The Mariners Mirrourr Wherin may playnly be seen the courses, heights, dis­ tances, depths, soundings, flouds and ebs, risings of lands, rocks, sands and shoalds, with the marks for th'en­ trings of the Harbouroughs, Havens and Ports of the greatest part of Europe: their seueral traficks and commodities: together with the rules and instruments of Navigation. First made & set fourth in diuers exact Sea-Charts, by that famous Nauigator Luke Wagenar of Enchuisen and now fitted with necessarie additions for the use of Englishmen by Anthony Ashley. Heerin also may be understood the exploits lately atchiued by the right Honorable the L. Admiral of England with her Maiesties Nauie and some former seruices don by that worthy Knight Sir Francis Drake. A CATALOGVE OF THE MORE FA­ MOVS FIXED STARRES, WITH THEIR LONGITVDE, DECLINATION, RIGHT ASCEN­ SION CONVERTED INTO HOWERS, AND MAGNITVDE, RECTIFIED TO THE BEGINNING OF THE YEERE. 1588. Cornu Arietis praecedens. The Rams horne. Dexter humerus Cephei. Cepheus right shoulder. The vtmost of Eridanus. Scheder. Andromedas shoulder blade. Mirach. Andromedas girdle. Pegasus wing or shoulder. Pegasus legge. Caput Andromedae. The Whales belly. The Whales necke. The Whales brest. Menkar. The Whales snowt. Schedar. Cassiopeas brest. Cassiopeas chayre. Algenib. Perseus right side. Rasalgol. Medusaes head. The first and Northermost of the Pleiades. The hinder Southermost of the Pleiades. The vtmost of the Pleiades. Trapezium. The least of the Pleiades. Succule. The first of the Hyades. Aldebaran. Palilicium. The Buls eye. Bedelgeuse. Orions right shoulder. "Bedelgeuse" antedates the earliest OED citation (1796). Elgeuse. Bellatrix. Orions left shoulder. Rigel. Orions left foote. "Rigel" antedates the earliest OED citation (1594). The first of Orions girdle. The middlemost of the belt. The last of Orions girdle. The Wainmans right shoulder. Alhaiot. His left shoulder. The goate. Alrucaba. The North Pole starre. Canopus. The South starre. Alhabor. Syrius. The great Dogge. Algomeisa. Procyon. The lesser Dogge. Rasalgeuse. Geminies head. Hercules. The other Twins head. The Souther guarde. The Norther guarde. Alphard. The cleerest of the Snake. Pectus Cancri. The Maunger. Dubhe. The great Beares shoulder. The great Beares nauill. The great Beares tayle. The great Beares left hinder legge. Calb eleced. Basiliscus. The Lyons heart. he Lyons necke. The Lyons loynes. Alioth. The first of the great Beares tayle. The middlemost of his tayle. Elkerd bennenaz. The last of the Beares taile. The vtmost of the Virgins winge. Deneb eleced. The Lyons tayle, Fundus Crateris. Crater. The Cupps bottome. Praeuindemiatrix. The Vintager. Spica virginis: Azimech. The Virgins Spike. Humerus sinister Bootis: Ceginus. Bootes left shoulder. Arcturus: Alramech. The storme starre. Rostrum Corui. The Rauens bill. Ala dextra Corui. The Rauens right winge. Pes dexter prior Centauri. Centaurus right foote afore. Lucida Coronae: Alpheta. Ariadnes crowne. Laux Australis. The Souther Scole of the ballance. Laux Borcalis. The Norther Scole. In fronte scorpij Borealior. The Northermost in Scorp. front. Media. The midst in his front. Australior in fronte scorpij. The Southermost in his front. Palma sinistra Ophiuchi siue serpentarij. Yed. Oph. left hand. Cor scorpij: Antares. Scorpions heart. Calb alatrab. Caput Herculis: Ras-algeti. Hercules his head. Caput Ophiuchi. Ophiuchus his head. Caput Draconis: Ras-Aben. The Dragons head. Lucyda Lyrae: Vuega: Vultur cadens. The Lyrae. Aquila: Vultur volans: Alkair. The Eagle. In suffragine sinistra priori sagittarij. Sagittaries forebolds. In genu eiusdem cruris. Sagittaries knee. Rostrum Cygni, Oloris, siue Gallinae. The Swans bill. Pectus Cygni, siue Oloris. The Swannes brest. In ancone dexterae Alae. The Swannes right winge. In ancone sinistrae Alae. The Swannes left winge. In extremo eiusdem Alae. The Swannes left Pinion. Lucens in Cauda Delphini. The Dolphins tayle. Rhomboidis Delphini Australior. The south Dolph. star. Eiusdem Borealior. The North Dolphin starre. Caudae Capricorni: The former of Capricorns tayle. Sequens in Cauda. The next in Capricorns tayle. Cuspis Sagittae. The Arrow head. Muscida Pegasi: Alpheratz. Pegasus nostrils. Vitima fusionis aquae: Formahand. ye end of Aquarius streme. Cauda Cygni: Denebadige. The Swannes tayle. Crus Pegasi: scheat Alpheratz. Pegasus houghe. Humerus, siue Ala Pegasi. Markab Alpheratz. Pegasus wing. Lucens in capite Pegasi. Pegasus head. Cauda Ceti: Denebkaytos. The Whales tayle. Crus Aquarij: Scheat. Aquarius thigh.