l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a R o b e r t D u d l e y ' s V o y a g e t o t h e W e s t I n d i e s 1 5 9 4 - 9 5 B r i t i s h L i b r a r y S l o a n e M S 3 5 8 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 21 ) Aroaca, Sermo Indianus Burgo, comertium. Calcurey, aurum. Chipperarey, argentum. Dacabo, manus. Dabárroh, crines. Dabádoh, unguis. Tácorah, lapis viridis. Colperey, lapis albus. Uree, tobaco. Arara, aurum vulgare. Bara, aqua. Hadaley, sol. Basya, ventus. Casaca, nubes. Taiourah, corda. Adda, lignum. Eduólah, cultellum. Arkekano, forceps. Weeuah, cœlum. Dacy, caput. Dacasi, oculus. Dary, dens. Dadica, auris. Daciboh, facies. Da la rócoh, labrum. Dacirey, nasus. Places and people of the mayne Capulio, the eastermost poynte. Werinóca, the entring in of the ryver. Moroca, the men-eaters. "men-eaters" antedates the earliest OED citation (1600). Caribia be also man-eaters. Sabiota is a small ryver; the people of the river are called Veriotaus, of whom we weare well intreat[ed]. Mana, the ryver of Carpembres. Maria, the ryver wheare the myne of calcurey is. Armaio, captaine of the sayd myne. Braáha is a small ryver by the which wee did com back, and yt did putt us too leeward of the ship. Here follow certaine wordes of the language of Trinidad which I obserued at my being there: Gvttemock, a man. Tabairo, Dabarah, or Dabarra, the heare of ones head. Dessie, the forehead. Dasereth, or Dacosi, an eye. Dalacoack, the mouth. Areheh, the teeth. Daria, the gummes. Desire, the lips. Dill, the tongue. Dudica, the eares. Dacan, a hand. Dacabbo, the palme of the hand. Dadena, the wrist. Dacurle, a knee. Daddano, the calfe of the legge. Dabodda, the toes. Dacutti, the feete. Cattie, the moone. Tauraroth, a rope. Arkeano, a paire of cizers. Weeuah, the heauen. Harowa, a stone good for the head ache. Mointiman, yron or steele. Howa, munkeis in generall. Carotta, a thing like pappe. Sakel, it is well, or I am well. Techir, a bracelet. Bodad, a boxe or chest. Mentinie, a tree. Addehegaeno, a glasse. Calcouri, gold. Perota, siluer. Tacorao, a green stone. Arrara, copper. Caulpiri, a white stone. Casparo, a sword. Tibetebe, cockles. Marrahabo, a bow. Semaro, an arrow. Huculle, a bow-string. Halete, a potato roote. Caerwoda, a sweete root. Maunisse, wheat. Queca, a basket. Yeddola, a knife. Sambolers, a hat. Beyou, a pipe. Callit, bread. Oronuie, water. Arguecona, a paire of cizzers. Heldaro, a spoone. Hemachugh, a bread which they eate. Hicket, fire. Walrowa, a parrot. Vreit, tabacco. Barudda, a combe. Addoth, a sticke. Barrennaire, a button, or beads. Curaballa and Sibath, for 2 sundry stones: but Sibath in general signifieth a stone. Tolletillero, bels. Vllasso, a tuny-fish. Bohery, a flying-fish. Bara, water. Haddalle, the sunne. Babage-Canoaseen, the maner of the Indians hailing of a ship, calling it after the name of their Canoas. Non vuo, or Non quapa, I know not, or I cannot tell.