l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a C a m b r i d g e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y F f . I . 1 5 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) english wordes usuall in the marches of wales. Evens. or staves evens. timber quartered out for stafes but not made into Staves. yevil. a muckyevil. or muck forke. "mucky-evil" not found in OED, but see "muck-fork," n. Glat. a gate. a sharde. a gate. Orses. ollers. alder trees. a Sheame of wood. an horse loade of woode Summagium / "Sheame" not found in OED. a Dingle. a peece of ground scituate betwixt two hils. a Rise. or etheringe. a By-let, a peece of ground compassed about with water "By-let" not found in OED. a nooke of errable lande, some say it is the land euer that lyeth fallowe yet I have seen motion made of ij nookes of errable lande, a noke is the 4th. parte of a yd land & containeth of the most parte about 15 acres. See OED, "nook," 4b. a darke man, a blinde man. "darke man" not in the OED in this sense. a twil. linnen cloth the web & wofe being one of teere & the other of hardes. qiury twi=file? a fongell of corne. a handful of leasinges of corne / "fongell" not found in OED. a lownd or yoking, is as much as a teame can plowe in a day as much as 3 bushels of barli wil so a Fine, or Finestal. vinestallum a place where thei lai wood for their buleries in droitwich / "fine" not found in OED in this sense, and "finistal" not found there. a wauling. or Bullery of salt water in droit wich. a underne, eveninge. a lewne. alevy of monye taxation or assesment. a folde, a courte or yarde. in Hole or childbed. See OED, "hole," n. 8. tacke. taking of cattle to tacke, or aqishing of cattle / "tack" in this sense (pasture) antedates the first OED citation (1804; see OED, "tack," n.2, 4). tensty. an yreli summe of moni paid in gdsal att Shuffenhal in countie Salop. "tensty" not found in OED. a leaker or hedlond. "leaker" not found in OED in this sense. laudskerred & meered out. per landscarnd carnedd is an heape of stones & in meaning out y dividing of landes thei cast in the meers smal heapes of stones in wales. landscarred qui eam yntant etc land=skarres. Possibly "landskerred", "landscarned", and "landscarred" are "land-scarred" (not in OED). Hagard: or ricke Dinders. old Roman coine. nota there is a hil in herefordshire so called Leetefieldes or comms fieldes. "Dinders" antedates the earliest OED citation (1751). a Gladmer is a device made of dry lether & sowyd vp to gether round & hollowe like a fut bal set uppon a staf & filled with little stones This being shaken maketh so feareful a noise to rattle that thei wil not endure with in the noice therof. "Gladmer" (?="gladdener") not found in OED. a teale of pilcorme :? "teale" and "pilcorme" have an unclear meaning here, "teal" seems to be a water-fowl, and "pilcorn" is oats. Northwals mesures peckied. a pecke. anherob. per hanum hobed "hobed" antedates the first OED citation of "hobbit," n. (1863). hobed. a bushel or 4 pecks nelied. 2 bushels.