l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 1 6 6 1 2 a . 7 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) An Argument, wherin the appa­ raile of women is both reproued and defen­ ded. ANNO MDLI. A table of suche wordes as the reder smally skilled, shall not well perceiue. ASses, cometh of as, assis, a small coyne amonge the Ro­ maynes .x. of them dyd coun­ trevayle our sterlyng grote. fiue thousande amounteth to viii. li. vi. s. viii. d. sterlyng. Auentinus, an hill at Rome. Banke, is the place of exchange, or takyng of money vpon interest. Capitoll, was the fortresse and chiefe place of Rome, where the Senate assembled in councell. Consules, were two chiefe officers of the citee of Rome, whiche were chosen euery yere, and bare hyghest authoritee in the common wealth. Censor, a iudge of mens maners. Also such one as was appoynted to value mens goodes. Colonies were certaine nombres of people sent out of Rome to inhabite the coun­ treis conquered by theim. Curules, were little cartes or dreies, ha­ uyng in theim chaiers of yuory, wherin there satte certayne officers, whiche had the charge and ouersyght of the buildyn­ ges in Rome: sometyme it is vsed for the same officers. "Curules" antedates the OED first occurrence (1695). Holy hill, whan the people rebelled against their rulers, they toke those places for their strength: and kept them till they had their willes. Idea, the mother of the goddes. Mercenarii, hyred souldiours. Matrones, were the citesyns wyues of Rome. Martius Coriolanus, a noble Romayne, who beyng vnkyndely exiled out of his countrey, prouoked a people cald Volsci to warre against them: and woulde by no meane be pacified: but by the onely in­ treatie of his mother, that made him re­ tire from his enterprise. Pretor, in the olde tyme was euery officer, that had the rule of any army. Afterward he that had iudicial authoritee, as it were the chiefe iudge, and had other iudges sit­ tyng vnder him. Phrygia, a realme in Asia the lesse. Pyrrhus, a king of Epyre, that made warre to the Romaynes. Publicanes, were certayne fermours that toke the customes and other publike re­ uenues in fee ferme. Publike, is as much to say, as the common. "Publike" as a noun antedates the first OED citation in this sense ("public," adj. and n., B.n.2a). Punike warres, were the warres betwene the Carthaginenses and the Romaynes. Siracusa, a notable citee in Sicilia, called at this daie Sarragose. Sabines were a people dwellyng neere Rome ynes (hauy ) raui­ shed, for encr cion. Suffrages, the sembled, in geuyng their Assent. Tribunes, were certayne officers ordeyned as proctours for the common people to mainteyne the peoples libertee. Tribuniciall sedicion, sedicion sturred vp by the Tribunes in the behalfe of the people. "Tribunicial" antedates the first OED citation (1598). Tribe, a warde, a part of the people, some­ tyme diuided in three partes. Volsci, were a people of Italie, enemies to the Romaines. FINIS TABVLAE. IMPRINTED AT London in Fletestrete, in the house of Thomas Berthelet. Cum priuilegio ad impri­ mendum solum.