Walter Hindes, An Early British Romani Word-list (1616)

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Lexicon title
A note of such Canting wordes as the Counterfett Egiptians vse amongst themselues as ther Language
Book title
The Winchester Confessions 1615-1616: Depositions of travellers, gypsies, fraudsters,and makers of counterfeit documents, including a vocabulary of the Romany language. Ed. Alan McGowan. South Chailey, East Sussex: Romany and Traveller Family History Society, 1996. The Hindes vocabulary is re-edited by Peter Bakker in "An early vocabulary of British Romani (1616): A linguistic Analysis," Romani Studies 12.2 (2002): 75-101.
Transcription source
Hampshire Record Office, no. 44M69/G3/159, as transcribed and edited by Alan McGowan and revised by Peter Bakker.
Text type
Bilingual lexicon
Subject area
A glossary of 107 canting words, drawn up by John Newbolt, governor of Bridewell in Winchester, from depositions about thieves and frauds (the last item in a "Booklet containing depositions of fraudsters who have made counterfeit Letters Patent, counterfeit warrants for losses by fire or in Turkey, and other counterfeit documents which they have sold" (Hampshire Record Office online catalogue). "To take the single example of money, these `counterfett egiptians' called a penny a `hyrow', a halfpenny a `pushera', a groat a `gorisha', five pence `shogh hayra', five shillings `pang shellony' and twenty shillings `tromen'" (Adam Fox, Oral and Literate Culture in England 1500-1700 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2000): 96)
headwords: British Romani
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
number: 120
sample: Cludgen a key
Modern editions
Bakker, Peter. "An Early Vocabulary of British Romani (1616): A Linguistic Analysis." Romani Studies 5 12.2 (2002): 72-101. view record