John Kersey the younger, Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicum (1708)

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Book title
Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicum: Or, A General English Dictionary. Comprehending A Brief, but Emphatical and Clear Explication of all sorts of difficult Words, that derive their Original from other Ancient and Modern Languages; as also, of all Terms relating to Arts and Sciences, both Liberal and Mechanical, viz. Divinity, Law, Philosophy, Physick, Surgery, Anatomy, Chymistry, Pharmacy, Botanicks, Mathematicks, Grammar, Rhetorick, Logick, Musick, Heraldry, Maritime Affairs, Military Discipline, Traffick, Husbandry, Gardening, Handicrafts, Confectionery, Cookery, Horsemanship, Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, Fishing, &c. To which is Added, A Large Collection of Words and Phrases, as well Latin as English, made use of in our Ancient Statutes, Old Records, Charters, Writs, and Processes at Law, never before publish'd in so small a Volume: Besides an Interpretation of the proper Names of Men and Women, and several other remarkable Particulars mentioned in the Preface. The whole Work Compil'd, and Methodically Digested, for the Benefit of Young Students, Tradesmen, Artificers, Foreigners, and others, who are desirous thoroughly to understand what they Speak, Read, or Write.
Publication place
J. Wilde
J. Phillips, H. Rhodes, and J. Taylor
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
hard words
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: Lunatick Eyes, a distemper in Horses which makes their Eyes look as if they were covered with White.
Other editions
1715 (ESTC T133240; 2nd edn.)
1721 (ESTC T133238; 3rd edn.)
Kersey, John. Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicum, 1708.. Menston: Scolar Press, 1969. view record