Philip Barrow, The Method of Physic (1583)
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Philip Barrough (alternate name for Philip Barrow )
Lexicon title
Of Weightes
Book title
The Methode of Phisicke, Conteyning the Cavses, Signes, and Cvres of Inward diseases in mans body from the head to the foote. Whereunto is added, the forme and rule of making remedies and medicines, which our Phisitians commonly vse at this day, with the proportion, quantitie, & names of ech medicine
Dedicated to
Publication place
Thomas Vautroullier
Text type
printed book
Hard-word, term-of-art, and dialect dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions
Subject area
A table of weights at the start, following by chapters with many logical definitions of diseases and remedies
headwords: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
explanations: English
*8v (last page of table of contents)
type: topical
type: headword
sample: Grana. G. ... A graine is a barely corne taken in the midst of the eare (*8v)
GAlen the Prince of Phisitions, affirmeth, that there are onely three sundrie paines in the head: whereof the one is called of the Greekes, ... Cephalagia, and of the Latines Capitis dolor, the barbarous sort of Phisitions call it Soda. In English it is commonly the headach. (a1r)
sample: Grana. G. ... A graine is a barely corne taken in the midst of the eare (*8v)
GAlen the Prince of Phisitions, affirmeth, that there are onely three sundrie paines in the head: whereof the one is called of the Greekes, ... Cephalagia, and of the Latines Capitis dolor, the barbarous sort of Phisitions call it Soda. In English it is commonly the headach. (a1r)
1583 B
Other editions
1590: STC 1509 (British Library 1166.e.24; Alston XVII.I.93);
1596: STC 1510 ("The third edition corrected and augmented..." British Library 1608/1609, Henry E. Huntington Library 28188, University of Toronto jah Fisher Library; Alston XVII.I.94);
1601: STC 1511 (Alston XVII.I.95);
1610: STC 1512 ("The fourth edition corrected and amended" University of Toronto jah Fisher, British Library 775.e.31; Alston XVII.I.96);
1617: STC 1513 ("The fifth edition, corrected and amended" University of Toronto jah Fisher; Alston XVII.I.97);
1624: STC 1514 (Alston XVII.I.98);
1634: STC 1515 (University of Toronto jah Fisher;Alston XVII.I.99);
1639: STC 1516 (University of Toronto 1639 jah Fisher; Alston XVII.I.100);
1652: Wing B921 (Alston XVII.I.98)
McConchie, R. W. Lexicography and Physicke: The Record of Sixteenth-century English Medical Terminology. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. 293-338. view record