William Wotton, Wotton's Short View of George Hickes's Grammatico-Critical and Archaeological Treasure of the Ancient Northern Languages (1735)
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Lexicon title
The Names of the Villages, Towns, and Cities, that are
mentioned in ÆTHELFLEDE'S and ÆLFLEDE'S
Testaments, disposed in an Alphabetical Order, with Topographical Descriptions of them
Book title
Wotton's Short View Of George Hickes's Grammatico-Critical And Archeological Treasure Of the Ancient Northern-Languages, With some Notes, by a Lover of the ancient Northern-Literature, and an Appendix to the Notes, Faithfully and Intirely translated into English from the Latin Original, By Maurice Shelton, Of Barningham-Hall in the County of Suffolk, Esquire, One of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said County, &c. To which are added by the same Translator, Other Curious and Proper Notes for a further Illustration of the Text, A Short Appendix of Notes of Correction, &c.
Publication place
Transcription source
Eighteenth Century Collections
Text type
printed book
Proper and place name indexes
Subject area
- Old English
- place name
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
number: 44
sample: Myres-iga. Myræs-ege. Myres-ie. In the Saxon Chronicle, at the Year 895, Mæres-ige, Insula palustris vel marina, a Marshy or Marine Island, called Mersey-Land, or Mersey, situate at the Mouth of the River Colne in Essex. Of which before in the Notes, and in William Somner's Saxon Dictionary, and in the Explication of the Names of Places by the learned Edmund Gibson, at the End of the Saxon Chronicle published by him at Oxford, in 1692. (94-95)
number: 44
sample: Myres-iga. Myræs-ege. Myres-ie. In the Saxon Chronicle, at the Year 895, Mæres-ige, Insula palustris vel marina, a Marshy or Marine Island, called Mersey-Land, or Mersey, situate at the Mouth of the River Colne in Essex. Of which before in the Notes, and in William Somner's Saxon Dictionary, and in the Explication of the Names of Places by the learned Edmund Gibson, at the End of the Saxon Chronicle published by him at Oxford, in 1692. (94-95)
ESTC T083069
Other editions
ESTC T083068 (1737)