Richard Benese, The Manner of Measuring (1537?)
Full Text
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Book title
This boke sheweth the maner of measurynge of all maner of lande, as well of woodlande, as of lande in the felde, and comptynge the true nombre of acres of the-same
Publication place
James Nicolson
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
- mathematics
- surveying
Occasional explanations of terms of art
type: topical
type: logical
sample: And these thynges also that lye playne, depe, rounde, cornerwyse, in lengthe, or in bredth, belonge vnto Geometry: the whych conteyneth thre diuerse kyndes of measurynge. The fyrst is named Altimetria, that is, to measure a quantite after hys length only. The seconde is named Planimetria, that is, to measure a quantite after hys length and bredth. The thyrde is called Stereometria, that is, to measure a quantyte after hys lengthe, bredthe, and depenesse. (+3v)
sample: And these thynges also that lye playne, depe, rounde, cornerwyse, in lengthe, or in bredth, belonge vnto Geometry: the whych conteyneth thre diuerse kyndes of measurynge. The fyrst is named Altimetria, that is, to measure a quantite after hys length only. The seconde is named Planimetria, that is, to measure a quantite after hys length and bredth. The thyrde is called Stereometria, that is, to measure a quantyte after hys lengthe, bredthe, and depenesse. (+3v)
Other editions
1550?: STC 1874;
1553: STC 1874.5;
1563: STC 1875;
1565: STC 1876;
1651: Wing B1867B (revised by Thomas Norton)
1553: STC 1874.5;
1563: STC 1875;
1565: STC 1876;
1651: Wing B1867B (revised by Thomas Norton)