A CATALOGUE OF SEEDS, PLANTS, &c. sold by Will: Lucas att the Naked Boy near Strand Bridg, London Seeds of Roots Strasburgh Onion 8 d. Antedates earliest OED entry (1731). Red Spanish Onion 8 d. Antedates earliest OED entry (1706). White Spanish Onion 8 d. French Onion 8 d. English Onion 8 d. London Leeke French Leeke Red Carrot Orang Carrot Yellow Carrot Parsnep Swelling Parsnep No OED entry found. Long Turnep Round Turnep Antedates earliest OED entry (1731). Yellow Turnep Antedates earliest OED entry (1731). Skirret Scorzonera Sassify Antedates earliest OED entry (1706). Potato Shallots Rocumbole Antedates earliest OED entry (1698). Garlick Sallad Seeds London Radish Sandwick Radish Not found in OED. Black Spanish Radish White Spanish Radish Cabbage Lettuce Humbar Lettuce Not found in OED. Roman Lettuce Arabian Lettuce Not found in OED. Savoy Lettuce Not found in OED. Rose Lettuce Not found in OED. Red Lettuce Curl'd Lettuce Not found in OED except under "glass-bell" (1719 quotation). Round Spinage Not found in OED but see "spinach," n., 1b (1842 quotation). Prickly Spinage Not found in OED but see "spinach," n., 1b (1842 quotation). Berry bearing Orach White Beet Red Beet Roman Beet Curl'd Endive Italian Selleree Not found in OED. Fenochio Antedates first citation in OED (1723). samphire Rockett Spanish Rockett Not found in OED. Rampion Hartshorn Tarragon French Sorrell Candy Sorrell Not found in OED. Cardoon Indian Cresse Garden Cresse Broadleaved Cresse Not found in OED. Curled Cresse Not found in OED. Chervill Sweet Chervill Purslane Golden Purslane Not found in OED. Parsley Curld Parsley Antedates earliest citation in OED (1769). Alisander Cornsallad Asparagus Dutch Asparagus Not found in OED. Colyflower English Cabbage Not found in OED. Dutch Cabbage Not found in OED. Russia Cabbage Antedates earliest OED citation (1797). Red Cabbage Colewort Curl'd Colewort Not found in OED. Broculus Antedates earliest citation in OED (1699). French Choux Antedates earliest citation in OED (1706). English Savoy Not found in OED. Dutch Savoy Not found in OED. Coli Rapi Perhaps meaning "colly" (or "black"). English Melon Not found in OED. French Melon Not found in OED. Spanish Melon Not found in OED. Long Cucumber Not found in OED. Short Cucumber Not found in OED. Prickly Cucumber Not found in OED. Pompion Gourd Mekin Antedates earliest OED citation (a1688). Potherb Seeds Endive Succory Borage Bugloss Burnett Bloodwort Clary Sorrell Marygold Pot Marjoram Langdebeefe Summer Savory Antedates earliest OED citation (1786). Columbine Tansie Nepp French Mallow Orach Sweet Herb Seeds Thyme Hyssop Winter Savory Sweet Marjerome Sweet Basill Sweet Maudeline Rosemary Lavender Bawme Physicall Seeds Carduus Benedictus Scurvy-grass Angelica Lovage Smallage Tobacco Dill Common Fennell Antedates earliest OED citation (1811). Sweet Fennell Antedates earliest OED citation (1796). Caraway Cumin Anise Coriander Gromill Henbane Plantain Nettle Fenugreek Flea Various plants have the prefix "flea-" (OED, "flea," n., C). Rubarb Burdock Elecampane Balsam White Poppey Cardamum Gourd Citrull Wormseed Wormwood Rue Oculus Christi Line Marshmallow Flower Seeds Double July Flower Stockgilliflower Queens Gilliflower Wall Flower White Wallflower Antedates earliest OED citation (1786). Matted Pink Mountain Pink Double Columbine Not found in OED.. Virginian Columbine Not found in OED. Double Larksheel Not found in OED. Vpright Larksheel Not found in OED. Rose Larksheel Not found in OED. Affrican Marigold French Marigold Snapdragon Candy Tuft Sweet Scabious No dated citation in OED. Spanish Scabious Not found in OED. London Pride Capsicum indicum Venus Looking Glasse White Venus Looking Glasse Full phrase not found in OED. Venus Navell Wort Antedates earliest OED citation (1678). French Honysuckle White French Honysuckle Full phrase not found in OED. Scarlett Lychnis Antedates earliest OED citation (1760). Rose Campion Noli me tangere Marvell of Peru Nasturtium indicum Sweet Sultan Antedates earliest OED citation (1731). Red Valerian White Valerian Greeke Valerian Branch'd Sunflower Phrase not found in OED. Canterbury Bell Flos Adonis Fox Taill Iron colour Fox glove Nigella Romana Urtica Romana Not found in OED as a phrase. Moth Mulleine Primrose Tree Amaranthus purpureus Amaranthus coccineus Amaranthus tricolor Green Amaranthus Princes Feather Love Apple Thorn Apple Double Poppy striped Full phrase not in OED. Double Holly hock Full phrase not in OED. Lobels Catchflie Goats Rue Monks Hood Convolvulus major Convolvulus minor Bottles of all colours Globe Thistle Great Blew Lupines Full phrase not in OED. Small Blew Lupines Full phrase not in OED. Yellow Lupines Full phrase not in OED. White Lupines Scarlett Beans Antedates earliest OED citation (1731). Everlasting Pease Antedates earliest OED citation (1821). Snaills & Caterpillars Antedates earliest OED citation (1672). Horns & Hedghoggs Phrase not found in OED. Tulip Anemony Auriculas Polyanthus Primrose Sensible Plant Humble Plant Seeds of Evergreen & Flowering Trees Cypresse Silver Fir Antedates earliest OED citation (1707). Norway Fir Scotch Fir Antedates earliest OED citation (1696). Great Pine Full phrase not identified as a separate form in OED. Pinaster Phillyrea vera Full phrase not identified as a separate form in OED. Alaternus Perecanthus Arbutus Laurus tinus Amomum Plinii Mezereon berries Cedar berries Holly berries Laurell berries Bay berries Juniper berries Yew berries Mirtle berries Evergreen Oake acorns Corktree acorns Limetree seed Sena seed Althea seed Antedates earliest OED citation (1669). Laburnum majus Full phrase not identified as a separate form in OED. Laburnum minus Full phrase not identified as a separate form in OED. Spanish Broom seed Chesnuts Allmonds Sorts of Pease, Beans &(c) Barns Hotspur Pease Short Hotspur Pease Long Hotspur Pease Sandwich Pease Full phrase not identified as a separate form in OED. Windsor Grey Pease Full phrase not identified as a separate form in OED. White Rouncivall Pease Full phrase not identified as a separate form in OED. Grey Rouncivall Pease Full phrase not identified as a separate form in OED. Green Rouncivall Pease Full phrase not identified as a separate form in OED. Blew Rouncivall Pease Full phrase not identified as a separate form in OED. Maple Rouncivall Pease Full phrase not identified as a separate form in OED. Larg White Sugar Pease Antedates earliest OED citation (1707). Small White Sugar Pease Antedates earliest OED citation (1707). Grey Sugar Pease Antedates earliest OED citation (1707). White Rose Pease Antedates earliest OED citation (1707). Grey Rose Pease Not found in OED. Egg Pease Antedates earliest OED citation (1744). Wing Pease Not found in OED. Sickle Pease Antedates earliest OED citation (1731). Windsor Beans Antedates earliest OED citation (1712). Sandwich Beans Not found in OED. White Kidney Beans Full phrase not identified as a separate form in OED. Speckled Kidney Beans Full phrase not identified as a separate form in OED. Canterbury Kidney Beans Full phrase not identified as a separate form in OED. Lentills Seeds to improve land Claver Grasse Hopclaver cleansed Antedates earliest OED citation (1679). Hopclaver in the husk Antedates earliest OED citation (1679). Sainefoin La Lucer Not found in OED, although perhaps "lucerne," n.2. Rye Grasse French Furs Dantzick Flax Not found in OED as a phrase. Flower Roots Ranuncula's all sorts Double Anemonies all sort French Anemonies Not in OED as a phrase. Tulips all sorts Double Julyflowers all sort Not in OED as a phrase. Auricula's double, striped & plain Polyanthus all sorts Antedates earliest OED citation (a1678). Primroses all sorts Iris Persian Not found in OED but possibly modern "Persian stonecress." Calcedonian Dwarfe &c. Crown Imperiall yellow double & single Fraxinella's Purple & White Hepatica Double Blew, & Double Peachcolour Not found in OED as phrases. White, Blew, '& Peachcolour single Not found in OED as phrases. Crocus's all sorts Narcissus all sorts Hyacinthus Tuberosus, plumosius, & Not found in OED. Peruanus Junquills double & single Pionies -- Black, Red, Purple & Striped Fritillaria all sorts Hellebore White, Black & Xmas Colchicum chio Purple, Striped &c "chio" not found in OED. Gladiolus all sorts Cyclamen Vernum & Autumnum Lillies all sorts Sorts of choice Trees & Plants Oranges Striped & Hermaphrodite Limons Citrons Pomgranat Mirtles broad-leaved, Mirtles orangleaved, Mirtles boxleaved, Mirtles birdsnest, Mirtles upright Mirtles & double-flower'd Mirtles Oliander Red & White Phillyrea serrato folio & angusto folio Alaternus striped with yellow and white Cytisus lunatus & secundus Clusii Amomum Plinii Holly's, striped with yellow, with white, & yellow beries Arbutus Paliurus Olive tree Cedrus Libani Barmudi Not found in OED. semper vivens Agnus castus Arbor Judae Antedates first citation in OED ("arbor," n.2 [1669]). Platinus Orientalis Not found in OED. Occidentalis Not found in OED. Tragacantha Horschesnut Jessamines Spanish, Yellow, Persian, White, &c Cistus all sorts Marum Syriacum Geranium noctu olens Jucca Peruana The full phrase not found in OED. Nightshade varigated Woodbine varigated Althea, Purple, White &c with many other sorts Antedates first citation in OED (1669). You be here accomodated with spad's hoes, rakes, reeles, lines, sheers, bass-mats &c proper for the use of gardiners; as also with all sorts of fruit trees, & Evergreens; & with Artichokes, Liquorice, Collyflower, Cabbage & Tarragon plants.