Pietro Paravicino, Choice Phrases in Italian (1656)

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P. P. (alternate name for Pietro Paravicino )
Book title
Choice phrases in Italian rendred into English; wherein all the chief difficulties about the particles, in the said language, are made easie by examples
Publication place
Nicholas Bourne
Text type
printed book
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
type: alphabetical
type: headword
Other editions
1662: Wing P342c ("Choice Phrases, Set forth in Questions and Answers In Italian, Rendred into English; Wherein all the chief Difficulties about the Particles, in the said Language, are made easie by Examples; Each line being a sentence, to the end that the Learner may the better retain them in his Memory: To which are added in this Second Impression, many other choice Phrases, short Dialogues; and a pretty Discourse of Commerce: He that shall read this little Book twice may easily understand any Italian Author in Prose. Lately published and well corrected by P.P. Master of the Italian Tongue, and approved of by other Masters of the said Tongue, to be a work very useful, not only for those who begin to learn; but also for those who desire to attain to the perfection thereof; the only way to learn a language is to learn it in its proper Phrases"). This edition does not have the "little vocabulary" that Alston, XII, plate XIVa, reproduces from the 1656 edition. The two works may be different.