l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a A n g e l D a y ' s E n g l i s h S e c r e t a r y ( 1 5 9 9 ) S T C 6 4 0 4 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 2 1 ) THE ENGLISH SECRETARY, OR Methode of writing of Epistles and Letters: WITH A declaration of such Tropes, Figures, and Schemes, as either vsually or for ornament sake are therin required. Also the parts and office of a Secretarie, Deuided into two bookes. Now newly reuised and in many parts cor­ rected and amended: By Angel Day. AT LONDON Printed by P. S. For C. Burbie and are to be sold at his shop, at the Royall Exchange. 1599. A DECLARATION of al Such Tropes, figures or Schemes, as for excellencie and ornament in wri­ ting, are speciallie vsed in this Methode: Collected and explaned togithers, according to their applications, vsages, and properties. By Angell Day. Imprinted at London by P. S. for Cuthbert Burbie. 1599. To the courteous Reader. AS in the two bookes before going (gentle Reader) my mind and purpose was to set foorth vnto the learner, how much the phrase of our daylie speech by well ordering and deliuerie is graced with Figures and other ornaments of Art, and to such end and pur­ pose, haue I in the margent of euerie Epistle, di­ rectlie against the places where they are vsed, quoted them to be seen. I haue now for better supplement of the learners knowledge, determi­ ned in this place to make a collection of them all, remembring with my selfe, that vnto such as are vnexperienced in their particular appli­ cations, they shall be but of verie slender moment in their quotations, without also they may be instructed by example, how, where, and in what tearmes, wordes or cariage, they are vsed, and wherein, and by what conueyance their efficacies are explaned. For which cause, these briefe instructions following, conteining, as in the title before going, a demonstration of their true & seueral qualities, properties and natures, are to such ende deliuered: wherein my purpose is to omit nothing, which in my poore opinion may seeme vnto this deuised Methode a­ nie wayes furthering. And howbeit my selfe in the writing of these collections, doe well consider the want I haue of other perfections, whereby to ornifie the matter hereof, with examples correspondent, yet shall it by such meanes appeare vnto all fauourers of science, what will and desire I haue to deserue with the best, confessing (as by due proofe I haue found) no speech to be accounted valuable or of weight, that is not graced with these parts. Thus hauing at large expostulated my true meaning herein, I commit the rest to your curteous censures, and my selfe to your good opinions. Yours, A. D. OF FIGVRES, TROPES, and Schemes. A Figure is a certaine meane whereby from a simple and ordinarie kinde of speaking, we growe into a more cun­ ning and excellent deliuerie. A Figure is diuided into Trope and Scheme. A Trope is as much to say, as a variation of a worde or sen­ tence from the proper & apt signification, vnto another neere vnto the same, sometimes for pleasure, and otherwhile for orna­ ment sake, and there are tropes of words, and tropes of sentences. A Scheme is a certaine new kinde of forme of writing & spea­ king, and for the excellencie thereof is called the ornament, light and colours of Rhetoricall speech. Betweene a Trope and a Scheme the difference is, that the Trope changeth the signification, as in these wordes Generation of Vipers, meaning thereby homicides of their owne issue or an­ tecessors, as the Viper deuoureth her owne broode. The Scheme hath no change of signification, but retaineth the expresse mea& ning, as, Can so great anger be in heauenlie mindes? written of Iuno in the Aeneidos of Virgill, whereas anger is indeede onelie a humaine passion, yet without alteration is there allotted vnto the heauenlie Gods. And of some there is helde in them small dif­ ference, in so much as often times they runne into one anothers meaning. The Tropes of wordes, are MEtaphora, which is, when a worde from the proper or right signification is transferred to another neere vnto the mea­ ning, as to saie: We see well, when wee meane wee vnderstande well, or to call them eaters or deuourers of men and houses, who vndo the poore, or extort from them their goods or liuings: or to saie, a homelie or rude speaker doth braie, which to do belongeth to an Asse, or to attribute vnto thinges the properties they haue not, as if we should say, the ground wanting wet, doth thirst for raine, or fruits in their growth do labour, or come by the statelie length and weightie eare it carrieth, to bee proude, or by Emphasis, that by desire, men are enflamed, by anger kindled, fallen by errour: And lastlie, in prayse of mans ofspring, as to saie, the beautie of his stocke, or to call the place of renowne, the well or seate of glorie, also to say, the showers of speech, flouds of eloquence, onelie for ornament in writing, without anie other proper affinitie, attribut­ ion or likelihoode. Synecdoche, when by one particular we vnderstand a number, as to saie, the braue English was conquerour, as much to saie, as Englishmen were victours, or when by a part wee vnderstande the whole, as to say, a blade for a sworde, a Hall for a house, or when by one thing we vnderstand another, as to say, the highest fall for the deepest fall, the toppe for the bottome, Neptunes reigne for the Sea: or when we put the matter whereof a thing is made, for the thing it selfe: as to saie, the loftie Pine did scowre the Seas, for the ship made of the Pine tree, or thus: With slashing Iron furious on his foes, hee rusht amaine, &c. for with slashing sworde: Like­ wise hee put spurres to his horse, for hee ranne his horse. They haue liued, that is, they are dead, they flourish, for they are rich, braue or happie. Metonymia, or transnominatio, the putting of one name for an other, as the inuenter, for the thing inuented, so do we call corne by the name of Ceres, we put Bacchus for wine, Venus for lust, Vul­ cane for fire, Neptune for the sea, Mars for warre: likewise the con­ tinent, for that which is contained, as if we should say, acceptable to the heauens, meaning to him that dwelleth in the heauens, a happie soyle, meaning happie people in the soile, hee drunke vp the whole cup before him, for the wine in the cup before him. In like maner when the cause efficient is vnderstood by the effect, as when we say, Pale death, sorrowfull dread, headlong rage, carelesse wine, vnshamefast night: wherein is shewed, that dread causeth sorowe, death palenes, wine carelesnes, and so of the rest. Further, when by her that holdes the Scepter, wee signifie the Queenes Maiestie, and likewise by mentioning the Sword, Magistracy. Antonomasia, where to the person of anie one, wee giue an o­ ther name, then his owne proper, as in stead of Christ, to saie the Holie one of God, or The worlds Sauiour. Or of the Queenes Ma­ iestie, to saie The Virgin Queene, The Royall Maide, with other like appropriations fitting so great an excellencie. Onomatopœia, where to a thing not hauing a proper terme, wee faine or deuise a name, as to saie, the murmure of the waters, the roring of the cannon, clashing of armour, & such like: where neither murmur, roring nor clashing is by nature to these belonging. Catachresis, where wee accommodate a name to a thing that is not proper, as to saie, lend me your hand, or your aid, which tearme of lending is more proper to money, or things that are borrowed, and to say, mens powers are short, or their counsels long, when in neither of both there is anie such measure. Metalepsis, or Transumption, when by a certaine number of de­ grees we go beyond that wee intend in troth, and haue meaning to speake of, as to saie: Accursed soile that bred my cause of woe, when we might as well crie out on the parties selfe that hath don the wo, & not to go so far off as to the soile that bred him, or as Pe­ nelope bewaling her husbandes ouerlong absence from her, ex­ claimed in her Epistle to Vlysses, on Paris that had raped Helena, wishing that he and all his fleet had perished, ere the rape had bin committed, intending that by that rape, the Grecians were drawn to the warres, and so the siege for tenne yeares space continued, and ten yeeres after that, her husband forced by many landes and seas to haue wandered. Of the originall cause whereof her iust complaint was deriued. Tropes of sentences, are ALlegoria, a kinde of inuerting or change of sence, as when we shew one thing in wordes & signifie another in meaning, a Trope most vsuall amongst vs euen in our common speaking, as when we saie, Bow the With while it is greene, meaning to cor­ rect children whilest they bee yong: or, There is no fire without smoake: meaning that there is no ill conceipt without occasion: or, I smell a Rat, that is, I know your meaning, for other applica­ tions you haue the same diuerslie quoted in our Epistles to bee seene in their margents. Ænigma, a darke sentence, or as we ordinarilie say, a riddle, ra­ ther vsed in high and deepe mysteries, otherwise conueied some­ time in pleasant fancies, then accustomed in other writings. Parœmia, called amongst vs an Adage or common saying, as thus: Who so toucheth pitch shall bee defiled therewith: It earlie pricketh that wil be a thorn: many hands make light worke, &c. Ironia, a scoffe or flout, as when wee saie, Alas good man, or to one that hath set debate or contention, you haue spun a faire thred: or to him that hath made a long speach to no purpose, you haue brought forth a mighty mole-hil, or to a lewd person, you are an ho­ nest man. Sarcasmus, a bitter bob as wee saie, or enuious derision, as of one arraigned for fellonie, to twit him, that hee had like to haue knockt his head against the gallowes, or of one suffering for treason to saie, that it made him hop headlesse. Asteismus, a smooth, as we call it, as when one tels a thing re­ pugnant to the present matter or companie, to saie, I had as lieue he told me it snew, when neither the time of the yeare, or present weather admitteth it snowe. Or when one misseth of a number, to bid him take a sticke and tell it, or telling a lie, to bid him take the haire from his lips. Antiphrasis, when a word scornefullie deliuered, is vnderstoode by his contrarie, as of a dwarfe, to saie in iest, what a gyant haue we here, or of him that telleth a matter ordinarie for strange, to saie, what a wonder telleth he, or to say, the man hath a sharpe wit, when we intend he hath a verie blunt capacitie, or of a blacke Moore woman, to saie, Will ye see a faire pigion. Charientismus, as when we scoffe a man in his threatning mood to say, O good words, I pray you, or kill vs not at the first dash, or, Bite not my nose off I pray you, and such like. Hyperbole, when for the manifestation of a thing vehement or exceeding, the wordes of our speach doe goe beyonde credite, as to saie, It woulde haue made a stonie hearte to weepe: hee wearied the heauens with his clamour: Shee was fairer then beau­ tie herselfe, more cruell then Nero or Phaleris: Worse then the Deuill: Whiter then snowe: sighing without ceasing, and infinite such like. Of Schemes there are two sorts, that is, Grammaticall, and Rhetoricall. Grammaticall are also deuided into two parts. that is, Orthographicall, pertaining chieflie to Poesie: and Syntaxicall, which are to be applied to our vses. Schemes Syntaxicall, are, EClipsis, that is a defect of sence in a word or necessa­ rie reason, aunswerable to the due construction, as when hauing spoken sufficientlie of a matter, we close vp the sentence with these wordes, But this for that let be, and now to the rest, where after let be, this worde (sufficient) seemeth to be wanting. Likewise, what might be more in the matter? for what might be more don or spoken in the matter. Also to saie, you are not to aunswere or compare with him, for you are not meete, sufficient, or able to answere or com­ pare with him. Or otherwise to say, A man of so rare vertue, so deep­ lie to be ouerseene, for, is it true that a man of so rare vertue shoulde so deeply be ouerseene. Aposiopesis, when by passing to another matter, we stop our speech on a sudden, as it were in an interrupted or discontented mood, as to say, Are these the practises you take in hand? be these your deuises? hath your worthy courage endeuored so mighty effectes? But I will first tame your courses, and for the residue, I wil hold you in so bridled a meane, that my selfe will warrant you henceforth from any such like further proceedings. Or thus, Vngratefull creature, hast thou dealt wel with me in thus conspiring my ill that haue euer sought thy good? Wel, I wil saie no more, but for thee & thy complices I wil take order well inough to stay you. Or otherwise by way of a fearful rehear­ sall thus: What euill was there whereunto we were not subiect? But whie dwell I in circumstances? wee were the men allotted to that purpose. Zeugma, when one or more clauses are concluded vnder one verbe, as to saie, His loosenesse ouercame all shame: his boldnesse, feare: his madnesse, reason: where all these clauses are concluded vnder this one verbe, Ouercame. Or thus: What auaileth it to shrine so much this vaine beauty, which either by long sicknesse, ex­ tremity of old age, infinite sorrowes and cares, or a thousand mishaps besides, is euery day in daunger or subiect to bee vtterlie crased: In which all the clauses before going are concluded in this one verbe is in danger, &c. Syllepsis, when one verbe supplieth two clauses, one person two roomes, or one word serueth to manie sences, as thus: He runs for pleasure, I for feare: where this verbe run, serueth to both purposes: also thus: But scorning so to be reproued, and with a manly resolution by one stroke giuen, he acquited his shame, his credit, and his person, where this one worde acquite serueth to all clauses aforegoing and following. Prolepsis, where some thing generallie first spoken, is afterwards drawne into partes, as thus: Let vs take vpon vs one selfe charge, I to direct abroad, you to order at home. Or otherwise: Men diuers­ lie do erre, some by an ignoraunt simplicitie, others by a most per­ uerse follie. Pleonasmus, where with words seeming superfluous, we do in­ crease our reasons, as thus: With these eares I heard him speake it: Or with mine eies I behelde him sorrowing, where we well knowe that without eares or eies, we cannot wel heare or see, yet carieth this kind of speech, a vehemency in enforcing the matter so plaine­ lie, or throughlie to be hard or seene. Macrologia, where a clause is finallie added to the matter going before, in seeming more then needed, as, Men of so high and excel­ ling vertue, let them euer liue, and neuer die, here neuer die, seemeth superfluous, and yet notable wel adorneth the sentence. Anastrophe, a preposterous inuersion of wordes, besides their common course, as when we say: for faults, no man liueth without, when order requireth we should saie: No man liueth without faults: Long when he had confusedly thus liued, for when he had long time thus confusedlie liued. Hysteron proteron, where that which ought to be in the first place, is put in the second, as thus: After hee had giuen saile to the winde, and taken the Seas, for after he had taken the seas, and giuen saile to the wind. Also, That which of all others is most sacred and perma­ nent, honoured, and euer shining vertue, chuse vnto your selues: for chuse vnto your selues honored and euer shining vertue, which of all others is most sacred and permanent: or, as commonly we say in our English speech, Pull off my bootes and spurs. Tmesis of Diacope, a diuision of a word compound into two parts, as, What might be soeuer vnto a man pleasing, that had he, for whatsoeuer might be, &c. Hither should he haue come to, when he fi­ nished his argument: for hitherto should he haue come, &c. Parenthesis, an intercluding of a sentence in any reason common­ lie set betweene two halfe circles, as thus: I am content (not in re­ spect you deserue so much at my hands) onelie for pitie sake to hear­ ken ynto you, the knowledge hereof is ordinarie, and therefore I neede speake the lesse of it. Hypallage, when by change of propertie in application a thing is deliuered, as to saie, Darkesome wandring by the solitary night, for wandring solitarilie by the darkesome night, or the wicked wound thus giuen, for hauing thus wickedlie wounded him. The vse hereof in Poesie is most rife. Hendiadis, when one thing of it selfe intire, is diuersly layde o­ pen, as to saie, On iron and bit he champt, for on the iron bitte hee champt: And part and pray we got, for part of the pray: Also by surge and sea we past, for by surging sea we past. This also is rather Poeticall then other wise in vse. Asyndeton, when two or three clauses or more disioyned do fol­ low one another, as to saie his house, his land, his purse, himselfe, his life, were all at his commaund. Or thus, he scapte, he ran, he rusht, and fled away. Or otherwise, thy fame, thy wealth, thy friends, thy kin, and all hast thou lost togithers. Polysindeton, when in like sort by many coniunctions sundrie words one following the other are vnited together, as thus, Both sworde and fire and dearth, three dreadfull scourges of the war were alwayes attendant vpon him. Or thus, with faith and troth and pligh­ ted heart, and loue he made him hers, &c. Hirmos, where a continuance of speech is vsed, vntill the ende of the clause, as God in the beginning made heauen, earth, sea, firma­ ment, sunne, moone, starres, and all things in them contained: where you see all these words, heauen, earth, &c. haue all one continuance vntill the last end of the sentence. "Hirmos" is not in the OED in this sense. Epitheton, when for ornament sake we adde vnto a worde, or for mislike do attribute somewhat vnto the same, as when for orna­ ment we say, Sweet beautie, precious loue, friendlie fortune: Or con­ trariwise in mislike, vnbrideled lust, filthie gaine, wicked guile, de­ ceitfull fauour, fond fancie, &c. Periphrasis, when by circumlocution anie thing is expressed, as when we say, The Prince of Peripateticks, for Aristotle, the subuerter of Carthage and Numantia, for Scipio. A man studious of wise­ dome, for a Philosopher: A man diuerslie enriched, for one that is wealthie, &c. Liptote, when by the lesse that is spoken, the more maie bee vn­ derstood, as thus: What auaileth it that thou dost not despise me, which is by the contrarie, that thou louest mee, the deliuerie thereof is singular by the negatiue, for that giueth grace to the Figure, as it discontenteth me not to heare of you, but it griueth me to heare ill of you. We are not so ignorant of things, but we can perceiue somewhat. That is in the one, it pleaseth mee well to heare of you, and in the other, we haue skill to discerne of things, and thereby can perceiue somewhat. Paradiastole, when with a milde interpretation or speech we co­ lour others or our owne faults, as when we call a subtill person, wise: a bold fellow, couragious: a prodigall man liberall: a man furious or rash, valiant: a parasite, a companion: him that is proud, magnanimous, and such like. Meosis, a maner of disabling, as when we saie, Alas sir, it is not in my power to doe it: or otherwise, little God wot could man doe in such a case. Schemes Rhetoricall, are ANaphora, or Repetitio, where by rehearsall of one worde wee make sundrie beginnings, as to saie, Learning bringeth to knowledge, learning maketh wise, learning enableth to vertue, lear­ ning is the ornament of the minde, finallie, learning is the onelie sub­ stantiall proppe and guide of mans life, without which nothing in a manner can bee pleasant, nothing sauourie, nothing of value, &c. Or thus, hauing committed so great euils, couldest thou yet dare to come in open shewe of the worlde, couldest thou dare to shewe thy selfe in the face of men, couldest thou dare to bee seene of anie one, that hast thus generallie deserued to bee hated of all: Or other­ wise thus, When death commeth to chalenge his due, what then shall auaile beautie, what youth, what riches, what strength? where then shall become thy landes, where thy reuenue, where thy possessions? who shall argue thy cause, who stande for thee, who plead for thee? Epanalepsis, when with one selfe word, we doe both begin and fi­ nish a sentence, the vse hereof is meerelie appropriate to Poesie, Much asked he of Priams state, of Hector verie much. Epizeuxis, or a redoubling of a word, by vehemencie to expresse a thing, as thus: Thou thou art he on whom I liue to be reuenged. He, he it was that wrought all my care. Thus, thus behooueth men of vertue and courage to doe. Anadiplosis, when the last word of a comma or member of a sen­ tence, is the beginner of another that followeth, as heauens witnes my fall, my fall more grieuous then may be well supported by com­ mon sorrow: or thus, Fie, too much vngratefull, vngratefull to mee of all others, that so much at thy hands haue deserued. Antistrophe, where manie members are drawne to ende with one and the same worde, as, we haue our felicitie of vertue, our re­ nowne of vertue, our hope and expectation of vertue. Or thus: men from their errours are reclaimed by loue, reclaimed by hope, reclai­ med by feare. "Antistrophe" antedates the earliest OED citation (a1620). Symploche, where sundrie members haue one selfe beginning and ending, as thus, If we shall debate of the times present, what is I pray you the cause of all these euils? money: what hath beene the decay of our estimate? money: what the ruine of our soules? money: what the torment of our conscience? money: what the meane of all ambitious aspirings, treacheries, and villanies? money: In fine, this cursed and wretched title of gaine is it that bewitcheth all ages and seasons, and that onelie by a seruile regarde and account giuen vnto money: Or otherwise thus in contempt. What sillie soule wast thou when I beganne first to like thee? nothing. What when I tooke thee? nothing. What before I cherished and regarded thee? nothing. And now that by me thou hast beene made somthing, thou esteemest me as nothing. Ploche, when by an Emphasin, a worde is either in praise or dis­ grace, reiterated or repeated, as thus: Though Scipio were neuer so much terrified with the Carthaginians in Spaine, with the Numi­ dians in Affricke, with aduersaries abroade, and with priuie enemies at home, yet ceased he not to be Scipio still, that is, sui similis, like vn­ to himselfe still. "Emphasin" not in the OED as a headword. Polyptoton or Traductio, when one worde is often repeated by varietie of cases, as thus: Who hath in his life nothing so much pleasing as the verie life it selfe which he enioyth, it is impossible that his life with vertue should anie wayes be adorned: or by translating of one worde into diuers formes, as thus: What manhoode call you this, so vnmanlie to deale in those actions, that speciallie apper­ taineth to a man? Here is this word manhood translated into vn­ manlie and to man. Membrum, or Parison, when one or moe members doe followe in equall sentences, as thus: See now by one fault how manie mis­ chiefs thou hast heaped to thy selfe, thou hast consumed thy patrimo­ nie, grieued thy parents, estranged thy friends, defamed thy stocke, vn­ done thy kindred, and heaped mischiefe a thousand folde to thy selfe more then can be auoided: or thus with copulation: neither hast thou herein dealt discreetlie for thy selfe, nor respected thy frends, nor re­ garded thy being, nor studied of the euill, nor cared for the good that might happen, but leauing al at randon, thou hast done what in thee lieth to worke all our vndoing. Omoioteliton, or similiter cadens, when words and sentences in one sort do finish togithers, as thus: Weeping, wailing, and her handes, wringing, she moued all men to pitie her. Or thus: Thou liuest mali­ ciouslie, speakest hatefully, and vsest thy selfe cruelly. Or thus: Wee find it much better of wise men to be rebuked, then by filthie flatterie to be fondly deceyued. Prosonomasia, a pleasant kind of collusion in words, in significa­ tions diuers, only by changing, detracting, or adding a letter or sil­ lable in a word, as to say, No doubt he is a foole wise man, for a full wise man, for a Doctor, a Doter, or otherwise, thou art no bewraier, but a betraier of mens counsels. Of one religious thou art become prodigious. Antanaclasis, when we produce a word in a contrary significati­ on to that it commonlie portendeth: as to saie, For my kindnesse you haue vsed me kindly, meaning indeede you haue vsed mee verie badly. And I can bee contented to pray with you though you pray not vppon me. Where this worde kindly is applied to the worser part, which of it selfe carieth as wee see a far other meaning: and likewise pray in one sence being to entreate, is in another sense intended here to spoile. And as another said to a rude fellow, you are too course to keepe course in our companie, here is course for rudenes, and course in another sense for good order. Erotema or Interrogatio, when by interrogation we sift out anie thing somtimes by demand, as to saie, But you sir, now from whence I pray you, deriue you your fancie? by asseueration, as to saie: Haue you not in this action behaued your selfe excellent well? By commiseration, as to saie: Alas what grounde may holde mee, what lande or shore may possesse mee, circumuented as I am with so many euils? By vrging, as thus, What hadst thou to inter­ meddle in so bad a company? How long shall wee bee thus abused with so fained treachery? Art thou not ashamed seeing thy purpo­ ses thus reuealed? Perceiuest thou not thy driftes to bee all discoue­ red? By indignation, as to saie, Shall I yet couer thy villanies be­ ing at thy handes thus hatefully misused? or thus, Wicked and per­ uerse kinde of people, howe long will you thus hatefully deale with your fauorers? By admiration, as to saie, Good Lord, who woulde haue thought so much loosenesse in so chaste a countenance! But what is it that this blind and sottish loue draweth not a man headlong into? And lastly, by doubting, as thus: What shall I say, or what fur­ ther speeches may I vse to withdraw you from these euils? Or other­ wise: Whither shall I turne me to speake vnto you, or what wordes may I vse whereby to withdraw you from these vanities? "asseveration" antedates the earliest OED citation (1621). Anthypophora or Subiectio, when to a question asked by vs, we an­ swere of our selues in our own reasonings, the maner whereof is accomplished three kinde of waies, as first when wee obiect vnto our selues that which to others might be obiected, and answere it againe. Secondlie, when we do (as it were) vrge those we speake vnto to answere vs, and so answering, do confute their sayinges. Thirdlie, when in a deliberatiue sort we propound diuers things, and refute them all one after another. Example of the first maie bee this. Is this a maner of discipline? Doe men in such sort deliuer their instructions? Had they for this cause the authoritie of tutors to them giuen, that in vanities and misliked pleasures, they who are committed vnto their charge, shoulde consume their youth vnder them? Beleeue me I am of a farre other opinion, neither do I thinke, that the reasonable time of young men, being now fittest of all others for anie vertuous impression, shoulde thus cautelouslie be deluded of that, whereunto both their parents and birth do commend them. Of the second, this: Nowe after al these proofes of the happie comming and acknowledgement of our true and onelie Messias: Let me speake vnto you againe, yee Iewes, enemies, and maligners of our sole and onelie God and Sauiour Christ Iesus, with what reasons strengthned doe you persist in your madnes? Stande ye vpon the Oracles of Pro­ phets? Wee haue made plaine vnto you that they are wholie for vs. Looke ye after Moyses? It was only of our Christ, and none other that he that written. Waite ye on Types and Figures? They all in one do agree to bee in him fulfilled. Preferre you vnto vs miracles? Who could desire more then by him was shewed. Bring you against vs a number of consents? Alas you onely bring the smallest number, and lurking as it were in a corner, are the gainsayers of trueth it selfe, sith the whole world round about you doth witnes for vs. Doth the hope of any euent yet a little detaine you? Beholde your temple long since subuerted: your sacrifices quenched, your Citie rased, your people runnagate and dispersed, nor anie hope at all left vnto you to be re­ lieued but by the clemencie of the Christians. Of the thirde, this. Tell mee I praie, what or wherein is it, that a worldlie man hath such meane to glorie in? wherein shoulde hee bee proude, or for what cause should he thus puffe vp himselfe in vanitie? Is it for his ri­ ches? they neuer make a man either happy or blessed, so farre off are they many times from anie such euent, as often wee do see that they are the verie cause of their owners destructions, they sundrie waies are meanes to inconueniences, and in our owne sight forsake their maisters in their life times, but seldome followe them for ought wee see to their graues. Is it for children? The keeping of them is then of riches far more vncertaine. Is it in respect of a wife, familie and o­ ther such like commodities? they are vexations, cares and griefes, no­ thing in them stable, nor such as may induce a man to any hoped tranquility, &c. There is also of this sort another example, by an immediate answere to euerie question, as thus: Wherfore then is the law? for transgressors, wherefore reward? for wel-doers. Or thus: Where is now their pride? vanished. Where are their boasts? deluded. Came they to aide vs? no, rather to suppresse vs. Came they to com­ fort vs? no, but to kill vs. Antenagoge, when hauing spoken as it were in the dispraise or mislike of a thing, we goe about to helpe the same againe with a new colour to the matter: As to saie, It is a thing difficult to attain learning, but yet verie commodious. It is tedious to trauell for sundry knowledges, but vnto our liues it is a thing most necessary. Ecphonesis or Exclamatio, which hath signification of griefe or in­ dignation of a thing, as of griefe thus, O cruell and lamentable times wherein wee liue, subiect as wee are to so manifolde miseries! Of indignation thus. O incredible boldnesse, or rather impuden­ cie of a shamelesse creature: not fit to bee suffered. Neither is this manner speaking, alwaies framed by the Interiection O, but rather otherwise, as thus: Vnhappie man, made vnhappie by so great a misfortune, what vnkinde destiny droue him to so imminent a perill? Howe miserable and vncertaine is the state and condition of man, subiect to so many and so huge calamities? Or otherwise, What kind of people are you to rage in so vile a madnesse? Was euer seene a multitude so fierce, a company so carelesse, an assemblie so desperate? What inconsiderate dealing do you vse? I shame to see you, & grieue to behold you, &c. Insultatio, when iniuriously, or by a contumelious reproch we in­ sult vpon a mans doings, as thus: Trudge on with thy mischiefs, proceed in these thy insatiable cruelties, and he that hath power ouer al, wil one day I hope correct thee. Or otherwise, Pursue I pray you your glorious enterprise, you haue, no doubt, very waightily begun, & we cannot but expect thereof a notable issue. Aporia or Dubitatio, when wee make staie or doubt howe to tearme a thing, or which waie to wade in a matter, as thus: What shoulde I say, was it anger or an inueterate malice that led him to this mischiefe? Shall I cal him cunning as cautelous, that procured it, and so well could shift himselfe of it? Or otherwise thus: May hee bee said to be beloued, or rather fortunate or blessed, to haue escaped such daungers? is it to bee tearmed clemencie or rather piety to vse one so miserable with great curtesie. Or thus: I am not well perswaded what course to take in these causes, shall I begin where others haue left? or of my selfe shall I renewe againe vnto you what you haue so often heard? &c. Paradoxon, affined vnto that before, but with a kinde of mar­ uelling or woondering thereunto added, as thus: Could it possi­ bly bee thought that learning and place of good education might euer haue produced such monstrous effectes? Or otherwise: I haue great maruell that men so generous, should so quickly be diuer­ ted from their honest purposes. Or thus: I woulde neuer haue belee­ ued that such graue and considerate counsels shoulde so easily haue beene subuerted. Epitropis, when by proposing a cause, wee reason what should bee done therein, as thus: In times so troublesome and seasons so tempestious, giue now your aduise what is fit to bee done. If the case were your owne, what would you doe, what would you say therein, tell me I pray you, you that conuerse in these and such like actions, I herein appeale vnto your wisdomes, your owne consciences, shewe me but your mindes herein. And this figure is vsed in reasoning, when as to conclude a matter, and seeming loath to trouble the auditorie anie further in the same, we pretend to reserue a great part thereof, which we would refer to their iudgements. Parresia, or libertie to speake, when by winning of curtesie to our speech we seek to auoid any offence thereof, as thus. Pardon if I be tedious, the circumstance of the cause requireth it. If my speech seeme vehement, the matter occasioning the same is vrgent. If what I write seeme offensiue vnto you, you haue to mislike the ill dispositi­ on of such as inforce it, and not with me to be agreeued. Apostrophe, or Auersio, when wee turne our speeches from one person or thing to another, as if one hauing spoken much of the vanitie of the worlde shoulde thereupon turne and saie vnto the worlde, O world, how sweete and pleasant are the shewes of those things which thou producest: but in taste, how full of too much bit­ ternes? Or in speaking of the certaintie of death, and the little re­ spect thereof had, to turne a mans speach to death it selfe and saie, O death, how bitter is thy remembrance to a man hauing peace and plenty in his riches, &c. Prosopopœia, when to things without life wee frame an action, speech or person, fitting a man, as if we should saie of vertue, as of a liuing person, that her wayes were sweet, and replenished with all maner of delight, that she putteth her selfe foorth to the woorthiest to be receyued, and to the most honoured to be embraced. Or faine the ghosts from out their graues to prescribe good examples, or to re­ buke the vices of men. Or our countrey to accuse vs of our neg­ ligent regard vnto it in these or such like speeches: Vnkind people and Citizens whom I haue ingendred in my bowels, nourished with my paps, fostered with my delights, why doe you thus vngratefullie not onelie abstaine to tender mee, but giue mee an open proy to my foes to suppresse mee: yea, which is most loathsome of all others, become proper murtherers and paracides of your owne paren­ tage and familie, cruell destroyers of your owne patrimonie, and wretched renders and tearers of your mothers bowels, without all re­ gard or pitie. Synonymia, when we bring foorth many wordes together of one signification, or sounding all to one purpose, as to say, thou hast spoiled thy Countrey, destroied thy Citie, and turned the Common­ weale topsie-turuie: all which do sort but to one purpose, for the ex­ pressing the hatefulnesse of the iniurie: or otherwise to say, What head hadst thou to deuise such a thing, where was thy wit when thou wentst about it, what became of thy minde in purposing the same, whither was thy discretion caried in the prosequution? Here is head, wit, minde and discretion, all sorting to one thing. Also, what desirest thou, what soughtest thou, what couldest thou wish or expect in the action. Here is desired, sought, wish and expect, being all to one meaning. Spelling of "Synonymia" in "ia" is not found in OED. Auxesis or Incrementum, where by degrees we not onlie rise to the summe of euerie thing, but also sometimes go beyond, as to say, Hee first set vpon him with reproachfull wordes, after assayled him with his weapons, then wounded him, and lastlie did moste mi­ serablie murther him. Here by degrees is passed to the last exi­ gent. Now to the second. It is euill to reproch, wicked to slaunder, villanous vnwarilie to strike, detestable to murther. What shall I say to betray a man to all these. Here is now vltra summum, beyond all that was spoken to the vttermost. The excellencie of this Fi­ gure is so much the more, by howe much euerie degree is still in­ forced one aboue another, and goeth beyonde in comparison, as to say: golde, riches, honour, estate, treasure, kingdomes, life, and all he helde of no moment. Another kinde of recitall pertaineth also to this figure short in repetition, but for vehemencie wonderfull, as to say: Thou hast conspired the death of thy Prince, and in her the subuersion of a whole kingdome, what should I say thou hast conspired the death of thy Prince. As who would enforce that no one thing then that could be greater: Finallie, for inforcement of a thing, to say in reprehension of follies. If thou hadst done or spoken this in a priuate audience, among men of the ruder and meaner sort, among such as are lesse capable of skill then a great many others, thy fault could not haue beene hid: but to doe it before thy betters, in the presence of such as are adiudged both honorable and wise, in the hearing of those of great account of such as haue power to checke, and authoritie to compell thee, it was too peeuish. Sinathrismus, a heaping of words diuersly signifying togithers, as to say, Hee was a man wholie malicious, exceedinglie proude, vtterlie arrogant, altogither subtill, by nature cruell, and in speeches contentious. Or otherwise thus: What should I tell thee further of his partes, how wise, how sober, how honest, howe courteous, howe friendly, how choicelie he liued. Brachiologa, when in single wordes without anie coupling to­ gethers, we proceed in a broken kind of deliuerie, and yet hasten forward as in the other: As to saie, loue, hate, Ielousie, frensie, furie, drew him from pitty. Antithesis, or Contentio, when we amplifie by contraries, as to say, Being in my power to vse as I listed, I cared for thee, and did not destroy thee. Thou wast charie vnto me when no man regarded thee, and when my selfe also might haue despised thee. Or otherwise: If you doe that is good, you haue the rewarde of praise, if you prose­ cute badnesse, your merite is euill. Or thus: To thy enimyes and those that maligne thee, thou art placable: to thy friendes, inexo­ rable. In coole matters thou art hotte: in the hottest causes, colde: Art thou called? Thou art gone. Thy absence required? we cannot be rid of thee. Epanodis, carrieng a reference to the matter preceding, much like to the figure Prolepsis, but that the figure Prolepsis, hath relation onelie to the matter, this to the matter and tearmes therein v­ sed, the difference whereof you maie see in some of mine epistles as the same is quoted in the margent where the figure is vsed. Comparatio, which taketh his increase of smaller matters, which if they may seeme great in all opinions, then that which we seeke to amplifie must of necessitie seeme greater, sometimes also by di­ minution of things great, to make the residue the greater, exam­ ple of the first may bee that saying of Cicero of Catiline, in these wordes, Did the famous Scipio for a little ill gouernment of the com­ mon weale, cause Tiberius Gracchus priuatelie to bee made awaie: and shall wee preferre Catiline that goeth about to fill the whole worlde with his slaughters? Here is Catiline compared to Grac­ chus, the state of a common wealth to the whole worlde, a small sliding to an insufferable wasting, and a priuate man to the whole Senate. Or otherwise thus: Tell mee I praie thee, if one had gi­ uen thee but a small summe of money to comfort thy neede with­ all, were it not humanitie to thanke him: If hee had giuen thee possessions to liue vppon, were it not honestie to requite him: If of a slaue hee made thee rich, shouldest thou not bee bounden vnto him? Howe much more then to him that hath not alonelie done all these, but farre more then these vnto thee, oughtest thou in the verie bondes of nature and courtesie to bee both thankefull and louing? Example of the seconde sort for diminution might bee this: What is it that you propose vnto mee these small matters of vnkindnesse, as that the man is ingratefull, that hee hath no good remembraunce of courtesies, that there is in him not so much as an acknowledge­ ment, which is a thing farre from requitall, these I must confesse are iniuries to some, but vnto mee they are trifles, matters of no moment, things not to bee reckoned of: what say you to him that betrayeth his friend, seeketh his death that hath sought his life, worketh by all possible meanes his ouerthrow, his destruction and vndoing? And in this exaggeration of vices, so also might there bee the like of Vertues, as if one should exhort a man to Pietie, after hee had set foorth all the commodities thereof, as the tranquilitie of minde, peace of conscience, libertie of spirit, the communion with Saints, from a bonslaue of the diuell to become the childe of God, the comfort of the holie Ghost which the Prophet denieth may be by man concey­ ued: he might lastlie adde, what thinges then these in all the worlde could be greater, what more singular, what more happie, and yet if they be conferred vnto that blessed heritage of immortalitie, if to the life and ioyes to come, if to that heauenlie Ierusalem, which certainlie remaineth for all such as are endued with such a spirit: they are toies and things of no excellencie or moment. Metonoia, when by a sudden restraint of speech, wee giue grace or mislike to a person, or thing, as to saie, worthilie atchieued? nay rather honourablie attained, a man notable, we maie rather saie, sin­ gular: Ah cruell man, and no man neither, but a beast: Oh rare cle­ mencie, or rather most admirable patience. Hee is no thiefe, but a rauener: no murtherer, but a tyrant. Aphorismus, a Scheme, like vnto the other, but differing by a maner of reprehension, as to saie, What lawes bee these, if at least wise they may be termed lawes, which beare in them so vile customs, and not rather firebrands of the citie, and the plague of the whole common weale. Or otherwise: your counsellers, if such may be called counsellers, as draw vnto mischiefe, are vtterlie vnmeete to such kinde of assemblies. Diminutio, when we goe about to extenuate things difficult, to make them lesse in seeming, as to one that would shun learning, for the tediousnesse thereof in studie: We might shew, that besides the great necessitie thereof in the life of man, wee shall in attaining thereof, take no other nor more laboursome course, then others be­ fore vs haue done: that the way thereunto is verie plaine and easie, the labour (if anie be) sweet and pleasant. And whereas in all our ordinarie exercises of vanitie, there redoundeth for the most part in the ende but meere trauaile, and vnprofitable charge: in this the commoditie is as great as the delight, the gaine as ordinarie as the practise, wherein the studie is but the least part of a mans life, but the pleasure and commo­ dity infinite. And like as in this, so in all other things, conducing to good and laudable exercises, the labour is still diminished, by pro­ posing the worthines, pleasure, honour, profit, and so of euils com­ monlie, by mitigation of the fault. Climax, or Gradatio, when each member in a sentence ariseth from the other afore going, beginning with that which endeth the former, as to say, His industrie bred him vertue: his vertue, praise: his praise, renowne: his renowne, glorie: and his glorie enuie. Or thus: What hope haue we of good, if what men list, they may; and what they may they do, and what they doe they dare, and what they dare they prosecute, and what they prosecute, they are neuer asha­ med of. Antimetauole or Commutatio, when a sentence by charge is in­ uerted to the contrarie, as thus, We must eat to liue, and not liue to eat: Not man for the Sabboth, but the Sabboth for man was ordai­ ned. They are happy whose wisdome is answerable to their fortune, and whose fortune answereth their wit. Sinæciosis, when one contrary is attributed to another, or when two diuerse things are in one put together, as thus. The prodigal and couetous doe offende alike, for neither doe liue as they ought. Pleasure it selfe is sometimes a labour, and labour also is often a plea­ sure. To a couetous man is wanting as well that he hath, as that hee hath not. Etiologia, a figure like vnto the other beforegoing, and much resembling to Orismus, which defineth a matter by sorting the same into a distinguishment: but this nowe telleth the cause or reason of that which is before auerred, and is as a confirmation thereunto giuen for the concluding of the same, you maie see the examples as the figure is quoted in my Epistles. Paralepsis, or Occupatio, when in seeming to ouerpasse, omit, or let slip a thing, we then chiefly speake thereof, as thus: I will not here rehearse vnto you how slippery and transitorie this life is, howe much laden with cares, exposed to daungers, and attended with miseries, for we knowe it and feele it: But I will come to speake of the perdura­ ble ioies of the other, &c. Or thus, for my part I haue no pleasure to laie open other mens errors, it is inough vnto me, that by themselues they are made apparant, and that the whole worlde may see them. I omit to report vnto you these and such like ordinary matters, which in comparison of that I will shew you are but trifles. I tell you not, or I talke not now of times past. It is not the matter wherein I am now occupied. His theft, his rapine, his spoile, and all his whole disorderlie course of life in those daies perpetrated, I nowe omit, and onely doe come to the times present. His counselling (I had almost said concea­ ling) of good when time was, if it bee well noted, was it that procu­ red our mischiefes, &c. Procatalepsis or Præoccupatio, when we doe anticipate vnto our selues that we know wil be obiected, as thus, what do you obiect vnto me the times passed, those seasons & ours are vtterly vnlike. But peraduenture you will say that these things are for children fit to bee considered, nay rather meetest of old men to be followed. You will happely say vnto me herein, that I am too light of credit: but I can tel you the proofe is extant, and fit to be beleeued. Metastasis or Transitio, when in briefe wordes we passe from one thing to another, as thus, You haue hearde by this what you ought to consider, heare now I pray you what you are bounde to re­ member. These things you will say are pleasant, but the rest yet vn­ told are far more delightfull. This already shewed vnto you seemeth to be tolerable, that which followes is no waies to be suffered. I haue now told you what was done in priuate, I will next shewe you what was handled in publike: these things he did at home, that which fol­ loweth was abroade in the fielde: whilst hee was a young man, hee did this I told you, but the vertues of his age were far more different. You haue vnderstood of maners, I will now speake vnto you of lear­ ning: I will not trouble you with many things further, only this one thing will I rehearse vnto you. But of these enough, we will now go to the rest. I haue somthing beene caried away with these motions, but we wil now go to the substance. But why stay we so long in trifles? I wil go to the head of the matter: what he promised I haue deliuered, what he performed you shall vnderstande: I haue thus shewed you how much he was charged vnto me, you shal now heare againe how gently he requited me. Paramologia, where we graunt one or moe thinges meete to be marked or alleadged, and forthwith doe infer thereupon suffici­ ent whereby to ouerthrow it, as thus: I deny not but I haue here­ tofore vsed you in causes secret, in matters weighty and of counsell, that I haue found you friendly, faithfull and ready: but what is all that to the purpose, when in a thing so important, and matter neerly con­ cerning me, as whereon dependeth the safegard of my whole house and familie, I haue founde you in both negligent and vntrustie. Or otherwise thus: Be it, or suppose you haue omitted nothing in your owne person, of a friende to be performed, that you were no partaker with him of those euill counsels: that you abstained to ac­ company him in the execution of his mischiefes, yet are you not ther­ fore cleared. For it is not sufficient for a man not to doe euill of him­ selfe, but that by to too much lenity he become not occasion of an o­ thers mischiefe. Dichologia, when by a colour of mitigation wee defende our cause, as to saie: I fell, I confesse, but as a young man, I went astray, but as one willing to be reclaimed: I forsooke my friend indeede, but constrained by the lawes, I was a companion in their badnesse, but forced by threatning. Orismus, definitio, or finitio, wherein we brieflie laie forth the true properties of euerie thing, by impugning the contrarie, as thus: Men cannot be said in vertue to exceed, for in vertue there is euer an excellency, but neuer an excesse, sith the excesse is onely appropriate vnto vices. This cannot be said to be care but couetousnesse, for care hath onely respect to necessary vses, but in couetousnes, there is neuer any reasonable suffizance. Hypotyposis, when any thing is described in particular, or made knowne to the viewe, as thus: Shall I tell you what maner a one you haue preferred vnto mee, for his stature, a Dwarfe: for his per­ son, a trunke: for his qualities a dog: for his countenance, a foxe: in behauiour a swine: in condition, an Ape: in sense, an Asse, and in v­ sage, a beast. Merismus or Distributio, when that as maie bee generallie spoken we distribute for amplification into parts: as if in genera­ litie we said: He hath consumed all his substance in riot: By distri­ bution wee might amplifie thus: Whatsoeuer patrimony hee had from his father, what priuate inrichment by his deceased mother, what large assistance by friends, whereat the worlde neuer barked, what dowry soeuer by his wife, which no doubt was very great, all this hath he consumed by a most dissolute and wanton liuing: mony, plate, lands, wealth, possessions and all, are gone to the deuil, his cattel consumed, his houshold stuffe solde, his apparell spent, and the poore miser at this instant hath not left him a farthing. "inrichment" antedates the earliest OED citation ("enrichment, n."; a1626). Dialisis, a separation of one thing from another, both being ab­ solued by a seuerall reason, in the nature of a Dilemma, as thus: When I haue preached vnto you all I may, if you bee well giuen it a­ uaileth, if graceles, forth you wil not be moued. Or thus. What should I further set forth vnto you my good will, if you remember it, I haue said inough, if not, my words wil not prouoke you. Dialogismus or Sermocinatio, an imaginatiue speach, agreeing to the quality of the person it is framed of. Whether he be valiant cruell, young, old, or of what other condition, as if we shoulde saie of the times present. Were the ancient Apostles and olde Fathers of religion nowe liuing, which with great innocencie of life, and true pietie, shined in their seasons, and should but beholde the most cor­ rupt and abhominable estate of our times, subiect as they bee to all kinde of euils, would they not thinke, you straight proclaime against vs the vniust name of Christians, and challenge vs for the great want we haue of the true profession thereof? Would they not rather cry out of vs that deluding ourselues onely with a vaine title or name of Christians, we do not so much as seeke in the meane time to followe any part thereof? Epiphonema, or conclusion to a matter before shewed, as thus: Of so woonderfull force was his wisdome, which was able to compasse that in short time, which a number haue diuerslie sought for, and could neuer hetherto obtaine. Or thus: Such is the force of Nature which seldome wee doe see is euer chaunged by anie colours. Much haue they forsaken that haue cast all from them­ selues. It is commonlie the conclusion or making vp of a dis­ course or sentence by some pithie manner of speaking. As if a man shoulde inueigh against drunkennesse, hee might thus con­ clude, Hee nowe that thinketh it parcell of humanity, by thrusting on of many cuppes to driue his friend into drunkennesse, let him also thinke it kindnes, by a venemous confection giuen, to driue him into madnesse. Expeditio, or enumeratio, when many reasons of auerment being numbred togethers, we make a confutation of them, each one in particular, as thus: The goods in question beeing alleadged to bee mine, it is requisite you prooue, either that you had them by chance, that you haue long held or enioied them, that you bought them with your money, or otherwise that by some gift you came to them, or last­ ly, in succession that you haue obtained them. That you had them by chance it cannot be, for they were not lost from my keeping. Long haue you not held them, for they were alwaies till this in mine owne possession. It is plaine you neuer bought them, for you paide mee no mony for them. By gift you could not haue them, for the right was in me to giue them. The succession must be void, for my selfe am yet li­ uing. It remaineth then if you keep them, that liuing you doe cast me out of mine own possession. This chiefly appertaineth to the Iudi­ ciall Epistles in the state Coniecturall.expediti Commoratio, when matters diuerslie enlarged, are yet staid vpon, and lastlie brought into one short conclusion, wherby the reasons are made more weightie, and of the greater efficacie, as thus. What will you make of this man, whom ye seeke in this maner to set free, you see he is a man prodigall of his owne fame, & a lier in waite for others credits, one full of guile, intemperate, railing, proude and ambitious, to his parents most wicked, ingratefull to his friends, hated of his owne kinsemen, stubborne to his superiours, insolent with his equals, to his inferiours cruell, and finallie to all persons whatsoeuer a creature most intolerable. Sententia, A recitall of some graue matter by waie of a notable saying or sentence, either by common custome admitted, or by some authour deliuered, examples whereof are plentifullie to bee seene in my Epistles. Exuscitatio, A prouocation or stirring vp of others to the praise or mislike of a thing, as thus: What one is hee of so slender or contemptible a spirit amongst vs, or who of all our Nation woulde bee counted so enuious, as vpon so great and large a desert had by a man so woorthie, woulde not willinglie render vnto him all ho­ nour and due commendation? Likewise of the contrarie for dispraise. Doth it not abhorre you to heare and vnderstand of a rabble of so great and vnaccustomed lewdnesse, a man euerie way so vile, to goe thus freelie vnpunished? Surelie I doe thinke no honest minde but would be of this opinion, that of all creatures liuing hee were most worthie to be extirped. Omiosis, The figure of resemblance or similitude, whereby wee resemble one thing to another, as thus: Like as they greatlie do of­ fend, who going to a publike well, whence all a whole citie hath their water, do infect the same with a most deadly poison: Euen so do they most wickedly merit of the common weale, who deprauing the mind of a Prince, doe lade and frequent the same with most mischieuous counsels. Or thus: Is it seene that men at the blast or byting of a Vi­ per, do shrinke, and forthwith do run for a medicine? How much more ought they then, for the auoiding of a most horrible shame, the infamous sting wherof is far worse then all other poisons, to run to a remedie? Icon, An image or artificiall description of that we meane to de­ liuer, as if in setting forth our most gratious Soueraigne, we shoulde saie, That Goddesse like adorned with high aspectes, or statelie grace and maiestie diuine. In Chariot deckt with Prince­ lie ornaments shee issued foorth, &c. Or thus, laying out the dreadfulnesse of warre, Fierce and vntamed warre with eyes sparkling as the flaming fire, whose face caried in it selfe a terrour to the lookers on, and his countenance was as it were a present death. His gesture was as the furious assault of a Lion, and his mouth as a deuouring pitte to swallow the bloud of multitudes. Armed hee was with fire, with fa­ mine, and with sword, crying reuengement on the world, and perse­ cuting all nations with a ceaslesse dread. Paradigma, a maner of exhorting or withdrawing by example, as to saie, the Elephants engender not, but in places most remote, and any that by chance do see them in that time they kill. How much more then behooueth that betweene those of reason, a shamefastnes be included in executing that action. Or thus. The nature of the Dol­ phin is not to suffer the yong ones of her kinde to straggle vndefenced, such care haue they of their frie: How much more beseeming is it, that our procreation which are men, should not be suffred to runne at ran­ dom without either guide or controlment. Parecbasis, or Digressio, a speech beside the matter in present spoken on, as to saie, But heere let mee remember vnto you some­ thing of the deserts and eternized memorie of your worthie and most vertuous Parents. Or thus: giue me leaue a little to digresse from this purpose, to the ende that by laying out of something yet vnspoken of, I may the better wade into the rest. Emendation of the headword from OED. "eternized" antedates the earliest OED citation (1603). FINIS.