Herbys necessary for a gardyn by letter. A. Alysaundre Avence Astralogia rotunda Astralogia longa Alleluia Arcachaff Artemesie mogwede anice Archangel B. Borage Betes Beteyn Basilican Bugle Burnett C. Cabage Chervell Carewey Cyves Columbyn Clarey Colyaundr' Colewort Cartabus Cressez Cressez of Boleyn Calamyntes Camamyll Ceterwort D. Daysez Dyteyn Daundelyon Dragaunce Dylle E. Elena campana Eufras Egremoyn F. Fenell Foothistell Fenecreke G. Gromell Goldez Gyllofr' Germaundr' H. Hertez tonge Horehound Henbane I. Isope Ierlin Iryngez herbe Ive K. Kykombre that bereth apples L. Longdebeff Lekez Letuse Loveache Lympons Lyklle Longwortz M. Mercury Malowes Myntes Mageron Mageron gentyle Mandrake Mylone N. Nept Nettell rede Nardus capiscola O. Orage Oculus Christi Oynons P. Persely Pelytore Pelytore of Spayn Puliall royall Pyper white Pacyence Popy whit' Prymerose Purselane Philipendula Q. Qvyncez R. Rapes Radyche Rampsons Rapouncez Rokettes Rewe S. Sauge Savery Spynache Sedewale Scalaceli Smalache Sauce alone Selbestryue Syves Sorell Sowthistell Sotherwode Skabiose Selian Stycadose Stanmarch T. Tyme Tansey V. Vyolettes Wermode Wormesede Verveyn Of the same Herbes for Potage Borage Langdebefe Vyolettes Malowes Marcury Daundelyon Avence Myntes Cauge Percely Goldes Mageron Fenell Carawey Rednettyll Oculus Christi Daysys Chervell Lekez Colewortes Rapez Tyme Cyves Betes Alysaundr' Letyse Betayn Columbyn Alleluia Astralogia rotunda Astralogia longa Basillican Dylle Deteyn Egrymon Hertestonge Radiche White pyper Calagez Sedewale Spynache Coliaundr' Foothistyll Orage Cartabus Lympons Nepte Clarey Pacience Of the same Herbes for Sauce Hertes tonge Sorell Pelytory Pelytory of Spayn Deteyn Vyolettes Percely Myntes Also of the same Herbes for the copp Cost Costmary Sauge Isope Rosemary Cyllofr' Goldez Clarey Mageron Rue Also of the same Herbes for a Salade Buddus of Stanmarche Vyolette flourez Percely Redmyntes Syves Cresse of Boleyn Purselan Ramsons Calamyntes Prime Rose buddus Dayses Rapounses Daundelyon Rokette Red netyll Borage flourez Croppus of Red Fenell Selbestryune Chykynwede Also Herbez to Stylle Endyve Red Rose Rosemary Dragans Skabiose Ewfrace Wermode Mogwede Beteyn Wylde Tansey Sauge Isope Ersesmart Also herbes for Savour and beaute Cyllofr' gentyle Mageron gentyle Basyle Palma Christi Stycadose Meloncez Arcachaffe Scalacely Philyppendula Popyroyall Germaundr' Cowsloppus of Jerusalem Verveyn Dyll Seynt Mar' Garlek Also Rotys for a gardyn Persenepez Turnepez Radyche Karettes Galyngale Iryngez Saffron Also for an Herber Vynes Rosers Lyles Thewberies Almondez Baytrees Gourdes Date trese Peche trese Pyne Appull Pyany Roman Rose campy Cartabus Selyan Columbyn gentyle Elabre