Pierre Berault, A Short and Plain Discourse of Philosophy (1695)
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Book title
A short and plain Discourse Of Philosophy. 1. Containing Physick and Metaphysick, with a Treatise of Astronomy; in Latin. 2. Logick and Ethicks, or Moral Philosophy; both in French and English. For the use especially of them, that either desire to learn these three Languages, or have no leasure to read the great and intangled volumes of Philosophers
Publication place
H. Hills
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
- cosmography and astrology
- logic
- philosophy
type: topical
type: logical
sample: Q. From whence is derived this word Moral?
A. From this Latin word Mores, which signifies Manners, because Moral Science learns how to direct the Actions of our Soul, to get good Manners.
Q. What do you mean by good Manners?
A. I mean good Habitudes or Customs, as the Custom to be Moderate in eating and drinking, or the Custom to render what belongs to every one, &c. (pp. 166, 168)
sample: Q. From whence is derived this word Moral?
A. From this Latin word Mores, which signifies Manners, because Moral Science learns how to direct the Actions of our Soul, to get good Manners.
Q. What do you mean by good Manners?
A. I mean good Habitudes or Customs, as the Custom to be Moderate in eating and drinking, or the Custom to render what belongs to every one, &c. (pp. 166, 168)
Other editions
1695: Wing B1956B