis afore sumer. let the dog of the hille menalus (that is to sey the graunt or spanyel) sich as be broght vp there: gyue is back to the hare: takyng no hede of hym afore summer. Vere prius volucres taceant estate cicade. Menalius lepori det sua terga canis. Septimum. ¶ vii. ¶ 7. The female /that is to sey the cow /lowith alwey to the bulle in the soft delicate medows. and the female that is to sey the mare neyth euer to the horne fotide horse. Mollibus in pratis admugit femina tauro Femina cornipedi semper adhinnit equo. Octauum. ¶ viii. ¶ 8. The corne is alwey ronkyr. in other menys fildis: than in oure own: as we thynk. & oure neyghpurs catel hath a grettir vdder than ours. Fertilior seges est alienis semper in agris Vicinumque pecus grandius vber habet. Nonum. ¶ ix ¶ 9. A chaunce stondith in happe. therfore thof som man whyl apply to thyn­ gis of boldnes (wheryn chaunce / or happe stondith) yet my counseyl is to absteyne /or forbere them. Casus in euentu est. licet hic indulgeat ausis. Consilium tamen est abstinuisse meum Decimum. ¶ x. ¶ 10. I wol not goo cumberly by en hedlyng passage & sharpe rought hilly cly­ fis. ner yet any body of yong folke shal be bygylid whyle I am is gyde. Non ego per preceps: & acuta cacumina vadam Nec iuuenum quisquam. me duce captus erit. Vndecimum. ¶ xi. ¶ 11. A byrde scapith not awey prefetably for hym self: whan his wyngis be lymyd: and lyke whyse a bore gouth not lightly out of the nettis: whan they be let slake. Non auis vtiliter viscatis effugit alis Non bene de laxis cassibus exit aper. Duo decimum. ¶ xii. ¶ 12. Sede shuld not at euery seson lyke by put or commyttyd to the deceuabyl feldys. ner the holowe shede at all sesons to the grene water. Non semper credenda ceres fallacibus aruis Nec semper viridi concaua puppis aque. ¶ Terciumdecimum. ¶ xiii. ¶ 13. ¶ Ten mouthes with euyn so many tungis cowd not be enogh for me to shew pleinly the false forsworne craftis of comyn women. Non michi sacrilegas meretricum vt persequar artes: Cum totidem linguis sint satis ora decem. Quartumdecimum. ¶ xiiii. ¶ 14. para; By leyser obstynate yong steris come sobirly ynough to the plough. like wyse by continuans of tyme horsis be taught to suffer ther brydils slake. Tempore difficiles veniunt ad aratra iuuenci. Tempore lenta pati frena docentur equi. Quintumdecimum. ¶ xv. ¶ 15. ¶ An harde yron rynge is consumyd and wastid awey be continual vse lycke wyse the holow croked sharre fallith awey with the besey fretyng erthe. Ferreus assiduo consumitur anulus vsu. Interit assidua vomer aduncus humo. Sextumdecimum. ¶ xvi. ¶ 16. what is more harde than a stone: what thynge is softer than the wattir yet the herde stonys be made holow with the soft water. Quid magis est durum saxo? quid mollius est vnda? Dura tamen molli saxa cauantur aqua Septimumdecimum. ¶ xvii. ¶ 17. Let worfere plese the to vse it: whyle thu arte yong: let thy body be ma­ de dunne with the felde and opyn ayre: care not for the sone brynynge. but let the gowne be wel sittynge /and clyne wythout ony spot. Milicie placeant: fuscentur corpora campo. Sit bene conueniens & sine labe toga Decimumoctauum. ¶ xviii. ¶ 18. Bothe let thy naylys nothyng apere out langer than thy fynguers: and let them be clene without filthe vndernethe: & let no grete heris stonde withyn thy holow nose holis. Et nichil emineant: & sint sine sordibus vngues Inque caua nullus stet tibi nare pilus. Decimum nonum. ¶ xix. ¶ 19. Let thy mate take al thyngis at the tabyl first yere thu begyn whether he be of lower degre / or equale with the. nere dout not to speke the se­ cund wordis to hym sufferinge hym to haue the first bothe of the meet / and wordes: if he wole. Siue sit inferior / seu par: prior omnia sumat: Nec dubites vlli verba secunda loqui. Vigesimum. ¶ xx ¶ 20. A certen mesure of drynkynge shall be geuyn / or alowyde the of vs: so that bothe mynde and fete may fulfill theyr office /or dutye. Certa tibi a nobis dabitur mensura bibendi Officium prestent mensque pedesque suum. Vigesimum primum. ¶ xxi. ¶ 21. Beware of braulyngis /specially prouokyd with wyne / and of hondis ouer lyght or swifte to wyld cruel batelis. Iurgia (precipue vino stimulata) caueto: Et nunium faciles ad fera bella manus. Vigesimum secundum. ¶ xxii. ¶ 22. Like as very dronkynness indede hurtith: euyn so feynede dronkennes shall helpe / or profet otherwhyle therfore cause that thy suttyl deceytfull tunge that is to sey / that thy tunge whan thu gost about suttiltes: may stumbil with a buffynge sonde. Ebrietas vt vera nocet: sic ficta iuuabit. Fac: titubet bleso subdolet lingua sono. Vigesimum tertium. ¶ xxiii. ¶ 23. Cause that ouer myche wyne may be supposid to abyn the cause therof watsomeuer thu shalt sey / or do more frowardly than ryght: that is to sey: than ryght wolle. Fac quicquid dices: faciesque proteruius equo: Credatur nimium causa fuisse merum. Vigesimum quartum. ¶ xxiiii. ¶ 24. whyle ther is tyme with vs of comynyng: fle forre hens thu rude vplon­ dishe shamefastnes: for bothe fortune / & the goddes of loue helpe a bol­ de man. Colloquii dum tempus abest: fuge rustice longe: Hinc pudor audacem sorsque, Venusque iuuant. Vigesimum quintum. ¶ xxv. ¶ 25. A feyner of loue slacke at the begynnyng hath oftyntymys in conclusion fal an honde to loue ernestly: & hath byn oftymys it matyr indede after­ warde that he hath feynid hymselfe to be: whan he beganne. Sepe tepens vere cepit simulator amare. Sepeque quod incipiens finxerat esse fuit. Vigesimum sextum. ¶ xxvi. ¶ 26. It is lauful to gete a bodyis mynde priuely by flatteryngis: & so to faul in fauer with hym. as the hangyng bancke shal com vnder the clere ma­ tyr: whan hit hath preueyly fretyn awey the erthe vndernethe. Blanditijs animum furtim deprendere fas est: Vt pendens liquida ripa subibit aqua. Vigesimum septimum ¶ xxvii. ¶ 27. Ielde ayen to the owner the pledge: or it that is left with you in kepyin whan he callith for hit. Let charetably loue kepe his couenandis. let de­ ceyt / or gylde be awey fro you. and wholde youre handis voyde gyltles or hungylty of murther. Reddite depositum: pietas sua federa seruet: Fraus absit vacua cedis habete manus. Vigesimum octauum. ¶ xxviii. ¶ 28. Begyle the begylers. ¶ For ther is no law more ryghtous than that the craftis men of dethe /or myshefe shulde perishe by theyr owne crafte / & hondy warke. Fallite fallentes. ¶ Neque enim lex iustior vlla est. Quam necis artifices arte perire sua. Vigesimum nonum. ¶ xxix. ¶ 29. One maner grounde or countrey bryngest not fourth al maner thyngis for one manere a greyth to viyndis: an other to oylis here in annother place corne graynys grow wel. Non tellus eadem parit omnia: vitibus illa. Conuenit: hec oleis: hic bene farra virent. Trigesimum. ¶ xxx. ¶ 30. Therby as many maner condicions in menys brestys / or hartis: as ther be dyuers figuris in the worlde. therfore he that is wyse shal be apte / or mete appliynge hym selfe to those vnnumerable maners. Pectoribus mores tot sunt: quot in orbe figure. Qui sapit: innumeris moribus aptus erit. Trigesimum primum ¶ xxxi. ¶ 31. One maner gyse of lyuynge shal not agre mete to al thyn yerys of age. for an olde woman crokyd for age wolle caste for fauce suttiltes farther than a yonge canne. Non tibi conueniet cunctos modus vnus ad annos. Longius insideas curua videbit anus. Trigesimum secundum. ¶ xxxii. ¶ 32. wherto makyth so grete haste yonge man: thy shyppe saillith in the mydil of the watyrs / & the hauyn is forre awey: that I desyre for the. Quid properas iuuenis? medijs tua pinus in vndis Nauigat. & longe / quem peto: portus abest Trigesimum tercium. ¶ xxxiii. ¶ 33. It is no lesse vertue to defende or meynteyne thyngis gatte: than to gete them: for there in mayntynynge them stondith chaunce / or fortune & he­ re in getyng them shal be nede of crafte. Non minor est virtus que querere: parta tueri: Casus inest illic: hic erit artis opus. Trigesimum quartum ¶ xxxiiii. ¶ 34. Iuyl greuous thyngis meue many witt of tymys to fynde maruels re­ medy for who wold a wende: that euer any man cowd a byn able to ta­ ke the weys of the eyre fleyng / as Dedalus dide. Ingenium mala sepe mouent. quis crederet vnquam: Aerias hominem carpere posse vias? Trigesimum quintum. ¶ xxxv. 35. Let all wronge / or curstnes be forre awey from the / be lauynge and gentil that thu mayst be loued thyselfe / the whiche thy beuty / or goodly shape aloonly shal not gefe the. Sit procul omne nefas. vt ameris amabilis esto. Quod tibi non facies: solaue forma dabit Trigesimum sextum ¶ xxxvi. ¶ 36. Beuty is a brytyl goodnes. and as myche as / or the more it drawith to the yeris of age: the lesse it growith yn valure / and it is blamide for his longe space of the tyme passed. Forma bonum fragile est: quantumque accedit ad annos. Fit minor: & spacio carpitur illa suo. Trigesimum septimum. ¶ xxxvii. ¶ 37. Neyther the violetis be freshe continualy ner the lilyis floreshe alwey stil: in there feyre whyte coloure. and lyke wyse the stalke left be hynde waxid styf / dry / & harde: whan his rose is goon. Nec semper viole: nec semper lilia florent. Et riget amissa spina relicta rosa. Trigesimum octauum. ¶ xxxviii. ¶ 38. And so lyke wyse feyre childe white heris wol com to the withyn a whil whan the floris of thy vthe be goon: ther wol also shortly come ryuyls the whiche wol ere thy body with pletis lyke forows. Et tibi iam venient cani formose capilli. Iam venient ruge: que tibi corpus arent. Trigesimum nonum. ¶ xxxix. ¶ 39. Tyre now by tyme yn thy vthe / and dresse gay with vertue / and litte­ ral sciens thy mynde: the whiche may dure continualy: & therafter hight thy bewty. for he (thy minde) bydith stille aloon to the last pangis /or se­ rymonyis of dethe. Iam molire animum: qui duret & astrue formam Solus ad extremos permanet ille rogas. ¶ Quadragesimum. ¶ xl. ¶ 40. Let not thy diligens be light or retheles to hight thy brest with gentil­ manly literal craftis / and to lerne perfetly tway langages / latyn & greke. Nec leuis ingenuas pectus coluisse per artes Cura sit: & linguas edidicisse duas. Quadragesimum primum. ¶ xli. ¶ 41. Pleserful chereshyng getith many myndis principally. & rygousnes / or boysturs delyng prouokyth hatride / and cruwel batellys. Dextera precipue capit indulgentia mentes. Asperitas odium: seuaque bella mouet. Quadragesimum secundum ¶ xlii. 42 we hate the goshauke / by cause he lyuyth alwey in worre ayenst owre pultry. and the woluys that be wont to go apon the smale fereful cattel. Odimus accipitrem: quia semper viuit in armis Et pauidum solitos in pecus ire lupos. Quadragesimum tercium. ¶ xliii. ¶ 43. Be forre from vs ye striftis/ and batels of the bitter tonge. for soft / ten­ der loue most be noresheght with sweth louyn wordis. Este procul lites / & amare prelia lingue. Dulcibus est verbis mollis alendus amor. Quadragesimum quartum. ¶ xliiii. ¶ 44. Let a pore man dele craftly. let a pore man be aferd to speke sherewdly. & let hym suffered many thyngis that wol not be suffered of riche men. Pauper agat caute: timeat male dicere pauper. Multaque diuitibus non patienda: ferat. Quadragesimum quintum. ¶ xlv. ¶ 45. A bough is bowyde croked. fro the tre be soft delynge a body shall breke hym / yf he wol preue hir strengthis apon hym to the vtmast. Flectitur obsequio curuatus ab arbore ramus. Franges: si vires experiere tuas. Quadragesimum sextum. ¶ xlvi. ¶ 46. Feyre tretable delyng tamyth both tygris and prowde lions. & the bulle or wyld stere commeth vnder the husbandis yokys be lytyl and lytyl. Obsequium tigresque domat / tumidosque leones. Rustica paulatim taurus aratra subit. Quadragesimum septimum. xlvii. ¶ 47. while thy feilde is mete yryche: and while the bowys of thyn archorde ben down with the weyght of theyr frutis: let a chylde brynge thy frende som vplondishe geftis in a basket. Dum bene diues ager: dum rami pondere nutant. Afferat in calatho rustica dona puer. Quadragesimum octauum. ¶ lxviii. 48. Now byn the goldyn sesons yndede for myche honore or diuers thyn­ ges is solde for golde. and carnal loue is gatte for golde. Aurea sunt vere: nunc secula: plurimus auro Venit honos. auro conciliatur amor. Quadragesimum nonum. ¶ xlix. 49. while we be now one whyle oppresside with cold wynters: & han another whyle leuside with the veruent hete of the summers. sikenes takyth oure bodiys through the vncerten chaungeable yere. Cum modo frigoribus premimur: modo soluimur estu Aere non certo corpora langor habet. Quinquagesimum. ¶ l. 50. Thu ware wont to stroke hym / whan he was a calfe: whome thu dredist now that he is a bulle. this was but a rodde or a branche somtyme: vnder whome thu restist thy now: that it is a tree. Quem taurum metuis: vitulum mulcere solebas. Sub qua nunc recubas arbore: virga fuit. Quinquagesimum primum. ¶ li. ¶ 51. A londe flute or a gret riuer begynneth lytil at the hede: but in goynge forthe his cowrse: he getith hym helpis of other stremys. and that wey as a commyth: he receuyth many watirs. Nascitur exiguus: sed opes acquirit eundo: Quaque venit multas accipit amnis aquas. Quinquagesimum secundum. ¶ lii. ¶ 52. Let a bodis taryinge from his frende be short: yf he wolde haue it sure without perel. for loue hetis melte awey by processe of tyme. & the loue absent vaneshet awey: & neu loue enterth. Sit mora tuta breuis: lentescunt tempore cure. Vanescitque absens: & nouus intrat amor. Quinquagesimum tercium. ¶ liii. ¶ 53. Thu be takyst the fereful douys to the gosehauke madde rauyng mon. and commyttist the folde full of catell to the rauennynge wolfe of the mounten. Accipitri timidas credis furiose columbas Plenum montano credis ouile lupo. Quinquagesimum quartum. ¶ liiii. ¶ 54. Mennys myndis ronne riet for the more parcy in other matirs of wel­ the / and prosperitie. ner it is nor lyhht / yef or esy to suffer profets or com­ modites with a meke soft / sober mynde. Luxuriant animi rebus plerumque secundis. Nec facile est equa commoda mente pati. Quinquagesimum quintum. ¶ lv. 55. The forows yeld not a yen alwey with increse the sedis: that were deli­ uerde them. ner the yere with the yere with the wynd helpeth not at al­ tymys the waueryng shyppis. Credita non semper sulci cum fenore reddunt. Nec semper dubias adiuuat aura rates Quinquagesimum sextum ¶ lvi. 56. It is a synglare excedyng vertue gefe silens to segrete matyrs but ayen on the tother part it is a greuous faute to vtture thyngis: that shulde be kepte secrete. Eximia est virtus prestare silentia rebus. At contra grauis est culpa tacenda loqui. Quinquagesimum septimum. ¶ lvii. 57. Mysch efful peple / yf they can not tuche a man by his body: wol do what they canne they tuche hym by his name: & so is good name hath a sclander and no faute doon. Corpore si nequiunt quod possunt: nomine tangunt. Famaqque non facto crimine: crimen habet. Quinquagesimum octauum. ¶ lviii. 58. whyle you streng this & myndis suffer you: take labours apon you: for stou­ pyng olde age wol com hastly with his stylle fout. Dum vires animique sinunt: tolerate labores: Iam veniet tacito curua senecta pede. Quinquagesimum nonum nonum. ¶ lix. ¶ 59. ¶ Beleue me verily: the bodily plesure of the wanton fleshe is not to be made hast fore. but it shulde be performyde with a slow / let tariynge by litil & litil: whan nature felith his tyme: in a maner constrayng therto. Crede michi: Veneris non est properanda voluptas Sed sensim tarda perficienda mora. Sexagesimum. ¶ lx. ¶ 60. Sethyn longe tariyng is not sure out of perel: it is profetable for a man to aply to al his ooris by watir / and by londe to put his sporre vnder the horse receuyd to hym. Cum mora non tuta est: totis incumbere remis. Vtile: & admisso subdare calcar equo. Sexagesimum primum. ¶ lxi. ¶ 61. Neyther the watyr / the whiche is one past. shall be caled ayen frome his cours: ner the owre / or seson that is goon awey: can come ayen. Nec / que preterijt: cursu reuocabitur vnda Nec / que preterijt: hora redire potest. Sexagesimum secundum. lxii. ¶ 62. ¶ we shuld occupy owre age while we haue it. for age slidith awey with a swifte futte. and the latir age foleth not so good as the first was. Vtendum est etate: cito pede labitur etas Nec bona tam sequitur: quam bona prima fuit. Sexagesimum tercium. lxiii. ¶ 63. Ah wrech that I am: how soon owre bodiys be leusidy slake with ryuyls & the colowre werith awey: that was bryght in owre face. Quam cito (me miserum) laxantur corpora rugis. Et perit in nitido qui fuit ore: color. Sexagesimum quartum. ¶ lxiiii. ¶ 64. And the heris whome thu sweritst: thu hath al whife alwey of a virgyn: wole be sprede ouer al thyn hede suddenly: yare thu beware. Quasque fuisse tibi canas a virgine iuras: Spargentur subito per caput omne come. Sexagesimum quintum. ¶ lxv. ¶ 65. who wold warne one lyght to be take of another light putt to it: or els who wold kepe the grete waters in to the holow see from the bankys. Quis vetet apposito lumen de lumine sumi? Quisue cauum vastas in mare seruet aquas Sexagesimum sextum. ¶ lxvi. ¶ 66. ¶ I wol order / or dresse meself after rayment: as it wol best be comme for wene commith of grapis wel tild. and the corne that is byn wel hus­ bundid: stondith high from the ground. Ordiar a cultu: cultis bene liber ab vuis Prouenit: & culto stat seges alta solo. Sexagesimum septimum. ¶ lxvii. ¶ 67. Gydyng shal cause bewte: for a bodiys feyrenes wol were awey: whan it is take no hed of: though it be like the idaliane goddes that be cald venus. Cura dabit faciem: facies neglecta peribit. Idalie similis sit licet illa dee. Sexagesimum octauum. ¶ lxviii. ¶ 68. Let thyngis of old seson delit other men: as for me I am glad that I am borne now at aftirward: for this age is mete or acordyng to me condicions Prisca iuuent alios: ego me nunc denique natum Gratulor: hec etas moribus apta meis. Sexagesimum nonum. ¶ lxix. ¶ 69. Feyre whemen seche helpe & rulis of craft the lesse for her. bewty a loon without any crafte is a myghty grete dowry to them. Formose minus artis opem / preceptaque querunt. Est illis sua dos forma sine arte potens. Septuagesimum. ¶ lxx. ¶ 70. whan the see is pesifide calme without tempast: the shypman sesith frome his besyines sure out of his perel but whan it swellith vp in wauys rough with the wynde than be the marinar ) sittith or applieth to his helpis: si­ che as he can do. Cum mare compositum est: securus nauita cessat. Cum tumet: auxiliis accidet ille suis. Septuagesimum primum. ¶ lxxi ¶ 71. ¶ Seldyn yet the visage or outwarde shape of a body lackyth al faute: therfore hyd thy ynformites: & put awey the faute of thy body: by what someuer wey thu mayst. Rara tamen facies menda caret: ocule mendas. Quaque potes: vitium corporis abde tui. Septuagesimum secundum. ¶ lxxii. ¶ 72. If thy teth be blacke: or ony of them excedyng grete: or eles shal be grow out of order: thu shalt bere very gret lossis of beaute therby in laughyng. Si niger / aut ingens / aut non erit ordine natus Dens tibi: ridendo maxima damna feres Septuagesimum tercium. ¶ lxxiii. ¶ 73. The wolfe rennyth at many shepe: to gete one for hir prey: & iupiters byrde the egyl fleith out fast all about at many birdis to kechent oon of them for his prey. At multas lupa tendit oues: predetur vt vnam Et Iouis ad multas deuolat ales aues Septuagesimum quartum. ¶ lxxiiii ¶ 74 Hap or fortune hath power all about: therfore let thy fyshe with hoke honge alwey styl for fishe wol be in the strem other while where thu wenyst last. Casus vbique valet: semper tibi pendeat hamus Quo minime credis gurgite piscis erit. Septuagesimum quintum. ¶ lxxv. ¶ 75. ¶ Doggis wander about a munge the rough wody hillis many tymys voydly without ther prey: & the hart or bucke other whyle fallith amung the netis by his own acorde: no man dryuyng hym to them. Sepe canes extra nemorosis montibus errant Inque plagas nullo ceruus agente cadit. Septuagesimum sextum. ¶ lxxvi. ¶ 76. After my iugement deceyt is graunted to put awey deceyt: & so the lawis of nature suffer to take harnys ayenst the harnest. Iudice me fraus concessa est repellere fraudem. Armaque in armatos sumere iura sinunt. Septuagesimum septimum. ¶ lxxvii. ¶ 77. Let oon man hand vse to draw mony maner figures. ah I prey god: they com to euyl prefe: by whome these wordis shuld by exortid & seyd of me Ducere consuescat multas manus vna figuras. Ah pereant per quos ista monenda michi Septuagesimum octauum. ¶ lxxviii. ¶ 78. It preteynyth a greynge to a bodis visage to subdu rabeshe condicions that they apere not in his face for charetable pease agreyth to resonabil creatours: & wyld rabbyshe fersnes besemyth wyld bestis. Pertinet ad faciem rabidos compescere mores Candida pax homines: trux decet ira feras Septuagesimum nonum ¶ lxxix. 79. The facis of spiytfull folke swell with whote rashe anger: whan a body dispesed them: & ther veynys wax blake with blode: and ther yes glistir gloutyng more vengeably than the serpent of the ylis gorgades. Ora tument ira: nigrescunt sanguine vene: Lumina gorgoneo seuius angue micant. Octuagesimum. ¶ lxxx. ¶ 80. who wold warne a body to take examplis of gret thynges for his auto­ rite or defens to the smaller thyngys: and to not drede gretly the name and: autoritie of a ledar. Quis vetet a magnis ad res exempla minores Sumere: nec nomen pertimuisse ducis. Octuagesimum primum primum. ¶ lxxxi. ¶ 81. we suffer not comynly swet pleserful thyngis beynge content stille with them: but we be reneut with the byttyr yuse of chaunge abilnes: likewise the boot many tymys gouth to wrak ouer throw with his own wyndis Dulcia non ferimus: succo renouamur amaro Sepe perit ventis obruta cymba suis. Octuagesimum secundum: ¶ lxxxii. ¶ 82. A lusty stomakyd hors (roshyng out as sone as the stabil is opyn) rannith stoutly then: whan he hath compeny: whom he may out goo and whom he may folow. Tum bene fortis equus (reserato carcere) currit. Cum quos pretereat quosque sequatur: habet Octuagesimum tercium. ¶ lxxxiii. ¶ 83. whyther am I brought madde man that I am. why am I synde be myn own madnes ayenst myn emny with my brest opyn vnharnest: & am be­ trade myselfe through myn own shewynge: presentynge myself folyshly. Quo feror insanus: quid aperto pectore in hostem. Mittor / & indicio prodor ab ipse meo. Octuagesimum quartum. ¶ lxxxiiii. ¶ 84. A bird shewith not the birders: in what parte or coost he shud be sought fore ner the heynd / or do techeth the spyit emniful doggis to ranne apon hym Non auis aucupibus monstrat: qua parte petatur Nec docet infestos currere cerua canes. Octuagesimum quintum. ¶ lxxxv. ¶ 85. It is light / yefe / or esy to bryng about: that shuld wene we were loued for belefe or feithful trust of optynnyng theyr intend commith anon redy to couettes folke after theyr desyris. Effectu facile est: vt nos credamus amari. Prona venit cupidis in sua vota fides. Finis florum ex Ouidio de arte amandi. The Englysshe Alphabete THese englysshes folowynge haue as many laten wordes after them as be funde in this wark afore hauynge the same englyshe. of whom they / that be most proper to the englyshe: stonde nexte it. & al / that be of the ersis: begynne with captale letters & they that be not with smale letters. for we haue added moch englysh more than is laten fore in the versis to make the sentens playn: to whom we haue also addid laten for chyldren: that they shuld lacke not laten wordis to make theyr englyshe in to laten worde by worde as nygh: as the dyuersite of the langages wol soffer. NOstrum exemplar (vt textus ouidianus est) habet in. i. disticho Arte cite vbi cerni­ tis Arte citre. & in. 39. ille rogos vbi illa rogas Si cui anglica ortogra­ phia non placeat: michi impericie parcat: non det impressorem vicio. Vt lingua mutatur: ita & noster calamus. to ABsteyne Abstinere Afore. Prius. ¶ Afore sum­ mer. Prius estate. Aftir In / secundum A Aftir my iugement Iudice me Aftirward Postea. Age Aetas. ¶ to agre Conue­ nire. to Agre to Decere Ah wrech that I am Me miserum Al Omnis / cunctus / Totus. Al about Vbique. Al aftirward Denique Al maner Omnis. ¶ Alone Solus to Alow Dare. ¶ Alwey Semper. Alwey stil Semper Amung In. ¶ and Et / Que. ¶ Quam. And not Nec. Any aliquis. ¶ Any body Quis­ quam. Anon redy Pronus. Another Alius. Hec. ( to apere ( Eminere to Apere out Eminere Apon In. ¶ Apte Aptus. to Apply Indulgere to Apply to Incumbere. Assidere. As Vt/ Quam Quot As much as Quantum. ¶ As ma­ ny Tot As sone as Quam cito At Ad ¶ At al sesons Semper At al tymys Semper. At euery seson lyke Semper. Autorite autoritas. Ayenst In. ¶ The Ayre Aer. a BAcke Tergum. a Banke Ri­ pa. a Basket Calathus. Batel Prelium Bellum. to Be Esse Existere. Be Este / Esto / Sit to Be abil Posse. ¶ to be absent. ¶ Abesse to Be aferd Timere. to Be awey Abesse. ( to be borne ¶ Nasci. to Becom Decere. to Begyle Fallere. Capere. a Begyler Fallens to Begynne Incipere. Nasci to Beglad Gratulari. Beleyfe or feith ful trust ( Fi­ des. to Beleue Credere to Beleue varuly Credere. to Bendown Nutare. to Beseme Decere ¶ to Bere ¶ Ferre. Besy fretyng Assiduus. to Besold VenereMeaning unclear: not found in OED. Beste Op­ time. to Betake or commyt Credere to Betray Prodere Beuty Forma Facies to Beware of / Cauere to Bewyse Sapere./ to Be with. ¶ Adesse. to Bewont Solere. By Per. ¶ Bycause Quia. to Byd still Permanere. By his own accord sua sponte. By litil & litil Paulatim Sensim. Byn Sunt. a Byrde Ales: Auis Volucris. a Birder Auceps. Bitter Amarus Be whatsomeuer wey Quacum­ que. Blake Niger. to Blame Carpere. ¶ Blude san­ guis. a Body Corpus / aliquis Bodely plesure Voluptas a Bold man Audax a Boot Cymba. ¶ a Bore Aper Both Tam. Et / Que. a Bough Ramus. Boyusturs delyng Asperitas. to Bow. Flectere. Bralyng. Iur­ gium a Brest. Pectus to Breke Frangere / Terrere. a Brydil Frenum. Bryght Nitidus. to Bryng Afferre / Ferre. to Bryng about Efficere to Bryng forth Parere. to Bryngup Educere. Brytil Fragilis. Buffyng / or stamryng. Blesus. a Bulle Taurus. But Sed. ¶ But ayen. At. to Cal ayen Reuocare. a Calfe Vitulus. Calme quietus placidus. to Canne or be abil Posse. to Can not Nequire. to Care for curare / timere. to Cast Videre. ¶ Catel Pecus. a Cause Causa. ¶ to Cause Fa­ cere / Dare a Certen. Certus. to Cese Cessare Chaungeabyl Non certus Chaungeabylnes Vicissitudo. a Charre Currus. Charetabyl Candidus Charetabil loue Pietas a Chaunce Casus. Cherechyng Indulgentia. a Childe Puer. Clere Liquidus. ¶ Colde Frigus. a Colore Color. to Comaunde Iubere Comynnyng coloquium a Comyn woman Meretrix to Comyt / or putt Credere a Comodite Commodum a Condicion Mos to Constrayn Cogere to Consume Consumere Content Contentus ta tum. Continual Assiduus Continualy Semper Continuans of tyme Tempus a Cordyng Aptus. ( Corne Seges a Corne grayn Far. ¶ Coud be ¶ Sint. a Couenaunt Foedus. Couetes folke Cupidi a Counsel Consilium a Countrey Tellus / solum. a Cow vacca / iuuenca Coud be. Sint. ¶ a Cowrse ¶ Cursus a Craft Ars. Craftly Caute / Astute. a Craftis man Artifex to Croke Curuare ¶ Crokyd ¶ Curuus Cruel Seuus to Come Venire / Prouenire to Com ayen Redire to Com to yuyl prefe Perire to Come vnder Subire to Com Scire / Posse Curstnes Nephas. a Deceyte / or a gyle Fraus Deceytful Subdolus Deceuabil Fallax to Defende or maynteyne Tueri a Defens protectio ¶ Delicate ¶ Mollis to ¶ Desire ¶ Petere. to Delite Iuuare to Delyuer Credere a Desire Votum Diligens Cura. ¶ to displese: ¶ displicere Dyuers diuersus a Dog Canis ¶ to do Facere a Doue Columba ¶ to Dout ¶ Dubitare. a Doury Dos to Draw Ducere / Accedere to Drede Metuere / Timere to Drede gretly Pertimere to Drese gay Moliri ¶ to drynk ¶ Bibere to Dryue Agere. Dronkennes Ebrietas ( Dure conti­ nusly Durare a Dutye Officium. / an Egyl Aquila. ¶ an emny Hostis. Emniful Infestus Enough Satis. ¶ Equale Par. ¶ to Enter Intrare ¶ to Ere arare an Erbe Herba / Ere Prior Prius. Ernestly Vere. Erthe Humus. ¶ Esy Facilis. Etge FacilisNot found in OED. ( Euer Semper. Vnquam Euyll greuouse Malus Euin so Sic. ¶ Euyn so many ¶ Totidem an Eye Lumen the Eyre with the wynd Aura. an Example Exemplum. Excedyng grete Ingens. to Exhorte monere a Face Facies / Os. ¶ to Fal ¶ ca­ dere. to Fal in hond Cepisse.OED, "fall," v., 63. to Fal awey Interire. False forsworne Sacrilegus. False suttiltes Insidie. to Fal in fauer Inire gratiam. Farre Longe / Procul. Farre awey Procul. Farther. Longius. a Faut Culpa / Crimen. Vitium ¶ Menda. Fautles Vacuus. a Felde Ager. Aruum. ¶ Felishyp / ¶ societas. the Femal Femina. Fereful Timidus. Pauidus. to Feyne Fingere. ( a Feyner Si­ mulator. Feyre Formosus. Feyre tretable delyng Obsequium a Figure Figura. for Filth Sordes. ¶ to Fynde In­ uenire Reparire. a Fynger digitus. First Primus / Primum Fissh Piscis. ( a Fysshe hoke Ha­ mus. Flateryngis Blanditie. ¶ to Flee Fugere. to Fle fast. De­ uolare. to Florysshe Florere a Flowre Flos. a Fold Ouile / Stabulum Folysshly inepte. ¶ to Folow ( Sequi. For Nam / Quia / Enim. to Forbere Abstinere For me Mihi For the. Tibi. a Forow Sulcus. For the more party Plerunque. Fortune Fors. Casus. a Fote Pes. ¶ a frende Amicus to Fret awey abradere. Fretyng Assiduus. Fro or from A / Ab. Fromyng wyld Frendens.Not in OED, but "fromyng" antedates earliest OED citation of the verb ("fream," v.; 1576). Frowarde proteruus. Fruyte fructus. tus m.ge. Ful Plenus ( to Fulfil prestare. to Gefe Dare / Prestare. a Gefte Donum. Gentil manly Ingenuus to Gete Acquirere. Conciliarere / Querere. Deprehendere. Parere / Carpere. to Gete a prey Predari. a Gyde Dux. a Gyft Donum. Gyding Cura. ¶ a Gyle Fraus Gyltles Vacuus. ( a gyse Modus. to Glystir Micare. Gloutyngly torue. to Go Ire ¶ to go about conari. to Go cumberously Vadere. God deus ¶ a Goddes. Dea. the Goddes of loue Venus to Go forth Ire. ¶ Gold. Aurum. Golden Aureus. Good bonus a Good name Fama. a Goodnes Bonum. ¶ Go on ¶ Amissus to Go out Exire a Goshauke Accipiter. to Go to wrake Perire. to Gouerne Regere a Gown Toga ¶ a Grape Vua. a Grashope Cicada ¶ to Graunt ¶ Concedere. Grene Viridis. Grete Grandis Vastus a Grete heere Pilus a Grete thyng Magnum Greuous Grauis. a Grehond or a spaynel canis venaticus. to Grow Virere: Nasci / Fieri. a Grownd Tellus. the Grownd Solum. an Happe Euentus / Casus. Hard. Durus ¶ an hare ¶ Lepus Harneys Arma. Harneyst Armatus. an Hart Pectus. Hastly Iam to Hate Odisse. ¶ Hath be Fuit. Hatrid Odium ¶ to Haue Habe­ re. to Haue power Valere. an Hauen Portus. ¶ He Ille. an Heed caput ¶ an Hedlyng wey ¶ Preceps Hens Hinc. Helpe. Auxilium Opem. to Helpe Iuuare adiuuare Helpes. Opes. ¶ an here Capil­ lum / Coma. Here Hic. an Hart or a bucke Ceruus an Hynd or a do Cerua.