Ephraim Chambers, Cyclopædia: or, an Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences (1728)

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Book title
Cyclopædia: Or, An Universal Dictionary Of Arts and Sciences; Containing The Definitions of the Terms, And Accounts of The Things signify'd thereby, In the several Arts, Both Liberal and Mechanical, And the several Sciences, Human and Divine: The Figures, Kinds, Properties, Productions, Preparations, and Uses, of Things Natural and Artificial; The Rise, Progress, and State of Things Ecclesiastical, Civil, Military, and Commercial: With the several Systems, Sects, Opinions, &c. among Philosophers, Divines, Mathematicians, Physicians, Antiquaries, Criticks, &c. The Whole intended as a Course of Antient and Modern Learning. Compiled from the best Authors, Dictionaries, Journals, Memoirs, Transactions, Ephemerides, &c. in several Languages. In two volumes.
Publication place
James and John Knapton, John Darby, Daniel Midwinter, Arthur Bettesworth, John Senex, Robert Gosling, John Pemberton, William and John Innys, John Oshorn and Tho. Longman, Charles Rivington, John Hooke, Ranew Robinson, Francis Clay, Aaron Ward, Edward Symon, Daniel Browne, Andrew Johnston, and Thomas Osborn
Text type
printed book
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: DECOLLATION, Beheading, a Term seldom used, but in the Phrase, the Decollation of St. John Baptist, signifying a Painting, wherein is represented the Baptist's Head, struck off from his Trunk; or, the Feast held in Honour of that Martyr. A French Embassador at Constantinople, shewing the Grand Seignior a Decollation of St. John, admirably represented, except that the Painter had not observed, that when a Man is beheaded, the Skin shrinks back a little; The Emperor immediately spied the Fault in that exquisite Performance; and to convince the Embassador thereof, sent Orders for a Man to be immediately beheaded, and his Head to be brought for a proof. Catherinot Traite de la Peinture.
Tonelli, Giorgio, Eugenio Canone, and Margherita Margherita . A Short-title List of Subject Dictionaries of the Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Firenze: L. S. Olschki, 2006. no. 30 view record
Shorr, Philip. Science and Superstition in the Eighteenth Century. A Study of the Treatment of Science in Two Encyclopedia of 1725-1750. Chambers' Cyclopedia (London 1728). Zedler's Lexicon (Leipzig 1732-1750). New York: Columbia University Press, 1932. no. 30 view record
Other editions
1738 (ESTC T136232; 2nd edn.)
1740 (ESTC T135914; 3rd edn.)
1741 (ESTC T136233; 4th edn.)
1741-1743 (ESTC T135707; 5th edn.)
1751-1752 (ESTC T136238; 7th edn.)
Supplement, ed. George Lewis Scott (1753)

Yeo, Richard. "A Solution to the Multitude of Books: Ephraim Chambers's Cyclopaedia (1728) as `the Best Book in the Universe'." Journal of the History of Ideas 64:1 (2003 January): 61-72. view record
Bradshaw, Lael Ely. "Ephraim Chambers's Cyclopaedia." Notable encyclopedias of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: nine predecessors of the Encyclopédie. Ed. Frank A. Kafker. Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century, vol. 194. Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, 1981. 123-40. view record
Sumi, Yoichi. "L'Encyclopédie située à mi-chemin entre l'est et l'ouest, l'avant et l'après." Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie 40-41.1-2 (2006): 31-53. view record
"A Solution to the Multitude of Books: Ephraim Chambers's "Cyclopaedia" (1728) as "The Best Book in the Universe"." Journal of the History of Ideas 64.1 (2003): 61-72. view record
"The Daw and the Honeybee: Situating Metaphors for Originality and Authorial Labor in the 1728 Chambers' Cyclopædia." College English 76.1 (2013): view record
Fabbro, Maria Teresa. "Language, Science and Imagination in Ephraim Chambers's Cyclopaedia." Annali di Ca' Foscari: Rivista della Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere dell'Università di Venezia 33.1-2 (1994): 181-91. view record
Bracken, Harry M. "Berkeley and Chambers." Journal of the History of Ideas 17 (1956): 120-26. view record
Stewart, Philip. "Illustration encyclopédiques: De la Cyclopædia à l'Encyclopédie." Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopedie 12 (1992): 71-98. view record
Fanning, Christopher. "The Encyclopedic Ethos: Authorship in British Encyclopedias of the Eighteenth Century." Age of Johnson: A Scholarly Annual 21 (2011): 123-42. view record
Chartier, Pierre, and Michel Malherbe. "Cyclopaedia." Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie 37.2 (2004): view record
Kennedy, Krista A. Textual Curators and Writing Machines: Authorial Agency in Encyclopedias, Print to Digital. Ph.D. Thesis DA3366886 . University of Minnesota: n.p., 2010. view record
Burlingham, Bronwyn. Encyclopedia, Knowledge, and Public: Recursive Structure and the Universal Ideal. Ph.D. Thesis DANR71227. University of Alberta: n.p., 2011. view record
Lund, Roger D. "This World of Words: Lucretian Atomism and the Shaping of the Book." Producing the Eighteenth-Century Book: Writers and Publishers in England, 1650-1800. Eds. Laura L. Runge, Pat Rogers, and J. Paul Hunter. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2009. 251-73. view record
Shackleton, Robert. "The Encyclopaedic Spirit." Greene Centennial Studies: Essays Presented to Donald Greene in the Centennial Year of the University of Southern California. Eds. Paul J. Korshin and Robert R. Allen. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1984. 377-90. view record
  • Greenberg, Bernard L. "Laurence Sterne and Chambers' Cyclopaedia." Modern Language Notes 69.8 (1954): 560-62. view record
  • Coste, Alain. "Air, the Making Of." Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie 44.1 (2009): 9-14. view record
  • Passeron, Irène. "Quelle(s) édition(s) de la Cyclopœdia les encyclopédistes ont-ils utilisée(s)?." Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie 40-41.1-2 (2006): 287-92. view record
  • Cernuschi, Alain. "La Cyclopaedia, un intermédiaire entre les Mémoires de l'Académie des sciences et l'Encyclopédie." Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie 45.1 (2010): 129-43. view record
  • Fanning, Christopher. "'This Fragment of Life': Sterne's Encyclopaedic Ethics." Shandean: An Annual Devoted to Laurence Sterne and His Works 13 (2002): 55-67. view record
  • Hawley, Judith. "Sterne and the Cyclopaedia Revisited." Shandean: An Annual Devoted to Laurence Sterne and His Works 15 (2004): 57-77. view record
  • Sumi, Yoichi. "'Atmosphere' et 'atmosphère': Essai sur la Cyclopaedia et le premier Prospectus de l'Encyclopédie." Vérité et littérature au XVIIIe siècle. Eds. Paul Aron and others. Paris: Champion, 2001. 271-84. view record