Anonymous, The Dictionary of Love (1753)
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Book title
The Dictionary Of Love. In which is contained, The Explanation of most of the Terms used in that Language.
Publication place
R. Griffiths
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: FAITHFUL. A faithful lover is a character greatly out of date, and rarely now used but to adorn some romantic novel, or for a flourish on the stage. He passes now for a man of little merit, or one who knows nothing of the world. By faithfulness, then, is to be understood a firm resolution of reducing an obstinate fair-one: and by a faithful lover, one who has not yet gained his point. The last favours are the extreme unction to love, which rarely or never survives their administration.
sample: FAITHFUL. A faithful lover is a character greatly out of date, and rarely now used but to adorn some romantic novel, or for a flourish on the stage. He passes now for a man of little merit, or one who knows nothing of the world. By faithfulness, then, is to be understood a firm resolution of reducing an obstinate fair-one: and by a faithful lover, one who has not yet gained his point. The last favours are the extreme unction to love, which rarely or never survives their administration.
Other editions
1754 (ESTC T182445)