Thomas Dyche, A New General English Dictionary (1737)
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Book title
A New General English Dictionary; Peculiarly calculated for the Use and Improvement Of such as are unacquainted with the Learned Languages. Wherein the difficult Words, and Technical Terms made use of in Anatomy, Architecture, Arithmetick, Algebra, Astronomy, Botany, Chymistry, Divinity, Gardening, Grammar, Hawking, Heraldry, History, Horsemanship, Hunting, Husbandry, Law, Logick, Mathematicks, Mechanicks, Milit. Affairs, Musick, Navigation, Painting, Poetry, Rhetorick, Sculpture, Surgery, &c. Are not only fully explain'd, but accented on their proper Syllables, to prevent a vicious Pronunciation; and mark'd with initial Letters, to denote the Part of Speech, to which each Word peculiarly belongs. To which is prefixed, A Compendious English Grammar, with general Rules for the ready Formation of one Part of Speech from another; by the due Application whereof, such as understand English only, may be able to write as correctly and elegantly, as those who have been some Years conversant in the Latin, Greek, &c. Languages. Together With A Supplement, Of the proper Names of the most noted Kingdoms, Provinces, Cities, Towns, Rivers, &c. throughout the known World. As Also, Of the most celebrated Emperors, Kings, Queens, Priests, Poets, Philosophers, Generals, &c. whether Jewish, Pagan, Mahometan, or Christian; but more especially such as are mentioned either in the Old or New Testament. The Whole Alphabetically digested, and accented in the same Manner, and for the same Purpose, as the preceding Part; being collected for the Use of such, as have but an imperfect Idea, of the English Orthography. Originally begun by the late Reverend Mr. Thomas Dyche, School-Master at Stratford le Bow, Author of the Guide to the English Tongue, the Spelling Dictionary, &c. And now finish'd by William Pardon, Gent. [from 1737]
Publication place
Richard Ware
Text type
printed book
General English Dictionaries and Glossaries
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
2nd edn.
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: MAU'LKIN (S.) a Scarecrow or ugly Figure dress'd up to fright away the Birds from eating a Gardener's Fruit, &c. also a rude, slovenly, young Wench; also a Baker's Mop, &c. with which he cleans his Oven. [from 1737 edition]
sample: MAU'LKIN (S.) a Scarecrow or ugly Figure dress'd up to fright away the Birds from eating a Gardener's Fruit, &c. also a rude, slovenly, young Wench; also a Baker's Mop, &c. with which he cleans his Oven. [from 1737 edition]
Other editions
1740 (ESTC T113329; 3rd edn.)
1744 (ESTC T186602; 4th edn.)
1748 (ESTC T148819; 5th edn.)
1750 (ESTC T113316; 6th edn.)
1754 (ESTC T113317; 8th edn.)
1758 (ESTC T113319; 9th edn.)
1744 (ESTC T186602; 4th edn.)
1748 (ESTC T148819; 5th edn.)
1750 (ESTC T113316; 6th edn.)
1754 (ESTC T113317; 8th edn.)
1758 (ESTC T113319; 9th edn.)
Bradshaw, Lael Ely. "Thomas Dyche's New General English Dictionary." Notable encyclopedias of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: nine predecessors of the Encyclopédie. Ed. Frank A. Kafker. Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 194 . Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1981. 141-61. view record
Tucker, Susie I. "Dyche and Pardon's Dictionary: A Study in Personal Bias." English: The Journal of the English Association 11:66 (1957): 226-29. view record
Sumi, Yoichi. "L'Encyclopédie située à mi-chemin entre l'est et l'ouest, l'avant et l'après." Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie 40-41.1-2 (2006): 31-53. view record
Tucker, Susie I. "Dyche and Pardon's Dictionary: A Study in Personal Bias." English: The Journal of the English Association 11:66 (1957): 226-29. view record
Sumi, Yoichi. "L'Encyclopédie située à mi-chemin entre l'est et l'ouest, l'avant et l'après." Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie 40-41.1-2 (2006): 31-53. view record