l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 8 4 5 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) ¶ M. Priour of Newnhams seconde opinion. NOwe as touchinge your seconde opinion / w­ hiche you saie that I helde: That faith with­ oute workes is sufficient / verely I neuer saide so: but I might saie that by faith withoute workes a man is iustified. Whiche is Paules sainge in the t­ hirde cap. to the Romans / and this sentence I bele­ ue as true with Paule / and holde it for non opinion And for a declaracion of this Paules sentence / I wil firste tel you what is faithe / what it is to be iusti­ fied before god / and what is the rightwisnes of fai­ the. Firste ye shal knowe that the Apostle defineth faith in the. 11. ca. to the Hebrews saing that faithe is the very suer & substancial beliefe of him whiche is the same thinge that we hope fore: that is to saie faith is an infallible & vndouted certaintye in our hartes / wherby we beleue and truste in the inuisi­ ble God: and to opene this definicion yet more plai­ nely. Faithe is that same constante and faste persua­ sion in our hartes assuerde vs by the holygoste / cer­ tifyinge vs of the goodnes of God and of his pro­ mises towerde vs / by the which persuasion we be­ leue verely his wordes and ar assuerde in our har­ tes the holy goste testifinge it in vs) that he is our God / our father / to vs an almighty helper and de­ liuerer / and that we are receyued in to his favour by the dethe and meretis of his sonne Iesus Chri­ ste our saviour / vpon the which beliefe and assuered persuasion we love him so ernestly agene that we ceasse not the occasion and tyme offrede) to fulfill his plesures in doinge the workes of loue or chari­ te to our neghbours. Of this lively faithe Paule speaketh alwayes / which by love is mighty in ope­ racion ad Gala. 5. and mente no more deade faithe in this his sentence / A man is iustified bi faithe / then he mente of a deade man / when he alledged the pro­ phete Abakuc saing / the rightwise shal liue of his faithe / for dede faith geueth no life.