l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 2 2 4 0 9 . 5 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) ¶ We may knowe by this fygure the bones and Ioyntes of all the partyes of the body as well within as withoute / of the heed / necke / sholdres / armes handes / sydes / breste / backe / haun­ ches / thyghes / knees / legges & of the fete. The whiche bones shall be named and nombred here after / and it is called the fy­ gure anoyhomye. ¶ By this fygure one may vnderstande the partyes of man­ nes body ouer the whiche the planettes hathe myght and do­ mynacyon to kepe them frome touchynge of ony yron / ne to make incysyon of blode in the vaynes that procedeth in theyr I ¶ In the sydes betwene the wombe and the haunche ben two vaynes/ of the whiche that of the ryght syde is leten blode for the dropsye / and that of the lefte syde for ony sekenes that co­ meth about the mylte / & they sholde blede after that the persones be fatte or lene take good hede at foure fyngers nye the incisy­ on/ and also they ought not to make suche bledynge without the counsayll of the surgyen. k ¶ In euery fote ben thre vaynes / of the whiche one is vnder the ancle of the fote named sophane the whiche is leten blode for to dymynysshe and put out dyuers humoures / as botches and apostomes that cometh about the graynes / and it prouf­ fyteth moche to women for to cause theyr menstruosyte to dy­ scende / and to fyxe and emoroides that cometh in the secrete places / and suche other lyke. L ¶ Betwene the wrest of the fote and the grete too is a vayne the whiche is leten blode for dyuers sekenesses and inconueny­ ences / as the pestylence that taketh a persone sodaynly by the grete superhabundaunce of humoures / & this bledyng must be made within a nuturall day / that is to wete within .xxiiii. hou­ res after that the sekenes is taken on the pacyent / and before the feuer come on hym / and this bledyng ought to be done af­ ter the corpolence of the pacyent. M ¶ In the angles or corners of the eyen ben two vaynes the whiche ben leten blode for the reednes of the eyen / or watry / or that renneth contynually / and for dyuers other sekenesses that may happen and come by ouer grete habundaunce of hu­ moures and blode. N ¶ In the vayne of the ende of the nose is made a bledynge the whiche is good for a reed pympeled face / as ben rede droppes pustules / small scabbes and other infeccyons of the herte that may come therin by to grete replexyon and habundaunce of blode and humours / & it auayleth agaynste popeled noses / & other semblable sekenesses. O ¶ In the mouthe in the gomes ben foure vaynes / that is to we­ te two aboue and two benethe the whiche ben leten blode for the chaufynges and canker of the mouthe / & for tothe ache. P ¶ Betwene the lyppe and the chynne is a vayne that is leten blode to gyue amendement to them that haue an euyll brethe. Q ¶ In eche arme ben .iiii. vaynes / of the whiche the vayne of the heed is the hyest / the seconde nexte is frome the herte / the thyrde is of the lyuer / & the fourth is from the mylte otherwyse cal­ led the lowe lyuer vayne. Not in OED except as "liver vein" ("liver," n.1 and adj.2, phrases). R ¶ The vayne of the heed taken in the arme ought to blede for to take away the grete replexyon & haboundaunce of blode that may anoye the heed / the eyen or the brayne / & auayleth grete­ ly for transmutable hetes / and swellynges of the throte / & to them that hath swellyng faces and reed / and to dyuers other sekenesses that may fall by to grete haboundaunce of blode. S ¶ The vayne of the mylte otherwyse called the lowe vayne sholde blede agaynst all feuer tercyens and quarteyns / & in it ought to be made a larger and lesse depe wounde than in ony other vayne / for fere of wynde that is may gader / & for a mo­ re inconuenyence for fere of a synewe that is vnder it that is called the lezarde. "lowe vayne" not found in OED but antedates "milt-vein" in "milt, n." (1598) T ¶ In eche hande ben thre vaynes / wherof that aboue the thom­ be ought to blede to take awaye the grete hete of the vysage / & for moche thycke blode and humoures that ben in the heed / this vayne euacueth more than that of the arme. V ¶ Betwene the lytell fynger & the leche fynger is letynge of blode that auaylleth gretely agaynst al feuer tercyens & quar­ meth to the papes and to the mylte. X ¶ In eche thyghe is a vayne of the whiche the bledynge auay­ leth agaynst the doloures and swellynges of the ganytoures and for to make auoyde and put out of mannes body humou­ res that ben in the graynes. Y ¶ The vayne that is vnder the ancle of the fote without is na­ med sciat of the whiche the bledyng is moche worthe agaynst the paynes of the haunches / & for to make departe & yssue dyuers humours whiche wolde assemble in the said place / & auayleth gretely to women for to restrayne theyr menstruosyte whan they haue to grete haboundaunce. ¶ Thus endeth the nothomye and fleubothomye of the hu­ mayne bodyes / & how one sholde vnderstande them.