Salesbury 1877: Bibliographic Record
- WIlliam Salesbury
Book title
A Dictionary of Englyshe and Welshe moche necessary to all such Welshemen as wil spedly learne the englyshe to<u>n</u>gue thought vnto the kynges maiestie very mete to be sette forthe to the vse of his graces subiectes in Wales: wherevnto is p<u>re</u>fixed a little treatyse of the englyshe pronunciacion of the letters
Publication press
T. Richards, for the Cymmrodorion Society
LEME references
- (modern editions) William Salesbury, A Dictionary in English and Welsh (1547)
Bibliographic reference (MLA style)
Salesbury, WIlliam. A Dictionary of Englyshe and Welshe moche necessary to all such Welshemen as wil spedly learne the englyshe tongue thought vnto the kynges maiestie very mete to be sette forthe to the vse of his graces subiectes in Wales: wherevnto is prefixed a little treatyse of the englyshe pronunciacion of the letters. n.p.: T. Richards, for the Cymmrodorion Society, 1877.