Nicolás Monardes, Joyful News out of the New Founde World (1577)

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John Frampton Note: 30/09/2005
Lexicon title
The Seconde Part of this Booke is of the Thinges that are brought from our Occidentall Indias, whiche doe serue for the vse of Medicine, whereis treated of the Tabaco, and of the Sassafras, and of the Carto Sancto, and of many other Hearbes and Plantes, Seedes and Licores, that newly hath come from these partes, of greate vertues and marueilous effectes
Book title
Ioyfull Newes Ovt of the newe founde worlde, wherein is declared the rare and singuler vertues of diuerse and sundrie Hearbes, Trees, Oyles, Plantes, and Stones, with their aplications, aswell for Phisicke as Chirurgerie, the saied beyng well applied bryngeth suche present remedie for all deseases, as maie seme altogether incredible: notwithstandyng by practize founde out, to bee true: Also the portrature of the saied Hearbes, very aptly discribed: Englished by Ihon Frampton Marchaunt
Publication place
Thomas Dawson
Transcription source
Text type
printed book
Subject area
  • herbal
  • travel
Chapters or articles on plants such as tobacco.
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: Of the Mastuerco. I Haue an herbe brought from the Peru, which they call Mastuerco, it is a little hearbe, and doth cary certaine small leaues being round, whiche beeyng beaten in a Morter, and the Ioyce of it put into any maner of wounde, it doeth refreshe, comforte and heale, curing it foorwith, and the vse of it is not more nor lesse then the vse of the Tabaco, in woundes whiche bee freshely hurte, washing them with the Ioyce, and putting the beaten leaues to it, and beeing tasted it seem eth that it is notable hot.(96r)
1577 M
Other editions
1580: STC 18006.5 ("...Newly corrected...Wherevnto are added three other bookes..."); 1596: STC 18007 (British Library 236.l.42)
Monardes, Nicolas. Joyfull Newes out of the Newe Founde Worlde . The English experience, no. 251. Amsterdam and New York: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum and Da Capo Press, 1970. view record
Monardes, Nicolas. Joyfull Newes out of the Newe Founde Worlde, written in Spanish by Nicholas Monardes. Trans. John Frampton. The Tudor translations. 2d ser., IX. London: Constable, 1925. view record
Beecher, Donald. "The Book of Wonders of Nicolas Monardes of Seville." Cahiers Elisabethains 51 (1997): 1-14. view record
Cooper, William. William Cooper's A Catalogue of Chymicall Books, 1673-88: A Verified Edition. Ed. Stanton J. Linden. New York and London: Garland, 1987. 73. view record
Beecher, Donald. "John Frampton of Bristol, Trader and Translator." Travel and Translation in the Early Modern Period. Ed. Carmine G. Di Biase. Amsterdam: Rodolpi, 2006. 103-21. view record