Ulrich von Hutten, De Morbo Gallico (1533)
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Lexicon title
The begynnynge of the frenche pockes, and why it hath dyuers names
Book title
De Morbo Gallico
Publication place
Thomas Berthelet
Transcription source
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printed book
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About a proposed cure for syphilis. Paynell says in his preface: "For I doubt whether I may come to the clere vnderstonding therof or not: It is in ernest a matter straunge inough to translate, not onely for the names of herbes and other diuers thynges therin conteyned, but also for the phrase and eloquent style. But what so euer aunswere I made hym, I finally determyned to translate the sayd boke, as I haue done in dede, not so well I am sure, so playnly, and so exquisitely as many other coude, if they wold vouchesafe to take the peyn: but yet I trust I haue not moche erred from the true meanynge of the auctour. And I saye not the contrarye, but somme wordes haue I lefte barely englysshed, and some nat at all, but they be suche, as are by those names in latine vsually knowen to phisitions, without whose counsaylle (specially those that be approued and knowen to be syngularly lerned in physike) I wolde counsaylle noo man to be to bold either to practise or receiue any medicine" ([]2v-3r).
type: undifferentiated
type: headword
sample: IT hathe pleased god, that in our tyme sycknesses shuld aryse, whiche were to our forefathers (as it maye be wel coniectured) vnknowen. In the yere of Christ. 1493. or there about, this pestiferus euyll creped amongest the people, not only in Fraunce, but fyrst appered at Naples, in the frenchemennes hoste, (wherof it toke his name) whiche kept warre vnder the frenche kyng Charles, before hit appered in any other place. By whiche occasion the frenche men puttynge from them this abhrred name, calle it not the frenche pockes / but the euyl of Naples / reckenynge it to theyr rebuke, if this pestilent disease shulde be named the frenche pockes. Not withstandynge the consent of all nacions hath obteyned/ and we also in this boke wyll calle hit the frenche pockes, not for any enuye that we beare to so noble and gentyll a nacion, but bycause we fere, that all men shuld not vnderstande/ if we gaue it any other name" (a1v-a2r)
sample: IT hathe pleased god, that in our tyme sycknesses shuld aryse, whiche were to our forefathers (as it maye be wel coniectured) vnknowen. In the yere of Christ. 1493. or there about, this pestiferus euyll creped amongest the people, not only in Fraunce, but fyrst appered at Naples, in the frenchemennes hoste, (wherof it toke his name) whiche kept warre vnder the frenche kyng Charles, before hit appered in any other place. By whiche occasion the frenche men puttynge from them this abhrred name, calle it not the frenche pockes / but the euyl of Naples / reckenynge it to theyr rebuke, if this pestilent disease shulde be named the frenche pockes. Not withstandynge the consent of all nacions hath obteyned/ and we also in this boke wyll calle hit the frenche pockes, not for any enuye that we beare to so noble and gentyll a nacion, but bycause we fere, that all men shuld not vnderstande/ if we gaue it any other name" (a1v-a2r)