Andrew Boorde, The Breviary of Health (1587)

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Book title
THE BREVIARIE OF health: vvherin doth FOLOW, REMEDIES, FOR all maner of sicknesses & diseases, the which may be in Man or Woman. Expressing the obscure termes of Greke, Araby, Latin, Barbary and English, concerning Phisick and Chirur|gerie.
Publication place
Thomas East
Transcription source
Text type
printed book
Subject area
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
type: gloss
sample: The .15. Chapter doth shew of one of the kindes of the falling sicknes. ANalepsia is the greeke word. The barbarus word is named Analencia. In latin it is named Morbus caducis, and Morbus commicialis. In english it is one of ye kinds of the falling sicknesse. And they that haue this sicknes when they do fall they do not fome at the mouth, but they do defile themselues other by vryne or by egestion, or both at once. The cause of this infirmitie Many Auctors in diuers matters be of sundry opinions, but for this matter I doe say, that for as much as it is one of the kindes of the falling sickenesse, it doth take his originall of a reumatike humour, opylating the celles of the braine, and the braine so opilated and stopped, the pacient liueth pitifully vnto the time that nature hath remoued the cause. A remedy. For this matter a great circumspect must be had. First in the dyet of the pacient for the pacient not onely in this kind of the falling sicknesse, but in all other kindes must abstein from white meates, & befe, hart flesh, and venison. And they must beware of clyming vp to high places, they must eat no Salades, Garlike, Ramsons, Onions, Chybolles, or Scali|ons, or such like things: ye pacient must refraine from eating of water foules, & from eating of ye fatnesse of fish, as Eles Conger, and Salmon, or such like. And then vse the seedes & the rootes of Piony aswel in meates & drinkes, as to weare the roote and seedes about the necke, & purge oft the head, and do as it is specified in the Chapiter named Epilepcia.