An Introduction to the English Tongue PART I The ALPHABET of LETTERS English Roman Italian The Names of the Letters a A a A a A ay b B b B b B bee c C c C c C see d D d D d D dee e E e E e E e f F f F f F eff g G g G g G jee h H h H h H aitsh i I i I i I i j j J j J jay, or jee k K k K k K cay l L l L l L ell m M m M m M em n N n N n N en o O o O o O o p P p P p P pee q Q q Q q Q cu r r R r R r R ar s s S s s S s s S ess t T t T t T tee v v V v V vee, or ev u U u U u U yu w W w W w W double yu x X x X x X eks y Y y Y y Y wi z Z z Z z Z zad, or zed. The Vowels. a e i o u, and y, when it follows a Consonant. The Consonants. b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z. Double Letters ct si fl sl ff sh si ss st ffi ssi ffl æ œ &. Of Syllables. Table 1. ba be bi bo bu ca ce ci co cu da de di do du fa fe fi fo fu ga ge gi go gu ha he hi ho hu ja je ji jo ju ka ke ki ko ku la le li lo lu ma me mi mo mu na ne ni no nu pa pe pi po pu qua que qui quo ra re ri ro ru sa se si so su ta te ti to tu va ve vi vo vu wa we wi wo wu ya ye yi yo yu za ye zi zo zu Table 2. ab eb ib ob bu ac ac ic oc uc ad ed id od ud af ef if of uf ag eg ig og ug ah eh oh ak ek ik ok uk al el il ol ul am em im om um an en in on un ap ep ip op up ar er ir or ur as es is os us at et it ot ut ax ex ix ox ux az ez iz oz uz bla ble bli blo blu bra bre bri bro bru bha che chi cho bro cla cle cli clo clu cra cre cri cro cru dra dre dri dro dru dwa dwe dwi fla fle fli flo flu fra fre fri fro fru gla gle gli glo glu gna gne gni gno gnu gra gre gri gro gru kna kne kni kno knu pha phe phi pho ohu pla ple pli plo plu pra pre pri pro pru rha rhe rhi rho rhu sca sce sci sco scu sha she shi sho shu ska ske ski sko sku sla sle sli slo slo sma sme smi smo smu sna sne sni sno snu spa spe spi spo spu squa sque qui squo sta ste sti sto stu swa swe swi swo swu tha the thi tho thu tra tre tri tro tru twa twe twi two wha whe whi who wra wre wri wro wru phra phre phri phri phro scra scre scri scro scru shra shre shri shri shro spla sple spli splo splu spra spre spri spro spro stra stre stri stro stru thra thre thri thro thwa thwe thwi Words of One Syllable. A Vowel between Two or more Consonants. Table 1. B a CAb dab mab nab blab crab drab scab shab slab stab. e Deb"deb(n)" predates the first recorded OED entry (1920). web bleb. i Bib fib gib lib nib rib sib tib crib glib squib. o Bob cob fob gob hob job lob mob nob rob sob blob knob snob. u Bub cub dub fub nub rub tub chub club drub grub scrub shrub. d a Bad dad gad had lad mad pad rad sad tad wad brad chad "chad(n)" predates the first recorded OED entry (1945). clad glad plad shad. e Bed fed led ned red ted wed bred bled fled shed shred sped thred. i Bid cid "cid(n)" predates the first recorded OED entry (1755). did fid hid kid lid mid rid chid quid slid strid. o Cod dod god hod nod pod rod sod tod clod shod trod. u Bud cud mud sud spud stud. g a Bag cag dag fag gag hag jag lag mag nag rag sag tag wag; Brag crag drag flag scrag shag slag snag quag stag sprag. e Beg leg meg peg dreg. i Big dig fig gig jig lig pig rig tig wig prig sprig strig swig twig whig. o Bog cog dog fog gog hog jog nog clog flog frog prog. u Bug dug hug jug lug mug pug rug sug tug drug plug slug smug snug shrug trug. l a Ball call fall gall hall mall pall tall wall; scrall shall small stall thrall. m a Cam dam ham mam pam ram sam cham dram flam sham slam swam. e Gem hem rem "rem(n)" predates the first recorded OED entry. stem them clem. i Dim gim him jim "jim(n)" predates the first recorded OED entry (1906). mim nim pim "pim(n)" not found in OED. rim sim tim; Brim shim skim slim trim whim. o Tom from whom. u Bum gum hum mum num "num(n)" predates the first recorded OED entry (1807). rum sum chum crum drum glum plum scum strum stum thrum. n a Ban can dan fan gan man nan pan ran tan van wan; Bran clan glan scan span swan than. e Ben den fen hen ken len men pen ten wen then when wren. i Bin din fin gin hin kin lin pin sin tin win; Chin grin shin spin twin. o Bon con don gon son ton won. u Bun dun fun gun mun nun pun run sun; Shun spun tun. p a Cap gap hap lap map nap pap rap sap tap; Chap clap flap scrap slap snap strap trap. e Hep nep step. i Dip hip gip lip nip pip rip sip tip; Chip clip drip flip scrip skip slip snip strip trip whip. o Cop fop hop lop mop pop sop top; Chop crop drop knop prop shop slop stop swop strop. u Cup sup tup. r a Bar car far gar jar lar mar par tar war; scar spar star. e Her mer ner. i Fir sir stir. o Dor for gor. u Bur cur pur sur "sur(?)" not found in OED as separate word. blur spur. s a Bas has tass was. i Bis "bis(adv)" predates the first recorded OED entry (1819). his miss this. o Bóss foss looss moss toss. u Buss cus"cus(?)" not found in OED. fus muss puss plus thus. t a Bat cat fat gat hat mat nat pat rat sat tat Wat; Brat chat flat gnat plat spat sprat squat that twat what. e Bet fet get jet let met net pet set wet yet fret tret whet. i Bit cit fit hit kit quit sit tit wit; Chit frit knit slit spit split sprit twit whit writ. o Bot cot dot got hot jot lot mot not pot rot sot tot wot; blot grot knot plot scot shot snot spot trot. u But cut gut hut jut nut put rut glut scut shut slut smut strut. y By fy ly my ty; cry dry fly pry fry ply shy sky sly stry thy try why. Words of One Syllable, between Two or more Consonants. Table II. ck a BAck cack hack jack lack pack rack sack tack ; Black brack clack crack knack slack smack snack quack stack track thwack. e Peck deck heck keck neck peck check speck. i Dick lick nick pick sick tick wick; Brick chick click quick rick spick stick thick trick. o Cock dock hock lock mock pock rock sock; Block clock chock flock frock knock shock smock stock. u Buck duck luck muck ruck suck tuck chuck cluck pluck struck stuck truck. ct a Act Fact; pact sact tract pect sect. ff a Chaff waff; draff graff quaff staff. i Cliff miff stiff twiff whiff. o Off goff scoff. u Buff cuff huff luff muff puff ruff bluff shuff scruff snuff stuff. ft a Aft haft raft waft scraft "scraft(n)" not found in OED. draft graft shaft. e Left reft theft weft cleft. i Gift lift sift tift drift shift thrift. o Oft loft soft toft croft scoft. u Cuft luft puft tuft. gh High nigh sigh. ght Bight dight fright light might night pight right sight tight wight; Bright flight fright knight plight slight wright. lch Balch squalch "squalch(v)" not found in OED. ; Belch squelch welch; Filch. ld a Bald scald. e Geld held weld. i Gild mild wild child; Twirl'd whirl'd. o Bold cold fold gold hold mold old sold told wold scold. lf a Calf half Ralf "ralf(?)" not found in OED. . e Delf elf pelf self shelf. o Wolf. u Gulf. lk a Balk calk stalk talk walk chalk. e Elk yolk. i Bilk milk silk thilk wilk. o Folk yolk. u Bulk sulk hulk sculk. ll a All ball call fall gall hall mall pall tall wall scrall shall small stall thrall. e Bell cell dell fell hell mell nell pell sell snell tell well; Dwell knell shell smell spell swell. i Bill dill fill gill hill jill ill mill nill pill quill rill sill till will; Brill chill drill shrill skill spill still swill thrill trill. o Boll coll doll goll loll moll noll droll; Poll roll toll troll. u Bull cull dull full gull hull lull mull null pull scull trull. lm a Alm balm calm halm palm qualm psalm. e Elm helm whelm; Film; Holm; Culm. lp a Alp scalp help whilp "whilp(?)" not found in OED. yolp gulp pulp. lt a Alt halt malt palt salt shalt smalt. e Belt selt gelt melt pelt welt. i Gilt guilt hilt jilt milt quilt spilt wilt. o Bolt colt dolt holt jolt molt polt tolt. mb Jamb lamb; Hemb; Limb; Bomb comb tomb womb; Dumb plumb rhumb thumb. mn Damn limn hymn. mp a Camp damp lamp ramp vamp champ clamp cramp stamp. e Hemp kemp. i Gimp mimp pimp crimp shrimp. o Pomp romp. u Bump dump hump jump lump nump pump rump slump; Crump frump plump stump thump trump; Nymph. nd a And band hand land rand sand wand; Bland brand grand stand strand. e Bend end send lend mend rend send tend vend wend; Blend shend spend trend. i Bind find hind kind lin'd mind rind wind; Blind shrin'd grind. o Bond fond mond "monde(n)" predates the first recorded OED entry (1765). pond yond. u Fund mund. ng a Bang fang gang hang pang rang sang tang slang sprang twang. i Bing ding king ling ming ring sing ting wing; Fling sling sting string thing spring swing. o Dong gong long song tongs tongue prong thong wrong. u Bung dung hung lung mung rung sung slung sprung stung swung. nk a Bank dank hank lank rank sank tank; Blank crank drank flank frank plank prank shank stank thank. i Bink sink ink link mink pink sink tink wink; Brink chink clink shrink skink slink stink think tink twink. o Monk. u Funk junk punk sunk drunk stunk trunk. nt a Ant cant jant pant rant want chant plant scant slant. e Bent dent gent Kent lent ment pent rent sent tent vent went shent spent splent trent. i Dint hint lint mint pi{^}nt; Flint print squint flint. o Don't font front pont wont. u Bunt hunt punt runt blunt brunt grunt stunt sprunt. pt a Apt capt gapt lapt clapt snapt rapt. e Kept slept stept wept; Empt tempt. i Dipt ript sipt chipt shipt slipt tript. o Copt hopt lopt mopt sopt cropt dropt slopt stopt swopt. u Cupt supt tupt. rb Barb garb; herb orb forb "forb(n)" predates the first recorded OED entry (1924). sorb curb. rd a Bard card hard lard nard ward yard; Guard sward. e Berd herd sherd. i Bird gird third. o Bord cord ford hord sord word chord sword. u Curd fur'd surd turd slur'd spur'd. rf a Dwarf scarf wharf. u Scurf turf. rk a Ark bark cark dark hark lark mark park. sark wark; Clark shark spark stark. e Ferk jerk merk werk; Clerk querk. i Irk firk kirk quirk shirk. o Cork fork mork pork work stork. u Lurk murk Turk shurk. rl a Carl marl parl snarl. i Girl twirl. u Curl furl hurl purl churl snurl. rm a Arm barm farm harm warm; Charm swarm. e Berm term sperm. i Firm. o Form form worm storm. rn a Barn darn warn yarn. e Bern dern fern hern yern stern. o Born borne corn dorn horn lorn morn torn worn shorn sworn thorn. u Urn burn churn spurn turn. rp a Carp harp warp scarp sharp. e Querp "querp(n)" not found in OED. . i Chirp. o Thorp. rt a Art cart dart fart hart mart part tart wart; Chart quart smart start thwart. e Pert vert wert. i Dirt flirt girt shirt skirt squirt. o Cort Dort fort mort port sort tort wort short snort sport. u Burt curt hurt flurt spurt sturt. sh a Ash bash cash dash gash hash lash mash nash pash rash sash Tash wash; Clash crash frash "frash(?)" not found in OED. gnash plash quash slash scrash shash swash trash e Flesh fresh mesh. i Bish dish fish pish wish. u Bush Cush "cush(?)" predates the first recorded OED entry (1895). gush hush lush mush push rush tush; Blush brush crush flush frush plush snush thrush. sk a Ask bask cask hask lask mask task flask. e Desk. i Bisk disk fisk risk; Brisk frisk whisk. u Busk dusk husk lusk musk tusk. sp a Asp gasp hasp rasp wasp; Clasp grasp. i Lisp wisp crisp. u Cusp rusp "rusp(n)" not found in OED. . ss a Ass bass cass lass mass pass tass; Brass class. e Bess "bess(n)" not found in OED. cess fess gess less mess ness; Bless chess dress guess press stress. i Hiss kiss miss piss bliss. o Boss foss goss joss moss toss; Cross dross gloss. u Buss fuss muss puss truss. st a Cast fast hast last mast past vast wast; Blast brast chast ghast. e Best hest jest lest mest nest pest quest rest test vest west yest; Blest chest crest drest guest prest. i Fist hist kist list mist pist wist; Christ grist twist whist wrist. o Cost crost dost lost tost frost host most post; Ghost rost. u Bust dust gust just lust must rust; Crust thrust trust. th a Bath hath lath math path rath swath. i Lith pith sith with; Frith smith. o Both doth loth sloth; Broth cloth froth moth quoth troth. u Ruth truth. lch e Belch squelch Welch. i Filch milch pilch. o Bolch "bolch(n)" not found in OED. . u Bulch. lse Else; Pulse. nce a Chance dance prance trance. e Hence fence pence thence whence. i Mince prince quince since wince. o Once sconce. u Dunce. nch a Hanch ganch lanch manch; branch stanch scranch. e Bench tench wench; Drench French quench stench wrench. i Linch pinch winch; Clinch flinch. u Bunch hunch lunch punch; Clunch. nth Tenth ninth. pse/alpha> Hapse lapse. rch a Arch larch march parch starch warch. e Perch werch. i Birch. o Porch torch scorch, worch. u Lurch wurch; Church. rge Barge large; Charge. rsh Harsh marsh. rst i First thirst. u Burst curst durst nurst. rth i Birth Firth girth mirth. o Forth north worth. st Hast past wast. tch a Batch catch hatch latch match patch watch; Quatch scratch snatch thatch. e Etch fetch ketch letch vetch wretch; Stretch. i Bitch ditch fitch hitch itch mitch pitch witch; Flitch quitch switch. o Botch notch potch "potch(n)" predates the earliest recorded OED entry (1892). scotch. u Dutch hutch; Crutch smutch. Words of One Syllable, with e final, generally lengthening the Sound of the foregoing Vowel. be a BAbe e Glebe Thebe. i Bribe jibe kibe scribe tribe. o Globe robe probe. u Cube tube. ce a Dace face lace mace pace race; Brace grace place space trace. i Bice dice ice lice mice nice rice tice vice; Price slice spice splice thrice twice. u Duce "duce(n)" predates the first recorded OED entry (1923). sluce truce. de a Bade cade dade fade jade lade made wade; Blade glade grade shade spade trade. e Glede. i Guide hide ride side tide wide; Bride chide glide pride slide stride. o Ode bode code mode node rode; Trode chode shrode. u Jude "jude(n)" not found in OED. nude rude crude prude. fe a Safe chafe. i Fife life rife wife; Knife strife. ge a Age cage gage page sage wage stage. u Huge fuge. gue Hague plague teague rogue vogue. ke a Bake cake fake jake lake make quake rake sake take wake; Blake brake crake drake flake shake slake snake spake stake strake. e Eke peke "peke(n)" predates the earliest recorded OED entry (1910). reke. i Dike like pike rike sike wike tike; Spike strike. o Boke coke moke poke; Broke cloke choke croke smoke spoke stroke yoke. u Duke luke nuke puke. le a Ale bale cale dale gale hale male pale sale tale vale wale. Scale stale swale whale. e Bile file guile mile nile pile tile vile wile. Smile stile while. o Bole cole dole fole gole hole mole pole sole. Scrole shole stole strole trole whole. u Gule mule rule. me a Came dame fame game lame name same tame; Blame flame frame shame Thame. e Feme scheme theme. i Lime mime rime time chime clime crime grime prime slime. y Thyme. o Come some; Dome fome home lome mome rome tome. u Fume plume spume. ne a Bane cane Dane fane jane lane mane pane tane vane wane; Crane plane stane. e Scene. i Bine dine fine hine line mine nine pine sine tine vine wine; Brine chine shine shrine swine trine thine twine whine. o One done gone. Bone cone hone mone none prone tone drone stone throne. u June tune prune. oe Foe moe toe shoe. pe a Ape cape gape lape nape rape scape tape; Crape grape scrape shape trape. i Gipe pipe ripe wipe; gripe snipe tripe stripe. y Type. o Ope cope hope lope mope pope rope sope tope; Grope scope slope trope. re a Are bare care dare fare gare hare lare mare pare quare rare sare tare ware; Blare chare flare glare scare share snare spare square stare sware. e Here mere rere were sphere there where. i Ire dire fire hire lire mire sire tire wire; Shire spire squire quire. o Bore core fore gore lore more nore pore sore tore wore yore; Glore score shore snore store swore whore. u Ure cure dure lure mure pure sure chure. se and ze a Base case gase rase; Chase glase graze phraze. i Bise cise gise rise wise; Brize prize. o Dose hose lose nose pose rose; Chose close prose those whose. u Use fuse muse; Chuse cruse. te a Ate bate cate date fate gate hate late mate pate rate sate. y Yate. a Crate grate plate prate scate slate state. e Bete mete pete. i Bite cite kite mite quite rite site tite; Blite smite spite sprite trite white. o Bote cote dote mote note pote rote vote; Smote wrote. u Cute lute mute flute sute brute. the a Bathe swathe. i Sithe tithe. o Lothe; Clothe. ue Cue due hue rue sue; Blue clue glue spue true. ve a Cave gave have lave nave pave rave save wave; Brave clave crave drave glave knave shave carve starve stave. e Queve reve. i Cives knives lives wives; Give live; Drive five hive rive shrive stive strve thrive swive. o Dove glove hove love shove move prove; Cove hove jove rove drove grove strove stove. ze a Blaze daze gaze glaze maze raze graze. i Size prize. o Doze poze. dge a Badge cadge fadge madge. e Edge hedge ledge fledge wedge. i Bridge ridge. o Dodge hodge lodge. u Budge drudge grudge judge snudge trudge. nge a Change mange range grange strange. e Henge. i Cringe fringe hinge singe tinge swinge twinge. u Plunge spunge. rce Farce scarce searce. rge a Barge charge large. e Serge verge. o Forge gorge. u Purge surge urge. rse a Arse parse. e Herse terse verse. o Corse horse worse. u Burse curse nurse purse. rve a Carve starve. e Kerve serve swerve. u Curve turve. Words of One Syllable, with a Dipthong in the Middle. ai c PLaice. e Aid laid maid paid said staid. f Naif waif. l Ail bail fail hail fail mail nail pail quail rail sail tail vail wail; Brail flail frail snail trail. m Aim claim maim. n Bain Cain fain gain lain main pain rain vain wain; Brain chain drain plain slain sprain stain strain swain train twain. nt Faint paint plaint quaint saint taint. r Air; Fair hair lair pair; Chair stair. se Chaise fraise praise raise. t Bait fraight strait wait. th Faith saith. au d Fraud laud Maud gh Laugh waugh draugh. ght Caught draught naught fraught teach. gh Aunt daunt haunt vaunt flaunt slaunt taunt. se Cause clause pause. aw Aw daw haw jaw law maw paw raw saw taw gawz. Chaw claw draw flaw gaw gnaw shaw spaw straw thaw. Dawb sawce bawd hawk tawd. Awf awl bawl cawl crawl drawl maul spawl sprawl squawl. Hawm shawm. Dawn fawn lawn pawn sawn. Brawn drawn prawn shawn. ay Ay bay day gay hay jay lay may nay pay ray way. Clay play flay slay bray dray fray gray pray spay stay stray tray sway. Bays days stays ways. ea ea Pea sea tea yea; Flea. ch Each beach reach teach; Bleach breach preach. d Dead head lead read; Bead lead mead; Bread dread stead thread spread tread; Flead knead plead. dth Breadth f Deaf leaf sheaf. gue League. k Beak leak reak weak; Bleak creak freak sneak speak squeak steak. l Beal deal heal meal neal peal seal veal weal; Squeal steal wheal. lm Realm. lth Health wealth stealth. lt Dealt. m Beam seam team; Cream dream scream steam stream. n Bean dean lean mean wean yean; Clean glean quean. nse Cleanse nt Meant p Heap leap reap cheap. r Bear dear fear gear hear near pear rear sear tear wear year; Clear shear smear snear spear. rch Search. rl Earl pearl. rn Earn learn yearn. rth Earth hearth. rthe Breathe sheathe. rt Heart. êas Fleas peas pleas seas. ease Ease cease lease grease grease please. êat Beat feat heat meat neat peat seat teat. êat Bleat cheat great sweat threat treat wheat. st East beast feast least; Breast. th Death breath sheath wreath heath. ve Heave leave weave; Cleave greave. ze Teaze. ee ee Bee fee see; Free flee glee knee lee thee three tree. c Fleece neece. ch Beech leech breech speech; Screech. d Bleed deed feed heed meed need reed seed weed. Bleed breed creed freed speed steed Tweed. f Beef reef. k Leek meek peek seek reek week; Cheek creek leek greek sleek gleek squeek. l Feel heel keel peel reel seel; Kneel wheel. m Deem seem teem. n Been keen seen; Green queen skeen "skeen(n)" predates the first recorded OED entry (1825). skreen spleen ween. d Deep keep peep weep; Creep sheep sleep steep sweep. r Beer deer geer jeer leer meer peer seer veer; Cheer fleer sneer steer. s Bees fees lees Mees sees; Knees trees twees. se Cheese geese leese. t Beet feet leet meet; Greet fleet sheet street sweet. th Teeth. v Beeve reeve sleeve. z Breeze freeze reeze sneeze squeeze wheeze. ei n Deign feign reign vein. nt Feint teint queint. r Heir their. ght Eight height sleight streight weight. gh Neigh weigh. ze Seize. eu eu Feud leud; Rheum. ew ew Dew few gew hew jew mew new pew sew yew; Blew brew chew clew crew drew flew grew knew shrew shew skrew slew spew strew threw. d Hew'd lewd mew'd shew'd. n Hewn shewn. t Newt. eau eau Beau beaux. ey ey Bey dey hey grey key they trey whey. ie Brief chief thief, liege siege, piece piep, fiend friend, lier, fierce pierce tierce, priest shriek. ld Field shield yield. ve Grieve sieve thieve. ieu Dieu lieu. oa ch Coach loach poach roach; Broach. d Goad load road toad woad; Broad. f Oaf loaf. k Oak soak croak. l Coal foal goal; Shoal. m Coam foam loam roam. n Joan loan moan groan. r Oar boar hoar roar soar. st Boast coast roast toast. t Boat coat doat goat moat; Float groat stoat throat. rd Board hoard. ve Loaves. x Coax. oe Doe foe roe toe sloe. oi ce Voice choice. d Void. f Coif. l Oil boil coil foil moil soil toil broil quoil spoil. n Foin loin groin loin. nt Joint point. se Hoise noise poise; Moist. t Coit doit. ze Froize poize. oo d Blood good hood flood stood wood; Food mood rood brood. f Hoof loof roof proof woof. k Book cook hook look nook rook took; Brook crook shook snook. ge Googe. l Cool fool pool tool wool; School stool. m Boom coom doom loom room; Bloom broom gloom groom. n Boon moon noon soon; Spoon swoon. p Coop hoop loop poop soop; Droop scoop sloop stoop troop whoop. r Boor door moor poor floor. se Goose loose noose; Choose. t Boot coot foot hoot moot root soot toot; Shoot. th Booth smooth sooth tooth. the Soothe. ze Ooze nooze. ou ou Thou. bt Doubt. ce Souce. ch Ouch couch pouch touch vouch; Slouch. d Cloud loud; Proud shroud. ge Bouge gouge. gh Bough dough gough"gough(n)" not found in OED.; Plough slough tough trough though through. ght Ought bought fought nought sought; Brought drought thought wrought. l Foul scoul. ld Could mould should would. lt Boult joult moult. n Boun noun. nce Ounce bounce flounce. nd Bound found hound mound pound round sound; Ground wound. nt Count mount. r Our four hour pour sour lour tour your; Flour scour. rn Bourn mourn. se Chouse douse house louse mouse; Spouse. t Out bout clout flout hout gout pout scout shout snout spout sprout stout trout. th Mouth south youth. ow ow Bow cow how low mow now row sow tow Blow brow crow flow grow know plow shrow show slow snow; stow throw vow. c Dowce sowce. c Owl bowl cowl fowl howl jowl; Prowl. d Crowd shrowd. n Own down gown mown sown; Blown flown grown known shown thrown; Brown clown crown drown frown town. r Lowr towr scowr. th Growth. oy Boy coy foy hoy joy soy toy; Oyl joyn loyn joynt. uy Buy. Y Dye lye pye rye. [...] See ECCO for prose excerpt. [...] See ECCO for prose excerpt. TABLE I. Words of Two Syllables, having Two Conso­ nants of the same sort in the Middle, that are to be parted in the Spelling of them, accented on the First Syllable. A Ab-bot ab-by ac-cent ad-der ad-dle al-ley al-lom an-nals ap-ple ar-row ar-rant as-ses. B Bab-ble bab-bler baf-fle bag-gage bal-lad bal-last bal-lot ban-ner bar-rel bar-ren bat-ter bat-tle beg-gar bel-lows bel-ly ber-ry bet-ter bib-ber bid-den bil-low bil-let bit-ten bit-ter bit-tern bob-bin bog-gle bon-net bor-row bot-tle bot-tom blad-der bles-sed bles-sing blos-som blub-ber brit-tle bub-ble buf-fet bul-lock but-ter but-tock but-ton buz-zard. C Cab-bage cab-bin can-non car-rot car-ry cas-sock cat-tle cel-lar chal-lenge chan-nel chat-tel chat-ter cher-ry clap-per clut-ter cof-fee cof-fin col-lar col-lege col-lop com-mon cop-per cop-pice cot-tage cot-ton cul-ly cum-min cun-ning cur-rent. D Dag-ger dag-gle daz-zle din-ner diz-zy driz-zle. E Eb-bing ed-dy ef-fect ef-fort er-rand er-rant er-rour F Fag-got fal-low fat-ten fat-ter fel-low fen-nel fer-ret fer-ry fet-ters fil-let flab-by flat-ter flut-ter fod-der fol-low fol-ly fud-dle furr-ow. G Gal-lant gal-ley gal-lon gam-mon gar-ret gid-dy giz-zard glas-ses glim-mer glit-ter glut-ton gob-bet god-dess got-ten gram-mar grap-ple gul-let gum-my gun-ner gut-ter guz-zle. H Hal-low ham-mer hap-pen hap-py har-row hat-ter her-ring hid-den hol-low hol-ly hor-rour hot-ter hot-test hur-ry hys-sop I Is-sue jol-ly jog-gle jug-gle K Ken-nel ket-tle. L Lad-der lat-ten lat-ter lat-tice les-ser les-sen les-son let-ter let-ters let-tuce lin-net. M Mag-got mal-lard mal-let mal-lows man-ner mar-row mar-ry mat-ter med-dle mel-low mer-ry mes-sage mil-ler mis-sed mor-row mot-to mud-dy muf-fle mul-ler mul-let mur-rain mut-ton muz-zle. N Nap-py nar-row net-tle nib-ble nig-gard nin-ny nip-ple nog-gin. O Of-fal of-fer of-fice ot-ter. P Pad-dle pad-dock pal-led pal-let par-rot pas-sage pas-sed pat-tern peb-ble pen-ny pep-per pet-tish pil-lar pil-lage pil-low pin-nace pip-pin plain-ness plat-ter plum-met pol-lard pom-mel pos-set pot-tage pot-ter pret-ty pud-ding pud-dle puz-zle. Q Quar-rel quar-ry quib-ble R Rab-bet rab-ble raf-fle rag-ged ral-ly rat-tle red-dish rib-bon rid-dance rid-den rid-dle rob-ber rot-ten rub-bish rud-dy ruf-fle rug-ged rum-mer run-ner run-net. S Sab-bath sad-dle saf-fron sal-ly scab-bard scaf-fold scat-ter scof-fer scrib-ble stub-ble stub-born sel-ler sel-ling set-tle set-tled set-tling shab-by shil-ling shuf-fle shut-tle sil-ly sir-rah skil-let slug-gard smat-ter smit-ten snuf-fers snuf-fing sod-den son-net sor-rel sor-row sor-ry sot-tish spar-row squir-rel stag-ger stam-mer stir-rup strag-gle strag-gler strag-gling strip-pling strug-gle strug-gler strug-gling suc-cour sud-den suf-fer suf-frage sum-mer sup-per swag-ger swal-low swel-led swol-len T Tab-by tal-low tam-my tan-ner tan-ning tar-ry tat-tle tat-tling ter-rour til-lage tip-pet tip-ple tip-pler tip-pling tis-sue tit-tle tor-rent tot-ter traf-fick tram-mel treb-ble tur-ret V Val-ley vas-sal vel-lum ves-sel vil-lage vil-lain vol-ley U Ud-der up-per ut-ter W Wag-gon wal-low war-rant war-ren was-sal whol-ly wil-low win-now wit-ty wool-len Y Yar-row yel-low Words of Two Syllables with Two Consonants of the same sort, parting the First and Second Syllable, having the Accent in the Latter Syllable. Ab-bidge "abbidge(n)" not found in OED. ac-cept ac-cess ac-cord ac-cost ac-count ac-cuse suc-ceed suc-cess ad-dict ad-dress af-fair af-fect af-firm af-fix af-flict af-ford af-fright af-front Buf-foon of-fend of-fence suf-fice sug-gest Al-lay al-ledge al-lot al-low al-ley al-lude al-lure Col-league col-logue Pol-lute com-mand com-mence com-merce com-mit com-mode com-mune com-mute Im-mense im-merge An-neal an-nex an-nect an-noy an-nul con-nect con-nive Ap-peal ap-pear ap-pease ap-plaud ap-plause ap-ply ap-point ap-praise ap-prize ap-proach ap-prove Op-pone op-pose op-press Sup-plant sup-ply sup-pose sup-port sup-press Ar-ray ar-rest ar-ret ar-rive Cor-rect cor-rode cor-rupt sur-round As-sault as-say as-sent as-sert as-sign as-sist as-size as-soon as-sume as-sure as-swage dis-sent dis-solve dis-serve pos-sess Table II. Words of Two Syllables, accented on the First Syllable. A AB-ject Ab-sence ab-sent ac-cent ac-tive af-ter a-ged a-gue ail-ment al-der al-mond al-so al-tar al-tars al-ways am-ber am-ble am-ple am-bush an-chor an-gel an-ger an-gle an-gry a-nise an-swer an-them an-tic an-vil a-ny a-pish a-pril a-pron ar-bour ar-cher ar-dent ar-gue ar-mour ar-my a-spect as-ses au-dit au-gust au-thor ax-es a-zure B Back-ward ba-con bad-ger bad-ness ba-lance ban-dy ba-nish bank-rupt ban-quet ban-ter bap-tism bar-bel bar-ber bar-gain bar-ley bar-ter bash-ful ba-sket ba-son bas-tard bay-liff bai-liff bea-con bea-gle bea-ver beast-ly beau-ty beck-en bed-stead be-ing bel-dam be-som bi-ble bit-chen Sense of "bitchen(?) not found in OED. bi-shop bi-sket black-ness blame-less blan-ket bla-zon ble-mish bli-ster bloo-dy bloo-med blun-der blu-ster bod-kin bo-dy bol-ster bon-dage bon-grace boo-by boo-ty bor-der bo-rough bo-som bound-less boun-ty bow-els brace-let bram-ble bran-dish bran-dy bra-zen bree-ches bre-thren bri-ar bri-dle brief-ly bright-ness brim-stone bro-thel bro-ther bru-tish buck-et buck-ler buck-ram bud-get bul-rush bul-wark bum-kin bun-dle bur-den bur-gess bur-nish bu-ry bu-shel bu-shy bu-sy but-cher but-ler bux-om by-way C Cal-dron cam-brick camel cam-let cam-phire can-cel can-cer can-dle can-ker can-ton can-vas ca-pon cap-tain cap-tive car-cass care-ful car-go car-nal ca-rol car-pet case-ment cas-tle cau-dle cau-sey ca-vil ce-dar cen-ser cen-sure cen-ter cer-tain chal-lenge cham-ber chan-cel chand-ler chant-er chap-man cha-pel chap-lain chap-ter char-ger char-ter cha-sten chat-tel chat-ter che-rish ches-nut chick-en child-ish child-less chil-dren chim-ney chi-sel cho-sen chur-lish ciel-ing cin-ders ci-pher cir-cle cir-cuit ci-stern ci-tron ci-ty ci-vet ci-vil cla-mour cla-ret cla-ry clean-ly cler-gy cli-ent cli-mate clo-set clou-dy clo-ven clo-ver clu-ster cob-web cock-ney co-lours co-lumn com-ly co-met com-fort com-frey com-pact com-pass com-pound con-cord con-course con-duct con-duit con-flict con-quer con-quest con-sort con-stant con-strue con-text con-trite con-voy co-ney coo-per co-py co-ral cor-ner cor-net co-ver co-vet coul-ter coun-sel coun-try cou-ple cou-rage cou-sin cow-ard cow-slip cox-comb crack-nels cra-dle craf-ty crea-ture cre-dit crick-et cri-er crim-son cri-tick crook-ed crotch-et cru-el cry-stal cu-bit cuc-kold cuc-kow cud-gel cul-ly cum-brance cu-rate cur-dle cur-tail cur-tain cu-stard cu-stom cy-gnet cym-bal cy-pher cy-press D Dai-ly dain-ty dia-ry da-mage da-mask dam-sel dam-sen dan-ger dan-driff dark-ly dark-ness dar-ling dar-nel da-stard daugh-ter daunt-ed dea-con deb-tor de-cent de-luge de-mon de-sart dew-lap di-al dim-ness dir-ty dis-cord dis-mal di-staff di-stance di-stant di-stitch di-vers doc-tor doc-trine dole-ful dol-phin do-tard dou-ble doubt-ful down-ward dow-ry do-zen dra-gon dra-per draw-er dread-ful dri-ven dri-ver drop-sy drow-sy drunk-ard drunk-en dry-shod du-el du-ty dwin-dle E Ea-ger ea-gle ear-ly ear-nest earth-ly earth-quake ear-wig east-er east-ward ea-sy e-dict eigh-ty ei-ther el-bow el-der em-pire emp-ty end-less en-gine en-sign en-ter en-trance en-try en-voy en-vy e-qual er-min e-ven e-ver e-vil eu-nuch ex-ile F Fa-ble fa-brick fac-tor fai-ry faith-ful faith-less fals-hood fals-ly fal-ter fa-mine fa-mous far-mer far-ther fa-thom fat-ling fat-ness faul-ty fa-vour fear-ful fea-thers fee-ble feld-fare fe-lon fe-male fer-vent fe-ver few-el fic-kle fif-ty fi-gure fil-berd fil-thy fin-ger fi-nish fi-nite fir-kin fish-es fla-gon flesh-ly fletch-er flo-rid flou-rish floun-der flow-er flu-ent fool-ish foot-man for-ces fore-cast fore-head fore-most fore-ship fore-skin for-feit for-mer fo-rest for-tune for-ty for-ward foul-ness foun-tain four-fold fowl-er frag-ment fra-grant frank-ly freck-led free-dom free-ly fren-zy fre-quent fri-day friend-ly friend-ship fro-lick front-let fro-ward fro-zen fru-gal fruit-ful fruit-less ful-ness ful-some fum-ble fur-bish fur-long fur-nace fur-nish fur-ther fu-ry fu-ture G Gam-bol gan-der gan-grene gar-den gar-land gar-lick gar-ment gar-ner gar-nish ga-ther gen-der gen-tile gen-tle gen-try ge-sture gi-ant gin-ger gir-dle glad-ly glad-ness glean-ings gli-ster glo-ry goat-ish go-blet god-head god-ward gold-en gold-smith good-ly good-ness gor-get go-sling go-spel go-vern gou-ty grandeur gra-ven gra-vel gra-ver gray-hound grea-sy great-ness gree-dy griev-ance griev-ous grind-ers grind-ing gri-stle griz-led gro-cer guilt-less guil-ty H Ha-bit hack-ney hail-stone hain-ous hair-y hal-bard hal-ter ham-let ham-per han-dle hand-maid hand-some hap-ly har-bour har-den hard-ness har-dy har-lot harm-less har-ness har-per har-vest has-ten has-ty hat-chet hate-ful ha-tred ha-ven haugh-ty ha-vock haw-ker ha-zel ha-zard hea-dy hear-ken hear-ty hea-then hea-ven hea-vy he-brew heed-less hei-fer hei-nous hel-met hem-lock he-rald hew-ers hick-up high-ness hin-der hin-ges hire-ling hi-ther hoa-ry holp-en ho-ly ho-mage home-ly ho-nest ho-ny ho-nour hope-ful hor-net horse-leach ho-stage hou-ses hous-hold how-let hu-man hum-ble hu-mour hun-dred hun-ger hun-gry hur-dle hurt-ful hus-band I Jacinth jack-et jan-gle ja-sper jave-lin jay-lor i-dol i-dle jea-lous jer-kin jew-el i-mage im-pulse in-cense in-cest in-fant in-quest in-side in-stant in-ward in-stinct irk-some jo-cund jour-nal jour-ney joy-ful joyn-er joyn-ture judg-es judg-ment ju-lep jum-ble junc-ture ju-stice K Keep-er keep-ing ker-nel ker-sey ker-chief kid-ney kin-dle kind-ly kind-ness kin-dred king-dom kins-folk kins-man kit-chen kna-vish know-ledge knuc-kle L La-bour lac-key la-den la-dle la-dy lam-prey lan-dress land-less land-lord lan-guage lan-guish lan-tern lap-wing large-ly large-ness last-ing last-ly latch-et late-ly la-ten "laten(v)" predates the first recorded OED entry (1855). la-tin la-ver la-vish laugh-ter law-ful la-zy lean-ness learn-er lea-ther lea-thern lec-ture lea-sure lea-ven le-gate leng-then length-ned len-tiles leo-pard le-per le-prous le-vel le-ver le-vy lewd-ly li-ar li-cense li-er light-en light-ning like-ness li-ly lim-beck lim-ber lim-ner li-mit li-mon li-nage lin-ger lin-guist li-nen li-ning lin-tel li-on li-quor lis-ten li-zard load-en load-ing load-stone loath-som lob-ster lock-ram lo-cust lof-ty loi-ter loo-sen lord-ship lo-vage love-ly lov-ing low-ly lowr-ing loy-al lo-zenge lu-cre luke-warm lum-ber lurk-ing lus-ter lus-tre lust-ful lu-sty M Ma-gick maid-en ma-jor ma-lice malt-ster ma-nage man-chet man-drake man-ger man-gle man-hood man-tle ma-ny mar-ble mar-gin mar-ket mar-quess mar-shal mar-tyr mar-vel ma-son ma-ster ma-stiff ma-trix ma-tron max-im may-or mea-dow mea-sure mea-sles mea-zles meek-ly meek-ness me-lon mem-ber mem-brane men-tal mer-cer mer-chant mer-cy mer-maid me-rit me-tal mid-night mid-wife migh-ty mil-dew mind-ful min-cing mi-nim min-strel mi-nute mi-ry mis-chief mi-ser mi-stress mi-tre mix-ture mo-del mo-dern mo-dest mo-dish moist-en mol-ten mo-ment mo-narch mo-ney mon-grel mon-key month-ly mon-ster mo-ral mor-gage mort-gage morn-ing mor-sel mor-tal mor-tar mo-ther mo-tive moul-dy moun-tain mourn-er mow-er mum-ble mur-der mur-mur mur-ther mush-room mu-sick mus-ket mu-stard mu-ster myr-tle N Na-ked name-less name-ly nap-kin na-tive na-ture na-vel naugh-ty need-ful need-less nee-dy neigh-bour nei-ther ne-phew ne-ther ne-ver neu-ter new-ly new-ness nim-ble nine-ty no-ble noi-som noi-sy non-sense non-suit nor-thern no-stril no-thing no-tice nou-rish no-vice num-ber nur-ture nu-sance nut-meg O Oak-en ob-ject o-dour off-spring of-ten oi-ly oint-ment oi-ster o-lives o-men on-ly on-set on-ward o-pen o-range or-chard or-der or-gan or-phan o-spray o-strich o-ther o-ven out-er out-cast out-most out-side out-ward own-er ox-en P Pa-gan pain-ful paint-er pa-lace pa-late pale-ness pal-frey palm-tree pal-sy pam-per pan-cake pan-ther pa-per par-boil par-cel parch-ment par-don pa-rents pa-rish par-lor pars-ly par-son par-ty part-ner par-tridge pa-stor pa-sture pa-sty pa-tent pa-tron pave-ment pay-ment pea-cock pear-main pea-sant pee-vish pe-nal pen-sive pe-nance pen-cil peo-ple per-fect per-ils per-ish per-son pew-ter phan-sy phea-sant phy-sick pick-ax pic-ture pil-grim pi-lot pim-ple pi-per pip-kin pi-rate pi-stol pitch-er pi-ty plain-ness pla-ster plea-sant plea-sure plen-ty plough-ing plow-ing plow-share plum-line plu-ral pock-et po-et poi-son po-lish pon-der pop-lar por-ter po-sy pot-sherd poul-try pow-der pow-er prac-tice pray-er pre-cept pre-face preg-nant pre-late pre-sence pre-sent priest-hood prim-rose pri-son pri-vate pro-bate pro-blem pro-cess pro-duct pro-fit pro-ject pro-mise pro-per pro-phet pro-spect pro-sper pro-strate proud-ly pro-verb pro-vince pru-dence pru-dent psal-ter pub-lick pub-lish pul-pit pu-mice pu-nish pur-chase pur-ple pur-pose pur-sy Q Qua-drant quag-mire qua-ker quar-ter qua-ver que-ry quick-ly quick-sand qui-et quin-sey qui-ver R Rack-et ra-dish raf-ter rail-er rai-ment rain-bow rai-sins ram-part ran-cour ran-som ra-pid rash-ly rash-ness ra-sor ra-ther rat-ling ra-ven ra-vish rea-dy re-al reap-er rea-son re-bel reck-on re-cord re-fuge re-fuse re-lick re-lish rem-nant ren-der rere-ward re-scue re-spit re-tail rich-ly rich-es right-ful right-ly ri-gour riot ri-sen ri-ver rough-ly roy-al ru-by rude-ly ru-in rude-ness ru-led ru-ler rul-ing ru-mour rup-ture ru-ral S Sa-ble sack-but sack-cloth sa-cred sa-crist sad-ly sad-ness safe-guard safe-ty sail-er sal-mon sam-phire san-dals san-guin sat-chel sa-tyr sa-vage sa-vour sau-cy saw-yer scan-dal scarce-ness scar-let scep-ter scep-tre sche-dule sci-ence scho-lar scorn-ful scra-per scrip-ture scru-ple seam-ster sea-son se-cond se-cret seem-ly sel-dom sel-vedge se-nate sen-tence ser-mon ser-pent ser-jeant ser-geant ser-vant ser-vice ser-vile ser-ving se-ven se-ver sex-ton sha-dow sham-bles shame-ful shame-less sharp-en she-kel shel-ter shep-herd she-riff shew-bread ship-board ship-wreck shi-ver short-ly sho-vel shoul-der show-er sic-kle sick-ness sig-net si-lence sil-ver sim-nel sim-ple si-new sin-ful sin-gle sin-less si-ster six-ty skil-ful skil-let skir-mish slack-ness slan-der slan-drous slaugh-ter slen-der sloth-ful slo-ven slum-ber slum-bring smo-ther sno-wy so-ber sock-et soft-ly so-journ so-lace so-lemn so-lid sor-did sore-ly sore-ness south-ward span-gle spar-kle spark-ling speck-led speech-less spee-dy spi-ces spi-der spike-nard spin-dle spi-rit spo-ken sprin-kle sprink-ling squa-dron squan-der sta-ble sta-blish stan-dard stan-dish stan-za sta-ple state-ly sta-tue sta-ture sta-tute stea-dy sted-fast stee-ple ster-ling stew-ard sti-pend sto-mach sto-ny sto-ry stor-my stran-ger stran-gle stream-er stream-ing strip-pling struc-ture strum-pet stu-dent stu-dy stum-ble stum-bling stur-dy stur-geon sub-ject sub-stance sub-til sub-urbs suck-ling su-et su-gar sul-phur sun-dry sure-ness sure-ty sur-face sur-feit sur-name sur-ly sur-plice sweet-ness sweet-ly swift-ly swift-ness symp-tom sy-nod sy-rup sy-stem T Ta-ble ta-bret tac-kle tack-ling ta-ken ta-lent tan-kard tan-sy ta-per tap-ster tar-dy tar-get tat-ler ta-vern taw-ny tay-lor teach-er teach-ing tem-per tem-pest tem-ple ten-der te-net te-nant te-nor te-nure te-ster tex-ture thank-ful thank-ing there-fore thick-et thick-ly thick-ness thim-ble third-ly thir-sty thi-stle thi-ther thought-ful thou-sand thral-dom three-fold thrif-ty thun-der thun-dring thurs-day ti-dings tim-ber tim-brel tinc-ture tin-der tin-gle tin-ker tin-kle tink-ling ti-tle to-ken to-pic tor-ment tor-toise tor-ture to-tal to-wards tow-el tow-er trac-tate tray-tor tram-ple tra-vel tra-verse trea-cle trea-son trea-sure tre-ble trem-ble trem-bling tren-cher tren-dle tres-pass tri-al tri-bute tric-kle tri-dent tri-fle tri-vet tri-umph tro-den tro-phy trou-ble tru-ant trum-pet trun-dle trus-ty tues-day tu-lip tum-ble tu-mour tu-mult tur-bant tur-nep tur-tle tur-key tu-tor twen-ty twi-light twin-kle twin-kled twin-kling ty-rant V Va-cant va-grant va-lour va-lue va-nish va-pour van-quish var-nish vel-vet ve-nom ven-ture ver-dict ver-ger ve-ry vest-ment ve-stry ve-sture vi-al vi-car vic-tor vi-gil vine-yard vint-ner vin-tage vi-ol vi-per vir-gin vir-tue vi-sage vi-sit vo-cal vo-lume vo-mit vow-el voy-age vul-gar vul-ture ug-ly um-brage um-pire un-cle un-der up-right up-roar up-ward ur-chin ur-gent ur-ging use-ful u-rine ut-most W Wa-fer wain-scot wa-ken wan-der wan-dring wan-ton war-fare watch-ful wa-ter weak-en weak-ness wea-pon wea-ry wea-ther wea-ver wea-ving wee-sel wel-come wel-fare whee-dle whee-dling whe-ther whim-sey whi-sper whis-tle whi-ther whole-some whore-dom whor-ing wick-ed wi-dow win-dow win-ter wis-dom witch-craft wi-ther wit-ness wi-zard wo-ful wo-man wo-men won-der won-dring world-ling world-ly work-ing work-man wor-ship worth-less wor-thy wo-ven wrath-ful wres-tle wrest-ler wrest-ling wrin-kle wrin-kled wrink-ling wri-ter wri-ting wrong-ing wrong-ful wrong-ly Y Year-ly yield-ing yeo-man yon-der young-ster youth-ful Z Zea-lot zea-lous Words of Two Syllables, accented on the latter Syllable. A A-Base A-bate ab-hor a-bide ab-jure a-board a-bode a-bove a-bound a-bout a-broad ab-scond ab-solve ab-stain ab-surd a-buse ac-quaint ac-quit a-cute a-dapt ad-here a-dieu ad-journ ad-jure ad-just ad-mire ad-mit a-do a-dopt a-dorn ad-vance ad-verse ad-vice ad-vise a-dult a-far a-float a-fore a-fraid a-fresh a-gain a-gainst a-go a-gree a-ground a-ha a-larm a-lass a-light a-like a-live a-loft a-lone a-loof a-loud al-though al-tho' a-maze a-mend a-miss a-mong a-mongst a-muse a-noint a-non a-pace a-part a-piece a-right a-rise a-scend a-scribe a-shore a-side a-sleep a-stray a-thirst a-tone a-vail a-vast a-venge a-verse a-vert aug-ment a-void a-vouch au-stere a-wake a-ward a-ware a-way B Ba-boon bap-tize be-came be-cause be-come be-fal be-fore be-gan be-gat be-get be-gin be-guile be-gun be-half be-held be-hests be-hove be-long be-moan be-neath be-queath be-reave be-reft be-seech be-seem be-set be-siege be-sides be-smear be-sought be-stead be-stir be-stow be-take be-think be-times be-tray be-troth be-tween be-wail be-ware be-witch be-wray be-yond blas-pheme bom-bast brac-ket bri-gade C Ca-bal ca-jole car-bine ca-reer ca-ress ca-shier ce-ment chas-tise co-heir com-bine com-pare com-pel com-pile com-plain com-pleat com-ply com-port com-pose com-prise com-pute con-ceal con-ceit con-ceive con-cern con-cise con-clude con-course con-cur con-demn con-dole con-duce con-fer con-fess con-fide con-firm con-form con-found con-front con-fute con-geal con-join con-sent con-serve con-sign con-sist con-spire con-strain con-strain con-sult con-sume con-tain con-temn con-tempt con-tend con-tract con-trive con-vert con-vey con-vict con-vince cou-rant D De-base de-bate de-bauch de-camp de-cay de-cease de-ceit de-ceive de-clare de-cline de-cree de-face de-fence de-flour de-fraud de-fray de-gree de-ject de-lay de-light de-lude de-mand de-mean de-mise de-mur de-nounce de-ny de-part de-pend de-pose de-prave de-prive de-ride de-scant de-scend de-sert de-serve de-sign de-sire de-sist de-spair de-spise de-stroy de-tain de-ter de-tract de-throne de-vice de-vise de-voir de-vote de-vour de-vout di-gest di-gress di-rect dis-cern dis-close dis-creet dis-dain dis-ease dis-grace dis-guise dis-gust dis-join dis-patch dis-pence dis-perse dis-please dis-pose dis-pute di-stil di-stress di-vest di-vide di-vine di-vorce di-vulge E E-clipse eigh-teen e-lect em-balm em-brace em-boss em-brew em-ploy en-camp en-dow en-due en-grave en-joy e-nough en-tail e-rect e-scape e-schew e-spy e-state e-steem e-vent ex-act ex-ceed ex-cel ex-cept ex-cess ex-change ex-clude ex-cuse ex-empt ex-hale ex-haust ex-hort ex-pect ex-pel ex-pense ex-pert ex-pire ex-plain ex-ploit ex-port ex-pose ex-pound ex-press ex-tend ex-tent ex-tol ex-tract ex-treme F Fa-tigue fer-ment fo-ment for-bear for-bid for-born fore-cast fore-know fore-see fore-seen fore-speak fore-tell fore-warn for-get for-give for-lorn for-sake for-swear for-sware for-sworn forth-with G Gen-teel H Ha-rangue here-by here-in here-to him-self I Im-bark im-bibe im-pair im-part im-peach im-pede im-plead im-plore im-port im-pose im-print im-pure im-pute in-chant in-cline in-close in-clude in-crease in-croach in-deed in-dorse in-duce in-dulge in-fect in-fer in-firm in-flame in-flect in-form in-fringe in-fuse in-graft in-ject in-join in-lay in-quire in-roll in-cert in-sert in-sist in-spect in-spire in-stall in-struct in-sult in-tend in-tent in-thrall in-treat in-trench in-vade in-veigh in-vent in-vite in-volve L La-ment lam-poon M Ma-chin main-prize main-tain man-kind ma-nure ma-ture me-thinks mi-nute mis-chance mis-deed mis-hap mis-gave mis-give mis-place mis-rule mis-take mis-trust mis-use. N Neg-lect. O O-bey ob-ject o-blige ob-scene ob-scure ob-serve ob-struct ob-tain or-dain out-bid out-brave out-did out-face out-live out-wit out-run out-shine P Pa-role par-take per-ceive per-due per-chance per-form per-fume per-haps per-mit per-plex per-sist per-swade per-tain per-vert po-lite por-tend pour-tray pre-cise pre-dict pre-fer pre-fix pre-mise pre-pare pre-sage pre-serve pre-sume pre-tend pre-tence pre-vail pre-vent pro-ceed pro-cess pro-claim pro-cure pro-duce pro-fane pro-fess pro-found pro-fuse pro-long pro-mote pro-pense pro-rogue pro-tect pro-test pro-tract pro-vide pro-voke pur-sue R Ra-goo re-bel re-bound re-buke re-call re-cent re-ceit re-ceipt re-ceive re-cess re-claim re-cord re-count re-cruit re-deem re-dound re-dress re-duce re-fer re-fine re-flect re-form re-frain re-fresh re-fund re-fuse re-fute re-gain re-gard re-hearse re-ject re-joice re-lapse re-late re-lease re-lent re-lief re-lieve re-ly re-main re-miss re-mit re-morse re-mise re-move re-new re-nounce re-nown re-pair re-pay re-peal re-peat re-pel re-pent re-pine re-ply re-pose re-port re-proach re-proof re-prove re-pute re-quest re-quire re-quite re-sent re-serve re-side re-sign re-sist re-solve re-sort re-spect re-spond re-sponse re-store re-strain re-strict re-stringe re-sult re-tain re-tard re-tent re-tire re-treat re-trench re-trieve re-turn re-veal re-venge re-verse re-vert re-view re-vile re-vise re-vive re-voke re-volt re-ward S Sa-lute se-clude se-cure se-date se-duce sin-cere six-teen sub-due sub-mit sub-merge sub-merse sub-lime sub-scribe sub-ject sub-serve sub-sist sub-tract sub-vert su-preme sur-mount sur-prize sus-pect sus-pend sus-pense sus-tain T Them-selves thence-forth there-in there-by there-fore there-from there-to thir-teen thir-ty through-out thro'-out tor-ment tor-toise tra-duce trans-act tran-scend trans-fer trans-form trans-gress trans-late trans-mit trans-pose trans-port tre-pan V Vouch-safe un-clean un-done u-nite un-just un-heard un-known un-lade un-less un-let un-like un-loose un-ripe un-sought un-taught un-tam'd un-til un-ty'd un-wise up-braid up-hold u-surp [...] See ECCO for prose excerpt. [...] See ECCO for prose excerpt. Words of Three Syllables, accented on the First Syllable. Tab. 1. A AB-di-cate ab-ro-gate ab-so-lute ab-sti-nence ac-ci-dence ac-ci-dent ac-cu-rate ac-ti-on ac-tu-ate ad-ja-cent ad-ju-tant ad-vo-cate ad-mi-ral af-fa-ble a-go-ny al-der-man a-li-en a-li-ment al-pha-bet am-bush-ment a-mi-ty am-nes-ty an-ci-ent a-ni-mate an-ti-christ anx-i-ous ap-pe-tite a-pri-cock a-que-duct a-ra-ble ar-chi-tect ar-gu-ment ar-mo-ry ar-ro-gant ar-ro-gate ar-te-ry ar-ti-cle at-tri-bute a-va-rice au-di-ble au-di-ence au-di-tor a-ve-nue au-gu-ry au-tho-rize B Ba-che-lor ba-nish-ed ba-nish-ment bar-ba-rism bar-ba-rous bar-ri-er bar-ris-ter bash-ful-ly bash-ful-ness ba-sti-on bat-che-lor bat-te-ry bat-tle-ment beau-ti-ful beau-ti-fy be-ne-fice be-ne-fit bi-got-try bla-ma-ble bit-ter-ly bit-ter-ness blun-der-buss blun-der-ing bo-di-ly boi-ster-ous bot-tom-less boun-ti-ful bra-ve-ry bre-vi-ty bri-be-ry bri-gan-dine bro-ther-hood bro-ther-ly bul-li-on bur-den-some bul-li-on bur-den-some bu-ri-al bu-si-ness C Ca-bi-net cal-cu-late cal-vi-nist ca-pi-tal cap-ti-ous cap-ti-vate car-di-nal car-pen-ter car-pen-try car-ri-age car-ry-ing car-ri-on ca-su-al ca-su-ist ca-te-chism ca-ta-logue ca-tho-lick ca-val-ry ca-ve-at cau-te-rize cau-ti-on ce-le-brate cen-tu-ry cer-ti-fie cham-ber-lain cham-pi-on chan-cel-lor cha-ra-cter cha-pi-ter cha-ri-ot cha-ri-ty chi-val-ry chri-sti-an chy-mi-cal chy-mi-stry ci-me-tar cin-na-mon cir-cu-lar cir-cu-late cir-cum-flex cir-cum-spect cir-cum-stance ci-ti-zen cla-mor-ing cla-mor-ous cla-ri-fie clas-si-cal clean-li-ly clean-li-ness cle-men-cy cle-ver-ly cle-ver-ness co-di-cil cog-ni-zance co-lan-der co-lo-ny col-lo-quy co-me-dy co-mi-cal com-fort-less com-mo-ner com-pa-ny com-pe-tent com-pli-ment com-plai-sant con-cu-bine con-fe-rence con-fi-dence con-fi-dent con-gru-ent con-gru-ous con-ju-gal con-ju-rer con-ju-ring con-que-ror con-sci-ence con-sci-ous con-se-crate con-se-quence con-so-nant con-sta-ble con-stan-cy con-stant-ly con-sti-tute con-ti-nence con-ti-nent con-tra-ry con-ver-sant con-ver-sing co-pi-ous co-pu-late cor-di-al cor-mo-rant co-ro-ner cor-po-ral cor-pu-lent cost-li-ness cost-li-ly cot-ta-ges co-ve-nant co-ve-ting co-ve-tous coun-sel-lor coun-te-nance coun-ter-feit coun-ter-pane coun-ter-poise cour-te-ous cour-te-sie craf-ti-ly craf-ti-ness cre-di-ble cre-di-tor cri-mi-nal cri-ti-cal cro-co-dile cru-ci-fie cru-ci-ble cru-di-ty cru-el-ty cu-bi-cal cu-cum-ber cul-lan-der cul-pa-ble cul-ti-vate cu-ri-ous cu-shi-on cu-sto-dy cu-sto-mer cy-lin-der. D Dam-na-ble dam-ni-fie dan-ge-rous de-cen-cy de-di-cate de-i-fy de-i-ty de-li-cate de-ni-zen de-pre-cate de-pu-ty de-ro-gate de-so-late de-spe-rate de-sti-ny de-sti-tute de-tri-ment de-vi-ate di-a-dem di-a-gram di-a-lect di-a-logue di-a-mond di-a-per di-a-ry dif-fi-cult dif-fi-dence dif-fi-dent dig-ni-ty di-li-gence di-li-gent di-o-cess dis-ci-pline dis-si-pate dis-so-lute dis-so-nant doc-tri-nal do-cu-ment do-na-tive dow-a-ger dra-pe-ry drow-si-ly drow-si-ness drud-ge-ry drunk-en-ness du-bi-ous dul-ci-mer dun-ge-on du-pli-cate du-ra-ble du-ti-ful. E Ea-ger-ly eat-a-ble e-bo-ny e-di-fice e-di-fie e-du-cate e-le-gance e-le-gant e-le-ment e-le-phant e-le-vate e-lo-quence e-lo-quent em-bas-sy em-bry-o e-me-rod e-mi-nent em-per-or em-pha-sis e-mi-nence e-mi-nent em-py-ric e-mu-late e-ner-gy en-ter-prize en-ti-ty en-vi-ous e-qui-page e-qui-ty e-sti-mate e-vi-dence ex-cel-lence ex-cel-lent ex-cre-ment ex-e-cute ex-er-cise ex-pli-cate ex-qui-site ex-ta-sy. F Fa-bu-late fa-bu-lous fa-cile-ness fac-ti-on fac-ti-ous fa-cul-ty fac-to-ry fal-la-cy fal-li-ble fal-si-ty fa-mi-ly fa-mi-shed fa-shi-on fat-ten-ing fea-ver-ish fe-al-ty fel-low-ship fer-ven-cy fer-vent-ness fe-ru-la fe-sti-val fe-sti-vous fic-ti-on fil-thi-ness fi-li-al fir-ma-ment fi-stu-la fi-stu-lous foo-lish-ly foo-lish-ness fop-pe-ry fop-pish-ness for-ge-ry for-ti-fy for-tu-nate for-ward-ly for-ward-ness frank-in-cense frau-du-lent fre-quen-cy fre-quent-ly fre-quent-ness fruc-ti-fy fru-gal-ly fru-gal-ness fu-gi-tive fu-ne-ral fu-ri-ous fur-ni-shed fur-nish-ing fur-ni-ture fur-ri-er fur-ther-ing fur-the-rance fur-ther-more G Gal-lant-ly gal-lant-ry gal-le-ry gar-den-er gar-den-ing ga-ri-son ge-ne-ral ge-ne-rate ge-ne-rous gen-tle-man ge-nu-in gib-ber-ish gib-bous-ness gid-di-ness gloo-mi-ness glu-ti-nous glut-ton-ous glut-to-ny gor-gi-ous go-vern-ment gra-ci-ous gra-du-al gra-du-ate gra-ti-tude gras-hop-per gras-si-ness gun-pow-der. H Ha-bi-ted ha-bi-tude hand-ker-chief hap-pi-ly hap-pi-ness har-bin-ger har-mo-ny ha-zar-dous head-bo-rough heed-ful-ly heed-les-ly heed-les-ness he-morr-hage hep-tar-chy he-re-sy he-re-tic he-ri-tage hin-der-most his-to-ry hi-ther-to ho-li-ly ho-li-ness ho-ma-ger ho-mi-cide ho-mi-ly ho-ri-zon hor-ri-ble hor-rid-ly hor-rid-ness hos-pi-tal hus-ban-dry hus-band-man hy-po-crite I I-di-om i-di-ot i-dle-ness ig-no-ble ig-no-rance ig-no-rant i-mi-tate im-mi-nent im-pel-led im-pel-ling im-ple-ment im-pli-cate im-po-tence im-po-tent im-pre-cate im-pu-dence im-pu-dent in-ci-dence in-ci-dent in-di-gence in-di-gent in-fa-mous in-fa-my in-fan-cy in-fi-del in-fi-nite in-flu-ence in-ner-most in-no-cence in-no-cent in-so-lence in-so-lent in-stan-cy in-stant-ness in-stant-ly in-sti-gate in-sti-tute in-stru-ment in-tel-lect in-ter-course in-ter-est in-ter-val in-ter-view in-ter-weave in-ter-wove in-ti-mate in-tri-cate in-vo-cate J Jea-lou-sly jea-lous-ness jea-lou-sy jew-el-ler je-june-ness je-june-ly jeo-par-dy je-su-it jo-cu-lar jo-vi-al ju-ni-or ju-sti-fie I-vo-ry K Ka-len-der ka-len-ture kid-nap-per kil-der-kin kins-wo-man L La-by-rinth la-ce-rate la-i-ty la-ni-ate lar-ce-ny la-ti-tude lar-ges-ses le-che-rous le-che-ry le-ga-cy le-gi-ble le-gi-on le-ni-ty le-pro-sy le-ve-ret le-vi-ty li-be-ral li-be-rate li-ber-tine li-ber-ty li-bra-ry li-o-ness like-li-hood lim-ping-ly lim-ping-ness lip-pi-tude list-les-ly list-les-ness lo-cal-ness lo-ga-rithm lone-li-ness lon-gi-tude lu-na-cy lu-na-tic lu-sci-ous lust-ful-ly lust-ful-ness lus-ting-ly "lustingly(adv)" not found in OED. lux-a-ted lux-u-ry. M Ma-ce-rate ma-gi-strate ma-jes-ty mag-ni-fy main-te-nance ma-ni-fest ma-ni-fold man-ner-ly man-si-on ma-nu-al ma-nu-mit ma-nu-script mar-ca-site ma-ri-nade ma-ri-nate ma-ri-gold ma-ri-ner mar-jo-ram mar-ma-lade mar-ma-let mar-shal-sea mar-ti-al mar-tle-mass "martlemass(n)" not found in OED. mar-tyr-dom mar-vel-ling mar-vel-lous mar-vel-led ma-scu-line mas-sa-cre ma-ster-less ma-ste-ry ma-tri-cide me-di-al me-di-an me-di-ate me-di-cine me-di-tate me-lo-dy me-mo-ry men-di-cant men-di-cate men-stru-ous men-tal-ly men-ti-on men-su-rate mer-chan-dise mer-chant-like mer-ci-ful mer-ci-less mes-sen-ger migh-ti-ly migh-ti-ness mi-li-tant mil-le-ner mil-li-on mi-ne-ral mi-ni-ster mi-ni-strate mi-ra-cle mi-se-ry mi-ti-gate mit-ti-mus mo-bi-le mo-de-rate mo-di-fie mo-du-late mol-li-fie mo-nar-chy mo-nu-ment mor-ti-fie mo-ti-on moun-tain-ous moun-te-bank mourn-ful-ly mourn-ful-ness mul-ti-ple mul-ti-ply mul-ti-tude mu-si-cal mu-ta-ble mu-ti-ny mu-ti-nous mu-tu-al my-ri-ad my-ste-ry my-sti-cal. N Nar-ra-tive nar-row-ly nar-row-ness na-ti-on na-tu-ral na-vi-gate naugh-ti-ness ne-ga-tive ne-gli-gence ne-gli-gent ne-mi-ne ner-vous-ness ne-ther-most ni-ce-ty nig-gard-ly nigh-tin-gale no-mi-nate no-ta-ble no-ta-ry no-ti-fie no-ti-on no-vel-ty nou-rish-ing nou-rish-ment num-ber-ing num-ber-less nu-me-rous nun-ne-ry nup-ti-al nur-se-ry nu-tri-ment O Ob-du-rate ob-se-quy ob-so-lete ob-sta-cle ob-sti-nate ob-vi-ous oc-ca-sion oc-cu-py o-ce-an o-cu-list o-di-ous o-dor-ous of-fi-cer oil-i-ness o-mi-nate o-mi-nous o-ne-rate o-ni-on o-pe-rate op-po-nent op-po-ser op-po-site o-pu-lence o-pu-lent op-pug-ner o-ra-cle o-ra-tor or-na-ment or-pi-ment or-to-lan or-tho-dox os-si-frage o-ther-wise o-ver-cast o-ver-born o-ver-come o-ver-laid o-ver-seen o-ver-sight out-law-ry out-ward-ly. P Pa-ci-fie pain-ful-ly pain-ful-ness pa-li-sade pal-li-ate pan-ta-bles pan-tof-fles pan-tle-dy "pantledy(adv)" not found in OED. pa-pa-cy pa-ra-dise pa-ra-graph pa-ra-clete pa-ra-dox pa-ral-lel pa-ra-site pa-ri-ty pa-ren-tage par-ri-cide par-ti-al par-ti-cle pas-si-on pa-ti-ence pa-ti-ent pau-ci-ty peace-a-ble pe-da-gogue pe-di-cle pe-di-gree pe-li-can pe-nal-ly pe-nal-ty pe-ne-trate pe-nu-ry pen-si-on per-ju-red per-ju-ry per-pe-trate per-qui-site per-se-cute per-ti-nent per-tur-bate pes-ti-lence pe-sti-lent pe-tu-lance pe-tu-lant pha-ri-sees pi-e-ty pi-ge-on pil-lo-ry pin-na-cle plen-ti-ful pli-a-ble pli-ant-ly pli-ant-ness po-e-try po-li-cy po-li-tick pon-de-rate pon-de-rous po-ni-ard po-pe-ry po-pu-lace po-pu-lar po-pu-late po-pu-lous por-ta-ble por-ti-on po-si-tive pos-si-ble po-ten-tate po-ver-ty pour-trai-ture pow-er-ful prac-ti-cal pre-am-ble pre-ce-dent pre-ci-ous pre-ci-pice pre-ju-dice pre-la-cy pre-mi-ses pres-by-ter pre-si-dent pre-va-lent pre-vail-ing pre-vi-ous prin-ci-pal prin-ci-ple pri-so-ner pri-vi-lege pri-vi-ly pro-ba-ble pro-ba-bly pro-bi-ty pro-di-gal pro-di-gy pro-fi-ted pro-fi-ting pro-fli-gate pro-ge-ny pro-mi-nence pro-mi-nent pro-pa-gate pro-per-ly pro-per-ty pro-se-cute pro-se-lyte pro-spe-rous pro-sti-tute pro-te-stant pro-ven-der pro-vi-dence psal-mo-dy psal-te-ry pub-li-can pub-lick-ly punc-tu-al pu-nish-ing pu-nish-ment pu-ri-fie pu-ri-ty pur-si-vant pu-tri-fie py-ra-mid py-ra-ting Qua-dran-gle qua-li-fie qua-li-ty quan-ti-ty quar-rel-ling quar-rel-ler quar-rel-som que-ru-lous ques-ti-on quint-es-sence quo-ti-ent. R Ra-di-ant ra-di-cal ra-di-cle ra-di-us ra-pi-er ra-ri-ty ra-ve-nous rea-di-ness re-com-mend re-com-pence rec-ti-fie re-gi-cide re-gi-ment t re-gi-on re-gi-ster re-gu-lar re-gu-late re-la-tive re-me-dy re-ne-gade re-pro-bate re-qui-em re-qui-site re-si-dence re-si-due re-tro-grade re-ve-rence re-ve-rend rib-bal-dry righ-te-ous ri-go-rous ri-vu-let rob-be-ry rogu-e-ry roy-al-ty roy-al-ly ru-di-ment ruf-fi-an ru-mi-nate S Sa-cra-ment sa-cri-fice sa-cri-lege sa-cri-stan sad-du-ces sa-la-ry sanc-ti-fie sanc-ti-ty sa-ti-ate sa-tis-fie sa-tu-rate sa-tur-day sa-vi-our sa-vo-ry sca-ven-ger scal-li-on scor-pi-on scrip-tu-ral scru-pu-lous scru-ti-ny scul-li-on sea-son-ed sea-son-ing se-cre-cy sec-ti-on se-cu-lar se-na-tor se-ni-or sen-si-ble sen-si-tive sen-su-al se-pa-rate se-pul-chre ser-ge-ant ser-je-ant se-ri-ous ser-vi-tor ser-vi-tude ses-si-ons se-ve-ral sig-ni-fie si-mi-le sin-gu-lar si-ni-ster si-tu-ate slip-pe-ry sol-di-er sooth-say-er so-phi-ster sor-cer-er sor-ce-ry sor-row-ful spa-ci-ous spa-ni-el spe-ci-al spe-ci-fie spe-ci-men spe-ci-ous spec-ta-cle sphe-ri-cal spu-ri-ous squa-ma-ted squi-nan-cy sta-blish-ed sta-blish-ment sta-ti-on stig-ma-tize sto-ma-cher sto-mach-ful stra-ta-gem straw-ber-ry stre-nu-ous stu-di-ous stu-pi-fie stu-pra-ted sub-se-quent sub-se-quence sub-si-dy sub-sti-tute sub-til-ly sub-til-ty suc-ces-sor suc-ceed-ing suf-fra-gan suit-a-ble sum-ma-ry sump-tu-ous sup-per-less sup-pu-rate sup-pli-cant sup-pli-cate sur-cin-gle sure-ti-ship sur-ro-gate sus-te-nance sy-ca-more sy-co-phant syl-la-ble syl-lo-gism syl-lo-gize sym-pa-thy sym-pa-thize sy-na-gogue T Ta-bu-late ta-pes-try te-di-ous tem-pe-rance tem-pe-rate tem-po-ral tem-po-rize ten-der-ly ten-der-ness ter-mi-nate ter-ri-ble ter-ti-an te-sta-ment te-sti-fie thie-ve-ry the-o-ry ti-mo-rous ti-tu-lar to-le-rate trac-ta-ble tra-ge-dy tra-gi-cal trea-che-rous tri-ni-ty tri-vi-al tru-ant-ing trum-pe-ter tur-bu-lence tur-bu-lent tur-pen-tine tur-pi-tude tym-pa-ny ty-pi-cal ty-ran-ny ty-ran-nize V Va-can-cy va-ca-ted va-cu-um va-ga-bond va-li-ant va-ni-ty va-ri-ance va-ri-ous ve-he-mence ve-he-ment ven-di-ble ve-ne-mous ve-ne-ry ven-ge-ance ve-ni-al ve-ni-son ver-di-grease ve-ri-fy ve-ri-ly ve-ri-ty ve-te-ran vi-ca-rage vic-to-ry vic-tu-als vi-gi-lant vi-go-rous vil-la-ny vi-li-fie vin-di-cate vi-ne-gar vi-o-late vi-o-lence vi-o-let vir-gi-nals vir-tu-ous vi-si-ble vi-si-on vi-si-ting vi-ti-ous vi-tri-ol ul-ce-rate ul-ti-mate un-a-wares unc-ti-on u-ni-corn u-ni-form u-ni-on u-ni-son u-ni-ty u-ni-verse u-ri-nal u-su-al u-su-rer u-su-ry ut-ter-ance ut-ter-ly ut-ter-most. W Way-fa-ring watch-ful-ly watch-ful-ness wea-ri-ness wea-ri-some whit-son-tide whim-si-cal wick-ed-ness wi-dow-er wi-dow-hood wil-der-ness won-der-ful work-man-ship wor-thi-ness wretch-ed-ness wrong-ful-ly. Y Yel-low-ish yes-ter-day youth-ful-ly youth-ful-ness. Z Zea-lous-ly zo-di-ack. TABLE Words of Three Syllables, accented on the Middle Syllable. A A-ban-don a-bate-ment a-bo-lish a-bor-tion a-bor-tive ab-hor-rence a-boun-ding ab-sol-ved a-bun-dance a-bun-dant a-bu-sive ac-cep-tance ac-cep-ted ac-com-plice ac-com-plish ac-know-ledge ac-quain-tance ac-quain-ted ac-quain-ting ad-dict-ed ad-mo-nish ad-van-tage ad-ven-ture ad-ver-tise ad-vow-son a-gree-ment al-be-it al-low-ance al-migh-ty al-rea-dy a-ma-zed a-ma-zing a-maze-ment an-cho-vy a-part-ment a-pos-tle ap-pa-rel ap-point-ed ap-point-ing ap-point-ment ap-pren-tice as-sa-sin as-sem-ble as-su-rance as-su-red as-to-nish a-sun-der a-tone-ment at-ten-tive at-tor-ney au-then-tic. B Bal-co-ny be-gin-ner be-gin-ning be-spat-ter be-to-ken bra-va-do C Ca-na-ry ca-the-dral chas-tise-ment clan-des-tine co-e-qual co-he-rence co-he-rent col-lec-tor com-mand-ed com-mand-er com-mand-ing com-port-ment con-fine-ment con-fi-scate con-jec-ture con-junc-ture con-si-der con-sis-tence con-sis-tent con-sump-tive con-tem-plate con-tent-ment con-tin-gent con-ti-nue con-tri-bute con-tri-vance con-tri-ver cord-wain-er cor-rup-ted cor-rupt-ly cor-rupt-ness cre-a-tor. D De-can-ter de-ceas-ed ob-ser-va-ti-on oc-cu-pa-ti-on o-do-ri-fe-rous o-pe-ra-ti-on op-por-tu-ni-ty op-po-si-ti-on or-di-na-ti-on o-sten-ta-ti-on P Par-si-mo-ni-ous par-ti-a-li-ty per-pen-di-cu-lar per-pe-tu-ity per-spi-cu-i-ty per-spi-ra-ti-on per-tur-ba-ti-on pe-sti-len-ti-al pos-si-bi-li-ty pre-pa-ra-ti-on pre-ser-va-ti-on pri-mo-ge-ni-ture prin-ci-pa-li-ty pro-cla-ma-ti-on pro-di-ga-li-ty pro-hi-bi-ti-on pro-pa-ga-ti-on pro-ro-ga-ti-on pro-vi-den-ti-al pro-vo-ca-ti-on pub-li-ca-ti-on pu-sil-la-ni-mous pu-tre-fac-ti-on Q Qua-dra-ge-si-ma quin-qua-ge-si-ma quint-es-sen-ti-al R Re-can-ta-ti-on re-col-lec-ti-on re-cre-a-ti-on re-for-ma-ti-on re-gu-la-ri-ty re-lax-a-ti-on re-no-va-ti-on re-pe-ti-ti-on re-pre-hen-si-on re-pre-sen-ta-tive re-pro-ba-ti-on re-pu-ta-ti-on re-ser-va-ti-on re-so-lu-ti-on re-sto-ra-ti-on re-sur-rec-ti-on re-tri-bu-ti-on re-ve-la-ti-on re-ve-ren-ti-al re-vo-lu-ti-on S Sa-cri-le-gi-ous sa-lu-ta-ti-on sa-tis-fac-ti-on se-pa-ra-ti-on sin-gu-la-ri-ty si-tu-a-ti-on spe-cu-la-tion suf-fo-ca-ti-on su-per-na-tu-ral su-per-fi-ci-al su-per-scrip-ti-on su-per-sti-ti-on sup-pli-ca-ti-on sup-po-si-ti-on sur-rep-ti-ti-ous syl-lo-gis-ti-cal T Ter-mi-na-ti-on tes-ti-mo-ni-al the-o-lo-gi-cal to-le-ra-ti-on trans-for-ma-ti-on trans-mu-ta-ti-on trans-por-ta-ti-on tri-bu-la-ti-on V Va-le-dic-ti-on va-ri-a-ti-on ve-ge-ta-ti-on ve-ne-ra-ti-on vin-di-ca-ti-on vi-o-la-ti-on vi-si-ta-ti-on un-ac-cep-ta-ble un-ad-vi-sed-ly un-a-void-a-ble un-de-ni-a-ble u-ni-for-mi-ty u-ni-ver-si-ty un-re-pro-va-ble The Accent on the last Syllable but one. Ad-mi-ni-stra-tor ex-pe-ri-men-tal hy-po-chon-dri-ach mis-un-der-stand-ing whi-ther-so-e-ver [...] See ECCO for prose excerpt. [...] See ECCO for prose excerpt. TABLE Words of Six Syllables, accented on the second Syllable PRo-por-ti-o-na-ble un-fa-shi-o-na-ble un-ques-ti-o-na-ble Words accented on the Third Syllable. COn-gre-ga-ti-o-nal con-sci-en-ti-ous-ly dis-pro-por-ti-o-nate ex-tra-or-di-na-ry in-com-men-su-ra-ble in-de-fa-ti-ga-ble su-per-nu-me-ra-ry Words accented on the Fourth Syllable. AB-bre-vi-a-ti-on a-bo-mi-na-ti-on ac-com-mo-da-ti-on ad-mi-ni-stra-ti-on a-ni-mad-ver-si-on an-ni-hi-la-ti-on an-nun-ci-a-ti-on an-ti-mo-nar-chi-cal ar-chi-e-pis-co-pal a-rith-me-ti-ci-an a-ri-sto-cra-ti-cal as-sas-si-na-ti-on as-se-ve-ra-ti-on as-so-ci-a-ti-on C Ca-pi-tu-la-ti-on ce-re-mo-ni-ous-ly cir-cum-lo-cu-ti-on cir-cum-vo-lu-ti-on co-es-sen-ti-a-li-ty com-me-mo-ra-ti-on com-mu-ni-ca-ti-on con-ti-nu-a-ti-on D De-li-be-ra-ti-on de-li-ne-a-ti-on de-no-mi-na-ti-on de-ter-mi-na-ti-on di-la-pi-da-ti-on dis-ad-van-ta-gi-ous dis-re-pu-ta-ti-on dis-si-mu-la-ti-on E Ec-cle-si-a-sti-cal e-di-fi-ca-ti-on e-ja-cu-la-ti-on en-thu-si-as-ti-cal e-qui-vo-ca-ti-on e-ra-di-ca-ti-on e-va-cu-a-ti-on ex-a-mi-na-ti-on ex-as-pe-ra-ti-on ex-pos-tu-la-ti-on ex-te-nu-a-ti-on ex-tra-va-sa-ti-on F Fa-mi-li-a-ri-ty for-ti-fi-ca-ti-on fruc-ti-fi-ca-ti-on G Ge-ne-ra-lis-si-mo glo-ri-fi-ca-ti-on gra-ti-fi-ca-ti-on H He-te-ro-ge-ne-ous hu-mi-li-a-ti-on I I-ma-gi-na-ti-on in-com-pre-hen-si-ble im-par-ti-a-li-ty im-mu-ta-bi-li-ty in-fal-li-bi-li-ty in-sen-si-bi-li-ty in-ter-pre-ta-ti-on in-ter-ro-ga-ti-on ir-re-gu-la-ri-ty M Ma-the-ma-ti-ci-an mis-ap-pre-hen-si-on mo-di-fi-ca-ti-on mor-ti-fi-ca-ti-on mul-ti-pli-ca-ti-on N Ne-go-ti-a-ti-on O Obe-di-en-ti-al P Pre-de-sti-na-ti-on pro-cra-sti-na-ti-on pro-nun-ci-a-ti-on pro-pi-ti-a-ti-on pro-por-ti-o-na-ble pu-ri-fi-ca-ti-on Q Qua-li-fi-ca-ti-on R Ra-ti-fi-ca-ti-on re-com-men-da-ti-on re-ge-ne-ra-ti-on re-pre-sen-ta-ti-on re-ta-li-a-ti-on S Sanc-ti-fi-ca-ti-on sig-ni-fi-ca-ti-on so-lem-ni-za-ti-on sub-or-di-na-ti-on su-pe-ri-o-ri-ty T Trans-fi-gu-ra-ti-on U Un-cir-cum-ci-si-on u-ni-ver-sa-li-ty Words of seven Syllables, accented on the fifth Syllable BE-a-ti-fi-ca-ti-on con-sub-stan-ti-a-ti-on dis-con-ti-nu-a-ti-on e-le-e-mo-sy-na-ry ex-com-mu-ni-ca-ti-on na-tu-ra-li-za-ti-on ra-ti-o-ci-na-ti-on re-ca-pi-tu-la-ti-on re-con-ci-li-a-ti-on su-per-er-ro-ga-ti-on tran-sub-stan-ti-a-ti-on Words of eight Syllables, accented on the sixth Syllable. In-com-mu-ni-ca-bi-li-ty In-com-pre-hen-si-bi-li-ty [...] See ECCO for prose excerpt. [...] See ECCO for prose excerpt. Proper Names of One Syllable. Ai Aire Aix Ann Bath Bede Bel Ben Blanch Bon Booth Boyn Briel Brown Caen Cain Charles Christ Claude Cleeve Creech Crete Cush Dan Dane Dart Delft Diepe Dikes Dort Dutch Elb Elms Er Eve Fez France French Fulk Gad Gath Garth Gaul George Ghent Gouge Greece Guise Hague Hor Hugh Hull Hur Jah James Jane Jew Joan Job John Jove Joyce Jude June Kam Kent Kish Lime Lisle Lot Luke Luz Lyn Maese Mark Mars Marsh May Medes Mentz Metz Mons Nants Nice Nile Nob Nod Noph Og Owze Pain Pat Paul Phut Pearse Pierce Pul Ralph Rhine Rhodes Rhone Roan Rome Rose Ruth Saul Sem Seir Seth Shem Shur Shute Spain Spires Swede Thames Thebes Toul Tours Trent Troy Tweed Tyre Tur Uz Wales Ware Wells York Ziph Souch Zur Proper Names of two Syllables, accented on the first Syllable. Aa-ron A-bel Ab-ner A-chish A-chor Ach-sah Ach-zib A-dam