l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a C O N R A D G E S N E R ' S H I S T O R I E O F F O V R E - F O O T E D B E A S T E S ( 1 6 0 7 ) s t c 2 4 1 2 3 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 2 1 ) THE HISTORIE OF FOVRE-FOOTED BEASTES. Describing the true and liuely figure of euery Beast, with a discourse of their seuerall Names, Conditions, Kindes, Vertues (both naturall and medicinall) Countries of their breed, their loue and hate to Mankinde, and the wonderfull worke of God in their Creation, Preseruation, and Destruction. Necessary for all Diuines and Students, because the story of euery Beast is amplified with Narrations out of Scrip­ tures, Fathers, Phylosophers, Physitians, and Poets: wherein are declared diuers Hyerogliphicks, Emblems, Epigrams, and other good Histories, Collected out of all the Volumes of CONRADVS GESNER, and all other Writers to this present day. By EDWARD TOPSELL. LONDON, Printed by William Iaggard, 1607. An English Table expressing the name of euery Beast in such sort as it is recited in this History, referring euery Beast to his proper head and kind by the Page. A. ANtalope. 1 Ape vulgar. 2 Ape Munkey. 6 Ape Martine. 7 Ape Callitriche. 8 Ape Prasian. 9 Possibly Prasiae or Prasia, an ancient Greek town. Ape Baboun. 10 Ape Tartarine. 12 Ape Satyre. 13 Ape Monster. 15 Ape Noruegian 16 Ape Pan. 16 Ape Sphinx. 17 Ape Sagoni. 18 Possibly named after the town in India. Ape called Beare ape. 19 Ape called Foxe-ape. 19 Asse. 20 Hinnus. ibid. Ginnus. ibid. Mannus. ibid. Mannulus. ibid. Befi. ibid. Burdones. ibid. Wilde Asse. 30 Scythian Asses. 31 Indian Asses. 32 Axis and Alborach. 32 B. Badger, Brocke, or Gray. 33 Beare. 35 Beauer. 44 Bison. 50 Scotian Bison. 52 Bonassus. 53 Buffe. 56 Bugle. 57 Affrican Bugill. 59 Bull. 61 Oxe. 67 Cow. 71 Calfe. 88 C. Cacus. 91 Camels. 93 Camell Dromedary 97 Camelopardall. 100 Allocamell. 101 Campe. 102 Cat. 102 Wilde cat. 107 Colus. 108 Cony. 109 Indian Pig-cony. 112 D. Deare. Fallow Deere. 113 Roe Bucke. 114 Tragelaphus. 118 Hart and Hinde. 121 Dictyes. 37 Dogges. Dogges. 137 Greyhound. 144 Hound. 149 Bloud-Hound. 150 Spanniel. 153 Mungrels. 154 Mimicke or Island Dog. 161 Little Maelitaean Dogs. 161 The Harier. 165 The Terriar. 165 The Gasehound. 167 The Leymmer. 168 The Tumbler. 168 The Theeuish Dog. 169 The Setter. 169 The Water spanniel. 170 The Fisher. 171 The Sheapheards Dog. 172 The Mastiue or Bandog. 173 The Butchers Dog. 174 Curs of all sorts. 177 E. Eale. 190 Elephant. 190 Elke. 211 F. Ferret. 217 Fitch or Pool-cat. 219 Foxe. 220 Crucigeran Foxe. 222 G. Gennet Kat. 228 Goates. Goates vulgar. 230 Mambrine Goats. 235 Deere-Goates. 143 Wilde Goat. 144 Kyd. 147 Gulon. 161 Gorgon. 162 H. Hare. 164 Hedghog. 177 Horse. Horse vulgar. 281 Stallions and Mares. 295 Hunting Horses. 321 Running or race Horses. 322 Geldings. 324 Carreering Horses. 324 Packe Horses. 325 Wilde Horses. 325 Hippelaphus, 236 Sea Horse. 328 Hyaena. Hyaena vulgar. I. Ibex. 445 Ichneumon or Pharoes Mouse. 449 L. Lamia or Phayrye. 452 Lyon. 455 Linx. 488 M. Marten or Marder. 495 Mole. 498 Mice. Vulgar Mouse. 503 Rat. 519 Water Rat. 520 Alpine Mouse. 521 Dormouse. 526 Hamster Mouse. 529 Norician Mouse. 532 Pontique Mouse. 532 Flying Mouse. 533 Shrew or Erd Shrew 534 Wilde field Mouse. 542 Wood Mouse. 544 Hasell Mouse. 545 Lascett Mouse. 546 Sorex. 546 Indian Mouse. 548 Muske cat. 551 Mule. 556 N. Neades. 567 Ounce. 568 Orynx. 570 The Otter. 571 P. Panther. 575 Poephages. 587 Porcupine. 588 Reiner or Ranger Rhinocerot 595 S. Su, and Subus. 660 Arabian Sheepe 600 Ramme 631 Weather Sheepe 638 Lambe 640 Musmon 642 Strepsiceros 655 "Strepsiceros" is not a headword in the OED but see under "addax," "gazelle," etc.". Squirrell 657 Cetulian Squirrell 659 Vulgar Swyne 562 Wilde Boare 694 T Tatus 705 Tiger 707 V Vnicorne 711 Vre-Oxe 721 Libian Vre-Oxe 724 Indian Vre-Oxe 744 W Weasell 725 Z Zebell or Saball 755 Zibet or Ciuet cat 756 Another Alphabeticall Table directing the Reader to the story of euery Beast. A. AFfrican Bugill. 59 Alborach. 32 Alpine Mouse. 521 Antalope. 1 Ape vulgar. 2 Arabyan Sheepe 600 Asse. 20 Axis 32 B Baboun. 10 Badger, Brocke, or Gray. 33 Beare 55 Beare ape. 19 Beauer. 44 Befi. 29 Bison. 50 Bloud-Hound. 150 Bonassus. 53 Buffe. 56 Bugle. 57 Bull. 61 Burdones. 29 Butchers Dog. 174 C. Cacus. 91 Calse. 88 Callitriche. 8 Camels. 93 Camelopardall. 100 Campe. 102 Carreering Horses. 324 Cat. 102 Cow. 71 Colus. 108 Cony. 109 Crucigeran Foxe. 222 Crocuta. 440 Curs of all sorts. 177 D. Dabuh or Papio. 439 Deere-Goates. 143 Dictyes. 136 < Dogges. 137 Dormouse 526 E. Eale. 190 Elephant. 190 Elke. 211 F. Fallow Deere 113 Ferret. 217 Fieldmouse 542 Fisher dog. 171 Fitch or Pool-cat. 219 Flyeng Mouse 533 Foxe. 220 Foxe-ape. 19 G. Gasehound. 167 Gennet Kat. 228 Geldings. 324 Greyhound. 144 Ginnus. 29 Goates vulgar. 230 Gorgon. 162 Gulon. 161 H. Hare. 164 Harier. 165 Hart and Hinde. 121 Hamster mouse 529 Hasell mouse. 547 Hedghog. 177 Hinnus. 29 Hippelaphus, 236 Horse vulgar. 281 Hound. 149 Hunting Horses. 321 Hyaena vulgar. 436 I. Ibex. 447 Ichneumon 449 Innus. 29 Indian Asse. 32 Indian Pig cony. 112 Indian mouse. 548 Indian Vre-Oxe 724 K Kidde 147 L. Lambe 641 Lamia or Phayrye. 452 Lascet Mouse 546 The Leymmer. 168 Lyon. 454 Linx. 488 Libyan Vre-Oxe. 724 M. Mungrels. 154 Mambrine Goats. 235 Mantichora. 441 Martenor Marder. 495 Martine Ape. 7 Mares see Stallions Mannus & Mannulus. 29 Mastiue dog. 173 Maelitaean Dogs. 161 Mimick or Getulian Dog. 161 Mole. 498 Monster. 15 Mouse Vulgar. 503 Mule 556 Munkey. 6 Musk-cat. 551 Musmon 642 N Neades. 567 Noruegian mouse 532 Noruegian Ape 16 O Oryx. 570 Otter 571 Ounce 568 P Packe Horses. 325 Pan Ape. 16 Panther 575 Poephagus 587 Pontique Mouse. 532 Pocuspine 885 R Ramme. 631 Rat. 519 Reyner or Ranger 612 Rhinoceros 595 Roe Bucke. 114 Running or race Horses. 322 S Ape Sagoin. 18 Satyre Ape. 13 Sphinx. 17 Scythian Asses. 31 Scotian Bugle. 52 Sea Horse. 328 Sea Wolfe 759 Setter Dog. 169 Sheapheards Dog. 172 Shrew mouse 534 Sheepe 598 Sorex 546 Spanniel. 153 Squirrels 657 Stallions and Mares. 295 Strepsiceros. 655 Swyne. 562 T. Tartarine. 12 Tatus. 705 Terriar. 165 Tyger. 707 Theeuish Dog. 169 Tumbler. 168 V. Vnicorne 711 Vre Oxe. 721 W. Water spanniel. 170 Water rat Weasell 725 wilde Bore 694 Wilde cat. 107 Wilde Goat. 144 Wilde Horse. 325 wilde mice 544 wilde field-mice 542 Woodmouse 545 Wolfe 734 Z. Zebell or Sable 755 Zibet or Ciuet Kat. 756 FINIS.