Osborne 1745: Bibliographic Record
- Thomas Osborne
Book title
A Collection of Voyages and Travels: Consisting of Authentic Writers in our own Tongue, which have not before been Collected in English, or have only been Abridged in other Collections
Publication place
Publication press
Thomas Osborne
Other publication info
2 vols.
LEME references
- (modern editions) Cornelius Gerritszoon, An Addition to the Sea Journal or Navigation of the Hollanders unto Java (1598)
- (modern editions) Marc Lescarbot, Nova Francia (1609)
- (modern editions) Richard Boothby, A Brief Discovery or Description of the Most Famous Island of Madagascar (1646)
Bibliographic reference (MLA style)
Osborne, Thomas. A Collection of Voyages and Travels: Consisting of Authentic Writers in our own Tongue, which have not before been Collected in English, or have only been Abridged in other Collections. 2 vols. London: Thomas Osborne, 1745.