William Bullokar, Bullokars Book at Large for the Amendment of Orthography for English Speech (1580)

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William Bullokar Note: 30/09/2005
Book title
Bullokars Booke at large, for the Amendment of Orthographie for English speech: wherein, a most perfect supplie is made, for the wantes and double sounde of letters in the olde Orthographie, with Examples for the same, with the easie conference and vse of both Orthographies, to saue expences in Bookes for a time, vntill this amendment grow to a generall vse, for the easie, speedie, and perfect reading and writing of English, (the speech not changed, as some vntruly and maliciously, or at the least ignorantlie blowe abroade) by the which amendment the same Authour hath also framed a ruled Grammar, to be imprinted heereafter, for the same speech, to no small commoditie of the English Nation, not only to come to easie, speedie, and perfect vse of our owne language, but also to their easie, speedie, and readie entrance into the secretes of other Languages, and easie and speedie pathway to all Straungers, to vse our Language, heeretofore very hard vnto them, to no small profite and credite to this our Nation, and stay therevnto in the weightiest causes. There is also imprinted with this Orthographie a short Pamphlet for all Learners, and a Primer agreeing to the same, and as learners shall go forward therein, other necessarie Bookes shall spedily be prouided with the same Orthographie. Heerevnto are also ioyned written Copies with the same Orthographie
Publication place
Henrie Denham
Text type
printed book
Subject area
  • grammar
  • spelling
Logical definitions, and extensive discussion of English spelling
headwords: English
other languages: French, Italian, Latin
type: alphabetical
type: logical
sample: The old A.B.C. THere are in the olde A.B.C. (for so I call the orthography vsed before this amendment,) xxiiij. letters, of xxiiij. seuerall names, which are these following. A. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. w. x. y. z. with their paiers. (c3v)
Kennedy, Arthur Garfield. A Bibliography on Writings on the English Language from the Beginning of Printing to the End of 1922. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1927. view record
Bullokar, William. Book at large (1580) and Bref grammar for English (1586). Delmar, N.Y.: Scholars' Facsimiles & Reprints, n.d. view record
Bullokar, William. The Amendment of Orthographie for English Speech, London, 1580. The English experience, no. 24. Amsterdam and New York: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum and Da Capo Press, 1968. view record
Modern editions
Danielsson, Bror, R. C. Alston, and J. R. Turner, eds. The Works of William Bullokar. Leeds Texts and Monographs, New Series 1. 4 vols. Vol. 1: A short introduction or guiding, 1580-1581. Vol. 2: Pamphlet for grammar, 1586, ed. J. R. Turner. Vol. 3: Books at large, 1580, ed. J. R. Turner. Vol. 4: Aesops Fablz, 1585, ed. J. R. Turner. n.p.: n.p., 1966-80. view record
Bullokar, William. Geschichte der Fabeldichtung in England bis zu John Gay (1726). Nebst Neudruck von Bullokars "Fables of Aesop" 1585, "Booke at large" 1580, "Bref Grammar for English" 1586, und "Pamphlet for Grammar" 1586. Ed. Max Plessow. Palaestra 52. Berlin: Mayer und Müller, 1906. view record
McCann, Timothy J. "William Bullakar, 1531-1608, Grammarian and Phonetician. A Biographical Study." Sussex Archaeological Collections 117 (1979): 173-84. view record