All Lexicons (1475 - 1755)

630 Alren hath Virtue to Purge Flewme ca. 1400 - ca. 1500 Hard words
  • herbal
Not available
797 The State Papers Latin-English Dictionary Fragment ca. 1400 - ca. 1500 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
1412 Catholicon Anglicum ca. 1440 Bilingual lexicon
Not available
695 Nominale ca. 1450 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
15 Trilingual Plant Names from Bodleian Library MS Douce 380 ca. 1450 - ca. 1499 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
521 Latin-English Herbal ca. 1450 - ca. 1500 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
642 De Nomina Infirmitatis Instrumentorum Et Medicinarum ca. 1450 - 1550? Multilingual lexis
  • medicine
Not available
1209 Legal Glossary in Bokenham's Mappula Angliae after 1475 Hard words
  • law
Not available
1210 Legal Glossary in Ranulf Higden's Polychronicon (Harley MS 2261) after? 1475 Hard words
  • law
Not available
17 Latin-English Vocabularies for the School of St. Antony, Threadneedle Street, London ca. 1475 - ca. 1499 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
16 Sinonima Secundum Alphabetum Probata ca. 1475 - ca. 1499 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
1193 Glossariolum in quo Difficiliora quaedam Explicantur Vocabula Chemica ca. 1475 - ca. 1500 Multilingual lexis
  • chemistry
Not available
697 Herbs in Latin and English ca. 1475 - ca. 1500 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
1545 Medulla Grammatice (BL Harley MS 1000) ca. 1475 - ca. 1500 Other
  • Latin
Not available
1546 Medulla Grammatice (BL Harley MS 1738) ca. 1475 - ca. 1500 Other
  • Latin
Not available
1547 Medulla Grammatice (BL Harley MS 2181) ca. 1475 - ca. 1500 English lexis
Not available
1548 Medulla Grammatice BL Harley MS 2270 ca. 1475 - ca. 1500 English lexis
  • Latin
Not available
13 British Additional MS 34,276 Latin and English Vocabularies ca. 1475 - ca. 1525 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
693 Nomina Infirmitatum Instrumentorum et Medicinarum ca 1475 - ca 1525 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • medicine
Not available
835 The Horse the Ghoos and the Sheep 1477 Hard words
  • fauna
20 The Description of Britain 1480 Treatise
  • place name
19 French and English ca. 1480 Multilingual lexis
  • French
537 Medulla Grammatice (Pepys MS 2002) ca. 1480 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
851 Exposicio Vocabulorum 1482 Hard words
  • French
  • Latin
  • law
Not available
1250 John Edward's Latin Grammar ca. 1481 - ca. 1489 Multilingual lexis
  • fauna
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
643 Long Parvula 1482? Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
21 Catholicon Anglicum: The Remedy for all Diseases ca. 1483 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
837 Compendium Totius Grammaticae 1483 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
838 St. Albans Chronicle 1485 Names
  • proper name
Not available
849 Arundel Vocabularies ca. 1485 - ca. 1501 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
22 The Book of St. Albans 1486 Hard words
  • fauna
  • hawking and hunting
1505 Prefatio in Regulas Grammaticales 1486 Grammar
Not available
972 Long Accidence 1495 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
24 English and French 1497 Multilingual lexis
  • French
645 Parvula 1497? Treatise
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
25 The Assembly of the Gods 1498 Hard words
  • Classical mythology
  • proper name
947 The Book Named John Mandeville, Knight 1499 Multilingual lexis
  • Arabic
  • spelling
  • travel
26 Promptorium Parvulorum 1499 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
1184 Glossary of Drugs and their Properties ca. 1500 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • minerals
Not available
191 Information for Pilgrims unto the Holy Land 1500 Multilingual lexis
  • Arabic
  • Greek
  • travel
  • Turkish
35 Ortus Vocabulorum 1500 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
32 English and Latin Plant List 1500 - ca. 1599 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
1194 An Exposition of Diverse Words of one Significance in the Art of Chemistry ca. 1500 - ca. 1599 Hard words
  • chemistry
Not available
1216 The Lambeth Italian and English Dictionary ca. 1500 - ca. 1599 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
31 Medical Simples in Latin and English ca 1500 - ca 1599 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
30 Tragical History of Charles and Julia ca. 1500 - ca. 1599 Hard words
  • Classical mythology
Not available
1211 Urbium et Regionum Quarundam Clogia ca. 1500 - ca. 1599 Hard words
  • geography
  • rhetoric
Not available
28 Expositio Vocabulorum (Yelverton) ca 1500 - ca 1600 Hard words
  • Latin
  • law
Not available
814 George Austen's Legal Glossary 1500 - ca. 1600 Hard words
  • law
  • Old English
Not available
27 Liber Herbarum Vade Meum Vocatur ca 1500 - ca 1600 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
1482 Multorum Vocabulorum Equiuocorum 1502 Bilingual lexicon
  • etymology
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
974 Accidence 1505 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
975 Ascensius Declensions with the Plain Exposition 1505? Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
  • punctuation
Not available
973 How Many Parts of Reason Ben There 1505 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
33 Os Facies Mentum 1505 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
976 What Nouns Maketh Comparison 1505 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
647 Parvulorum Institutio 1507? Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1497 The Book of Carving 1508 English lexis
  • cooking
Not available
1413 Lac Puerorum 1508 Grammar
  • grammar
37 Vulgaria 1509 Multilingual lexis
  • education
  • fauna
  • fishing
  • grammar
  • horsemanship
  • household
  • Latin
23 Vocabula 1510 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
1442 The Calendar of Shepherds 1511 Hard words
  • medicine
1414 De Nominum Generibus 1511? Grammar
  • Latin
Not available
977 Linacri Progymnasmata Grammatices Vulgaria 1512 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1448 De heteroclitis nominibus 1513 Grammar
Not available
978 De Heteroclitis Nominibus 1513? Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
979 De Nominum Generibus 1513? Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
883 The Flores of Ovid's De Arte Amandi 1513 Multilingual lexis
  • Classical mythology
  • Latin
980 Donate and Accidence for Children 1515 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
981 Angli Rudimenta 1516? Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
982 De Nonimum Appellativorum Deorum Dearum Heroum Heroinarum Locorumque Synonimi 1517? Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1225 Pour Apprendre à Parler Francoys, Alemant, et Ancloys 1519? Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • German
  • grammar
Not available
1551 The Statutes Prohemium 1519 Catalogue
  • law
1507 Vocabula 1519 Bilingual lexicon
Not available
38 Vulgaria 1519 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
39 Vulgaria 1520 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
705 Introductory to Write and to Pronounce French 1521 Multilingual lexis
  • French
983 Praeterita Verborum 1521 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1152 The Book of Surveying 1523 Hard words
  • law
  • surveying
1571 The Expositions of the Terms of the Law of England 1523 Hard words
  • law
Not available
40 Husbandry 1523? Hard words
  • agriculture
  • fauna
985 Rudimenta Grammatices 1523? Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
42 Banckes's Herbal 1525 Hard words
  • herbal
836 The Expositions of the Terms of the Law of England ca. 1525 Hard words
  • French
  • law
Not available
1261 The Fromond List of Garden Plants ca. 1525 English lexis
  • herbal
646 Un Petit Livre pour Apprendre à Parler Français, Allemand, et Anglais ca. 1525 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • German
Not available
41 Herbs in Latin and English (Bodleian) ca. 1525 - ca. 1550 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
1569 De Immensa Dei Misericordia ca. 1526 Treatise
  • Bible
Not available
45 De Immensa Dei Misericordia 1526? Hard words
  • Bible
  • hard words
44 The Great Herbal 1526 Hard words
  • herbal
1458 Aeditio 1527 Grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1566 Hortus Sanitatis 1527 Treatise
  • fauna
Not available
46 Statutes 1527 Hard words
  • law
47 The Virtuous Book of Distillation 1527 Treatise
  • chemistry
  • herbal
Not available
48 Introductions in French 1528 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
1451 Magnum Abbreviamentum statutorum anglie vsque ad annum .xv. H. VIII 1528 English lexis
  • law
Not available
1544 The Quiet of Mind 1528 Treatise
  • philosophy
Not available
1273 Regimen Sanitatis Salerni 1528 Treatise
  • medicine
Not available
175 Sir Thomas Littleton's Tenures in English 1528 - 1530 Hard words
  • law
Not available
984 Rudimenta Grammatices et Docendi Methodus 1529 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
817 English, French, Dutch ca 1530 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
  • French
Not available
49 Lesclarcissement de la Langue Francoyse 1530 Multilingual lexis
  • French
1533 The Mirror of Our Lady 1530 Treatise
Not available
50 Old Testament Pentateuch 1530 Hard words
  • Bible
1512 The Governor 1531 Treatise
Not available
1463 John Ashwell's Letter 1531? Treatise
  • Bible
43 The Art or Craft of Rhetoric 1532 Hard words
  • rhetoric
Not available
1498 The Book Named the Assize of Bread 1532 Other
  • cooking
Not available
1457 Chaucer's Works 1532 Hard words
Not available
1274 De Morbo Gallico 1533 Treatise
  • medicine
Not available
986 Flowers for Latin Speaking 1533 Treatise
  • Latin
  • rhetoric
Not available
842 An Introductory for to Learn to Read, to Pronounce, and to Speak French Truly 1533? Multilingual lexis
  • French
692 New Testament Glossary 1534 Hard words
  • Bible
1228 The Concordance of the New Testament 1535 Concordance
  • Bible
Not available
855 Certain Brief Rules of the Regiment or Construction of the Eight Parts of Speech in English and Latin 1537 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1260 The Manner of Measuring 1537? Hard words
  • mathematics
  • surveying
52 Sex Linguarum 1537 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
  • French
  • Italian
  • Latin
  • Spanish
864 The Talbot Old English Glossary of Genesis ca. 1537 - 1558 Hard words
  • Bible
  • Latin
  • Old English
Not available
53 The Dictionary of Sir Thomas Elyot 1538 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
54 Libellus de Re Herbaria Novus 1538 Multilingual lexis
  • Greek
  • herbal
  • Latin
1539 Acolastus 1540 Other
  • Latin
Not available
987 Institutio Compendiaria Totius Grammaticae 1540 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1249 Of the Wood Called Guaiacum that Healeth the French Pocks 1540 Hard words
  • medicine
Not available
63 Bibliotheca Eliotae 1542 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • place name
  • proper name
  • proverbs
  • travel
1416 A Compendious Regiment or a Dietary of Health 1542 Treatise
  • medicine
Not available
1443 An Introduction of the Eight Parts of Speech 1542 Grammar
  • grammar
1251 The Questionary of Surgeons 1542 Hard words
  • medicine
Not available
57 Genethliacon Illustrissimi Eäduerdi Principis Cambriae 1543 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • place name
  • Welsh
Not available
1285 A Newe Herball of Macer ca. 1543 Hard words
  • herbal
Not available
829 A Very Necessary Book both in English and in French 1543 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
56 The Work and Practise of Arithmetic 1543 Hard words
  • mathematics
Not available
58 Works of Chirurgery 1543 Hard words
  • German
  • medicine
59 Avium Præcipvarum 1544 Multilingual lexis
  • fauna
  • German
  • Greek
  • Latin
Not available
884 A Compendious Treatise of Slander 1545? Treatise
  • law
1524 Toxophilus: The School of Shooting 1545 Other
Not available
1187 The Wellcome Historical Medical Library Herbal 1545 - 1575 Hard words
  • herbal
  • medicine
Not available
803 The Regiment of Life 1546 Treatise
  • education
  • Latin
  • medicine
1534 A Table Instructive to Let Blood 1546 Treatise
Not available
85 The Breviary of Health 1547 Hard words
  • Arabic
  • Greek
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
60 A Compendious Regiment or a Dietary of Health 1547 Treatise
  • medicine
Not available
62 A Dictionary in English and Welsh 1547 Multilingual lexis
  • Welsh
1271 The Principal Parts of Physic 1547 Treatise
  • medicine
Not available
61 The Urinal of Physic 1547 Hard words
  • medicine
1532 Bibliotheca Eliotae 1548 Bilingual lexicon
  • Latin
Not available
1542 The first Tome or Volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus upon the New Testament 1548 Treatise
  • Bible
Not available
64 The Names of Herbs in Greek, Latin, English, Dutch, and French 1548 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • herbal
  • Latin
1393 The Canticles or Balades of Salomon 1549 Hard words
  • Bible
  • Hebrew
  • poetry
1452 A Short Introduction of Grammar 1549 Treatise
  • grammar
Not available
1259 The Battery of the Pope's Botereulx, Commonly called the High Altar 1550 Hard words
  • Bible
  • etymology
Not available
68 A Brief and a Plain Introduction, Teachyng how to Pronounce the Letters in the British Tongue 1550 Treatise
  • pronunciation
  • Welsh
Not available
1229 A Brief and Compendiouse Table in a Manner of a Concordance 1550 Concordance
  • Bible
Not available
1230 A Concordance 1550 Concordance
  • Bible
Not available
1258 The Description of the Sphere or Frame of the World ca. 1550 Hard words
  • cosmography and astrology
Not available
70 Principal Rules of the Italian Grammar 1550 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
69 A Treatise of Schemes and Tropes 1550 Multilingual lexis
  • poetry
  • rhetoric
66 A Very Necessary Book both in English and in French 1550 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
1186 Definitions of Medical and Chemical Terms ca. 1550 - ca. 1600 Hard words
  • chemistry
  • medicine
Not available
1431 An Argument of Women's Apparel 1551 Hard words
72 The Bible 1551 Hard words
  • Bible
1561 Historiae Animalium 1551 Treatise
  • fauna
Not available
71 A New Herbal 1551 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
  • French
  • Greek
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
708 The Opening of the Unreasonable Writing of our English Tongue 1551 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
73 The Pathway to Knowledge 1551 Hard words
  • mathematics
Not available
707 The Rule of Reason 1551 Treatise
  • Latin
  • logic
Not available
651 A Treatise in English and French 1551 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
1264 Annotations on an English New Testament ca. 1551 - 1553 Hard words
  • annotation to text
  • Bible
Not available
75 Abecedarium Anglico-latinum 1552 Bilingual lexicon
  • fauna
Not available
1177 A Boke of the Propreties of Herbes called an Herball ca. 1552 Hard words
  • herbal
76 Dictionariolum Puerorum 1552 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • Latin
Not available
1568 A Treatise of the New India 1552 Treatise
  • travel
Not available
79 The Art of Rhetoric 1553 Treatise
  • rhetoric
Not available
881 The Book of John de Sacrobusco that Treateth of the Sphere 1553 Hard words
  • cosmography and astrology
Not available
1262 Compendiosa totius Anatomie delineatio 1553 Hard words
  • medicine
Not available
685 Pierce the Ploughmans Crede 1553 Hard words
  • Middle English
77 Pierce the Ploughmans Creed 1553 Hard words
  • Middle English
1543 A Short Dictionary for Young Beginners 1553 Bilingual lexicon
  • Latin
Not available
1173 Traité pour Apprendre a Parler Francois et Anglois 1553 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • grammar
Not available
67 The Treasury of Health 1553? Hard words
  • medicine
  • weights and measures
1217 Lord Burghley's Notes on Law Terms ca. 1553 - ca. 1598 Hard words
  • heraldry
  • law
Not available
74 A Very Profitable Book to Learn the Manner of Reading, Writing, and Speaking English and Spanish 1554 Multilingual lexis
  • Spanish
Not available
81 The Book of English and Spanish 1555? Multilingual lexis
  • Spanish
82 The Decades of the New World or West India 1555 Hard words
  • travel
638 The First Book of the Introduction of Knowledge 1550? Treatise
  • Cornish
  • German
  • Hebrew
  • Irish
  • Welsh
Not available
1520 A Manifest Detection of Diceplay 1555 Treatise
Not available
83 A Treatise of the Figures of Grammar and Rhetoric 1555 Hard words
  • rhetoric
1514 The Watermen's Rates: London to Gravesend 1555 Treatise
Not available
84 The History of Herodian 1556? Hard words
  • Classical mythology
  • place name
78 A Short Dictionary for Young Beginners 1556 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
1500 Histoire des Plantes 1557 English lexis
  • herbal
Not available
86 The Whetstone of Wit 1557 Hard words
  • mathematics
Not available
90 Brief Introductions, Both Natural, Pleasant, and also Delectable unto the Art of Chiromancy 1558? Treatise
  • cosmography and astrology
  • medicine
915 The Government of Health 1558 Treatise
  • herbal
  • medicine
Not available
88 Verba Obsoleta et Alia ca 1558 - 1593 Hard words
  • Latin
  • law
87 Materia Medica ca 1558 - ca 1600 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
89 Words in English, Welsh, and Irish ca 1558 - ca 1600 Multilingual lexis
  • Irish
  • Welsh
Not available
833 Verba Anglica Obscura et Glosata ca 1558 - ca 1603 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • law
  • Old English
871 An ABC for Scots Men to Read the French Tongue 1559? Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • Scottish
Not available
92 The Cosmographical Glass 1559 Treatise
  • cosmography and astrology
  • geography
  • navigation and the sea
Not available
917 The Book of Secrets 1560 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
93 The Geneva Bible Glossarial Table of Hebrew Proper Names 1560 Hard words
  • Bible
  • Hebrew
  • proper name
1207 Glosses to Trinity College Cambridge MS. B.14.52 ca. 1560 - ca. 1598 Hard words
  • Bible
  • poetry
Not available
1536 The Courtier 1561 Other
  • Italian
Not available
96 The Zodiac of Life 1561 Hard words
  • poetry
1453 Rhetorice Compendia ca. 1561 - ca. 1563 Other
  • rhetoric
Not available
97 Bulleins Bulwarke of Defence 1562 Hard words
  • medicine
1511 The Second Part of William Turner's Herbal 1562 Other
  • baths
Not available
1464 Certain Works of Chirurgy 1563 Treatise
  • medicine
Not available
1174 Conjugaisons Francois-Angloises Mises en Lumiere 1563 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • grammar
Not available
95 The Expositions of the Terms of the Laws of England 1563 Hard words
  • French
  • law
Not available
99 The Foundation of Rhetoric 1563 Treatise
  • rhetoric
Not available
891 The Hope of Health 1564 Treatise
  • herbal
  • medicine
Not available
1531 Thesaurus Linguae Romanae et Britannicae 1565 Bilingual lexicon
  • Latin
Not available
103 Chirurgia parva Lanfranci, Lanfranco of Milan his Brief 1565 Hard words
  • herbal
  • medicine
102 The Eight Books of Caius Julius Caesar 1565 Hard words
  • place name
  • war
105 Hermaphroditus and Salmacis 1565 Hard words
  • Classical mythology
  • proper name
1386 Laurence Nowell's Legal Glossary ca. 1565 - ca. 1567 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • law
  • Old English
Not available
1387 Laurence Nowell's Glosses in a Copy of Richard Howlet's <i>Abcedarium</i> (1552) ca. 1565 - ca. 1570 Bilingual lexicon
  • Old English
Not available
107 A Dial for all Agues 1566 Hard words
  • Greek
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • medicine
106 Dictionary of Scots Law 1566 Hard words
  • law
Not available
1528 The four chiefest Offices belonging to Horsemanship 1566 Treatise
  • horsemanship
Not available
1564 A Testimony of Antiquity 1566? Treatise
  • antiquities
  • baths
Not available
108 An Almanack and Prognostication for three years 1571-73 1567 Treatise
  • cosmography and astrology
  • herbal
Not available
109 A Caveat for Common Cursitors 1567 Hard words
  • canting
111 A Green Forest 1567 Hard words
  • fauna
  • herbal
  • jeweling
  • minerals
110 A Short Introduction of Grammar 1567 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
65 Vocabularium Saxonicum ca 1567 Multilingual lexis
  • Old English
1244 The Abridgement of Logic ca. 1567 - ca. 1568 Hard words
  • logic
Not available
98 The Accidence of Armory 1568 Treatise
  • heraldry
1565 Archaionomia 1568 Treatise
  • law
  • Old English
Not available
113 A Comfortable Aid for Scholars 1568 Treatise
  • Italian
Not available
667 De Recta et Emendata Linguae Anglicae Scriptione 1568 Treatise
  • Latin
  • spelling
Not available
821 The Enemy of Idleness 1568 Treatise
  • rhetoric
Not available
1417 The First and Second Parts of the Herbal of William Turner Doctor in Phisic 1568 Hard words
  • herbal
Not available
112 A New Book of the Natures and Properties of all Wines ... and the Book of the Natures and Virtues of Triacle 1568 Treatise
  • Latin
  • medicine
799 The New Found World, or Antarctic 1568 Treatise
  • place name
  • travel
916 The Profitable Art of Gardening 1568 Treatise
  • agriculture
  • herbal
Not available
1418 A Short Dictionary 1568 Other
  • Latin
Not available
1277 Annotations to William Thynne's 1532 Edition of Chaucer's Works ca. 1568 - ca. 1597 Hard words
  • annotation to text
  • Middle English
Not available
114 Of the Vanity and Uncertainty of Arts and Science 1569 Treatise
  • history
  • philosophy
Not available
115 An Orthography 1569 Treatise
  • spelling
Not available
116 A Postle, or Exposition of the Gospels 1569 Hard words
  • Bible
  • hard words
117 A Catholic and Ecclesiastical Exposition of the Holy Gospel after S. Matthew 1570 Hard words
  • Bible
  • rhetoric
118 The Elements of Geometry 1570 Hard words
  • mathematics
Not available
120 Manipulus Vocabulorum 1570 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • rhymes
121 A Method or Comfortable Beginning for all Unlearned, whereby they may be Taught to Read English 1570 Hard words
  • grammar
  • hard words
119 A Postle or Orderly Disposing of Certain Epistles 1570 Hard words
  • Bible
122 A Rich Storehouse or Treasury for Nobility and Gentlemen, which in Latin is Called Nobilitas Literata 1570 Treatise
  • rhetoric
Not available
1525 The Schoolmaster 1570 Treatise
  • Latin
Not available
125 A Dictionary French and English 1571 Multilingual lexis
  • French
124 A Geometrical Practise, Named Pantometria 1571 Hard words
  • mathematics
918 Stirpium Adversaria Nova 1571 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
126 The Benefit of the Ancient Baths of Buckstone 1572 Treatise
  • baths
Not available
1466 A Discourse upon Usury 1572 Treatise
  • economy
Not available
1381 Huloet's Dictionary 1572 Bilingual lexicon
  • French
  • Latin
Not available
1385 The Success of Famagosta 1572 Bilingual lexicon
  • Turkish
Not available
903 Works of Armory 1572 Hard words
  • heraldry
Not available
129 The Art of Reason 1573 Hard words
  • logic
1394 The Breuiary of Britayne 1573 Bilingual lexicon
  • history
  • Welsh
130 Certain Brief and Necessary Rules of Geography 1573 Treatise
  • geography
1395 Expositions of Words in Genesis, Numbers, and the New Testament as Translated into English 1573 Hard words
  • Bible
Not available
128 The French Schoolmaster 1573 Multilingual lexis
  • French
988 Phrases linguae Latinae 1573 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
127 An Alveary or Triple Dictionary, in English, Latin, and French 1574 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • Greek
  • Latin
709 The Logic of the most Excellent Philosopher P. Ramus Martyr 1574 Hard words
  • logic
Not available
1221 Onomastica 1574 Multilingual lexis
  • alchemy
  • chemistry
Not available
51 The Preacher, or Method of Preaching 1574 Hard words
  • Bible
  • grammar
  • logic
  • rhetoric
Not available
131 A Regiment for the Sea 1574 Hard words
  • navigation and the sea
404 The Wellspring of Sciences, which Teacheth the Perfect Work and Practice of Arithmetic 1574 Treatise
  • mathematics
Not available
1472 Llysieulyfr (Herbal) 1574 - 1578 Treatise
  • herbal
Not available
1265 English Glosses on Welsh Words in William Salesbury's Dictionary ca. 1574 - ca. 1583 Multilingual lexis
  • alchemy
  • chemistry
Not available
140 The Calender of Scripture 1575 Multilingual lexis
  • Hebrew
  • Latin
  • place name
  • proper name
990 A Dictionary in Latin and English 1575 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
100 The Fraternity of Vagabonds 1575 Hard words
  • canting
1522 How to Plant and Graft all Sorts of Trees 1575 Treatise
  • agriculture
Not available
648 An Italian Grammar 1575 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
136 A Needful, New, and Necessary Treatise of Chirurgery 1575 Hard words
  • medicine
138 The Noble Art of Venery or Hunting 1575 Hard words
  • fauna
  • hawking and hunting
132 A Plain Pathway to the French Tongue ca 1575 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
139 Posies 1575 Hard words
  • poetry
Not available
1107 The Pretty and Witty History of Arnalt and Lucenda 1575 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
989 Principia Latine Loquendi 1575 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • rhetoric
Not available
135 Kymraeg Sacsonaec ca 1575 - ca 1600 Multilingual lexis
  • Welsh
Not available
134 The Shepherd's Logic ca 1575 - ca 1600 Treatise
  • logic
Not available
840 Italian Dictionary ca. 1575 - ca. 1601 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
133 William Camden's Welsh Vocabularies ca 1575 - ca 1616 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • Welsh
Not available
91 An Alphabet and Plain Pathway to the Faculty of Reading 1576 Treatise
  • spelling
Not available
798 Colloques ou Dialogues avec un Dictionaire en Six Langues 1576 Multilingual lexis
  • Flemish
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish
Not available
862 The French Littleton 1576 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
1388 Of English Dogs 1576 Treatise
  • Dogs
  • fauna
141 A Perambulation of Kent 1576 Names
  • Old English
  • place name
Not available
1143 A Plain Treatise to Learn in a Short Space the French Tongue 1576 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
1263 The Anatomy of Man's Body 1577 Hard words
  • medicine
Not available
875 Dictionarium Angliae Topographicum et Historicum ca. 1577 Names
  • grammar
  • Latin
  • Old English
  • place name
Not available
710 The First Volume of the Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland 1577 Hard words
  • dialects (in English)
  • history
144 The Garden of Eloquence 1577 Hard words
  • rhetoric
Not available
919 The Gardener's Labryrinth 1577 Treatise
  • herbal
Not available
143 The History of Travel in the West and East Indies 1577 Hard words
  • branded words
  • travel
Not available
145 Dictionaire ou Colloques ou Dialogues en Quatre Langues 1578 Multilingual lexis
  • Flemish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Spanish
Not available
147 Florio his First Fruits 1578 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
831 The French Grammar 1578 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
679 The History of Man 1578 Treatise
  • Greek
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
149 A New Herbal or History of Plants 1578 Hard words
  • herbal
1400 Thesaurus Linguae Romanae et Britannicae 1578 Bilingual lexicon
  • Latin
146 The Treasure for Travelers 1578 Hard words
  • mathematics
700 Randolph Cholmondeley's Notebook ca 1578 - ca 1580 Hard words
  • law
Not available
150 An Arithmetical Military Treatise named Stratioticos 1579 Treatise
  • mathematics
  • war
151 An Exposition of Certain Difficult and Obscure Words, and Terms of the Laws of this Realm 1579 Hard words
  • law
152 The Shepherds Calendar 1579 Hard words
  • poetry
158 Approved Medicines and Cordial Receipts 1580 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • medicine
Not available
154 Bullokars Book at Large for the Amendment of Orthography for English Speech 1580 Treatise
  • grammar
  • spelling
Not available
142 Joyful News out of the New Founde World 1580 Treatise
  • herbal
  • travel
652 Le Maistre d'Escole Anglois 1580 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
156 Master Leonardo Phioravanti Bolognese upon Chirurgery 1580 Hard words
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
711 A Pretty School of Spelling and Writing English 1580 Treatise
  • spelling
Not available
155 A Short and Brief Narration of the Two Navigations and Discoveries to the Northweast Parts Called New France 1580 Hard words
  • Huron (Hochelaga)
  • travel
712 A Short Introduction or Guiding to Print, Write, and Read English Speech 1580 Treatise
  • grammar
  • spelling
Not available
159 Synonymorum Sylva 1580 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
1509 Three Proper and Witty Familiar Letters 1580 Treatise
  • prosody
Not available
80 The Treasury of the French Tongue 1580 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
157 Two Right Profitable and Fruitful Concordances 1580 Names
  • Bible
  • place name
  • proper name
Not available
34 Dictionarium Saxonico-Latinum ca 1580 - 1590 Multilingual lexis
  • Old English
Not available
160 The Art of Navigation 1581 Hard words
  • navigation and the sea
Not available
813 The Charters, Liberties, Laws and Customs of all Forests, Parks, Chases and Free Warrens within the Realm of England 1581 Hard words
  • forestry
  • Latin
  • law
Not available
1290 A Note of Saxon Wordes 1581 Hard words
  • law
162 Batman upon Bartholome, His Book De Proprietatibus Rerum 1582 Hard words
  • Middle English
1563 A Discovery of Sundry Errors by Landmeeters 1582 Treatise
  • hard words
  • surveying
Not available
860 A Discovery of the Manifold Corruptions of the Holy Scriptures 1582 Treatise
  • Bible
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Latin
164 The First Part of the Elementary 1582 Spelling
  • education
  • spelling
163 The New Testament of the English College of Rheims 1582 Hard words
  • Bible
166 Campo di Fior or else The Flowery Field of Four Languages 1583 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • Italian
  • Latin
Not available
167 Common Places 1583 Hard words
  • Bible
Not available
1562 A Defence of the Holy Scriptures in the English Tongue 1583 Treatise
  • Bible
  • hard words
Not available
1411 The First Alphabet of Directions to Common places 1583 Names
  • Bible
  • place name
  • proper name
Not available
165 The Geneva Bible (Breeches) 1583 Hard words
  • Bible
  • proper name
Not available
169 The Method of Physic 1583 Hard words
  • medicine
Not available
168 Verborum Latinorum cum Graecis Anglicisque Coniunctorum 1583 Multilingual lexis
  • Greek
  • Latin
Not available
688 The Arts of Logic and Rhetoric 1584 Hard words
  • logic
  • rhetoric
Not available
991 Cato Construed 1584 Treatise
  • Latin
  • philosophy
Not available
1475 A Dictionary in Latin and English 1584 Bilingual lexicon
Not available
171 The Essays of a Prentice in the Divine Art of Poesy 1584 Hard words
  • poetry
170 The History of Judith 1584 Hard words
  • Bible
1495 A Short Dictionary 1584 Bilingual lexicon
  • Latin
Not available
101 Thesaurus Linguae Romanae et Britannicae 1584 Multilingual lexis
  • Classical mythology
  • Latin
  • proper name
Not available
766 A Compendious Chirurgery 1585 Hard words
  • Greek
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
1027 Dictionarium Decem Linguarum 1585 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
  • Latin
  • Polish
  • Spanish
Not available
992 The Latin Grammar of P. Ramus 1585 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
172 The Mathematical Jewel 1585 Hard words
  • mathematics
  • navigation and the sea
Not available
1550 The Navigations, Peregrinations, and Voyages made into Turkey 1585 Treatise
  • Turkish
Not available
173 The Nomenclator or Remembrancer 1585 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • Greek
  • Latin
Not available
1570 Oils, Waters, Extractions, or Essences, Salts, and other Compositions 1585? Other
  • medicine
Not available
713 An Universal Alphabet 1585 Multilingual lexis
  • Algonkian
Not available
1461 Rudiments of the Latin Grammar 1585 - 1583 Other
  • grammar
Not available
1164 Conjugations in English and Netherdutch 1586 Grammar
  • Dutch
  • grammar
Not available
176 A Discourse of English Poetry 1586 Treatise
  • poetry
Not available
235 The English Secretary 1586 Treatise
  • rhetoric
Not available
1153 Familiar Dialogues 1586 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • pronunciation
Not available
1165 The Honourable Reputation of a Soldier 1586 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
  • pronunciation
Not available
174 Pamphlet for Grammar 1586 Grammar
  • grammar
  • pronunciation
Not available
1432 The Breviary of Health 1587 Treatise
  • medicine
Not available
179 Dictionarium Linguae Latinae et Anglicanae 1587 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
178 The First Book of Cattle 1587 Hard words
  • fauna
177 The Petty School 1587 Grammar
  • education
  • grammar
Not available
180 An Answer to Ten Frivolous and Foolish Reasons, Set downe by the Rhemish Jesuits and Papists 1588 Hard words
  • Bible
  • branded words
181 The Arcadian Rhetoric 1588 Hard words
  • French
  • Greek
  • Italian
  • Latin
  • rhetoric
  • Spanish
Not available
714 A Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia 1588 Multilingual lexis
  • agriculture
  • Algonkian
  • fauna
  • fishing
  • minerals
  • travel
137 Charactery: An Art of Short, Swift, and Secret Writing by Character 1588 Hard words
  • shorthand
  • thesaurus
1151 The Lawyer's Logic 1588 Treatise
  • law
  • logic
Not available
1468 The Mariners' Mirror 1588 Other
  • navigation and the sea
153 Three Books of Colloquies Concerning the Art of Shooting 1588 Treatise
  • war
Not available
184 The Art of English Poesy 1589 Hard words
  • Greek
  • hard words
  • Latin
  • poetry
  • rhetoric
186 Bibliotheca Scholastica 1589 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
185 A Brief Description of Universal Maps and Cards 1589 Hard words
  • cosmography and astrology
183 Certain Observations for Latin and English Versifying 1589 Treatise
  • poetry
  • prosody
Not available
228 The Principal Navigations, Voyages and Discoveries of the English Nation 1589 Multilingual lexis
  • Guinean
  • Inuit
  • Javanese
Not available
1538 A Book of Fishing and a Book of Engines and Traps for Polecats, Buzzards, Rats, and Mice 1590 Other
  • fauna
Not available
904 The Book of Honor and Arms 1590 Treatise
  • heraldry
Not available
993 Certain Grammar Questions for the Exercise of Young Scholars in the Learning of the Accidence 1590? Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
1420 The Cobbler of Canterbury 1590 Hard words
1462 The Elements of Geography 1590 Treatise
  • mathematics
Not available
1272 The Flower of Physick 1590 Treatise
  • medicine
Not available
691 Introduction to Learn to Read Written and Printed Hand 1590 Treatise
  • spelling
Not available
715 The Pathway to Reading 1590 Treatise
  • spelling
Not available
665 The Rules of Construction in the English Accidence 1590 Treatise
  • grammar
Not available
189 Sloane French Vocabulary ca. 1590 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
190 The Spanish Grammar 1590 Multilingual lexis
  • Spanish
839 A Spanish Grammar 1590 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • Spanish
Not available
193 A Tale of Two Swans 1590 Names
  • place name
  • proper name
192 A Treatise named Lucarsolace 1590 Hard words
  • mathematics
539 The Writing Schoolmaster 1590 Names
  • proper name
  • shorthand
Not available
187 Sancroft French Vocabulary ca 1590 - ca 1599 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
1493 Of the Antiquity, Office and Privilege of Heralds in England ca. 1590 - ca. 1604 Treatise
  • heraldry
188 The Book of Heraldry ca 1590 - ca 1613 Hard words
  • Latin
Not available
1421 A Brief Treatise of Testaments 1591 Hard words
  • law
Not available
1456 The Compound of Alchemy 1591 Other
  • alchemy
Not available
198 A Dictionary in Spanish and English and Latin 1591 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • Spanish
Not available
716 The English Schoolmaster 1591 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
1494 The Etymologie and Original of Barons 1591 Treatise
  • heraldry
1108 Florio's Second Fruits 1591 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
194 Geomancy 1591 Hard words
  • cosmography and astrology
  • magic
Not available
196 A Notable Discovery of Cosenage 1591 Hard words
  • canting
197 Orlando Furioso 1591 Hard words
  • poetry
  • proper name
195 Pantometria 1591 Hard words
  • mathematics
  • war
200 The Second Part of Conny-catching 1591 Hard words
  • canting
199 The Spanish School-master 1591 Multilingual lexis
  • Spanish
201 The Black Books Messenger 1592 Hard words
  • canting
204 A Brief Treatise for the Ready Use of the Sphere 1592 Hard words
  • cosmography and astrology
  • mathematics
649 The English Secretary 1592 Hard words
  • rhetoric
Not available
1540 An Exposition of certain difficult and obscure Words and Terms of the Laws of this Realm 1592 English lexis
Not available
1144 The French Alphabet 1592 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
202 The Groundwork of Conny-catching 1592 Hard words
  • canting
Not available
203 Strange News 1592 Hard words
  • branded words
  • hard words
  • travel
205 A Dictionary French and English 1593 Multilingual lexis
  • French
209 The Garden of Eloquence 1593 Hard words
  • rhetoric
Not available
207 The Key of the Holy Tongue 1593 Multilingual lexis
  • Hebrew
Not available
1146 Ortho-epia Gallica 1593 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
206 Pierces Supererogation 1593 Hard words
  • branded words
  • hard words
208 Speculum Britanniae 1593 Names
  • place name
Not available
1501 A Table from the Beginning of the World to this Day 1593 English lexis
Not available
1190 Lexicon Cambro-Britannicum ca. 1593 - by 1631 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • Welsh
Not available
1510 An Exact Description of Essex 1594 Names
Not available
211 Exercises 1594 Hard words
  • mathematics
  • navigation and the sea
Not available
212 Grammatica Anglicana 1594 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Middle English
920 The Pearl of Practice 1594 Hard words
  • herbal
  • medicine
Not available
1555 The Voyage of Robert Dudley 1594 - 1595 Other
  • travel
257 A Dictionary of the English before the Vulgar Russe Tongue ca 1594 - ca 1599 Multilingual lexis
  • Slavic
Not available
1470 Glosses on Chapman's Hymns 1594 - 1600 Treatise
  • poetry
Not available
1218 An English-Welsh Dictionary ca. 1594 - ca. 1629 Multilingual lexis
  • pronunciation
  • Welsh
Not available
1541 The Defence of Poesy 1595 Treatise
  • poetry
Not available
214 The History of the Wars between the Turks and the Persians 1595 Multilingual lexis
  • Persian
  • place name
  • Turkish
215 Latinorum Grammaticæ Pars Prior sive Etymologia Latina in Usum Rudiorum 1595 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • Scottish
Not available
370 The Seamans Secrets 1595 Hard words
  • navigation and the sea
Not available
1535 An Anatomy of the Metamorphosed Ajax 1596 Treatise
Not available
216 The English School-master 1596 Hard words
  • hard words
  • spelling
217 Hawking, Hunting, Fowling, and Fishing 1596 Hard words
  • fauna
  • hawking and hunting
Not available
876 A Pathway to Music 1596 Hard words
  • music
Not available
1476 The Art of Brachygraphy 1597 Treatise
  • shorthand
Not available
847 De Verborum Significatione: the Exposition of the Terms and Difficile Words Contained in the Four Books of Regiam Maiestatem 1597 Hard words
  • French
  • hard words
  • Latin
  • law
Not available
123 The English-Latin Nomenclator of Greek Primitive Words 1597 Multilingual lexis
  • Greek
  • Latin
Not available
148 The Garden of Health 1597 Hard words
  • herbal
Not available
221 The Herbal 1597 Hard words
  • herbal
Not available
1266 The Italian Schoolmaster 1597 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
1521 Mihil Mumchance, His Discouerie of the Art of Cheating in false Dyce Play 1597 Treatise
  • games
Not available
1441 The Mirror of Alchemy 1597 Hard words
  • alchemy
Not available
219 Exposition of Obscure Words in Physic ca 1597 - ca 1617 Hard words
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • medicine
1517 A Tract containing the Arts of curious Painting, Carving, Building 1598 Treatise
  • architecture
  • art
Not available
227 An Addition to the Sea Journal or Navigation of the Hollanders unto Java 1598 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
  • Latin
  • Malaccan
  • travel
Not available
874 Animadversions 1598 Hard words
  • annotation to text
  • Middle English
  • poetry
Not available
233 Celestial Elegies of the Goddesses and the Muses 1598 Names
  • Classical mythology
  • poetry
  • proper name
226 Chrestoleros 1598 Hard words
  • branded words
  • hard words
  • medicine
1268 Exposition of Certain Difficult and Obscure Words and Terms of the Laws 1598 Hard words
  • law
Not available
1537 The French Surgery 1598 Treatise
  • medicine
Not available
717 A Plain and Ready Form to Teach Children to Read in a Short Time 1598 Grammar
  • spelling
Not available
229 Praxis Medicinae Universalis 1598 Hard words
  • Greek
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
232 The Scourge of Villainy 1598 Hard words
  • hard words
1127 Speculi Britaniae Pars: The Description of Hertfordshire 1598 Names
  • place name
Not available
1141 A Survey of London 1598 Names
  • place name
  • proper name
Not available
225 The Theoric and Practic of Modern Wars 1598 Hard words
  • war
268 The Works of our Ancient and Learned English Poet, Geoffrey Chaucer 1598 Hard words
  • Middle English
  • poetry
  • proper name
231 A World of Words 1598 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
  • proverbs
1486 The Etymology, Antiquity and Privilege of Castles 1598 - 1599 Treatise
  • antiquities
  • etymology
1553 The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 1598 - 1600 Treatise
  • Guinean
234 The Art of Logic 1599 Hard words
  • logic
Not available
236 The Book of Physic 1599 Hard words
  • medicine
1478 A Brief Rule or Prosody 1599 Other
  • prosody
Not available
218 Catalogus Arborum, Fruticum ac Plantarium in Horto J. Gerardi Nascentium 1599 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
237 A Dictionary in Spanish and English 1599 Multilingual lexis
  • Spanish
1489 Dimensions of the Land of England 1599 Other
  • weights and measures
1513 The English Secretary 1599 Other
  • rhetoric
1444 An English-Spanish Dictionary 1599 Bilingual lexicon
  • Arabic
  • Spanish
1438 The Haven-finding Art 1599 Hard words
  • navigation and the sea
Not available
1255 The Middlewich Stool 1599 Hard words
  • forestry
  • law
Not available
1488 Of Dimension of Land ca. 1599 - 0 1600 Treatise
  • antiquities
  • weights and measures
800 A Direction or Preparative to the Study of the Law 1600 Hard words
  • law
718 Directions for Speech and Style ca 1600 Treatise
  • rhetoric
Not available
1519 The First Book of Cattle with the Second Book of Horses 1600 Other
  • horsemanship
Not available
260 The Golden Grove Moralized 1600 Hard words
  • grammar
  • law
  • logic
  • magic
  • medicine
  • philosophy
  • poetry
  • rhetoric
Not available
104 James' Old English-English Dictionary ca 1600 Multilingual lexis
  • Old English
  • rhymes
Not available
1558 New Testament Glosses 1600 Treatise
  • Bible
1487 Of the Antiquity of Motts and Words, with Arms of Noblemen and Gentlemen of England 1600 Treatise
  • antiquities
1483 Of the Antiquity, Etymology, and Privilege of Towns 1600 Treatise
  • antiquities
  • etymology
258 The Roman History Written by T. Livius 1600 Hard words
  • history
  • Latin
1203 Lexicon Juris ca. 1600 - 1611 Hard words
  • law
Not available
1201 Cambridge Greek-Latin-English Glossary ca. 1600 - ca. 1625 Multilingual lexis
  • Greek
  • Latin
Not available
623 English-French Law Dictionary ca 1600 - ca 1625 Hard words
  • French
  • law
Not available
1222 English and Welsh Names for the Months and the Compass Points ca. 1600 - ca. 1634 Multilingual lexis
  • Welsh
Not available
240 Archbishop Ussher on Asia ca 1600 - ca 1649 Names
  • place name
  • travel
Not available
241 Expositio Vocabularum (British Library Additional MS 1030) ca 1600 - ca 1650 Hard words
  • law
  • Old English
Not available
1198 Richard Holdsworth's English Words from Greek ca. 1600 - ca. 1650 Multilingual lexis
  • Greek
Not available
242 Sir James Ware's Notebook of Philosophical Definitions ca 1600 - ca 1650 Hard words
  • philosophy
Not available
243 Sir Thomas Elyot's Word-list of Greek Loan-words ca 1600 - ca 1650 Multilingual lexis
  • Greek
  • hard words
Not available
256 British Additional Italian-English-Turkish Dictionary MS ca 1600 - ca 1699 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
  • Turkish
Not available
252 The Cinque Ports Glossary ca 1600 - ca 1699 Hard words
  • law
Not available
1197 Dictionarum Italico-Anglicanum ca. 1600 - ca. 1699 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
1212 Elementa Saxonica ca. 1600 - ca. 1699 Multilingual lexis
  • Old English
Not available
620 English Words in Wales ca 1600 - ca 1699 Multilingual lexis
  • Middle English
Not available
249 Fish and Fishponds ca 1600 - ca 1699 Hard words
  • fishing
  • navigation and the sea
Not available
254 The Glossary of British Library Additional MS 4206 ca 1600 - ca 1699 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
251 John Pell's Mathematical Collections ca 1600 - ca 1699 Hard words
  • cosmography and astrology
  • mathematics
Not available
1215 Latin-English Vocabulary in Sloane 888 1600 - 1699 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
220 National Library of Scotland English-Latin Phrase Book 1600 - 1699 Hard words
  • Latin
Not available
253 Norris Family Legal Glossary ca 1600 - ca 1699 Hard words
  • law
Not available
622 Preparations for a Geographical Dictionary ca 1600 - ca 1699 Names
  • geography
Not available
255 The Sloane Italian-English Vocabulary ca 1600 - ca 1699 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
1 Thomas Copeland's Commonplace Book ca. 1600 - ca. 1699 Spelling
  • colours
  • logic
Not available
1278 Anonymous Seventeenth-century Latin Annotations to John Stowe's 1561 <i>Workes</i> of Chaucer ca. 1600 - ca. 1700 Hard words
  • annotation to text
  • Latin
  • Middle English
Not available
683 An Essay towards a New English Dictionary ca 1600 - ca 1700 Hard words
  • synonyms
Not available
245 Lexicon Microcosmicum Medicum ca 1600 - ca 1700 Multilingual lexis
  • Greek
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
247 The Sloane Italian-English Dictionary ca 1600 - ca 1700 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Italian
Not available
246 The Sloane Spanish-English Vocabulary ca 1600 - ca 1700 Multilingual lexis
  • Spanish
Not available
815 Yale Legal Glossary 1600 - ca 1700 Hard words
  • law
Not available
263 The Book of Five Columns of Architecture 1601 Hard words
  • architecture
Not available
262 An Ease for Overseers of the Poor 1601 Hard words
  • law
Not available
264 How to Know the Age of a Horse 1601 Hard words
  • fauna
Not available
265 The Journal or Daily Register of the Voyage from Amsterdam the First Day of March, 1598 1601 Multilingual lexis
  • Javanese
  • Malaccan
  • Malayan
261 A New Book of Spelling with Syllables 1601 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
259 Pliny's History of the World 1601 Hard words
  • history
238 The Theatre of the Earth 1601 Names
  • geography
  • place name
270 Dibre Adam, or Adam's Hebrew Dictionary 1602 Multilingual lexis
  • Hebrew
  • Latin
Not available
995 The Etymologist of Aesop's Fables 1602 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
267 The Famous and Memorable Works of Josephus 1602 Hard words
  • Bible
  • French
  • Hebrew
Not available
266 Observations in the Art of English Poesy 1602 Treatise
  • poetry
Not available
269 Poetaster or the Arraignment 1602 Treatise
  • branded words
Not available
271 The Seaman's Calendar 1602 Hard words
  • navigation and the sea
1529 The Survey of Cornwall 1602 Other
  • Cornish
Not available
1440 The Theoriques of the Seven Planets 1602 Hard words
  • astronomy
Not available
1269 Thomas Speght's Chaucer Glossary 1602 Hard words
  • Middle English
Not available
311 Grammar Essay ca. 1602 - 1605 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
789 A Chaucer Glossary ca 1602 - ca 1610 Hard words
  • Middle English
Not available
274 A Defence of Judicial Astrology 1603 Hard words
  • cosmography and astrology
  • law
Not available
273 Essays 1603 Hard words
  • branded words
275 Plutarch's Morals 1603 Hard words
  • history
  • philosophy
1223 Thesaurus Polyglottus 1603 Multilingual lexis
  • Arabic
  • Belgic
  • Bohemian
  • Dalmacian
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
  • Latin
  • Polish
  • Slavic
  • Spanish
  • Syriac
Not available
624 A Cambridge Law Lexicon ca 1603 - ca 1625 Hard words
  • law
Not available
699 Ashmole Terms in Common Law ca 1603 - ca 1647 Hard words
  • antiquities
  • law
Not available
1504 The Customer's Reply 1604 Treatise
Not available
277 A Mathematical Appendix 1604 Hard words
  • mathematics
  • navigation and the sea
701 Natural and Moral History of the East and West Indies 1604 Hard words
  • travel
1492 Of the diversity of names of this Island 1604 Treatise
  • place name
1490 Of the diversity of Names of this Island 1604 Treatise
  • place name
276 A Table Alphabetical 1604 Hard words
  • hard words
1471 William Turner on Fishes 1604 Other
  • fishing
Not available
279 Bartas: His Divine Weeks and Works 1605 Hard words
  • poetry
1530 The Excellency of the English Tongue ca. 1605 Treatise
Not available
1147 The French Garden 1605 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
1422 The General Practise of Physic 1605 Hard words
  • medicine
Not available
1552 A Grammar or Introduction to the Italian Tongue 1605 Grammar
  • Italian
Not available
280 The Key of the Spanish Tongue 1605 Multilingual lexis
  • Spanish
Not available
1526 Of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning, Divine and Human 1605 Treatise
  • philosophy
Not available
278 Remains 1605 Names
  • antiquities
  • place name
  • proper name
281 A Restitution of Decayed Intelligence 1605 Names
  • antiquities
  • Old English
  • proper name
1423 A Treatise of Specters or Strange Sights, Visions and Apparitions Appearing Sensibly unto Men 1605 Hard words
Not available
284 Archaismus Graphicus 1606 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • spelling
Not available
283 The Dutch Schoolmaster 1606 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
Not available
720 The History of the Twelve Caesars 1606 Multilingual lexis
  • hard words
  • history
Not available
1447 The Ploughman's Tale 1606 Other
  • poetry
Not available
222 Rider's Dictionary Corrected and Augmented 1606 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
1454 Historical Gazeteer of the Middle East 1606 - 1608 Names
Not available
997 Calliepeia or a Rich Storehouse of Proper, Choice, and Elegant Latin Words and Phrases Collected out of Tully's Works 1607 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
1204 English Words Usual in the Marches of Wales ca. 1607 Hard words
  • dialects (in English)
  • Welsh
286 A Geographical and Anthological Description of all the Empires and Kingdoms 1607 Hard words
  • geography
Not available
1469 The History of Four-footed Beasts 1607 Treatise
  • fauna
285 The Interpreter: or Book Containing the Signification of Words 1607 Hard words
  • Latin
  • law
1508 The Shape and Proportion of a Perfect Horse 1607 Other
Not available
1270 Bartas: His Divine Weeks and Works 1608 Hard words
  • Bible
  • Classical mythology
  • cosmography and astrology
  • hard words
  • medicine
Not available
288 The Bellman of London 1608 Hard words
  • canting
Not available
1424 Disme: the Art of Tenths 1608 Hard words
  • mathematics
Not available
287 Lanthorn and Candle-light 1608 Hard words
  • canting
1556 Of Serpents 1608 Treatise
  • fauna
289 Two Short Treatises, against the Orders of the Begging Friars 1608 Hard words
  • hard words
  • Middle English
332 The Slpoer Italian Vocabulary 1608 - 1619 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
291 Alphabetum seu Clavis ca. 1609 Hard words
  • alchemy
Not available
1435 The Discovery of a New World, or A Description of the South Indies 1609 Hard words
  • travel
Not available
859 The Holy Bible (Douai Version) 1609 Multilingual lexis
  • Bible
Not available
290 Nova Francia 1609 Multilingual lexis
  • Souriquois
Not available
1425 A Table Alphabetical 1609 Hard words
  • hard words
292 The Treatise of the Figures at the End of the Rules of Construction in the Latin Grammar 1609 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1138 Britain 1610 Names
  • antiquities
  • place name
  • proper name
Not available
1231 A Concordance Axiomatical 1610 Concordance
  • Bible
Not available
294 A Display of Heraldry 1610 Hard words
  • heraldry
Not available
293 The Elements of Armories 1610 Hard words
  • heraldry
702 Feudigraphia. The Synopsis or Epitome of Surveying Methodized 1610 Hard words
  • agriculture
  • law
296 Martin Mark-all, Beadle of Bridewell 1610 Hard words
  • canting
1473 Journal kept on the Trades Increase and Peppercorn ships 1610 - 1613 Treatise
  • travel
Not available
297 The Bible (King James Version) 1611 Multilingual lexis
  • Bible
Not available
298 A Dictionary of the French and English Tongues 1611 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • proverbs
1407 Du Bartas: His Divine Weeks and Works 1611 Other
  • poetry
301 An Entrance to the Spanish Tongue 1611 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Spanish
Not available
896 The First Booke of Architecture 1611 Hard words
  • architecture
  • mathematics
Not available
302 The History of Great Britain 1611 Names
  • place name
Not available
299 Queen Anna's New World of Words 1611 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
  • proverbs
300 Speculum Topographicum 1611 Hard words
  • mathematics
Not available
690 The Art of Juggling or Legerdemain 1612 Hard words
  • magic
308 A Christian Dictionary 1612 Hard words
  • Bible
305 The History of Travel into Virginia Britannia 1612 Multilingual lexis
  • Algonkian
  • travel
666 Ludus Literarius 1612 Grammar
  • education
  • spelling
Not available
850 A Map of Virginia 1612 Multilingual lexis
  • Algonkian
306 Metallica 1612 Hard words
  • metallurgy
Not available
689 O per se O, or, A New Crier of Lanthorn and Candle-light 1612 Hard words
  • canting
1109 The Passenger 1612 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
668 The Posing of the Parts 1612 Grammar
  • education
  • grammar
Not available
182 Rawlinson Glossary ca. 1612 - ca 1656 Hard words
  • hard words
309 The Description and Use of the Sphere 1613 Hard words
  • cosmography and astrology
  • mathematics
Not available
1426 A Table Alphabetical 1613 Hard words
  • hard words
994 Anglolatinus or the Latin Nomenclator 1597 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
312 Cheap and Good Husbandry 1614 Hard words
  • agriculture
  • fauna
1506 De numeris geometricis 1614 Treatise
  • mathematics
Not available
314 Dialogues in the English and Malayan Languages 1614 Multilingual lexis
  • Malayan
Not available
313 A Jewel for Gentry 1614 Hard words
  • fauna
  • hawking and hunting
Not available
1502 Kalendarium Viatorium Generale 1614 Other
Not available
1439 Measurable Music 1614 Hard words
  • music
Not available
230 The Private Schoole of Defence 1614 Hard words
  • defence
Not available
1276 Romanae Historiae Anthologia 1614 Treatise
  • antiquities
  • law
  • war
Not available
315 Titles of Honour 1614 Multilingual lexis
  • heraldry
  • proper name
Not available
310 Trigonometry 1614 Hard words
  • mathematics
Not available
921 A Garden of Flowers 1615 Hard words
  • herbal
Not available
317 Janua Linguarum Quadrilinguis 1615 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • Spanish
Not available
321 Latham's Falconry or the Falcon's Lure and Cure 1615 Hard words
  • fauna
  • hawking and hunting
318 Mohammedis Imposturae 1615 Multilingual lexis
  • Arabic
320 A Recollection of such Treatises as have been heretofore Severally Published 1615 Hard words
  • philosophy
Not available
322 Record's Arithmetic 1615 Hard words
  • mathematics
637 A Refutation of the Apology for Actors 1615 Hard words
  • poetry
Not available
1437 The Sufficiency of English Medicines 1615 Hard words
  • medicine
Not available
1559 Vocabularium Anglolatinum 1615 Bilingual lexicon
  • Latin
Not available
1554 Newbolt's Glossary of Canting Words 1615 - 1616 English lexis
  • canting
Not available
1379 An Early British Romani Word-list 1616 Bilingual lexicon
  • Romani
Not available
323 An English Expositor 1616 Hard words
  • hard words
325 Epictetus Manual. Cebes Table. Theophrastus Characters 1616 Hard words
  • Classical mythology
Not available
1503 The Principles of Arithmetic and the Art of Allegation 1616 Hard words
  • mathematics
Not available
1427 The Surveyor in Four Books 1616 Hard words
  • surveying
Not available
324 Syntagma Grammaticum 1616 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
1224 Teutsche Sprach und Weissheit 1616 Multilingual lexis
  • Bohemian
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
  • Polish
  • Spanish
Not available
328 The Art of Pronunciation 1617 Treatise
  • grammar
Not available
326 Ductor in Linguas 1617 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
  • etymology
  • French
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Italian
  • Latin
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
  • Welsh
922 A New Orchard and Garden 1617 Hard words
  • herbal
Not available
272 Of the Orthography of the Britan Tongue ca 1617 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
329 The Surgeon's Mate 1617 Hard words
  • medicine
  • navigation and the sea
820 A Table Alphabetical, Containing and Teaching the Understanding of Hard Usual English Words 1617 Hard words
  • hard words
327 Vocabularium Hispanicolatinum 1617 Multilingual lexis
  • Spanish
Not available
330 A Confutation of the Rhemists Translation 1618 Multilingual lexis
  • Bible
307 An Heptaglottology 1618 Treatise
  • Arabic
  • Chaldee
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Latin
  • Syriac
Not available
1428 The Hunting of the Pox 1619 Hard words
331 Logonomia Anglica 1619 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
  • pronunciation
Not available
1518 Engines that Nicholas Bloy, Engineer, Professeth 1620
Not available
1148 The First Part of the French Grammar 1620 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • grammar
Not available
1200 On Abbreviating Writing by Character ca. 1620 Spelling
  • shorthand
Not available
696 Richard James' Anglo-Saxon Glossaries ca 1620 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • Old English
Not available
334 Richard James' Russian-English Vocabulary ca 1620 Multilingual lexis
  • Slavic
Not available
1246 Syntagma Logicum 1620 Hard words
  • logic
Not available
999 Ten Grammatical Chapters with Latin Construed and Parsed 1620 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
333 Nomenclator Navalis 1620 - 1623 Hard words
  • navigation and the sea
880 The True and Ready Way to Learn the Latin Tongue after 1620 - by 1643 Treatise
  • education
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1455 Du Bartas his Divine Weeks and Works 1621 English lexis
  • poetry
Not available
1390 English Expositor 1621 English lexis
  • hard words
336 Microcosmus 1621 Hard words
  • geography
Not available
335 The Palace of Profitable Pleasure 1621 Spelling
  • spelling
802 An Appeal to Truth 1622 Treatise
  • grammar
Not available
340 The Complete Gentleman 1622 Hard words
  • art
  • cosmography and astrology
  • education
  • geography
  • heraldry
  • history
  • mathematics
  • music
  • poetry
  • travel
Not available
1549 A Consolation for our Grammar Schools 1622 Treatise
  • education
Not available
1130 The Description of Leicestershire 1622 Names
  • place name
  • proper name
Not available
801 A Grammar Spanish and English 1622 Multilingual lexis
  • Spanish
Not available
339 The Interpreter in Verse 1622 Hard words
  • Bible
Not available
722 A Plain Method for Speedy Learning to Read 1622 Treatise
  • spelling
Not available
1149 Relation or Journal of the Beginning and Proceedings of the English Plantation Settled at Plymouth in New England 1622 Hard words
  • travel
Not available
1202 The Spanish and English Grammar ca. 1622 - ca. 1699 Multilingual lexis
  • Spanish
Not available
1001 Dialogues Containing all the most Useful Words of the Latin Tongue 1623 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
661 A Dictionary English and Latin 1623 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
344 A Dictionary in Spanish and English 1623 Multilingual lexis
  • Spanish
Not available
343 English Dictionary 1623 Hard words
  • hard words
  • place name
  • proper name
1116 A Short and Compendious Art for to Learn to Read, Write, Pronounce and Speak the Spanish Tongue 1623 Grammar
  • Spanish
Not available
804 A Spanish-English Vocabulary ca 1623 - ca 1625 Multilingual lexis
  • Spanish
Not available
341 Manuscripts on Language Teaching ca 1623 - ca 1633 Treatise
  • education
  • spelling
Not available
342 Philosophical Definitions ca 1623 - ca 1655 Hard words
  • philosophy
Not available
1247 The Elements of Logic 1624 Hard words
  • logic
Not available
1002 An Enucleary or Alphabet of Verbs, Neuters, Common, and Deponents 1624 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
304 The General History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles 1624 Multilingual lexis
  • Algonkian
Not available
704 Good News from New England 1624 Treatise
  • Algonkian
  • travel
Not available
846 Les Termes de la Ley 1624 Hard words
  • law
Not available
1429 Of the Art of Great Artillery 1624 Hard words
  • war
Not available
347 A Perfect Survey of the English Tongue 1624 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1000 A Petition to the High Court of Parliament 1624 Treatise
  • education
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
345 Speculum Nauticum 1624 Hard words
  • cosmography and astrology
  • navigation and the sea
1567 Stanbrigii Embryon relimatum, seu Vocabularium metricum 1624 Bilingual lexicon
Not available
348 A Treatise, of Weights, Mets and Measures of Scotland 1624 Hard words
  • weights and measures
Not available
346 Vocabularies of Diseases 1624 Multilingual lexis
  • medicine
Not available
998 Corderius Dialogues Translated Grammatically 1625 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1515 England: An Intended Guide 1625 Treatise
Not available
1409 Grammaire Angloise 1625 Grammar
  • French
Not available
350 Index Rhetoricus 1625 Hard words
  • Latin
  • rhetoric
Not available
353 The Institutions of Children in the English Tongue after 1625 Grammar
  • grammar
  • spelling
Not available
1430 Minshaei Emendatio, vel a Mendis Expurgatio, seu Augmentatio sui Ductoris in Linguas, The Guide into Tongues 1625 English lexis
Not available
349 Most Easy Instructions for Reading 1625 Treatise
  • spelling
Not available
923 Pharmaco-pinax 1625 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
723 Purchas his Pilgrims 1625 Multilingual lexis
  • Algonkian
  • travel
352 The Abridgment of Camden's Britannia 1626 Hard words
  • geography
Not available
357 An Accidence or the Pathway to Experience Necessary for all Young Sea-men 1626 Hard words
  • navigation and the sea
Not available
359 Archaeologus 1626 Multilingual lexis
  • law
Not available
724 The Art of Logic 1626 Hard words
  • Latin
  • logic
Not available
355 Onomatophylacium or the Christian Names of Men and Women 1626 Names
  • proper name
Not available
356 Ovid's Metamorphosis Englished 1626 Names
  • Classical mythology
  • place name
  • proper name
Not available
954 Purchas his Pilgrimage 1626 Names
  • travel
Not available
354 The Soldier's Grammar 1626 Hard words
  • war
Not available
351 Glossary of Proper First Names ca 1626 - ca 1628 Names
  • proper name
1206 Abstract of Common Law ca. 1626 - ca. 1640 Hard words
  • law
Not available
564 Dictionarium Etymologicum Latinum 1627 Multilingual lexis
  • etymology
  • Greek
  • Latin
Not available
1004 Lessons and Exercises out of Cicero ad Atticum 1627 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
361 Pallas Armata 1627 Hard words
  • war
Not available
364 Phrases Oratoriae Elegantiores 1627 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
1005 Pueriles Confabulatiunculae or Children's Talk 1627 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
362 A Sea Grammar 1627 Hard words
  • navigation and the sea
726 The Art of Logic 1628 Hard words
  • logic
Not available
669 Short Questions upon the Eight Parts of Speech 1628 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
1006 Short Questions upon the Eight Parts of Speech with the Concords 1628 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1007 Andria 1629 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1008 Eunuchus 1629 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
725 The Logician's Schoolmaster 1629 Hard words
  • logic
Not available
363 Paradisi in Sole Paradisus Terrestris 1629 Hard words
  • herbal
Not available
1205 Un Treatise Concernant Le Ley ca. 1630 Hard words
  • law
Not available
365 Porta Linguarum Trilinguis Reserata et Aperta 1631 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
367 Trigonometry 1631 Hard words
  • mathematics
Not available
830 English Villainies (and Manuscript Additions) 1632 Hard words
  • canting
Not available
1009 A Short Introduction to Grammar 1632 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
366 The Swedish Intelligencer 1632 Hard words
  • war
369 The English Grammar 1633 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
1011 Florilogium Phrasicon 1633 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
368 The Gate of Tongues Unlocked and Opened 1633 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • Latin
Not available
338 Grammaire Angloise 1633 Grammar
  • French
  • grammar
Not available
371 The Herbal or General History of Plants 1633 English lexis
  • herbal
996 Lilly's Rules Construed 1633 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1010 The Pathway to the Gate of Tongues 1633 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1013 An Abridgement of Latin Dictionary 1634 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
373 The Art of Rhetoric 1634 Hard words
  • rhetoric
Not available
377 Clavis ad Portam 1634 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • Latin
Not available
374 Discourse of Marine Affairs between the High Admiral and a Captain at Sea 1634 Hard words
  • navigation and the sea
Not available
1199 Institutiones Grammaticae 1634 Grammar
  • etymology
  • grammar
  • Latin
  • prosody
  • spelling
Not available
1012 An Introduction to the Latin Speech 1634 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
378 New Englands Prospect 1634 Multilingual lexis
  • Algonkian
  • travel
376 A Relation of some Years' Travel, Begun Anno 1626, into Afrique and the Greater Asia 1634 Multilingual lexis
  • Malayan
  • Persian
  • travel
Not available
1256 Travels in Holland, the United Provinces, England, Scotland, and Ireland 1634 - 1635 Hard words
  • navigation and the sea
Not available
380 Historia Mundi; or Mercator's Atlas 1635 Hard words
  • geography
379 A short treatise of geometrie 1635 Hard words
  • mathematics
Not available
381 Speculum Mundi 1635 Hard words
  • fauna
  • herbal
  • travel
Not available
382 The Analysis of Chirurgery 1636 Hard words
  • medicine
Not available
1191 Bodleian Anglo-Saxon Glossary ca. 1636 Other
  • Old English
Not available
1160 The English Accidence ca. 1636 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
383 Ovid's Heroical Epistles 1636 Hard words
  • place name
  • proper name
Not available
1433 A Treatise of the Muscles of the Whole Body 1636 Treatise
  • medicine
634 A Perfect Survey of the English Tongue ca 1636 - ca 1641 Grammar
  • Latin
Not available
384 A Brief of the Art of Rhetoric ca 1637 Hard words
  • logic
  • rhetoric
Not available
375 The English, Latine, French, Dutch, Schole-master 1637 Multilingual lexis
  • Flemish
  • French
  • Latin
Not available
1014 A Light to Lily 1637 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
590 Notes of Definitions ca. 1637 - ca. 1660 Hard words
Not available
387 Dictionariolum Quadruplex 1638 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
863 Diverse Ancient Monuments in the Saxon Tongue Written Seven Hundred Years Ago 1638 Multilingual lexis
  • Old English
Not available
659 Phraseologia Puerilis Anglo-Latina 1638 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
1016 Hermes Anglo-Latinus 1638 - 1639 Treatise
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
395 Animadversions of War 1639 Hard words
  • war
Not available
1397 The Distiller of London 1639 Hard words
  • cooking
  • herbal
388 The Great Vocabular in English and Dutch 1639 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
Not available
1015 Grounds of Grammar Penned and Published 1639 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
391 A Learned Treatise of Globes 1639 Hard words
  • mathematics
Not available
394 New and Easy Directions for Attaining the Thuscan Italian Tongue 1639 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
389 New Dialogues or Colloquies and a Little Dictionary of Eight Languages 1639 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
  • French
  • Italian
  • Latin
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
Not available
1254 On Berkeley in Gloucestershire 1639 Hard words
  • dialects (in English)
  • proverbs
Not available
396 Pallas Armata 1639 Hard words
  • defence
Not available
393 Critica Sacra 1639 - 1641 Multilingual lexis
  • Bible
  • Greek
  • Latin
Not available
403 The Academy of Complements 1640 Hard words
  • hard words
Not available
1139 The Antiquities of Canterbury 1640 Names
  • antiquities
  • place name
  • proper name
Not available
390 Grammatices Latinae Compendium 1640 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
399 The Italian Tutor 1640 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
400 The Marrow of Physic 1640 Hard words
  • medicine
  • weights and measures
Not available
1185 Medical Definitions ca. 1640 Hard words
  • medicine
Not available
401 Orthoepia Anglicana: or, the First Principal Part of the English Grammar 1640 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
398 Theatrum Botanicum: The Theater of Plants 1640 Hard words
  • herbal
Not available
402 The English Grammar 1640 - 1641 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1196 Explanations of Scottish Words and Phrases ca. 1640 - ca. 1692 Multilingual lexis
  • Scottish
Not available
1286 An English Expositor 1641 Hard words
  • hard words
392 An English Grammar: Or, A Plain Exposition of Lily's Grammar In English 1641 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
670 A Light to Grammar 1641 Hard words
  • grammar
Not available
924 Mercurius Botanicus 1641 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
Not available
1126 Mercury or the Secret and Swift Messenger 1641 Hard words
  • cryptography
Not available
386 The Marrow of Sacred Divinity 1642 Hard words
  • Bible
407 Psychodia Platonica 1642 Hard words
  • Bible
  • hard words
  • poetry
1110 Select Italian Proverbs 1642 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
410 A Key into the Language of America 1643 Multilingual lexis
  • Algonkian
Not available
408 Old English Glossaries ca 1643 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • Old English
Not available
681 A Special Help to Orthography or the True-writing of English 1643 Hard words
  • spelling
Not available
413 The English Primrose 1644 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
412 Vindex Anglicus or the Perfections of the English Language 1644 Hard words
  • branded words
411 Cornish-English Glossary ca. 1644 - ca. 1645 Multilingual lexis
  • Cornish
1275 Dictionarium Saxonicum 1644 - 1650 Multilingual lexis
  • Old English
Not available
415 Enchiridion of Fortification 1645 Hard words
  • architecture
  • mathematics
  • war
414 The Trissotetras 1645 Hard words
  • mathematics
905 The Art of Making Devices 1646 Hard words
  • heraldry
Not available
416 Aurofodina Linguae Gallicae 1646 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
417 A Brief Discovery or Description of the Most Famous Island of Madagascar 1646 Multilingual lexis
  • Malagasy
  • travel
1150 De diphthongis sive Bivocalibus 1646 Spelling
  • Latin
  • spelling
Not available
653 Den Engelichen School-Meester / The English Schoolmaster 1646 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
Not available
1195 Diverse Scottish Words out of Translations of Boethius and Virgil 1646 Hard words
  • Scottish
Not available
419 Elencus Parliamentorum: Alphabetical Dictionary of Words Associated with Parliament, Henry III-James I 1646 Hard words
  • Latin
  • law
Not available
418 The English Accidence 1646 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1142 The Survey and Antiquity of the Town of Stamford 1646 Treatise
  • place name
  • proper name
Not available
625 Topics in the Laws of England 1646 Hard words
  • law
Not available
885 Actions for Slander 1647 Treatise
  • law
Not available
422 An Alphabetical Table of some Terms of the Art of Chirurgery ca 1647 Multilingual lexis
  • medicine
  • weights and measures
Not available
727 A Common Writing 1647 Treatise
  • grammar
Not available
420 Ireland 1647 Names
  • place name
Not available
1242 Philosophical Poems 1647 Hard words
  • Bible
  • philosophy
Not available
1017 A Short Institution of Grammar 1647 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
426 A Copious English and Netherdutch Dictionary Composed out of our Best English Authors 1647 - 1648 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
  • fauna
  • fishing
  • hawking and hunting
  • herbal
  • mathematics
  • weights and measures
925 Catalogus Plantarum 1648 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
427 The English-American his Travel by Sea and Land 1648 Multilingual lexis
  • Pokomchi
Not available
1125 Mathematical Magic or the Wonders that may be Performed by Mechanical Geometry 1648 Hard words
  • mathematics
  • war
Not available
428 Sodalis Discipulis: The Scholar's Companion 1648 Multilingual lexis
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
Not available
877 Theologia Germanica 1648 Hard words
  • Bible
  • philosophy
Not available
439 A Discourse of the Oriental Tongues 1649 Multilingual lexis
  • Arabic
  • Chaldee
  • Hebrew
  • Syriac
Not available
1018 An Easy Entrance to the Latin Tongue 1649 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
658 Pathomyotomia 1649 Hard words
  • medicine
Not available
926 A Physical Directory or a Translation of the London Dispensatory Made by the College of Physicians in London 1649 Hard words
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • medicine
  • weights and measures
Not available
729 The Reformed School 1649? Treatise
  • education
  • logic
Not available
425 The Right Teaching of Useful Knowledge 1649 Treatise
  • law
Not available
1019 Via ad Latinam Linguam Complanata 1649 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
437 A Chemical Dictionary 1650 Hard words
  • chemistry
440 Dictionaire Anglais et Français 1650 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
431 Epistolae Ho-Elianae 1650 Treatise
  • antiquities
Not available
434 French, Italian, and Spanish Vocabularies ca 1650 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • Italian
  • Spanish
Not available
438 The History of the Rites, Customs, and Manner of Life of the Present Jews 1650 Treatise
  • Hebrew
  • history
Not available
969 An Introduction to the Greek Tongue 1650 Multilingual lexis
  • Bible
  • grammar
  • Greek
Not available
1031 Lily's Lillies 1650 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
435 Middle-English/Latin Alphabetical List of Obsolete Words in Gavin Douglas' Translation of Virgil's Aeneid ca 1650 Multilingual lexis
  • Scottish
Not available
372 The Mirror of Compliments 1650 Hard words
  • hard words
Not available
796 Notes on English, French, and Latin ca 1650 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • Latin
Not available
433 Old Scots and Greek Vocabulary ca 1650 Multilingual lexis
  • Greek
  • Scottish
Not available
927 Phytologia Britannica 1650 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
1020 Propria quae Maribus, quae Genus, and as in Praesenti 1650 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1021 Terminationes et Exempla Declinationum et Conjugationum 1650 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
441 Britanniae Romanorum ca 1650 - ca 1657 Names
  • proper name
Not available
250 Definitions and Characters ca 1650 - ca 1670 Hard words
  • Bible
Not available
244 Watkin Owen's Law Lexicon ca 1650 - ca 1680 Hard words
  • law
Not available
432 Italian Words and Particles ca 1650 - ca 1700 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
248 The Sloane Medical Vocabulary ca 1650 - ca 1700 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • Greek
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
928 The English Unparalleled Physician and Chirgurgian 1651 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • medicine
Not available
822 The Ladies Dispensatory 1651 Hard words
  • medicine
Not available
1023 The Latin Grammar Fitted for the Use of Schools 1651 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
879 Magic and Astrology Vindicated 1651 Hard words
  • magic
Not available
698 Onomastikon Brachy 1651 Multilingual lexis
  • Greek
  • Latin
Not available
443 Rhetoricae Compendium, Latino-Anglice 1651 Hard words
  • Latin
  • rhetoric
Not available
703 Vestibulum Linguae Latinae: A Dictionary for Children 1651 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
1024 Wisdom's Conquest 1651 Treatise
  • grammar
  • poetry
  • rhetoric
Not available
451 The Christian Doctrine 1652 Multilingual lexis
  • Irish
Not available
728 An English Grammar 1652 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
429 The English Physician 1652 Hard words
  • herbal
  • medicine
423 A Fiery Pillar of Heavenly Truth 1652 Hard words
  • Bible
Not available
446 Grammatica Burlesa or a New English Grammar 1652 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
872 The Groundwork or Foundation Laid (or so Intended) for the Framing of a New Perfect Language 1652 Treatise
  • grammar
Not available
452 Historiae Anglicanae Scriptores X 1652 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • Old English
Not available
909 Horlogiographia Optica 1652 Hard words
  • cosmography and astrology
  • heraldry
  • mathematics
Not available
848 A New Model or the Conversion of the Infidel Terms of the Law 1652 Hard words
  • law
448 A Philological Commentary, or an Illustration of the most Obvious and Useful Words in the Law 1652 Hard words
  • law
Not available
730 The Primer or an Easy Way to Teach Children the True Reading of English 1652 Grammar
  • spelling
Not available
445 Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum 1652 Hard words
  • antiquities
  • Middle English
Not available
450 Tractatus de Simplicium Medicamentorum Facultatibus 1652 Hard words
  • herbal
  • medicine
457 Calendarium Pastorale 1653 Hard words
  • Latin
  • Middle English
  • poetry
Not available
806 A Discourse of Languages and Particularly of the English Tongue 1653 Treatise
  • grammar
Not available
453 The French Cook 1653 Hard words
  • cooking
456 A Gate or Door to the Holy Tongue Opened in English 1653 Multilingual lexis
  • Hebrew
Not available
458 Grammatica Linguae Anglicanae 1653 Treatise
  • Latin
Not available
1026 The Latin Grammar 1653 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
454 The Liberties and Customs of the Lead-mines within the Wapentake of Wirksworth in the County of Derby 1653 Hard words
  • mining
731 Logopandecteision or An Introduction to the Universal Language 1653 Treatise
  • artificial languages
Not available
459 The Map of Ireland 1653 Names
  • place name
Not available
867 Miscellanea Magna 1653 Hard words
  • Latin
  • law
Not available
1074 Most Plain Directions for True-writing 1653 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
455 The True Advancement of the French Tongue 1653 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
460 The Academy of Eloquence 1654 Hard words
  • rhetoric
Not available
732 The Art of Logick 1654 Hard words
  • logic
Not available
465 The English Grammar 1654 Grammar
  • grammar
  • spelling
Not available
1284 An Exposition of Isaiah 1654 Hard words
  • Bible
  • hard words
  • poetry
  • rhetoric
Not available
1030 Latium et Lyceum Cr&aelig;ca cum Latinis 1654 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
733 Milk for Children 1654 Treatise
  • Bible
  • spelling
Not available
1028 Phrases Elegantiores ex C&aelig;saris Commentariis 1654 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
464 Plain, Brief, and Pertinent Rules for the Judicious and Artificial Syllabication of all English Words 1654 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1029 Scholae Wintoniensis Phrases Latinae 1654 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
463 The Schoolmaster's Auxiliaries 1654 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
469 A Compendious Introduction to the French Tongue 1655 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
906 Honor Redivivus 1655 Hard words
  • heraldry
Not available
468 Lingua Linguarum: The Naturall Language of Languages 1655 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
473 The Mystery of Astronomy 1655 Hard words
  • cosmography and astrology
470 The Practice of Physic 1655 Hard words
  • medicine
1032 Proteus Vinctus 1655 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
467 The Pure Language of the Spirit of Truth 1655 Treatise
  • Bible
Not available
471 The Second Gate or the Inner Door to the Holy Tongue being a Compendious Hebrew Lexicon or Dictionary 1655 Multilingual lexis
  • Hebrew
Not available
474 Supplementum Chirurgiae or the Supplement to the Marrow of Chyrurgery 1655 Treatise
  • medicine
Not available
472 A Treatise of English Particles 1655 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1124 The True Interpretation and Etymology of Christian Names 1655 Names
  • Chaldee
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Latin
  • proper name
  • Syriac
Not available
897 Vignola: Or the Compleat Architect 1655 Treatise
  • architecture
Not available
1233 Wit's Interpreter 1655 Hard words
  • logic
Not available
477 The Academy of Pleasure 1656 Hard words
  • poetry
1135 The Antiquities of Warwickshire 1656 Treatise
  • antiquities
  • place name
  • proper name
Not available
491 The Art of Simpling 1656 Hard words
  • herbal
Not available
1112 Choice Phrases in Italian 1656 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
878 De Variolis et Morbillis 1656 Hard words
  • medicine
Not available
485 An Epitome of all the Common and Statute Laws of this Nation now in Force 1656 Hard words
  • law
Not available
1034 Exact Rules of Grammar 1656 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
478 Glossographia or a Dictionary 1656 Hard words
  • Greek
  • hard words
  • Latin
933 The Institutions or Fundamentals of the Whole Art, both of Physic and Chirurgery 1656 Hard words
  • chemistry
  • medicine
Not available
484 A Key to the Hebrew Bible 1656 Multilingual lexis
  • Bible
  • Hebrew
Not available
481 The Law of Conveyances 1656 Hard words
  • law
  • Old English
Not available
480 Musaeum Tradescantianum 1656 Hard words
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
869 Observations on the History of the Reign of King Charles 1656 Hard words
  • hard words
  • history
482 Paraselsus his Dispensatory and Chirurgery 1656 Hard words
  • herbal
  • medicine
Not available
1035 The Rudiments of the Latin Tongue 1656 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
479 A Short Introduction to the Hebrew Tongue 1656 Grammar
  • Hebrew
Not available
1036 Vestibulum Linguae Latinae Rerum and Linguarum Fundamenta Exhibens 1656 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
486 Villare Anglicum 1656 Names
  • place name
Not available
1022 The Rules of the Latin Grammar Construed 1656 - 1657 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
476 Insects, Birds, Fishes, Quadrupeds, Trees, Fruits, Herbs, and Vegetables in English and Latin ca 1656 - ca 1676 Multilingual lexis
  • fauna
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
488 Adam in Eden or Nature's Paradise 1657 Hard words
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
1128 A Brief Survey of the County of Kent 1657 Names
  • place name
Not available
490 Clamor, Rixa, Ioci, Mendacia, Furta, Cachini 1657 Treatise
  • grammar
Not available
1038 The Common Rudiments of Latin Grammar 1657 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1113 Della Lingua Toscana-Romana 1657 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
494 The English Parnassus 1657 English lexis
  • poetry
930 The Expert Doctors Dispensatory 1657 Hard words
  • medicine
Not available
929 The Idea of Practical Physic 1657 Hard words
  • medicine
Not available
1037 Joh. Amos Comenii Vestibulum Novissimum Linguae Latinae 1657 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1025 Maturinus Corderius's School Colloquies English and Latin 1657 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
808 News to the Whole World of the Discovery of an Universal Character 1657 Treatise
  • grammar
Not available
1399 Philosophy Reformed and Improved 1657 Hard words
  • philosophy
489 A Physical Dictionary 1657 Hard words
  • chemistry
  • medicine
886 Regestum Practicale, or The Practical Register 1657 Treatise
  • law
Not available
1214 Thesaurus Anglo-Germanicus 1657 Multilingual lexis
  • German
Not available
807 The Universal Character by which all the Nations in the World may Understand one another's Conceptions 1657 English lexis
  • grammar
Not available
493 Vocabularium Parvum Anglo-Latinum 1657 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
970 An English-Greek Grammar 1658 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Greek
  • rhetoric
Not available
931 The French Gardiner 1658 Hard words
  • herbal
Not available
495 A Greek English Lexicon Containing the Derivations and Various Significations of all the Words in the New Testament 1658 Multilingual lexis
  • Bible
  • Greek
Not available
498 Lexicon Anglo-Greco-Latinum Novi Testamenti 1658 Multilingual lexis
  • Greek
Not available
496 The Mysteries of Love and Eloquence 1658 Spelling
  • poetry
  • rhymes
Not available
497 The New World of English Words 1658 Hard words
  • hard words
1039 Sententi&aelig; Pueriles, Anglo Latin&aelig; 1658 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
1041 Catonis Disticha de Moribus 1659 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
1042 Children's Talk 1659 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
505 Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum 1659 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • Old English
Not available
1040 An English Introduction to the Latin Tongue 1659 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
508 Etymologicon Linguae Anglicanae after 1659 Multilingual lexis
  • etymology
Not available
902 Herm'aelogium or an Essay at the Rationality of the Art of Speaking 1659 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
506 The Hidden Treasures of the Art of Physic 1659 Hard words
  • herbal
  • medicine
812 Notes on Chancery and Legal Terms ca 1659 Hard words
  • law
Not available
500 Orbis Sensualium Pictus 1659 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
932 Pharmacopoea Belgica, or the Dutch Dispensatory 1659 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • medicine
Not available
504 Sacred Eloquence 1659 Treatise
  • Greek
  • Latin
Not available
499 Some Instructions Concerning the Art of Oratory 1659 Hard words
  • rhetoric
Not available
1129 A Topography or Survey of the County of Kent 1659 Names
  • place name
Not available
1391 A Tutor to Astronomy and Geography 1659 Hard words
  • astronomy
  • geography
Not available
503 Villare Cantiarum or Kent Surveyed and Illustrated 1659 Names
  • place name
Not available
501 Vocabolario Italiano & Inglese 1659 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
502 ΠΑΜΒΟΤΑΝΟΛΟΓΙΑ Sive Enchiridion Botanicum or a Complete Herbal 1659 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
Not available
507 Lexicon Tetraglotton, An English-French-Italian-Spanish Dictionary 1659 - 1660 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • Italian
  • proverbs
  • Spanish
Not available
513 The Accomplished Cook 1660 Hard words
  • cooking
Not available
511 A Battle-door for Teachers and Professors to Learn Singular and Plural 1660 Grammar
  • Arabic
  • Chaldee
  • Cornish
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • Ethiopian
  • French
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Irish
  • Italian
  • Latin
  • Old English
  • Persian
  • Portuguese
  • Slavic
  • Spanish
  • Swedish
  • Syriac
  • Turkish
  • Welsh
Not available
1044 A Breviate of Our King's Whole Latin Grammar 1660 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
934 Catalogus Plantarum circa Cantabrigiam Nascentium 1660 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
Not available
510 Dialogi Gallico-Anglico-Latin 1660 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • Latin
Not available
1106 The Dutch Tutor 1660? Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
Not available
509 A Fanatic's Primer ca 1660 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
639 Institutiones Glotticae, seu Grammatica Triplex, Linguae Gallicae, Anglicae nec non Danicae Praecepta Methodicè Complectens 1660? Grammar
  • Danish
  • French
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1033 Manuductio 1660 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
1047 Methodi Practicae Specimen 1660 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1049 Priscianus Nascens, or a Key to the Grammar School 1660 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1045 Prosodia Construed 1660 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
  • prosody
  • rhetoric
Not available
1043 Rudimenta Linguae Latinae Praemissa Grammaticae Latinae 1660 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1046 A Short Cut to Cambridge 1660 Treatise
  • grammar
Not available
512 The True Idiom of the Italian Tongue 1660 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
1159 Of Grammars ca. 1660 - ca. 1669 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
810 Ars Signorum 1661 Treatise
  • Latin
Not available
824 Glossographia (2nd edn.) 1661 Hard words
  • hard words
Not available
1226 La Vray Instruction des Trois Langues, la Francoise, l'Angloise, & la Flamende 1661 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
  • French
  • grammar
Not available
736 Libellus Orthographicus 1661 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
734 A New Discovery of the Old Art of Teaching School 1661 Grammar
  • grammar
  • prosody
Not available
910 The Sphere of Gentry 1661 Hard words
  • heraldry
Not available
1232 Thesaurus Biblicus 1661 Concordance
  • Bible
Not available
462 Youth's Behaviour 1661 Hard words
  • hard words
Not available
515 ΠΑΝΖΩΟΡΤΕΤΟΛΟΓΙΑ sive Panzoologicomineralogia or A Complete History of Animals and Minerals 1661 Hard words
  • fauna
  • minerals
Not available
1243 A Brief and Easy Explanation of the Shorter Catechism 1662 Hard words
  • Bible
Not available
517 Dictionarium Minus: A Compendious Dictionary English-Latin and Latin-English 1662 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
635 English Physician's Guide or the Holy Guide 1662 Hard words
  • chemistry
  • herbal
  • medicine
1248 Francis Willughby's English-Welsh Word-list 1662 Multilingual lexis
  • Welsh
Not available
516 A Geographical Dictionary 1662 Names
  • place name
Not available
655 A New English Grammar 1662 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
Not available
1117 A Portugeuse Grammar 1662 Grammar
  • Portuguese
Not available
1114 The Second Alphabet Consisting of Proverbial Phrases 1662 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
  • proverbs
Not available
360 A Supplement to the Critica Sacra 1662 Multilingual lexis
  • Bible
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Latin
Not available
1048 Ancilla Grammaticae 1663 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1054 Priscianus Ephebus 1663 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • proper name
Not available
1239 A Treatise of the Necessity of Humane Learning for a Gospel Preacher 1663 Hard words
  • Chaldee
  • cosmography and astrology
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • history
  • Latin
  • logic
  • mathematics
  • philosophy
  • rhetoric
  • Syriac
Not available
1161 Anglicum Spicilegium 1664 Grammar
  • Hungarian
Not available
520 BOTANOΓOTIA: The British Physician or the Nature and Virtues of English Plants 1664 Hard words
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
940 The Complete Gardener's Practice 1664 Hard words
  • architecture
  • herbal
Not available
519 A Copious Dictionary 1664 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
1166 The English and Low Dutch Instructor 1664 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
Not available
1051 Grammaticae Latinae Compendium 1664 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1118 Locorum, Nominum Propriorum, Gentilitium, Vocumque Difficiliorum 1664 Names
  • place name
  • Scottish
Not available
1050 A New Torch to the Latin Tongue 1664 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
900 A Parallel of the Ancient Architecture with the Modern 1664 Treatise
  • architecture
Not available
1052 The Scholar's Gold Ring 1664 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
941 Sylva, or a Discourse of Forest-trees 1664 Treatise
  • herbal
Not available
1123 The Young Clerk's Tutor 1664 Names
  • Latin
  • proper name
Not available
907 Calliope's Cabinet Opened 1665 Hard words
  • heraldry
Not available
738 The English Rogue 1665 Hard words
  • canting
Not available
942 Flora: Seu, De Flora Cultura 1665 Hard words
  • herbal
Not available
1168 Grammatica Anglica 1665 Multilingual lexis
  • German
  • grammar
Not available
487 The Mystery of Rhetoric Unveiled 1657 Hard words
  • rhetoric
Not available
672 The Scholar's Guide from the Accidence to the University 1665 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
  • rhetoric
  • spelling
Not available
1053 Vocabularium Anglico-Latinum 1665 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
737 The Vocal Organ 1665 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
1055 Apotheca Scholastica 1666 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • rhymes
Not available
908 Armilogia sive Ars Chromocritica 1666 Hard words
  • heraldry
Not available
522 The History of the Caribby-islands 1666 Multilingual lexis
  • travel
Not available
739 The Indian Grammar Begun 1666 Multilingual lexis
  • Nantick
Not available
1115 Piazza Universale di Proverbi Italiani 1666 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
  • proverbs
Not available
943 Pinax Rerum Naturalium Britannicarum 1666 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
1111 A Short Italian Dictionary 1666 Multilingual lexis
  • Italian
Not available
1574 Chelys 1667 Other
  • music
Not available
740 A Guide for the Child and Youth 1667 Grammar
  • spelling
Not available
1178 A New and Easie French Grammar 1667 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • grammar
Not available
1119 Nomenclator Geographicus Latino-Anglicus et Anglico-Latinus 1667 Names
  • Latin
  • place name
  • proper name
Not available
735 English Orthography 1668 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
523 An Essay towards a Real Character and a Philosophical Language 1668 English lexis
  • philosophy
  • thesaurus
899 The First Book of Architecture 1668 Hard words
  • architecture
Not available
514 Mechanic Dialing 1668 Treatise
Not available
524 Onomasticon Zoicon 1668 Multilingual lexis
  • fauna
  • minerals
Not available
1234 A Philosophical Discourse concerning Speech 1668 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
650 Accedence Commenc't Grammar 1669 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
870 Bentivolio and Urania 1669 Hard words
  • proper name
Not available
944 The Complete Chemical Dispensatory 1669 Hard words
  • chemistry
  • medicine
Not available
743 Elements of Speech 1669 Treatise
  • grammar
Not available
618 The History of Moderation 1669 Names
  • proper name
1235 The Language of the Empire of China 1669 Treatise
  • Chinese
Not available
742 School Pastime for Young Children 1669 Spelling
  • grammar
  • spelling
Not available
741 Systema Agriculturae 1669 Hard words
  • agriculture
525 Definitions about Roman Catholicism 1669 - 1686 Hard words
  • Bible
Not available
945 Catalogus Plantarum Angliae 1670 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
1169 Clavis Linguae Anglicanae 1670 Multilingual lexis
  • German
  • grammar
Not available
531 A Collection of English Proverbs 1670 English lexis
  • proverbs
Not available
1380 The English Dictionary 1670 Hard words
  • law
  • proper name
Not available
1280 The English Gardener 1670 Treatise
  • herbal
Not available
1404 Fodinae Regales 1670 Hard words
  • mining
1056 Grammaticus Analyticus 1670 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
543 Idiomatologia Anglo-Latina sive Dictionarium Idiomaticum Anglo-Latinum 1670 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
1057 Institutio Grammaticae Puerilis 1670 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
529 Manicotta ca 1670 Names
  • proper name
Not available
528 NOMO-ΛEΘIKON: A Law-dictionary 1670 Hard words
  • law
Not available
1389 Practical Perspective 1670 Treatise
  • art
Not available
744 A Primer and Catechism for Children 1670 Spelling
  • spelling
  • weights and measures
Not available
1058 The Royal Grammar 1670 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
526 Notes on the English Language ca 1670 - ca 1679 Grammar
  • grammar
  • pronunciation
Not available
527 An Interpretation of Villare Anglicanum ca 1670 - ca 1690 Names
  • place name
  • proper name
Not available
1059 Abecedarium Scholasticum 1671 Hard words
  • grammar
Not available
530 America 1671 Multilingual lexis
  • Chilesian
  • travel
Not available
535 Atlas Chinensis 1671 Hard words
  • mathematics
Not available
673 The Child's Delight 1671 Grammar
  • grammar
  • spelling
Not available
534 Definitions on Trade ca 1671 Hard words
  • economy
Not available
385 Etymologicon Linguae Anglicanae 1671 Multilingual lexis
  • Belgic
  • Danish
  • etymology
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Italian
  • Latin
  • Middle English
  • Old English
  • proper name
  • Runic
  • Spanish
  • Welsh
Not available
946 The Flower Garden 1671 Hard words
  • herbal
Not available
745 An Introduction to the Art of Logic 1671 Hard words
  • logic
Not available
746 An Introduction to the Art of Rhetoric 1671 Hard words
  • rhetoric
Not available
621 A Saxon Etymological Vocabulary after 1671 Multilingual lexis
  • etymology
  • Old English
Not available
533 West Barbary 1671 Multilingual lexis
  • Arabic
Not available
948 The American Physician 1672 Hard words
  • herbal
Not available
911 A Brief Historical Discourse of the Original and Growth of Heraldry 1672 Multilingual lexis
  • heraldry
  • Latin
Not available
538 Dictionarium ofte Woorden-boeck 1672 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
Not available
1180 Nouvelle Grammaire Angloise 1672 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • grammar
Not available
540 Phraseologia Anglo-Latina and Paroemiologia Anglo-Latina 1672 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • proverbs
Not available
536 Hard Words in Music 1672 - 1673 Hard words
  • music
544 Asia, the First Part 1673 Multilingual lexis
  • Malayan
  • travel
542 The Canting Academy 1673 Hard words
  • canting
654 Instructions for Right Spelling and Plain Directions for Reading and Writing True English 1673 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
748 Reading and Spelling English Made Easy 1673 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
541 A World of Errors 1673 Hard words
  • branded words
  • hard words
  • law
Not available
935 Blagrave's Supplement or Enlargement to Mr. Nicholas Culpeper's English Physician 1674 Hard words
  • herbal
  • medicine
Not available
749 Brief Directions for True Spelling 1674? Spelling
  • spelling
546 Caliope's Cabinet Opened and Reviewed 1674 Hard words
  • heraldry
Not available
545 A Collection of English Words not Generally Used 1674 Hard words
  • dialects (in English)
  • fauna
  • metallurgy
747 The Complete English Schoolmaster 1674 English lexis
  • pronunciation
  • proper name
  • rhymes
  • spelling
1061 An Essay to Facilitate the Education of Youth 1674 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
841 The Flying Pen-man 1674 English lexis
  • shorthand
  • spelling
Not available
1179 A French Grammar 1674 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • grammar
Not available
640 Grammatica Quadrilinguis 1674 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • Italian
  • Spanish
Not available
547 The History of Lapland 1674 Multilingual lexis
  • Finnish
  • Lapland
  • Tartar
Not available
1060 The Scholar's Vade Mecum 1674 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
694 The Lockyer Herbal 1674 - 1691 Hard words
  • herbal
  • medicine
Not available
660 Dictionariolum Trilingue 1675 Multilingual lexis
  • Greek
  • Latin
Not available
550 Dictionarium Veteris Linguae Anglicanae before 1675 Multilingual lexis
  • Middle English
Not available
549 An English and Nether-Dutch Dictionary 1675 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
Not available
1062 The English Guide to the Latin Tongue 1675 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
552 An Explanation of the Shorter Catechism 1675 Hard words
  • Bible
  • hard words
Not available
887 A Grand Abridgement of the Common and Statute Law of England 1675 Hard words
  • law
Not available
1167 A New and Easy English Grammar 1675 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
  • grammar
Not available
856 Nolens Volens: or You shall Make Latin whether You will or no 1675 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
888 A Preparative to Pleading 1675 Hard words
  • Latin
  • law
Not available
548 Syncrisis or the most Natural and Easy Method of Learning Latin 1675 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
1063 Vestibulum Technicum 1675 Grammar
  • grammar
  • spelling
Not available
551 A Welsh Word-list 1675 Multilingual lexis
  • Welsh
Not available
553 A Latin and Anglo-Saxon Dictionary ca 1675 - ca 1699 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • Old English
Not available
1066 All the Examples, Both Words and Sentences 1676 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
901 A Brief and Plain Description of the Five Orders of Columns of Architecture 1676 Hard words
  • architecture
Not available
557 Britannia Antiqua Illustrata 1676 Names
  • antiquities
  • place name
Not available
750 England's Perfect Schoolmaster 1676 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
1067 English Examples to be Turned into Latin 1676 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
753 English Orthography 1676 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
556 Genealogicon Latinum: A Small Dictionary 1676 Multilingual lexis
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Latin
Not available
1064 Institutiones Pietatis 1676 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1282 The Manner of Raising, Ordering, and Improving Forest-Trees 1676 Treatise
  • herbal
Not available
554 Naval Definitions ca 1676 Hard words
  • navigation and the sea
Not available
1065 A Large DIctionary 1676 - 1677 Multilingual lexis
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Latin
Not available
656 Anglo-Belgica, the English and Netherdutch Academy 1677 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
Not available
1131 The Antiquities of Nottinghamshire 1677 Names
  • place name
  • proper name
Not available
754 A Brief English Tract of Logic 1677 Hard words
  • law
Not available
1283 A Catalogue of Seeds, Plants, &c. ca. 1677 Catalogue
  • herbal
662 The Child's Bible 1677 Spelling
  • Bible
  • spelling
Not available
559 A Dictionary, English-Latin and Latin-English 1677 Multilingual lexis
  • hard words
  • Latin
  • proper name
755 The English Academy 1677 Hard words
  • grammar
  • logic
  • pronunciation
  • rhetoric
  • spelling
Not available
555 An English Dictionary 1677 Hard words
  • hard words
Not available
1132 The Natural History of Oxfordshire 1677 Treatise
  • geography
  • history
  • place name
  • proper name
Not available
560 A New Dictionary French and English, with another English and French 1677 Multilingual lexis
  • French
792 A New Spelling Book 1677 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
563 Poetical Piety 1677 Hard words
  • hard words
Not available
950 Systema Horti-culturae or the Art of Gardening 1677 Hard words
  • agriculture
  • herbal
Not available
558 Linguae Latinae Liber Dictionarius Quadripartitus: A Latin Dictionary in Four Parts 1677 - 1678 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
561 Mechanic Exercises 1677 - 1683 Hard words
  • printing
1573 The art of war and the way that it is at present practised in France 1678 Other
  • war
Not available
1070 Clavis Grammatica 1678 Hard words
  • grammar
  • Latin
  • poetry
  • rhetoric
Not available
565 Engelske Dictionarium 1678 Multilingual lexis
  • Danish
  • Latin
Not available
1155 The Ornithology of Francis Willughby of Middleton in the County of Warwick 1678 Hard words
  • fauna
  • hawking and hunting
Not available
949 Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, or the New London Dispensatory 1678 Hard words
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
951 The Royal Pharmacop&oelig;ea 1678 Hard words
  • chemistry
  • herbal
  • medicine
Not available
1068 Rudiments of the Latin Grammar 1678 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
756 Words Made Visible 1678 - 1679 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
1292 A Dictionary of Barbarous French 1679 Bilingual lexicon
  • branded words
  • French
  • spelling
Not available
1075 Indiculus Universalis or the Universe in Epitome 1679 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • Latin
Not available
1071 Januae Clavis or Lily's Syntax Explained 1679 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
844 Mathematical Dictionary 1679 Hard words
  • mathematics
1162 Orthographia Danica 1679 Hard words
  • Danish
  • grammar
Not available
757 The Protestant Tutor 1679 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
1072 Proverbial Sentences, Divine and Moral 1679 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
  • poetry
  • rhetoric
Not available
1238 The Works of that Famous English Poet, Mr. Edmund Spenser 1679 Hard words
  • poetry
Not available
1076 The Additional Rules in the Oxford Grammar Construed 1680 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
889 A Brief Method of the Law 1680 Hard words
  • law
Not available
752 The Complete English Scholar 1680 Spelling
  • proper name
  • spelling
Not available
1154 Didascalocophus or the Deaf and Dumb Man's Tutor 1680 Hard words
  • spelling
Not available
759 The English School 1680 Spelling
  • rhetoric
  • spelling
Not available
1069 Familiar Forms of Speaking 1680 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
566 The High Dutch Minerva 1680 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
Not available
1120 Index Villaris: an Alphabetical Table of all the Cities, Market-towns, Parishes, Villages, and Private Seats in England and Wales 1680 Names
  • place name
Not available
758 The Protestant Schoolmaster 1680 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
1398 The Royal Charter of Confirmation Granted by King Charles II to the City of London 1680 Hard words
  • law
893 The Science of Heraldry 1680 Hard words
  • heraldry
Not available
1077 Tironum Latine Balbutientium Erudiendi Promovendique Methodus Nova 1680 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
760 A Treatise of Stops, Points, or Pauses 1680 Hard words
  • spelling
Not available
567 Definitions in Philosophy and Religion ca 1680 - ca 1699 Hard words
  • Bible
  • philosophy
Not available
568 Old Testament Terms ca 1680 - ca 1699 Hard words
  • Bible
Not available
1079 The Biggest Idol in the World Knock'd i' th' Head 1681 Grammar
  • grammar
  • spelling
Not available
1082 Directions for the Latin Tongue 1681 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
569 A Full and Clear Answer to a Book Written by William Petit 1681 Hard words
  • antiquities
  • law
Not available
764 Nature and Art Teaching to Read English 1681? Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
763 A New Book for Children to Learn in 1681 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
572 Phraseologia Generalis 1681 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
1078 A Pleasant Spelling-Piece 1681 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
762 A Pleasant Spelling-piece 1681 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
1080 Primula Veris: A Brighter Gem 1681 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
761 The Protestant School 1681 Spelling
  • Bible
  • spelling
Not available
570 Rara Avis in Terris or the Complete Miner 1681 Hard words
  • mining
1081 Regiae Grammaticae Clavis or Two Parsing Tables 1681 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
571 The Young Man's Companion 1681 Hard words
  • hard words
  • law
  • medicine
  • spelling
Not available
1396 The Charter of the Cinque Poets 1682 Hard words
  • hard words
  • Latin
Not available
1122 Compendium Geographicum 1682 Names
  • place name
Not available
1240 Friendly Advice to the Corrector of the English Press at Oxford concerning the English Orthography 1682 Hard words
  • branded words
  • spelling
Not available
1192 Grammatica Mallayo-Anglica 1682 Multilingual lexis
  • Chinese
  • grammar
  • Javanese
  • Makassar
  • Malayan
Not available
1121 Historiae Scotiae Nomenclatura Latino-vernacula 1682 Names
  • Latin
Not available
912 Introduction ad Latinam Blasoniam 1682 Hard words
  • heraldry
  • Latin
Not available
952 Methodus Plantarum Nova 1682 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
574 A New History of Ethiopia 1682 Multilingual lexis
  • Ethiopian
  • travel
Not available
1083 A Practical Grammar 1682 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
1085 The Accidence in Questions and Answers 1683 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
765 Certain Miscellany Tracts 1683 Hard words
  • dialects (in English)
  • Old English
Not available
1392 Doron Medicum: Supplement to the New London Dispensatory 1683 Treatise
  • herbal
  • medicine
1086 Grammatica Reformata 1683 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
768 Hortus Anglicanus: A New Garden of English Words 1683 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
936 Hortus Medicus Edinburgensis 1683 Hard words
  • herbal
Not available
1281 The New Art of Gardening 1683 Treatise
  • herbal
Not available
575 Fleta Minor the Laws of Art and Nature in Knowing, Judging, Assaying, Fining, Refining and Enlarging the Bodies of Confined Metal 1683 - 1685 Hard words
  • metallurgy
  • mining
Not available
868 A Breviary of Roman History 1684 Names
  • geography
  • place name
Not available
826 Dr. Willis's Practice of Physic 1684 Hard words
  • medicine
913 An Essay to Heraldry 1684 Hard words
  • heraldry
Not available
1133 The History and Antiquities of Rutland 1684 Names
  • antiquities
  • history
  • place name
  • proper name
Not available
576 The Holy Scripture 1684 Multilingual lexis
  • Bible
  • Hebrew
Not available
892 The Institutions of the Law of Scotland 1684 Hard words
  • law
Not available
866 An Introduction to the Old English History 1684 Treatise
  • antiquities
  • law
Not available
316 Of the Original of Terms or Law-days 1684 Hard words
  • law
577 A Physical Dictionary 1684 Hard words
  • chemistry
  • Latin
  • medicine
955 Scotia Illustrata 1684 Multilingual lexis
  • fauna
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
578 A Short Dictionary English and French 1684 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
937 The Art of Gardening Fruit-trees 1685 Hard words
  • agriculture
  • herbal
Not available
1578 The Art of Pruning 1685 Other
  • agriculture
Not available
1279 A Catalogue of Seed, Plants, &c. ca. 1685 Catalogue
  • agriculture
Not available
580 The Complete Englishman or The New London School 1685 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
1088 An English Prosodia 1685 Grammar
  • prosody
  • rhetoric
Not available
663 Grammatica Linguae Anglicanae 1685 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
579 The Light in Darkness 1685 Hard words
  • Bible
Not available
894 Nomenclatura Clericalis or the Young Clerk's Vocabulary 1685 Multilingual lexis
  • law
Not available
1181 Nouvelle Methode pour Apprendre l'Anglois 1685 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • grammar
Not available
767 The Praise of Yorkshire Ale 1685 Hard words
  • dialects (in English)
  • Yorkshire
956 Prosodia Pharmacopoerum or The Apothecary's Prosody 1685 Hard words
  • Greek
  • herbal
  • medicine
Not available
1575 Rhachitidologia 1685 Other
  • medicine
Not available
1089 The Royal Grammar Compiled Formerly by William Lily 1685 Grammar
  • grammar
  • poetry
Not available
1087 A Treatise of the Way and Manner of Forming the Derivatives of the Latin Tongue 1685 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
1090 The Way of Teaching the Latin Tongue by Use 1685 Treatise
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
585 The Whole Art of Navigation 1685 Hard words
Not available
581 The Dictionary of Sensible Words 1685 - 1686 Hard words
  • Bible
Not available
1253 Clavis ca. 1685 - ca. 1700 Hard words
  • dialects (in English)
Not available
882 An Lhadymer ay Cornoack: The Interpreter or Expositor of Cornish ca. 1685 - ca. 1725 Multilingual lexis
  • Cornish
Not available
1104 Aristotle's Rhetoric 1686 Hard words
  • rhetoric
Not available
769 A Book for Boys and Girls or Country Rhymes for Children 1686 Spelling
  • poetry
  • proper name
Not available
773 English Orthography 1686 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
770 Essay towards an Universal Alphabet 1686 Treatise
  • spelling
Not available
771 The Experienced Instructor 1686 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
1241 The Gentlemans Recreation 1686 Hard words
  • Bible
  • cosmography and astrology
  • forestry
  • grammar
  • hawking and hunting
  • logic
  • mathematics
  • philosophy
  • rhetoric
  • surveying
Not available
774 Grammatista or the Young Grammarian, Being a Short Spelling Book 1686 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
1091 An Introduction to the Latin Tongue 1686 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1134 The Natural History of Staffordshire 1686 Treatise
  • hard words
Not available
1092 Nomenclatura Mundi Anglo-Latina 1686 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
865 Painting Illustrated in Three Dialogues 1686 Hard words
  • art
687 A Pleasant and Compendious History of the First Inventers and Instituters 1686 Hard words
  • history
Not available
1094 Rudimenta Grammatices in Gratiam Juventutis Anglicae Conscripta 1686 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1093 Tentamina Elegantiarum Bina 1686 Treatise
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
843 A Treasure of Health 1686
  • herbal
  • medicine
Not available
845 Academia Scientarium or the Academy of Sciences 1687
  • hard words
Not available
636 A Double Grammar for Germans to Learn English and for Englishmen to Learn the German Tongue 1687 English lexis
  • German
  • grammar
Not available
772 English Orthography 1687 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
583 The English Teacher 1687 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
1095 Grammatica Anglo-Romana 1687 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
664 Medulla Grammatices or the Reasons of Grammar 1687 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
55 Nova et Artificiosa Methodus Docendi Linguam Latinam 1687 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
957 The Touchstone of Medicines 1687 Hard words
  • fauna
  • herbal
  • medicine
Not available
582 The Tutor to True English 1687 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
1245 The Young Secretary's Guide 1687 Hard words
  • geography
  • merchandise
  • proper name
Not available
586 The Academy of Armory 1688 Hard words
  • heraldry
Not available
776 The Art of Spelling 1688 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
587 The British Language in its Lustre or a Copious Dictionary of Welsh and English 1688 Multilingual lexis
  • Welsh
Not available
775 The Compendious Schoolmaster 1688 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
674 The English Grammar or the Grounds and Genius of the English Tongue 1688 Grammar
  • grammar
  • spelling
Not available
584 A Geographical Dictionary 1688 Names
  • geography
  • place name
Not available
1145 The Great French Dictionary 1688 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
778 A New and Easy Method to the Art of Dialling 1688 Treatise
  • mathematics
Not available
1156 The New Trismagister 1688 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • Italian
Not available
1182 New, Plain, Short, and Complete French and English Grammar 1688 Grammar
  • French
  • grammar
Not available
675 A Rational Way of Teaching 1688 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
405 Rudimentum Anglo-Latinum Grammatic&aelig; Literalis et Numeralis 1688 Hard words
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
825 Squire of Alsatia 1688 Hard words
  • canting
588 A Treatise Proving Scripture to Be the Rule of Faith 1688 Hard words
  • Bible
  • hard words
589 The Triumph of Wit 1688 Hard words
  • canting
Not available
657 The Upright Guide for the Instruction of the English Tongue 1688 Spelling
  • German
  • grammar
  • spelling
Not available
914 Britain's Glory and England's Bravery 1689 Hard words
  • heraldry
  • weights and measures
Not available
676 A Complete Guide to the English Tongue 1689 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
680 Gazophylacium Anglicanum 1689 English lexis
  • Danish
  • dialects (in English)
  • Dutch
  • etymology
  • French
  • Greek
  • hard words
  • Hebrew
  • Italian
  • Latin
  • Old English
  • Syriac
  • Welsh
971 A General Examination of the Common Greek Grammar 1689 Treatise
  • Greek
Not available
592 Glossary of Welsh 1689 Multilingual lexis
  • Welsh
Not available
1170 Grammatica Nova Anglicana 1689 Multilingual lexis
  • German
  • grammar
Not available
591 Hibernia Anglicana 1689 Multilingual lexis
  • dialects (in English)
  • history
  • place name
811 Institutiones Grammaticae Anglo-Saxonicae et Moeso-Gothicae 1689 Multilingual lexis
  • Dalmacian
  • Greek
  • Latin
  • Old English
  • Slavic
Not available
751 Thesaurarium Trilingue Publicum 1689 Multilingual lexis
  • grammar
  • Greek
  • Latin
Not available
777 The Young Scholar's Best Companion 1689 Grammar
  • spelling
Not available
1189 De la Prononciation de la Langue Angloise ca. 1689 - ca. 1700 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • pronunciation
Not available
1289 A London Lithuanian-English Glossary ca. 1689 - ca. 1703 Bilingual lexicon
  • Lithuanian
Not available
593 An Biobla Naomhtha 1690 Multilingual lexis
  • Bible
  • Irish
Not available
594 A Complete System of Grammar English and Latin 1690 Grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1073 Fundamenta Grammatices or the Foundation of the Latin Tongue 1690 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1291 Gaelic-English Glossary 1690 Hard words
  • Bible
Not available
780 A Help to True Spelling and Reading 1690 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
898 Institutio Grammaticae 1690 Grammar
  • grammar
  • proper name
Not available
595 Mundus Mulierbris: or, The Ladies' Dressing-room Unlocked 1690 Hard words
  • fashion
959 Synopsis Methodica Stirpium Britannicarum 1690 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
1237 Thesaurus Linguae Anglo-Saxonicae 1690 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
  • Old English
Not available
958 The Treasury of Drugs Unlocked 1690 Hard words
  • herbal
  • medicine
Not available
573 A Trip to New England 1690 Hard words
  • travel
Not available
1252 Etymologia Anglicana ca. 1690 - ca. 1699 Hard words
  • etymology
Not available
1403 Jonathan Swift's Word-book ca. 1690 - ca. 1710 Hard words
Not available
1406 A Clavis to the Foregoing Dialogue 1690 - 1730 Hard words
  • dialects (in English)
  • Yorkshire
1220 A Collection of English Words not Generally Used 1691 Hard words
  • dialects (in English)
  • metallurgy
  • minerals
  • mining
686 The Complete Arithmetician 1691 Hard words
  • mathematics
Not available
1084 English Exercises for Schoolboys to Translate into Latin 1691 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1136 An Exact Description of Ireland 1691 Names
  • geography
  • proper name
Not available
1137 Flanders or the Spanish Netherlands 1691 Names
  • place name
  • travel
Not available
626 Latin Vocabulary 1691 Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
596 Mundus Foppensis or the Fop Displayed 1691 Hard words
  • fashion
  • hard words
598 A New Dictionary English and Dutch 1691 Multilingual lexis
  • Dutch
Not available
953 Some Instructions in the Art of Grammar 1691 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1097 Syntaxis Vernacula vel Nova et Facilis Methodus Compositionis 1691 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1219 Synonyms of Plants in Leonard Plukenett's Phytographia ca. 1691 - ca. 1696 Hard words
  • herbal
Not available
827 An Abridgment of the Architecture of Vitruvius 1692 Hard words
  • architecture
781 The Child's Recreation 1692 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
677 The English Examiner or a Spelling Book 1692 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
782 The English Schoolmaster Completed 1692 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
600 English-Latin Lexicon of Plants and Flowers 1692 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
461 An Epitome of the Whole Art of War 1692 Treatise
  • war
Not available
682 The Gazetteer's or Newsman's Interpreter 1692 Names
  • geography
  • place name
Not available
599 An Historical Dictionary of England and Wales 1692 Names
  • history
  • place name
Not available
601 Macariae Excidium or the Destruction of Cypress 1692 Hard words
  • hard words
Not available
609 More English Examples to be Turned into Latin 1692 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
602 The Proportions of the Several Languages, Ingredients of our English 1692 - 1693 Treatise
  • hard words
Not available
1586 The Art of Painting 1693 Other
  • art
Not available
604 The Complete Gardener 1693 Hard words
  • agriculture
605 A Description of the Isles of Orkney 1693 Multilingual lexis
  • Norwegian
Not available
1227 The Eloquent Master of Languages 1693 Multilingual lexis
  • French
  • German
  • grammar
  • Italian
Not available
603 The English Grammar of the English Tongue 1693 Grammar
  • grammar
  • poetry
  • spelling
Not available
1208 A Geographical Dictionary 1693 Names
  • Latin
  • place name
  • weights and measures
962 Hortus Siccus Pharmaceuticus 1693 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • war
Not available
610 A New Primer or the Child's Recreation 1693 Spelling
  • spelling
961 Pharmacologia seu Manuductio ad Materiam Medicam 1693 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
784 Plurimum in Minimo or a New Spelling Book 1693 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
960 Seplasium: The Complete English Physician 1693 Hard words
  • fauna
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
783 A Short Introduction into Orthography 1693 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
1171 Weg-Weisung: Die Construction in der Englischen Sprache 1693 Multilingual lexis
  • German
  • grammar
Not available
1140 An Account of the Isle of Jersey 1694 Names
  • place name
  • travel
Not available
606 The Complete French Master 1694 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
964 The Complete Herbal of Physical Plants 1694 Hard words
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
532 The Gauger and Measurer's Companion 1694 Other
  • mathematics
Not available
608 The Great Historical, Geographical and Poetical Dictionary 1694 Names
  • geography
  • history
  • place name
  • poetry
  • proper name
  • travel
Not available
786 The Grounds of Reading, Writing, and Pronouncing 1694 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
938 Historia Vegetabilium Sacra 1694 Treatise
  • herbal
Not available
607 The Ladies Dictionary 1694 Hard words
  • proper name
  • women
Not available
966 The London Dispensatory 1694 Hard words
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
963 Pharmacopoeia Bateana or Bate's Dispensatory 1694 Hard words
  • herbal
  • Latin
  • medicine
Not available
1236 Pleasure with Profit 1694 Hard words
  • chemistry
  • cosmography and astrology
  • cryptography
  • history
  • mathematics
  • merchandise
  • surveying
  • war
  • weights and measures
Not available
785 A Spelling Book for Children 1694 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
965 Stirpium Europ&aelig;arum Extra Britannias Nascentium Sylloge 1694 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • Latin
Not available
611 A Design of a British Dictionary, Historical and Geographical 1695 Names
  • geography
  • history
  • Welsh
Not available
788 Edinburgh's English Schoolmaster 1695 Grammar
  • grammar
  • spelling
Not available
1099 An Explanation of the Additional Rules 1695 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
967 The Family Dictionary 1695 Hard words
  • cooking
  • herbal
  • medicine
Not available
787 Instructions for Youth 1695 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
612 The Mariner's Jewel 1695 Hard words
  • navigation and the sea
641 A New and Accurate Grammar 1695 Grammar
  • French
  • Italian
  • Spanish
Not available
1105 Of the Art both of Writing and Judging of History 1695 Hard words
  • Bible
  • history
Not available
684 Parochial Antiquities 1695 Hard words
  • agriculture
  • antiquities
  • law
  • taxation
1100 A Rational and Speedy Method of Attaining to the Latin Tongue 1695 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1098 The Royal Grammar 1695 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1183 A Short and Plain Discourse of Philosophy 1695 Hard words
  • cosmography and astrology
  • logic
  • philosophy
Not available
678 The Writing Scholar's Companion 1695 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
1402 Abra-Mul&egrave or a True History of the Dethronement of Mahomet IV 1696 Bilingual lexicon
  • Turkish
1572 The Accomplished Ladies Delight 1696 Treatise
  • cooking
Not available
613 Accomplished Schoolmaster 1696 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
1585 The Accomplish\'d Ladies Delight 1696
Not available
939 Catalogus Plantarum quae in Insula Jamaica sponte Proveniunt 1696 Multilingual lexis
  • herbal
  • travel
Not available
1101 Lily, Improved, Corrected, and Explained 1696 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
1401 The Parfait Mareschal or Compleat Farrier 1696 Other
  • horsemanship
895 A Treatise of Trover and Conversion 1696 Hard words
  • law
Not available
790 The True Method of Learning the Latin Tongue by the English 1696 Grammar
  • Latin
Not available
791 A Guide to True Spelling 1697 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
823 Hidden Things Brought to Light for the Increase of Knowledge 1697 Hard words
  • Bible
  • hard words
  • weights and measures
Not available
615 Parochial Queries in order to a Geographical Dictionary, a Natural History, &c. of Wales 1697 Names
  • geography
  • place name
Not available
968 A Plain Introduction to the Art of Physick 1697 Hard words
  • herbal
  • medicine
Not available
1163 Addresse til det Engelske Sprogs L&aelig;ssning Korteligen 1698 Multilingual lexis
  • Danish
Not available
828 The Annals and History of Cornelius Tacitus 1698 Hard words
  • history
  • place name
832 Ductor Historicus or a Short System of Universal History 1698 Hard words
  • history
794 A New Primer or Methodical Directions to Attain the True Spelling, Reading and Writing of English 1698 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
1096 Vocabularium Duplex seu Fraus Elusa 1698 Multilingual lexis
  • geography
  • grammar
  • Latin
  • spelling
Not available
1288 Anglo-Saxon Glossary ca. 1698 - ca. 1715 Bilingual lexicon
  • Latin
  • Old English
Not available
1102 A Complete System of Grammar 1699 Grammar
  • grammar
  • Latin
Not available
483 The English Lady's New French Grammar 1699 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
597 The Experienced Secretary 1699 Hard words
  • economy
  • geography
  • hard words
  • Latin
  • mathematics
  • proper name
  • rhetoric
Not available
1172 A Little Grammar or Short Guide to Learn the English Tongue 1699 Multilingual lexis
  • German
  • grammar
Not available
614 The Merchant's Magazine Dictionary of Merchandise and Trade 1699 Hard words
  • economy
  • navigation and the sea
617 A New Dictionary of the Terms Ancient and Modern of the Canting Crew 1699 Hard words
  • canting
619 A New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America 1699 Multilingual lexis
  • Darien (Epera)
  • Irish
  • travel
Not available
795 Reading Made more Easy 1699 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
616 The Royal Dictionary 1699 Multilingual lexis
  • French
Not available
562 An Account of the Isles of Orkney 1700 Multilingual lexis
  • Norwegian
Not available
1157 The English School Reformed 1700 Spelling
  • grammar
  • spelling
Not available
518 A Key to the Art of Letters 1700 Grammar
  • grammar
Not available
1103 The London Vocabulary 1700? Multilingual lexis
  • Latin
Not available
1293 A Compleat Account of the Portugueze Language 1701 Bilingual lexicon
  • Portuguese
Not available
1363 The Life and Death of the English Rogue ca. 1701 Hard words
  • canting
Not available
1294 A Mathematical Dictionary 1702 Hard words
  • mathematics
Not available
1295 A Military Dictionary 1702 Hard words
  • war
Not available
834 A New English Dictionary 1702 English lexis
  • hard words
1296 The City and Countrey Purchaser, and Builder's Dictionary 1703 Hard words
  • building
Not available
1297 Cocker's English Dictionary 1704 Other
  • place name
  • poetry
  • proper name
Not available
1298 Dictionarium Rusticum et Urbanicum 1704 Hard words
  • agriculture
  • cooking
  • fishing
  • hawking and hunting
  • herbal
  • mining
Not available
1301 Lexicom Technicum 1704 Hard words
Not available
1299 The Gentleman's Dictionary 1705 Hard words
  • horsemanship
  • navigation and the sea
  • war
Not available
1302 A New Spanish and English Dictionary 1706 Bilingual lexicon
  • geography
  • proper name
  • proverbs
  • Spanish
Not available
1383 Vocabulary of the Massachuset Language, 1706-1822 1706 Multilingual lexis
  • Algonkian
  • dialects (in English)
  • Nantick
Not available
1369 Arch&aelig;ologia Britannica 1707 Multilingual lexis
  • Celtic
  • Irish
  • Latin
  • Scottish
  • Welsh
Not available
1372 An Armoric-English Vocabulary 1707 Hard words
  • Celtic
Not available
1370 Comparative Etymology 1707 Multilingual lexis
  • Celtic
  • Cornish
  • Irish
  • Welsh
Not available
1371 A Comparative Vocabulary of the Original Languages of Britain and Ireland 1707 Multilingual lexis
  • Celtic
  • Cornish
  • etymology
  • Irish
  • Latin
  • Welsh
Not available
1374 An Essay towards a British Etymologicon 1707 Multilingual lexis
  • etymology
Not available
1303 Glossographia Anglicana Nova 1707 English lexis
Not available
1375 An Irish-English Dictionary 1707 Hard words
  • Irish
Not available
1373 Welsh Words Omitted in Dr. Davies's Dictionary 1707 Hard words
  • Welsh
Not available
1305 Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicum 1708 Hard words
  • hard words
Not available
1300 Lexicon Technicum 1708 Hard words
Not available
1364 Memoirs of the Right Villanous John Hall 1708 Hard words
  • canting
Not available
1306 A Dictionary of the Hudson's Bay Indian Language 1710? Bilingual lexicon
  • Algonkian
1304 An Historical and Critical Dictionary 1710 English lexis
  • proper name
Not available
1353 Virgil's Aeneis 1710 Hard words
  • dialects (in English)
  • Scottish
Not available
1365 Aristotle's Last Legacy 1711 Hard words
  • canting
Not available
1350 A List of Local Words 1718 Hard words
  • dialects (in English)
Not available
1366 The Regulator 1718 Hard words
  • canting
Not available
1307 Lexicon Physico-medicum 1719 Hard words
  • medicine
Not available
1376 The Natural History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey 1719 Hard words
  • dialects (in English)
1354 Allan Ramsay's Poems 1720 Hard words
  • dialects (in English)
  • Scottish
Not available
1367 A Complete History of the Lives and Robberies of the most Notorious Highway-men 1720 Hard words
  • canting
Not available
1368 A Complete History of the Lives and Robberies of the most Notorious Highway-men, Foot-pads, Shop-lifts, and Cheats 1720 Hard words
  • canting
Not available
1355 A Complete Collection of Scottish Proverbs 1721 Hard words
  • dialects (in English)
  • proverbs
  • Scottish
Not available
1308 An Universal Etymological English Dictionary 1721 English lexis
  • etymology
Not available
1309 The Cook's and Confectioner's Dictionary 1723 Hard words
  • cooking
Not available
1356 The Ever Green 1724 Hard words
  • Scottish
Not available
1320 Dictionaire Oeconomique: or, The Family Dictionary 1725 Hard words
  • household
Not available
1314 The English and Welch Dictionary 1725 Bilingual lexicon
  • Welsh
Not available
1312 A New Canting Dictionary 1725 Hard words
  • canting
Not available
1384 Peter Langtoft's Chronicle 1725 English lexis
Not available
1315 Dizionario Italiano ed Inglese 1726 Bilingual lexicon
  • Italian
Not available
1317 The Farrier's and Horseman's Dictionary 1726 Hard words
  • horsemanship
Not available
1316 An Introduction to the English Tongue 1726 Spelling
  • spelling
1318 A New Mathematical Dictionary 1726 Hard words
  • mathematics
Not available
1319 An Orthographical Dictionary 1727 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
1357 Collections Relating to the History Of Mary Queen of Scotland 1727 - 1728 Hard words
  • Scottish
Not available
1321 Cyclopædia: or, an Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences 1728
Not available
1323 Dictionarium botanicum 1728 Hard words
  • architecture
  • herbal
Not available
1331 A New Law-dictionary 1729 Hard words
  • law
Not available
1516 Dictionarium Angliae Topographicum and Historicum 1730 Treatise
  • place name
  • proper name
Not available
1324 Dictionarium Britannicum 1730 English lexis
Not available
1313 The Gentle Shepherd 1730 Hard words
  • Scottish
Not available
1358 A Tea-table Miscellany 1730 Hard words
  • Scottish
Not available
1576 An Essay concerning the Nature of Aliments 1731 Other
  • medicine
Not available
1347 The English-Irish Dictionary 1732 Bilingual lexicon
  • Irish
Not available
1311 The Gardeners Dictionary 1732 Hard words
  • architecture
Not available
1325 An Historical, Critical, Geographical, Chronological, and Etymological Dictionary of the Holy Bible 1732 Hard words
  • Bible
Not available
1334 Dictionarium Anglo-Svethico-Latinum 1734 Bilingual lexicon
  • Swedish
Not available
1327 Dictionarium polygraphicum 1735 Hard words
  • art
Not available
1326 A New English Dictionary 1735 English lexis
  • place name
  • proper name
1377 Wotton's Short View of George Hickes's Grammatico-Critical and Archaeological Treasure of the Ancient Northern Languages 1735 Names
  • Old English
  • place name
1330 Dictionarium Domesticum 1736
  • cooking
  • household
  • medicine
Not available
1332 Thesaurus Linguæ Latinæ Compendiarius 1736 Bilingual lexicon
  • Latin
Not available
1329 A New General English Dictionary 1737 English lexis
Not available
1310 The Spelling Dictionary 1737 Spelling
  • spelling
Not available
1349 Universal Etymological English Dictionary 1737 English lexis
  • canting
  • etymology
  • place name
1333 A New Dictionary, Spanish and English and English and Spanish 1740 Bilingual lexicon
  • Spanish
Not available
1335 A Medicinal Dictionary 1743 - 1745 Hard words
  • medicine
Not available
1337 An Hebrew Lexicon 1745 Multilingual lexis
  • Hebrew
Not available
1352 A View of the Lancashire Dialect 1746 Hard words
  • dialects (in English)
1336 A Dictionary of Plants 1747 Hard words
  • herbal
Not available
1348 A Letter to William Hooson, a Derbyshire Miner 1747 Treatise
  • mining
Not available
1338 The Miners Dictionary 1747 Hard words
  • mining
Not available
1351 A Miscellany of Poems 1747 Hard words
  • dialects (in English)
1339 Dictionarium Medicum Universale 1749 Hard words
  • medicine
Not available
1340 Lingua Britannica Reformata 1749 English lexis
Not available
1359 Orpheus: A Collection of English and Scotch Songs 1749 Hard words
  • Scottish
Not available
1361 A Description of May 1752 Hard words
  • Scottish
Not available
1382 Scotticisms 1752 Multilingual lexis
  • dialects (in English)
  • Scottish
1322 A Supplement to Mr. Chambers's Cyclopædia 1753
Not available
1343 Antiqu&aelig; Lingu&aelig; Britannic&aelig; Thesaurus 1753 Bilingual lexicon
  • Welsh
Not available
1342 The Dictionary of Love 1753 Hard words
Not available
1341 A Pocket Dictionary or Complete English Expositor 1753 English lexis
Not available
1362 A Description of Winter 1754 Hard words
  • Scottish
Not available
1328 An English and Danish Dictionary 1754 Bilingual lexicon
  • Danish
Not available
1344 A New and Complete Dictionary of Arts and Sciences 1754 - 1755
Not available
1360 Ajax his Speech 1755 Hard words
  • Scottish
Not available
1345 A Dictionary of the English Language 1755 English lexis
1378 Madam Johnson's Present 1755 Spelling
  • education
  • household
  • spelling
  • women
1346 A New Universal Etymological English Dictionary 1755 English lexis