William Clever, The Flower of Physick (1590)
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Book title
The Flower of Phisicke Wherein is perfectlie comprehended a true introduction and method for mans assured health: with three bookes of Philosophie for the due temperature of mans life
Publication place
Roger Ward
Text type
printed book
Subject area
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: And yet some olde writers deuide these sortes of sores into foure names: Herpes, Phagedina, Chironia, and Telephia, The first is of verie affinitie with a plague sore. The second is some filthy blacke worme, or Fystula fretting betweene the flesh and the bones. The thyrd is a foule sore, hard to be cured, and being poisoned with the melancholiousnesse of the humour is called, Noli me tangere. The fourth complecteth it selfe vnder the name of all Boyles or Carbunckles: and surly al sharp, sower, swift, styffe and cruell medicines, whether they be hotte, or colde, haue in themselues a naturall poyson to doe hurt hereunto: And they are more harmefull beeing eaten, then when they be outwardly applyed, for in their nature, they do not only intoxicate the primary partes of man, but deepely pearce the power of the heart. (q3r)
sample: And yet some olde writers deuide these sortes of sores into foure names: Herpes, Phagedina, Chironia, and Telephia, The first is of verie affinitie with a plague sore. The second is some filthy blacke worme, or Fystula fretting betweene the flesh and the bones. The thyrd is a foule sore, hard to be cured, and being poisoned with the melancholiousnesse of the humour is called, Noli me tangere. The fourth complecteth it selfe vnder the name of all Boyles or Carbunckles: and surly al sharp, sower, swift, styffe and cruell medicines, whether they be hotte, or colde, haue in themselues a naturall poyson to doe hurt hereunto: And they are more harmefull beeing eaten, then when they be outwardly applyed, for in their nature, they do not only intoxicate the primary partes of man, but deepely pearce the power of the heart. (q3r)