William Turner, A New Book of the Natures and Properties of all Wines ... and the Book of the Natures and Virtues of Triacle (1568)

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William Turner Note: 15/10/2005
Book title
A new Boke of the natures and properties of all Wines that are commonly vsed in here England, with a confutation of an errour of some men, that holde, that Rhennish and other small white wines ought not to be drunken of them that either haue, or are in daunger of the stone, the revine, and diuers other diseases, made by William Turner, doctor of Phisicke. Whereunto is annexed the booke of the natures and vertues of Triacles, newly corrected and set foorth againe by the sayde William Turner
Dedicated to
Publication place
William Seres
Transcription source
Text type
printed book
Subject area
  • Latin
  • medicine
English terms, sometimes defined logically, and Latin equivalents
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
occasional Latin terms
type: alphabetical
number: 5
type: headword
number: 103
sample: There are twoo sortes of newe Wine, one that is called Must, and that is but latelye made or pressed out of the grapes, and is swet in tast, troubled in color, and thick in substaunce, and this sort is properlye called in Latin Mustum. And another sorte is called newe Wine, which hath left his sweetnes & gotten clearenesse, but yet it is not long since it was made.
Larkey, Sanford V. "Scientific Glossaries in Sixteenth Century English Books." Bulletin of the Institute of the History of Medicine 5 (1937): 105-14. 106. view record
McConchie, R. W. Lexicography and Physicke: The Record of Sixteenth-century English Medical Terminology. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. 30-31. view record
Rydén, Mats. "William Turner: the First English Plant-name Scholar." A Wealth of English: Studies in Honour of Göran Kjellmer. Ed. Karin Aijmer. Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Gothenburg studies in English, 81. Göteborg: n.p., 2001. 155-62. view record
Jones, Whitney R. D. William Turner: Tudor Naturalist, Physician and Divine. London: Routledge, 1988. view record
Rydén, Mats. "William Turner the Botanist in a European Context." Cultural Exchange between European Nations during the Renaissance. Eds. Gunnar Sorelius and Michael Srigley. Proceedings of the Symposium arranged in Uppsala by the Forum for Renaissance Studies of the English Department of Uppsala University, 5-7 June 1993. Uppsala: Almqvist and Wiksell, 1994. 173-83. view record