Nathan Bailey, Dictionarium Rusticum et Urbanicum (1704)

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Nathan Bailey
John Worlidge Note: Attributed
Book title
Dictionarium Rusticum & Urbanicum: Or, A Dictionary Of all Sorts of Country Affairs, Handicraft, Trading, and Merchandizing. Containing more particularly The whole Art of Gardening, viz. Sowing, Setting, Grafting, Transplanting, Salleting, &c. with the Names, Descriptions, and Uses, of all Kinds of Plants, Flowers, and Fruits. The Raising and Ordering of all manner of Forest and Fruit-Trees, and Dwarfs. Agriculture in the various Parts of it, and the modern Improvements made therein. The Gentleman's Recreation; or the Arts of Hunting, Hawking, Fishing, Fowling, Ferreting, Cock-Fighting, &c. including (besides the several Animals) the Tackling, Nets, and different Instruments used therein. The Breeding, Feeding, and Managing of all sorts of Cattle, as also of Bees, Poultry, and Singing-Birds; with all their respective Diseases, and Cures. The preparing of all Sorts of English Liquors, common Eatables and Drinkables; with the several parts of Country Housewifry. The Digging, Refining, &c. of Minerals; Salt, and Sugar-Works; and the Arts of making Brick, Birdlime, Gunpowder, Shot, &c. Merchandizing, Trading, and Handicraft Terms and Instruments. The Produce, Manufactory, &c. of the Counties of England, and of Foreign Parts. The ancient Customs, and natural Rarities of England. Illustrated with Cuts of all sorts of Nets, Traps, Engines, &c.
Publication place
J. Nicholson
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
  • agriculture
  • cooking
  • fishing
  • hawking and hunting
  • herbal
  • mining
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: DRIFT of the Forrest; is an exact view and examination taken at certain times, as occasion shall serve, to know what Beasts are there; that none be common there, but such as have Right, and that the Forrest be not overcharg'd with the Beasts of Foreigners.
Other editions
1704 (ESTC T138448), 1717 (ESTC T138449; second edition),
1726 (ESTC T138450; third edition in two vols.)
Simpson, John A. "Nathaniel Bailey and the Search for a Lexicographical Style." Lexicographers and their Works. Ed. G. James. n.p.: University of Exeter Press, n.d. 181-91. view record