William Hooson, The Miners Dictionary (1747)

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Book title
The Miners Dictionary. Explaining Not only the Terms used by Miners, But also Containing The Theory and Practice Of that most Useful Art of Mineing, More especially of Lead-Mines. I. How a Gentleman may know whether He has Mines in his Land, or not. II. How he may know the cheapest and best Way to come at Them. III. The Method of carrying Them on, in order to make them Profitable Works. Together with a large Account of all necessary Materials that are required, conducive thereto. The Whole being of very great Use to all Miners and Gentlemen, who have Mines in their own Lands, and to all such as are concern'd in Mines. Being Observations made by the Author, from more than Forty Years Practice and Experience, at the Mines in the High and Low Peak in Derbyshire, Shropshire, South and North-Wales, and the North of England
Publication place
William Hooson and T. Payne
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: STRING. A Sample or leading of a Vein, or that often runs by one Side of a large or Master-Vein, which in Comparison thereto, is called a String; also, any Vein being divided by a Rider or Riders, in two smaller leadings, is said to fall or fly into Strings.
Hooson, William. The miners dictionary: explaining not only the terms used by miners, but also containing the theory and practice of that most useful art of mining, more especially of lead-mines ... being observations made by the author from more than forty years practice and experience at the mines in the high and low peak in Derbyshire, Shropshire, South and North Wales and the North of England. Ilkley: Scolar Press for the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 1979. view record