Robert F. Herrey, Two Right Profitable and Fruitful Concordances (1580)

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R. F. H. (alternate name for Robert F. Herrey )
Book title
Two Right profitable and fruitfull Concordances, or large and ample Tables Alphabeticall. The first containing the interpretation of the Hebrue, Caldean, Greeke, and Latine wordes and names scateringly dispersed throughout the whole Bible: And the seconde comprehending all such principall wordes and matters, as concerne the sense and meaning of the Scriptures. The further contents and vse of both the which Tables, (for breuitie sake) is expressed more at large in the Preface to the Reader. Collected by R. F. H.
Publication place
Transcription source
British Library 1215.b.14
Text type
printed book
Proper and place name indexes
Subject area
  • Bible
  • place name
  • proper name
(a) "The first Alphabet of directions to Common places, containing all the Hebrewe, Chaldean, Greeke, Latine, or other strange names, dispersed throughout the whole Bible, conducing to the profitablest things thereof. The further contents & vse of the which, more at large is expressed in the Epistle, polaced in the Preface preceding"; (b) "The Second Alphabet of directions to common places, containing all the Englishe wordes conducing vnto most of the necessariest and profitablest doctrines, sentences and instructions, which are to be found in the olde and newe Testamentes. The further contents and vse whereof, more at large appeareth in the Epistle written vnto the Reader, and placed before the first Alphabet"
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
(a) a3r-h8r; (b) h8v-v7r
type: alphabetical
type: headword
sample: (a) AAROn or Aharon: A teacher, or teaching, or conceiuing, or a hill or mountaine, or a man of the mountaine, or the mountain of fortitude, or a stronge hill. The sonne of Amram. Exo. 6.20. (a3r)
(b) ABhominable, & of abhominations. Idolatry ought to be counted most Abhominable. Deut. 7.26. (h8r)
Other editions
1582 (Alston III.ii.589);
1583: STC 2138 (Alston III.ii.590);
1584: STC 2139 (Alston III.ii.591);
1585: STC 2144 (Alston III.ii.592);
1586: STC 2145 (Alston III.ii.593);
1588: STC 2148 (Alston III.ii.594);
1589: STC 2150-52 (Alston III.ii.595-97);
1592: STC 2158 (Alston III.ii.598);
1594: STC 2161-63 (Alston III.ii.599-602);
1597: STC 2169 (Alston III.ii.603);
1598: STC 2171 (Alston III.ii.604);
1599: STC 2173 (Alston III.ii.605);
1600: STC 2182 (Alston III.ii.606);
1602: STC 2186 (Alston III.ii.607);
1603: STC 2189 (Alston III.ii.608);
1605: STC 2194, -97 (Alston III.ii.609-10);
1606: STC 2198 (Alston III.ii.611);
1607: STC 2200-01 (Alston III.ii.612-13);
1608: STC 2202-03 (Alston III.ii.614-15);
1611: STC 2214-15 (Alston III.ii.616-17);
1613: STC 2232 (Alston III.ii.618);
1615: STC 2230, -41, -42 (Alston III.ii.619-21);
1619: STC 13235 (Alston III.ii.622);
1621: STC 13236-38 (Alston III.ii.623-24)