Jacques Guillemeau, The French Surgery (1598)

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Lexicon title
(a) Explication of the Characters which are contayned in the first figure of mans bodye: wherin G. signifyeth a Greecke worde, and L. a Latine worde. (b) Declaratione of the Characters contaynede in the Table of Instrumentes, wher with we extracte, and drawe out the Bulletes, and all other vnnaturalle, and alienate thinges, forth of the bodye. (c) Declaration of the Characters contaynede in the Table, of the Instrumentes of the Heade, etc.
Book title
The Frenche chirurgerye, or all the manualle operations of chirurgerye, with divers, & sundrye figures, and amongst the rest, certayne nuefownde instrumentes, verye necessarye to all the operationes of chirurgerye
Publication place
Isaac Canin
Transcription source
Text type
printed book
Subject area
Labelled diagrams: the parts of a man's body and of the veins (a1v-a3r), the table of instruments for extractions (a3v-a4r), the instruments of the head (a4v-a5r), trepans and nipping tongs, pincers, trepans with vices, parts of the trepanned brain (a5v-a6r), the hare mouth, the dry suture or stitchings, and the needle pipes, cases, or canons (a6v-a7r), instruments for the extirpation of members, and for bleeding stopped by ligatures with the crow's-bill or needle (a7v-a8r), instruments to open apostemes (a8v-a9r), instruments for the mouth such as the speculo oris and Matricis (a9v-a10r), hooks and knives to remove a dead fetus from the mother, and ligate the fistles of the fundament, and to draw, break, and cut teeth (a10v-a11r), and actual cauteries (a11v-a12r), instruments for eye operations (a13v-a14r), and the (assembled and diassembled) glossocomium or ambi that restores a humeral dislocation, the cassolle or case to hold a broken leg, and the broken leg (a15v-16r). There are numerous undifferentiated definitions throughout the book.
type: undifferentiated
type: other
sample: 6, The Needle for woundes, which at her acuitye, or poynte is triangulate and rescindente because by that meanes shee might the easyer entre: for in thrustinge shee inscideth with her edges. (a7v)