l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 2 7 6 8 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) THE CANTICLES or Balades of Salomon, phraselyke decla­ red in Englysh Me­ tres, by Wil­ liam Bal­ dwin. Halleluiah. Syng to the lord sum plesaunt song Of matter fresh and newe: Vnto his Churche it doth belong His prayses to renewe. Psalme. cxviii. M. D. XLIX. The interpretacion of the Hebrue wurdes. AMana, signifieth Truth. Ammadaf, signifieth People wel willyng, or vnder tribute. B Bather, Diuision, Pride, Trouble. Bathrabim, Gatheryng to gether. Baal hamon, Full of people. C Carmel, A circumcised Lambe. D Damascus, A field of blud. E Engaddi, The iye or fountayne of a Kyd. G Gileal, An heap of witnes. H Hermon, Cursyng or Accursednes. Hesebon, is the name of a watrie grounde. L Libanus, Beautie or Clerenes. S Salomon, Peacefull, or a quiet person. Sculamite, A peaceful or glorious woman. Sanir, the name of Hermon, as the Amorites call it. Finis.