William Cecil, Lord Burghley's Notes on Law Terms (ca. 1553 - ca. 1598)

Full Text
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1553ca. 1598ca.
Transcription source
Lambeth Palace Library MS. 302
Text type
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
  • heraldry
  • law
"Several pedigrees of the kings of Navarre and England; and Alphabetical Notes upon Law Terms mixt with the Pedigrees by Lord Burghley" (William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley). A table of contents of English-French law terms exists up to the end of "E", and a few entries for terms in "A" appear out of place at the end of the manuscript. The glossary, which offers French notes under the headwords, was either abandoned in favour of genealogical research or has not survived in its finished form.
type: alphabetical
type: headword
Lambeth Palace Library. A Catalogue of the Archiepiscopal Manuscripts in the Library at Lambeth Palace. London: Law and Gilbert, 1812. 40. view record
Lancashire, Ian. "William Cecil and the Rectification of English." The Languages of Nation: Attitudes and Norms. Eds. Carol Percy and Mary Catherine Davidson. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2012. 39-62. view record