Ambrogio Calepino, Dictionarium Decem Linguarum (1585)
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Book title
Dictionarium decem linguarum ... Ubi Latinis dictionibus Hebrææ, Græcæ, Gallicæ, Italicæ, Germanicæ et Hispanicæ ... Polonic&ae;, Ungaricæ atque Anglicæ adiectæ sunt
Publication place
Transcription source
1586 edition: see Bayerische StaatsBibliothek digital 838712 2 Polygl. 8 h 838712 2 Polygl. 8 h
Text type
printed book
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
- French
- German
- Greek
- Hebrew
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Latin
- Polish
- Spanish
English equivalents
headwords: Latin
explanations: Hebrew, Greek, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Hungarian, English
explanations: Hebrew, Greek, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Hungarian, English
explanations: Hebrew, Greek, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Hungarian, English
explanations: Hebrew, Greek, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Hungarian, English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: Theatricus, a, um. { διαλογνοτ. Gallic. De theatre. ITAL. Di teatro. German. Des schawhauses. HISPAN. Cosa de teatro. VNG. latek nizo heshes valo. ANG. Of a scaffold.} Quod ad theatrum pertinet: vt, Plausus theatrici, Spectacula theatrica.
sample: Theatricus, a, um. { διαλογνοτ. Gallic. De theatre. ITAL. Di teatro. German. Des schawhauses. HISPAN. Cosa de teatro. VNG. latek nizo heshes valo. ANG. Of a scaffold.} Quod ad theatrum pertinet: vt, Plausus theatrici, Spectacula theatrica.
Other editions
1585 (Alston II.II.81 and 81a);
1586 (Alston II.82);
1588 (Alston II.883-84);
1590 (Alston II.85);
1594 (Alston II.86);
1598 (Alston II.87);
1605 (Alston II.88);
1609 (Alston II.89-90);
1616 (Alston II.91);
1620 (Alston II.92);
1627 (Alston II.93);
1634 (Alston II.94);
1647 (Alston II.95);
1654 (Alston II.96a);
1654? (Alston II.96);
1656 (Alston II.97);
1663 (Alston II.98);
1681 (Alston II.99)
1586 (Alston II.82);
1588 (Alston II.883-84);
1590 (Alston II.85);
1594 (Alston II.86);
1598 (Alston II.87);
1605 (Alston II.88);
1609 (Alston II.89-90);
1616 (Alston II.91);
1620 (Alston II.92);
1627 (Alston II.93);
1634 (Alston II.94);
1647 (Alston II.95);
1654 (Alston II.96a);
1654? (Alston II.96);
1656 (Alston II.97);
1663 (Alston II.98);
1681 (Alston II.99)
Podhajecka, Miroslawa. "Researching the Beginnings of Bilingual Polish-English and English-Polish Lexicography: An Introduction." International Journal of Lexicography 26.4 (December 2013): 449-68. view record