¶ THE CANTICLES or Balades of Salomon, phraselyke decla­ red in Englysh Me­ tres, by Wil­ liam Bal­ dwin. ¶ Halleluiah. Syng to the lord sum plesaunt song Of matter fresh and newe: Vnto his Churche it doth belong His prayses to renewe. Psalme. cxviii. M. D. XLIX. ¶ The interpretacion of the Hebrue wurdes. AMana, signifieth Truth. Ammadaf, signifieth People wel willyng, or vnder tribute. B Bather, Diuision, Pride, Trouble. Bathrabim, Gatheryng to gether. Baal hamon, Full of people. C Carmel, A circumcised Lambe. D Damascus, A field of blud. E Engaddi, The iye or fountayne of a Kyd. G Gileal, An heap of witnes. H Hermon, Cursyng or Accursednes. Hesebon, is the name of a watrie grounde. L Libanus, Beautie or Clerenes. S Salomon, Peacefull, or a quiet person. Sculamite, A peaceful or glorious woman. Sanir, the name of Hermon, as the Amorites call it. Finis.