Abra-Mulè: OR, A TRUE HISTORY Of the Dethronement of MAHOMET IV. Written in French by M. Le Noble. Made English by J.P. London, Printed for R. Clavel at the peacock near St. Dun­ stan's Church in Fleet-street. 1696. An Explication of the Turkish Terms contain'd in this History. SUltan. The Emperor of the Turks. Sultaness Validè. The Sultaness, Mother of the Sultan. Sultaness Asseki. The principal favourite Sultaness. Grand Visir. Chief Minister of the Ottoman Empire. Mufti. Chief Priest. Iman. A Doctor, or Preacher of the Alcoran. Dervis. A Turkish Monk. Alcoran. The Mahometan's Bible. Mosquee. A Mahometan Temple. Seraskier. A General of an Army. Basha. A Governor. Kaimakan. High Marshall of the Houshold, and Governour of Constantinople. Janisaries. The Turkish Infantry, the Sultan's Guards. Aga. Collonel of the Janisaries. Serraglio. The Sultan's Palace. Kiaia. A Lieutenant. Kisler Agasi. Chief of the black Eunuchs, and superintendent of the Serraglio. Kisler Kiasi. Deputy to the Kisler Agasi. Grand Teftardar. Lord Treasurer. Bostangi Bachi. Superintendent of the Sultan's Palaces, Gardens and Buildings, or chief Sur­ veyor. "Bostangi" is an OED headword, and "Bostangi Bachi(n)" appears in a citation dated 1688 ("steerage," n., 1.c.). Bostangi. A Gardner. Dragoman. An Interpreter. Catacheriff. A Decree of the Sultan. Fetfa. A decree of the Mufti. Timar. A Feofment for Life.