l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a R i c h a r d H a k l u y t ' s P r i n c i p a l N a v i g a t i o n s 1 5 9 8 s t c 1 2 6 2 6 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 2 1 ) The famous voyage of Sir Francis Drake into the South sea, and therehence about the whole Globe of the earth, begun in the yeere of our Lord, 1577. Vol. 15: 408-47 Certaine wordes of the naturall language of Iaua, learned and obserued by our men there. Sabuck, silke. Sagu, bread of the Countrey. Larnike, drinke. Paree, ryce in the huske. Braas, sodden ryce. Calapa, Cocos. Cricke, dagger. Catcha, a looking glasse. Arbo, an oxe. Vados, a goate. Cabo, golde. Gardange, a plantane. Hiam, a henne. Seuit, linnen cloth. Doduck, blew cloth. Totopps, one of their caps. Gula, blacke sugar. Tadon, a woman. Bebeck, a ducke. Aniange, a deere. Popran, oyntment. Coar, the head. Endam, raine. Ionge, a shippe. Chay, the sea. apelo, ten in number. Dopolo, twentie. Treda, no. Lau, vnderstand you. Bayer, goe. Adadizano, I will fetch it. Suda, ynough.