R. Bradley, Dictionaire Oeconomique: or, The Family Dictionary (1725)

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Book title
Dictionaire Oeconomique: Or, The Family Dictionary. Containing The most experienced Methods of improving Estates and of preserving Health, with many approved Remedies for most Distempers of the Body of Man, Cattle and other Creatures, and the best Means for attaining long Life. The most advantageous Ways of Breeding, Feeding and Ordering all sorts of Domestick Animals, as Horses, Kine, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, Bees, Silkworms, &c. The different Kinds of Nets, Snares and Engines for taking all Sort of Fish, Birds, and other Game. Great Variety of Rules, Directions, and new Discoveries, relating to Gardening, Husbandry, Soils and Manures of all Sorts; the Planting and Culture of Vines, Fruit Trees, Forest Trees, Underwoods, Shrubs, Flowers, and their several Uses; the Knowledge of Foreign Drugs, Dies, Domestick and Exotick Plants and Herbs, with their specifick Qualities and medicinal Virtues. The best and cheapest Ways of providing and improving all manner of Meats and Drinks; of preparing several Sorts of Wines, Waters and Liquors for every Season, both by Distillation and otherwise; Of preserving all kind of Fruits as well dry as liquid, and making divers Sweetmeats and Works of Sugar, and other profitable Curiosities, both in the Confectionary and Culinary Arts of Housewifery. Means of making the most Advantage of the Manufactures of Soap, Starch, Spinning, Cotton, Thread, &c. The Methods to take or destroy Vermin and other Animals, injurious to Gardening, Husbandry, and all rural Oeconomy; with a Description of Garden and other Country Tools and Utensils. An Account of the several Weights, Measures, &c. of Metals and Minerals, with their Preparations and Uses. All Sorts of Rural Sorts and Exercises, conducing to the Benefit and innocent Enjoyments of Life, as also Painting in Miniature, and divers other Arts and Terms of Art explained, for the Entertainment and Amusement of Gentlemen, Ladies, &c. The whole illustrated thoughout with very great Variety of Figures, for the readier understanding and practising of things to which they belong. Done into English from the Second Edition, lately printed at Paris, in two Volumes, Folio, written by M. Chomel: With considerable Alterations and Improvements. Revised and Recommended by Mr. R. Bradley, Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge, and F.R.S. In Two Volumes.
2 vols.
Publication place
D. Midwinter
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: HOW, an Iron made like a Cooper's Aads, for hacking up of Weeds, being of great Use to the Husbandman, and should be more employed in howing the several Creeks, Corners, and Patches of the Land in the spare Times of the Year, which would be of no small Advantage to it.
Other editions
1727 (ESTC T118058; 2nd edn., revised)
1758 (ESTC N023567; 2nd edn., revised)
Leca-Tsiomis, Marie. "La Rhétorique de la recette: Remarques sur le Dictionnaire Œconomique de Chomel (1709) et l'Encyclopédie." Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie 25 (1998): 115-34. view record