Anonymous, Latin-English vocabularies for the school of St. Antony, Threadneedle Street, London (ca. 1475 - ca. 1499)

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1475ca. 1499ca.
Transcription source
British Library Additional MS 37075
Text type
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
  • Latin
  • medicine
A Latin grammar with Latin-English vocabularies for the school of St. Antony, Threadneedle Street, London. (3): Os facies mentum, a vocabulary of nouns in Latin verses, with English translations. (12): goliardic metrical vocabulary of parts of the body, etc., with some English glosses, by Ricardus. (17): short vocabulary. (25): glossary in 44 hexameters of hard words, with interlinear English glosses, original likely by John de Garlande. 35: Latin-English vocabulary by subjects. (36): Latin-English vocabulary
headwords: Latin
explanations: English
explanations: English
7r-385r (Brooks edn.); 3: fols. 7-21. 12: fols. 41v-52. 17: fol. 84v. 25: fols. 147v-87. 35: fols. 276-308. 36: fols. 309-27
Pages type
type: alphabetical
type: headword
Other editions
(3) British Library Harley MS 1277, fol. 221; British Library Additional MS 19046, fol. 84. 12; British Library Additional MS 19046, fol. 88v
Modern editions
Wright, Thomas. A Volume of Vocabularies Illustrating the Condition and Manners of our Forefathers, as well as the history of the forms of elementary education and of the languages spoken in this island, from the Tenth Century to the Fifteenth. Liverpool: privately printed, 1857. 175. view record
Ross, Thomas W. and Edward Brooks, Jr., eds. English Glosses from British Library Additional Manuscript 37075. Norman, Oklahoma: n.p., 1984. 25. view record