Nathan Bailey, An Universal Etymological English Dictionary (1721)

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Book title
An Universal Etymological English Dictionary: Comprehending The Derivations of the Generality of word in the English Tongue, either Antient or Modern, from the Antient British, Saxon, Danish, Norman and Modern French, Teutonic, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew Languages, each in their Proper Characters. And Also A Brief and clear Explication of all difficult Words derived from any of the aforesaid Languages; andb Terms of Art relating to Anatomy, Botany, Physick, Pharmacy, Surgery, Chymistry, Philosophy, Divinity, Mathematicks, Grammar, Logick, Rhetorick, Musick, Heraldry, Maritime Affairs, Military Discipline, Horsemanship, Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, Fishing, Gardening, Husbandry, Handicrafts, Confectionary, Carving, Cookery, &c. Together with A Large Collection and Explication of Words and Phrases us'd in our Antient Statutes, Charters, Writs, Old Records, and Processes at Law; and the Etymology and Interpretation of the Proper Names of Men, Women, and Remarkable Places in Great Britain: Also the Dialects of our different Counties. Containing many Thousand Words more than either Harris, Philips, Kersey, or any English Dictionary before Extant. To which is added a Collection of our most Common Proverbs, with their Explication and Illustration. The whole Work compil'd and Methodically digested, as well for the Entertainment of the Curious, as the Information of the Ignorant, and for the benefit of young Students, Artificers, Tradesmen and Foreigners, who are desirous thorowly to understand what they Speak, Read, or Write.
Publication place
E. Bell, J. Darby, A. Bettesworth, F. Fayram, J. Pemberton, J. Hooke, F. Clay, J. Batley, and E. Symon
Text type
printed book
General English Dictionaries and Glossaries
Subject area
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: Afforciatus, a thin Cloth used for caps.
Other editions
1724 (ESTC T087494; 2nd edn.; Thomas Fisher Rare Book B-13 03716)
1726 (ESTC T087495; 3rd edn., vol. 1; Robarts Library LaE.D B155u; ESTC N047782, vol. 2)
1728 (ESTC T087496 4th edn.)
1731 (ESTC 087497; 5th edn.)
1733 (ESTC T087498; 6th edn.)
1735 (ESTC T141548; 7th edn.)
1737 (ESTC T087515; 3rd edn.)
1740 (ESTC T087500; 9th edn.)
1742 (ESTC T087501; 10th edn.)
1745 (ESTC T087502; 11th edn.)
1747 (ESTC T129198; 13th edn.)
1749 (ESTC T141563; 13th improved edn.)
1753 (ESTC T087505; 15th edn.)
1755 (ESTC T141550; 16th edn.)
Simpson, John A. "Nathaniel Bailey and the Search for a Lexicographical Style." Lexicographers and their Works. Ed. G. James. n.p.: University of Exeter Press, n.d. 181-91. view record
Hancher, Michael. "Bailey and After: Illustrating Meaning." Word & Image: A Journal of Verbal/Visual Enquiry 8.1 (1992): 1-20. view record
Gove, Philip B. "Notes on Serialization and Competitive Publishing: Johnson's and Bailey's Dictionaries, 1755." Oxford Bibliographical Society Proceedings and Papers 5 (1936-39): 307-22. view record