John Brinsley, A Consolation for our Grammar Schools (1622)
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Book title
A consolation for our grammar schooles
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Richard Field
Thomas Man
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printed book
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Recommends suitable educational books in various languages, including English, not only for the English themselves, but also for the Welsh, the Irish, and "the very heathen & sauage, brought vp amongst them, the more easily thereby to reduce them all ... to a louing ciuility, with loyall and faithfull obedience to our Soueraigne, and good Lawes, and to prepare a way to pull them from the power and seruice of Sathan, that they may ioyntly submit themselues to Iesus Christ." (a2-a3r)
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
type: other
type: other
sample: Dictionaries. For both English and Latine, especially for finding out the fittest Latin words to the English, and most naturall; and according to propriety first, together with the Etymologies or notations of the Latine words, Riders dictionarie of the last. For giuing the Greeke to the Latine, and for supply of sundry of the best Latin phrases expounded,and the vse shewed, Thomas Dictionarie of the last. For a short comprising of most Latine Primitiues in Sentences (except those which belong to the seuerall Arts and Trades &c.) and so to furnish with most words of all sorts, for reading of any ordinary author belonging to the grammar schoole, or otherwise, Ianua linguarum, a booke in twelue hundred sentences containing the most of the ordinary words, to be euen as a Dictionarie in the childrens heads, translated into English, to the end it may be more easily and speedily gotten.
sample: Dictionaries. For both English and Latine, especially for finding out the fittest Latin words to the English, and most naturall; and according to propriety first, together with the Etymologies or notations of the Latine words, Riders dictionarie of the last. For giuing the Greeke to the Latine, and for supply of sundry of the best Latin phrases expounded,and the vse shewed, Thomas Dictionarie of the last. For a short comprising of most Latine Primitiues in Sentences (except those which belong to the seuerall Arts and Trades &c.) and so to furnish with most words of all sorts, for reading of any ordinary author belonging to the grammar schoole, or otherwise, Ianua linguarum, a booke in twelue hundred sentences containing the most of the ordinary words, to be euen as a Dictionarie in the childrens heads, translated into English, to the end it may be more easily and speedily gotten.