William Fulke, A Defence of the Holy Scriptures in the English Tongue (1583)
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Book title
A Defense of the Sincere and True Translations of the Holie Scriptures into the English Tong against the Manifolde Cauils, Friuolous Quarels, and Impudent Slaunders of Gregorie Martin
Publication place
Henry Bynneman
Transcription source
Text type
printed book
Subject area
- Bible
- hard words
Reprints the attack by Gregory Martin on English translations of the Bible and gives a reasoned confutation.
type: alphabetical
type: gloss
sample: That wee haue no greater chaunge of wordes to answere so many of the Hebrue tongue, it is of the riches of that tongue, and the pouertie of our mother language, which hath but two wordes, Image, and Idoll, and them both borowed of the Latine and Greeke: As for other wordes equiualent, wee know not any, and we are loth to make any new wordes of that signification, excepte the multitude of Hebrue words of the same sense c[om]ming togither, do sometimes perhaps seeme to require it. Therfore as the Greeke hath fewer wordes to expresse this thing than the Hebrue, so hath the Latine fewer than the Greeke, and the English fewest of all, as will appeare if you would vndertake to giue vs English wordes for the 13. Hebrue wordes. Except you would coyne such ridiculous inkhorne termes, as you do in the new Testement, Azymes, Prepuce, Neophyte, Scandale, Parasceue, and such like. (h4v)
sample: That wee haue no greater chaunge of wordes to answere so many of the Hebrue tongue, it is of the riches of that tongue, and the pouertie of our mother language, which hath but two wordes, Image, and Idoll, and them both borowed of the Latine and Greeke: As for other wordes equiualent, wee know not any, and we are loth to make any new wordes of that signification, excepte the multitude of Hebrue words of the same sense c[om]ming togither, do sometimes perhaps seeme to require it. Therfore as the Greeke hath fewer wordes to expresse this thing than the Hebrue, so hath the Latine fewer than the Greeke, and the English fewest of all, as will appeare if you would vndertake to giue vs English wordes for the 13. Hebrue wordes. Except you would coyne such ridiculous inkhorne termes, as you do in the new Testement, Azymes, Prepuce, Neophyte, Scandale, Parasceue, and such like. (h4v)