Walter Ralegh, Historical Gazeteer of the Middle East (1606 - 1608)

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16060 16080
Lexicon title
Historical gazetteer of the Middle East, including the Bible lands, and North Africa, arranged alphabetically by ancient place-names
Transcription source
British Library Additional MS 57555
Text type
Proper and place name indexes
"Historical gazetteer of the Middle East, including the Bible lands, and North Africa, arranged alphabetically by ancient place-names. T. .... The information, which incorporates historical notes, is derived from many sources, including the Bible and Latin and Greek writers, references being frequently noted in the margins" (British Library manuscript description)
type: alphabetical
type: gloss
sample: Aram=agara, a Cytty in India within Ganges. Aram, or charam the Septuay: call Mesopotamia, & in the Scriptures (sayth Aurogallus) Syria Rampestris. but Aram is taken for Mesopotamia, & Charram or Charan for a Cytty therin out of wch Abraham came into Cana Inea.