William Rastell, An Exposition of Certain Difficult and Obscure Words, and Terms of the Laws of this Realm (1579)

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William Rastell Note: 12/10/2005
John Rastell Note: 12/10/2005
Book title
An exposition of certaine difficult and obscure words, and termes of the lawes of this Realme, newly set foorth & augmented, both in french and English, for the helpe of such younge students as are desirous to attaine the knowledge of yee same. whereunto are also added the olde Tenures
Publication place
Richarde Tottell
Transcription source
Cambridge University Library Syn. 8.57.125. Theatrum Orbis Terrarum facsimile (Cambridge University Library)
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
This edition increases the number of lemmas (Schäfer 1598 R) and incorporates the medieval word-list in Rastell's 1527 statutes
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: alphabetical
type: headword
number: 312
sample: ¶ Abatement in landes. ABatement in lands or tenementes, is when a man dyeth seised of landes or tenementes, and a stranger, that is to say, one that hath no right entreth into the same landes or tenementes, before the heir maketh his entrie, this entrie of the stranger is called an abatement, & he an abatour. But if the heire enter first after the death of his auncestor, and the straunger enter vpon the possession of the heire, this entrie of the straunger, is a disseisine to the heire.
1598 R; 1641R
Other editions
See LEME 95 for editions before 1579.
1579-98: STC 20706.5, 20708, 20709, 20710;
1602: STC 20711 ("newly amended an augmented");
1607-18: STC 20713, 20714, 10715, 10715a;
1624: STC 20716 no reel in ESTC ("Les termes de la ley ... much inlarged and augmented");
1629: STC 20717 (KD 313 R38 CRRS);
1636: STC 20718 ("with a new addition of aboue two hundred and fifty words");
1641: Wing R286, R287);
1642: Wing R288 reel 1693:1 ("with a new edition of many hundred words");
1659: Wing R289 ("with a new addition of above two hundred and fifty words");
1665-85: Wing R289A, R290, R291, R292 (1671 edn. B-10 4989 Fisher Rare Book Library);
1708-42 (1708 no Wing #s in ESTC)
Rastell, John. An exposition of certaine difficult and obscure wordes and termes of the lawes of this realme / John Rastell. The English experience, no. 210. Amsterdam and New York: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum and Da Capo Press, 1969. view record